NC - Mike Nifong, Duke prosecutor, for ethics violations, Durham, 2006

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Nov 13, 2006
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The director of a private testing lab admitted in court that he and Mike Nifong, who is prosecuting the Duke Gang Rape case, made a pact to keep the DNA results secret.

The test results showed DNA material in the dancer's panties, vagina and rectum. None of it matched the three men indicted.

Oh my! I wonder what will happen now. I get almost all of my legal informtion from this board and reruns of Law and Order (so maybe I'm wrong:) ) but I thought the DA had to turn over that kind of information. I thought from the beginning that Nifong was a little too "married to" this case. Not saying that she's a liar, but . . . when you have to hide results to prove that you're right I think it's time to back up and recondsider other options.
samhoney said:
The director of a private testing lab admitted in court that he and Mike Nifong, who is prosecuting the Duke Gang Rape case, made a pact to keep the DNA results secret.

The test results showed DNA material in the dancer's panties, vagina and rectum. None of it matched the three men indicted.


Nifong needs to be prosecuted. This is ridiculous to trash these three young men so publically, with NO evidence to support the charges. It is incomprehensible to me that a man in Nifong's position would use his power to persecute (yes, persecute) innocent people.
Seems to me I heard this news about the DNA last Spring. :waitasec:
And I agree. Nifong should be prosecuted.
kgeaux said:
Nifong needs to be prosecuted. This is ridiculous to trash these three young men so publically, with NO evidence to support the charges. It is incomprehensible to me that a man in Nifong's position would use his power to persecute (yes, persecute) innocent people.
I agree that this idiot should be prosecuted. What a mockery he is making of the justice system in NC. I just wish that a civil suit could be brought against him, but I think that he has immunity.

Countless amounts of money has been spent by the parents. These boys' reputations will be tarnished forever. So, even though they have good educations, their prospects of finding top employment will be limited because of this case. What a shame.

I also think the prostitute stripper should be prosecuted.
PROSECUTED AND DISBARRED!!! :furious: I feel so bad for those boys.
Nifong is a complete idiot but the minute he drops the case, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will be on a red-eye to Durham in support of this poor, beaten little woman who was assaulted by the white Duke rich kids.....totally disgusting case.
Duke lacrosse DA accused of ethics violations

Nifong could face disbarment for handling of prosecution

North Carolina bar filed ethics charges Thursday against District Attorney Mike Nifong, accusing him of saying misleading and inflammatory things to the media about the Duke lacrosse athletes under suspicion when the sexual assault case first unfolded last spring.

RALEIGH, N.C. - Nine months after the Duke lacrosse scandal broke, the prosecutor is now the accused.

The North Carolina bar filed ethics charges Thursday against District Attorney Mike Nifong, accusing him of saying misleading and inflammatory things to the media about the athletes under suspicion when the case first unfolded last spring.

Found this.....

This guy was actually a social worker for 3 years before going back to school for law? Oh geez. :doh: Can you imagine this guy as your case worker? Wonder what that would have been like......sooooo, did you really get that bruise on your knee by banging it on a chair? Are you sure you weren't held against your will and attacked by 3 rich lacrosse boys? Huh, huh? Are you sure? We could go after them and press charges...:p

On a serious note, what kind of cases did he handle? If he dealt with kids or battered women wonder if there are any cases of spouses being charged with abuse and it later turns out they were falsely accused?
District Attorney Mike Nifong has requested that he have himself removed from prosecuting the Duke Lacrosse rape investigation, ABC News has learned. A source close to the investigation said Nifong sent a letter to North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper asking his office to assume responsibility of the case.
Watching all the news on this and I too am surprised that the case still exists at all. I am also surprised that it is not being mentioned that the accuser made a similiar claim 10 years ago. I have not forgotten that.
I suspect that whoever inherits this turkey of a case will drop the charges in about thirty seconds!
Jeana (DP) said:
Why not just drop the case? Still an idiot, but at least he's off this case.

Counselor, you know very well why Nifong can't just drop the charges. If he did, it would be an admission that, other than via his scheming and contriving, the charges were brought for political purposes and a true case never existed.

He needs someone else to drop the charges.
Wudge said:
Counselor, you know very well why Nifong can't just drop the charges. If he did, it would be an admission that, other than via his scheming and contriving, the charges were brought for political purposes and a true case never existed.

He needs someone else to drop the charges.

And yet, all of this will come to pass anyway. Nifong is desperately trying to postpone the inevitable. He is going down, he is going down fast. And the "victim" is going down too.
kgeaux said:
And yet, all of this will come to pass anyway. Nifong is desperately trying to postpone the inevitable. He is going down, he is going down fast. And the "victim" is going down too.

In North Carolina, DAs are expected to manufacture cases and falsify or withhold evidence. Nothing will happen to Nifong other than a potential palm slap given with a wink.
The first step to true justice.

I expect the three kids wrongfully accused to come out very wealthy through all the lawsuits. Duke has a billion dollar endowment... well, *had*.
Lurker Steve said:
The first step to true justice.

I expect the three kids wrongfully accused to come out very wealthy through all the lawsuits. Duke has a billion dollar endowment... well, *had*.

Unfortunately for the citizens that voted for him, its their taxes that will go to pay the settlement, most likely not the university.
Wudge said:
Counselor, you know very well why Nifong can't just drop the charges. If he did, it would be an admission that, other than via his scheming and contriving, the charges were brought for political purposes and a true case never existed.

He needs someone else to drop the charges.

I'm going to sit tight and watch the ethics disciplinary action forthcoming. Should be good for a giggle.
Jeana (DP) said:
Unfortunately for the citizens that voted for him, its their taxes that will go to pay the settlement, most likely not the university.
Well, unfortunately those that voted him in aren't the main tax base as he cornered the minority vote by vowing to prosecute the Duke players. Those who opposed his election will end up paying for Nifong's criminal behavior and greed. Nifong makes me sick. Does Duke have a legal leg to stand on against Nifong?

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