NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #19

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I am extremely security conscious and delete my browsing history regularly :(

Do you remember where you saw it and what the link was called? Rough details will do, I'll have a 'crack'....
High Profile Defense Attorney! :eek:

Regarding the mattress and Zahra never making it to the new home, I bet AB will be cornered if LE can determine that. I know "she's been in puberty", but his story will not hold up if they can pin down the real events and the fact that AB hadn't seen his daughter for quite some time.
My husband has a theory about the mattresses and the puberty if she did make it to the house perhaps he saw blood stained sheets and EB said Zahra had started her period, I don't know but maybe she told him she bought a new mattress for the same reason. She may have told him Zahra was feeling bad and not to bother her, so he just peeked in quietly thought she was sleeping and shut the door.

I really want AB to be innocent for his Mother's sake, but honestly I doubt he is.
My husband has a theory about the mattresses and the puberty if she did make it to the house perhaps he saw blood stained sheets and EB said Zahra had started her period, I don't know but maybe she told him she bought a new mattress for the same reason. She may have told him Zahra was feeling bad and not to bother her, so he just peeked in quietly thought she was sleeping and shut the door.

I really want AB to be innocent for his Mother's sake, but honestly I doubt he is.

Husband has a good theory. Interesting.Thank You for sharing that.
My guess is the "promises" made consisted of photographs of Zahra. That would be a perpetrator's fastest and easiest way to get money from a sicko guy she met online.
Dont know if this has been posted, the facebook page, Love 4 Zahra Clare Baker has been done away with.

I believe were getting closer to finding Zahra.

Yeah things were getting pretty nasty over there (fighting etc)
****((R=reporter, B=AB, L=officer))*****
*****((link to video))*****


R: Do you think your wife could have something to do with Zahra disappearing?

B: Uh......I wouldn't like to think so. No. Going off what I heard so far it could be possible

R: It could be possible? Well, what have you heard?

B: Umm......(big swallow) ((interrupted))

L: ((interrupts)) that's just something we want to remain in the investigation

R: Well, you want it to remain in the investigation but you haven't ruled out that Elisa Baker is a person of interest in this case?

L: We haven't ruled any possibility out. We...we are looking at every angle, what it could be, issued the amber alert... uh.... to make sure the info got out there to see her in the public. We just haven't ruled anything out. All possibilities are there.

R: When you say you haven't ruled anything out let me just be clear because there's been some inconsistency on this as well. Have you ruled out Mister Baker as a suspect?

L: Again this investigation is ongoing and we cannot rule out anybody at this time. We just want to make sure that we do a very methodical investigation and as the time progresses we may be able to rule out folks but right now every possibility is there

R: Mr. Baker that's got to be very hard to hear but why don't you tell us in your own words what happened. I understand that the last time you saw Zahra....uh...was about 0230 Saturday morning when she was sleeping in her bed?

B: uh............that's what time......uh.......her mother told me she went to check on her.

R: So you didn't go check on her as well?

B: No. I was asleep. only thing he says without pause and without an ummmmmmm-my observation

R: So when was the last time that YOU saw Zahra?

B: woulda been probly thursday night and than I got up early and went to work interrupted by reporter but he says something I could not make out

R: ((interrupting)) Thursday night. So you didn't see her all day Friday and than you went to sleep Friday and She's sleeping when you get home so there was a long period of time when you didn't see Zahra when Elisa Baker had been with her........ ((goes on with rehash....missed part of it)) thing 5-5:30 firefighters are called to your house? You didn't check on Zahra then?

B: ummmmm........ ((shakes head)).... no. Because I was in a big panic. There was a fire in the yard and I was talking to investigators in the backyard.

R: so you went back to sleep and left the house around 11 or 12 on saturday also

B: yes ((no hesitation))

R: also to check on a job. Got back sometime around 2 pm and that;s when you reported that Zahra was missing?

B: Yes sir

R: That's the first time that you believed she was gone?

B: uh.....yeah... I was up and I came back from looking at a job and starte some work in the yard and... uh.....her mother came out and .......((pause))....started screaming that Zahra was missing.

R: what did she tell you? what did she say happened? what did she know?

B: Uh... She didn't know very much. She.. uh... came out crying and panicing just like telling me Zahra was gone. Ummm.... I went inside and searched the house, started searching around the block and called police.

**********((gap in transcription... other video playing))

R: It now seems that you wonder whether you wife had anything to do with your daughter's disappearance. How does it make you feel and what did she say about it when you asked her?

B: ..........ummmm.........she wasn't very............((huge pause))... I didn't talk to her very much. When I called the police...ummm....I think just about every officer in hickory came to the house and....uh....I haven't really seen my wife since then.........ummmm..........I just hope I can get my daughter back (cries). I miss her so much (cries)
you know, if anyone knows of good newssource search engine I would be so appreciative. I am like a dog with a bone. I am determined to find that story I know I saw. Also with all the things that get editted and removed after the fact online at newsites, I am trying to find a good search engine to help corrolate all the stories from MSM (tv and print). I want to gather them all up.

some of of more motivated member wo already do this sort of compilation could probably give me a lot of good tips.

feel free to pull me aside to discuss or send tips so I don't derail the thread. TIA

Here try this, this one rocks:
Okay, I am giving up for the night on my search. will try to check in just to theorize and come at this thing from some new directions later.

Have to get the kiddies to bed and I brought some work home :(

For now I am backing off discussing AB's specific inconsistencies re whereabouts both in the days before and the day of the fire call.

In addition, I am retracting (I think its too late to edit the specific posts) my posts about sewer smell reported in Hickory area day of MH park search being unrelated to Zahra. If I ever find those little stinkers you bet bippy I will link them ;)

carry on sleuths!
You know, unfortunately I could see something like that happening. I still say this case is going to get a whole lot worse before it's over and Zahra 'located.' I'm afraid...and I mean I'm really afraid of what we will find out. There is such a sense of an evil presence in this case it seems, I have never felt this way before and it has nothing to do with the whole goth thing..EB just gives me such a terrible dark feeling...

I know I can't stand to look at EB's pics especially the mugshot one with the evil smirk I want to say the St. Michael the Archangel prayer everytime I see it
I think the puberty statement by the father was creepy.

Could be he gearing up for a excuse why a mattress was throw away and why there would be blood on it.

There also could be another reason too but I not ready to go there.

I was really taken back by that statement.
could EB of been sending kiddy *advertiser censored* photos to guy in UK with promises of sending
more money for Zahra to come over.........reason for self made passport photos in front of white sheet.
Could EB of gone to far and killed Zahra in some sort of sex *advertiser censored* thing and she hurt her?
Pains in stomach (virus), lots of blood from hemmorages and EB told Ab it was her period (Puberty) starting?
Reason to get new mattress, but Zahra died and never used a new mattress? JMOO
Scary thought but a good theory.
The lady at the furniture store said they (Elisa and the unnamed woman) were looking at living room sets that you can buy off the floor and didn't have to be ordered.

Didn't another report say they were looking for a love seat at the furniture store? When I heard that I was :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Maybe I'm wrong though, or the reporting was wrong, but love seat was definately metioned at some point beause as well as headbanging , I wanted to :sick: when I read it!

Love? WTH does EB know about love, other than for herself?
If only we could get some clarity on the little things! If EB was with a gal pal in the store, then I suppose the shopping could have been for the gal pal, and EB was just going along for the ride.

One quick point before I leave for court (helping out a dad from DD's school about a custody issue)

In the MS/FB messages there was a friend of EB's saying how she had been trying to get in contact with EB for a while and they were BFFs (post is from 4th sept 10:50 am)

Something about that has stuck with me and I can't put my finger on why it seems hinky. But I guess it shows that EB cuts off friends or drops off the face of the earth on occasion. The name of this BFF hasn't been reported in msm....wonder if they had a falling out, or if she will stand by EB.

I think the puberty statement by the father was creepy.

Could be he gearing up for a excuse why a mattress was throw away and why there would be blood on it.

There also could be another reason too but I not ready to go there.

I was really taken back by that statement. just seemed so out of character...he seemed so uncomfortable saying the word so I wonder why would he? Not that I actually know his character but it just seemed off and took me aback as well...
FWIW, Daisy if you want to go hunt it down. It also talks about how Mothers (bonded moms, bonded adoptive mothers, etc...) will wrap the child and often place the child in water.

Just statistics. (it's on the internet somewhere, the actual study, but when I got my new puter I didn't transfer my links to this one). HTH.

Not sure how it applies to stepmoms but it does mention fathers...

But a study by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children shows that fathers are far more violent. And mothers frequently dispose of the corpses in what researchers call a "womblike" fashion. Bodies are swaddled, submerged in water, or wrapped in plastic. Moreover, the NCMEC study showed that while the victims of maternal killings are almost always found either in or close to the home, fathers will, on average, dispose of the bodies hundreds of miles away. All these behaviors suggest that women associate these murders with themselves, their homes, and their bodies.
okaay, just popped in for a minute, update on my frantic sewer smell story search:

I recalled the source of the newsite I was visiting when I saw the sidebar about sewer smells, etc. Did some searching around that sites stories.

Discovered I watched the video of MH Park and bad smell search on WCNC which is atv newstation based in Charlotte NC. THEY ran a story about another town in NC the dame day which has widespread sewer issues and the residents were interviewed all hopping mad.

I suspect, on the day this newscast ran, one story followed the other. As I was viewing multiple newssources and the thread at the same tim, I am betting I did not see/hear when one story moved into the next.

color me all kinds of sheepish and apologetic for stating a misinterpretation of this newscast as facts reported regarding Zahra!

To recap, I should try to multitask less and link more. Thanks to all who had suggestions.

UPDATE as to AB's inconsistencies, I am still going to compile some links but I suspect some bad reporting that has since been editted (on that topic, why do online newssites not print retractions rather than just erase their errors into nothingness without a word????).

Not that there aren't still inconsistencies as stated by LE, just the specific ones I read about I am not finding right now.

So there you have it. I am off again to do my "home" work but will keave the thread open to monitor in case a topic pulls me away from said work, lol
there were some creepy comments on there like telling Zahra to Have a Good Weekend, it was strange

It was very strange.. almost like they expected for ZB to post back when/if she could... I found it unsettling to read considering LE thinks she is dead.
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