NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #30

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I thought of this myself.........what if she had been murdered a while back and the woodchipper and fire were a week or two after!!

the only thing is, didnt someone come and put the fire out.......this would mean that the fire happened after the woodchipper use.....

I still think the fire is significant........they were trying to cover something up with the fire........and whatever that was went thru the could be what was used to kill her (stick or something) ........ I really dont know but one thing I am sure of is that the fire is NO coincidence, it was started for a reason......

Thanks. There could have been another earlier fire before the staged one. I'd vote burning then chipping before any dismemberment theory ... that's just too hard to think.
I missed the normal whole thread today, I know they collected stuff at the home. Have they said what it was yet?

I know you guys get asked the same questions over and over but no way can people keep up with this case and the high speed amount of time new threads are formed without missing important details.
I haven't really thought that the raking of the yard and the examination of woodchips means anything particular to how Zahra was disposed.

They are making sure they completely clear that scene (for trial bwahaha good for them) IMHO.

If there are piles of woodchips around the yard it stands to reason to rake them out, make sure nothing interesting is in there, if there is tag it and bag it and go to the next pile. Move the piles and you can see the earth beneath. KWIM?

They moved big ol' logs IIRC, I don't think Zahra could have been placed under them but they moved them and they also dug too.

I just don't see the raking and examining of the chips specifically mean anything other than they are AGRESSIVELY investigating.

Kudos to them too.

But I'm not dismissing or argueing anyone's opinion if it differs from mine. We're cool :)


First off, let me say that I do appreciate your civility in discussion... very much so. :)

I think that the mulch has something evidentiary to do with the murder because it played such a central role in the events in the early morning before Zahra was reported missing. The 911 call when Elisa discusses the mulch even to the point of explaining at length why there's mulch in the yard.

The fire being set...gasoline on the vehicles.... and the mulch burning.

I think that it's possible that something was buried under the mulch piles before the mulch was set on fire. That way, there'd be no visible disturbed earth. The disturbed earth would be under the mulch piles, which, when burnt, would no longer resembled disturbed earth but scorched earth.

I dunno... I just wonder with all the luminol, reciprocal saw, work in the house and outside the house... looks like they know something is there and they're trying to find it.
Well goodnight all and good night precious darling, may a precious Rose be named after you for your strength and courage. I plan to look into that for you. If anyone has any knowledge on that please let me know.

The Zahra Rose

Seconded. I will support that idea.

The Zahra Rose
Wondered myself if he delivers firewood. He would then know people who have outside furnaces. We have a lot of them here in the northeast. Some are 5 x 6.

That's what I said earlier today..We are in the South, he may have been making side money selling mulch and firewood..both are used here around this time of year here..It would explain why there was so much and why he was doing it at home vs work..
bolded by me... I'm among the people who read all of the post.. Thankyou..

I try to read all of them these past few days its been hard to keep up.
I just wish they would find this beautiful child!
still a few pages back, but wondering what else could have gone through the woodchipper? bedroom furniture? bed headboard? side table? desk?
I missed the normal whole thread today, I know they collected stuff at the home. Have they said what it was yet?

I know you guys get asked the same questions over and over but no way can people keep up with this case and the high speed amount of time new threads are formed without missing important details.

I understand, it's a real pain to have to go through 30 pages (like I did when RL got in the way today!). On other boards I work on we actually keep a running update that gets re-posted every hour plus or minus depending on what's going on. Kind of a timeline of the happenings and anyone can copy/paste and add on to it and then post. It works very well and this way you don't have to go back more than a few pages to get the most current info.
ITA. And that was barely two days after the 911 calls.

All the above RSS&BM, and want to suggest that in a case like this, where we have FBI and SBI involved, it's not that they are dumbing things down, but rather that they are well aware of the fact that when they release a supposed "fact", such as that the wood chipper was ruled out, that item gets reported and repeated through the echo chamber and becomes truth. IMO, if LE wanted to take all scrutiny off the wood chipper, while they examined it as evidence, they could have done few better things than to publicize in MSM that it had been taken off the table and ruled out totally.

I just think LE knew the note was fake and once that was confirmed the logical conclusion is this is not an abduction and could only mean they are looking at Homicide.
while appreciate you bumping that... I am also aware that they searched the Hickory home with dogs... and seemed satisified to leave the home alone for weeks.. Yet,they are back again digging, raking and sifting through mulch piles.. I'm absolutely positive that they disasembled a woodchipper... although I can't find anything to back it...

I'm curious, what are they looking for in the mulch...??? :waitasec:

frogin I found what you are looking for but can't post it here. It was posted by a local who spoke to the owner of the woodchipper. FWIW he says he no longer has THAT woodchipper.
Soulmagnet, I am not sure we had a normal thread today. We have been accused of otherwise. No information has been given to us by LE directly. That may be the reason for the madness, we all all waiting.
LE will have to make a case with a body or without one.They are working so hard. I'm very grateful for all that they are doing. Really that is the bottom line. They have to prove it. It's sad but true.

I also thought he was supposed to be at work from early morning until late at night and therefore didn't have time to even check in on Zahra. And I can't see him using the woodchipper at night without someone complaining. :waitasec: MOO

No doubt! If my neighbor ran a wood chipper at night, I'd complain once, then if it didn't stop I'd put on my boxing gloves to step across the fence line. :D
No doubt! If my neighbor ran a wood chipper at night, I'd complain once, then if it didn't stop I'd put on my boxing gloves to step across the fence line. :D

Are we sure that this was not done during the day by a female?
Because it has to be notarized with the original signature. Not to mention, medical records have to be subpoena'd. The subpoena gives them so many days to comply. So if they were given 14 days to comply to the request, it could take up to two weeks to get the information back...though it could be sooner depending on how soon they comply. Unfortunately, a lot of places will wait until the last minute to comply.

TY Angeleena!
I understand, it's a real pain to have to go through 30 pages (like I did when RL got in the way today!). On other boards I work on we actually keep a running update that gets re-posted every hour plus or minus depending on what's going on. Kind of a timeline of the happenings and anyone can copy/paste and add on to it and then post. It works very well and this way you don't have to go back more than a few pages to get the most current info.

We do try and keep a good update here: [ame=""]NC Zahra Baker timeline and media links only - No Discussion - - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame] especially on cases that only have a general discussion. I normally try to refer members to the media thread for the recent update rather then going by memory.

No matter how often an update is posted, someone will miss it and still ask.
It would not surprise me if the wood chipper was used to try and cover up and destroy evidence, but it was NOT her. Not sure why this still keeps coming up over and over, when LE has already commented on this. Other than the gore factor?????

I don't remember ever hearing LE saying much about the wood-chipper other than the dogs hit on the scent of blood on the engine and that blood could have belonged to anyone, past that I don't recall the wood-chipper ever officially being ruled out or further discussed - perhaps because they wanted us to forget about it .

Was there a freezer at the home large enough to store a body? If so, a frozen body wouldn't produce all the "gore" so many seem to think.

Still don't believe Adam Baker had anything to do with the murder. It is my opinion that EB not only abused Zahra, but AB as well. I feel like she definitely had total control of that household and whatever she said was law.

Also wonder if EB is like me, inquisitive, and learned how to operate a wood-chipper or if EB was perhaps "seeing" one of AB's co-workers and he helped her dispose of the body and they did it in an attempt to frame AB or to get the ransom money and run?

Just too many unanswered questions for me. The only thing I, personally, am sure of, is that EB is in this from the bottom of her fit to the top of her head.
I understand, it's a real pain to have to go through 30 pages (like I did when RL got in the way today!). On other boards I work on we actually keep a running update that gets re-posted every hour plus or minus depending on what's going on. Kind of a timeline of the happenings and anyone can copy/paste and add on to it and then post. It works very well and this way you don't have to go back more than a few pages to get the most current info.

FYI, check siggy lines. some posters have news links, photo links, and especially, the link to the Zahra Timeline and newsstory thread.

oops, that wasn't meant for you sarx, sorry
Prosthetic leg: I think it has to be Zahra's. How many other child-sized prosthetic legs would be laying in the brush on the side of the road close to where EB used to live?

Woodchipper: I do NOT think Zahra was put into the woodchipper. My time on WS's has taught me that people really can be that evil, but I just don't feel that is what happened in this case. The media reports about the search dogs "hitting" on the woodchipper engine can be interpreted to mean they hit on "blood" or on "human remains".... two VERY different scents. I think it was blood that the dogs hit on, and LE decided it could have been any worker who had gotten injured. My bet is, they may have used the woodchipper to get rid of a baseball bat, a piece of firewood - something that was perhaps the real murder weapon. If the dogs hit on the smell of decomp, Was Zahra's body placed in some sort of wooden trunk that had the smell of decomp on it, and they had to get rid of that?? :waitasec:

Have got to agree here. Don't know how many people have actually seen a wood chipper in action, but it spits and spreads everything out in a mess. Don't know if anybody is truly dumb enough, but we're not talking about rocket scientists here. It makes me sick to think about it, but, if they were dumb enough to put this child through the chipper, then sifting through the mulch piles only stands to reason. I just don't think they did that. Horrible as they might be, wood chipper is a whole different level. Can't see it with the dad, not that. With sm, don't know, had to have been ALOT of drugs no matter how screwed up she was to start with. Maybe I'm being the one in the dark here. But how do you get two people that deranged togeather? It's usually one or the other, this isn't working that both of them were that psychopathic, but ofcourse it isn't working that dad could not be aware of the neglect and abuse, something real wrong there, you cannot NOT be aware of others in such a small living quarter. Unless ofcourse you turn a blind, uncaring, and oh so innocent eye to your primary resonsibility. Don't know about the rest of you, but I've lived in cramped quarters. Not buying any of it. Sorry for the length, just venting, no sleuthing, just mad.
First off, let me say that I do appreciate your civility in discussion... very much so. :)

I think that the mulch has something evidentiary to do with the murder because it played such a central role in the events in the early morning before Zahra was reported missing. The 911 call when Elisa discusses the mulch even to the point of explaining at length why there's mulch in the yard.

The fire being set...gasoline on the vehicles.... and the mulch burning.

I think that it's possible that something was buried under the mulch piles before the mulch was set on fire. That way, there'd be no visible disturbed earth. The disturbed earth would be under the mulch piles, which, when burnt, would no longer resembled disturbed earth but scorched earth.

I dunno... I just wonder with all the luminol, reciprocal saw, work in the house and outside the house... looks like they know something is there and they're trying to find it.

That's just it.. we don't know what happened and that's also the beauty of Websleuths imo..we can see/hear the same things and interpret them differently and not be worried about saying so. What one person believes to be important or relevant may not be what another believes to be the case. I may not agree with some, but I sure respect their opinion and their right to it! Long Live Websleuths, lol!
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