NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #8

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I haven't seen any comments on her fb post in february but omg feb 12 12:23pm is unbelievable. She talks about cold hearted people and then another post she talks about what a bad person michael vick is (agreed) but given her situation and knowing what she is capable of.....blows my mind!
Here is the IMVU profile she was likely using when she "met" Adam on that site. It appears she was misrepresenting her age.

I also noticed a Lupus ribbon photo on her photobucket account. Is this what she's claiming to have now? I think someone mentioned many threads ago that it seemed like that was what she was talking about as this incurable disease that she now claims to have. Not being able to go out in sunlight etc.
I haven't seen any comments on her fb post in february but omg feb 12 12:23pm is unbelievable. She talks about cold hearted people and then another post she talks about what a bad person michael vick is (agreed) but given her situation and knowing what she is capable of.....blows my mind!

Ha, and she has another post about glass houses. I'm sure the irony would be lost on her.
^ its pretty unusual for a father to have full custody in Australia, and since she was living with the grandmother I would assume there was a major issue's even more unusual for a custodial parent to be able to take a child out of the country unless parental rights have been severed. So yes, backstory, to be sure JMO.

If the father is receiving money from "Centerlink", would the mother be aware of this money and would "Centerlink" share the whereabouts of the child should the mother be searching for the child?
I for the life of me do not understand why people who aren't interested in or loving their child don't surrender them to another family member, particularly when they lock the child in a room.

If this has been the case here why wasn't she sent back to her grandmother?

What makes them tick, it is just so beyond me to understand. It would seem Zahra was very happy living with her grandmother.

Sorry just feeling so frustrated as to why they keep their children when they don't want or care about them.
I would be so interested to hear a psyche eval on her just seeing her fb and ms. I'm no doctor or therapist but I'd be pretty comfortable saying she is straight up crazy and it's obvious she has a serious problem getting along with society. Can somebody put up a link to the father's fb, i'm not seeing it. TIA
If the father is receiving money from "Centerlink", would the mother be aware of this money and would "Centerlink" share the whereabouts of the child should the mother be searching for the child?

If the mother was searching for her and she had a legal right to know where her child was there would be legal avenues to get the information. I doubt they would disclose this information freely to someone asking for it.
BBM - link please. Thanks!

I don't have a link to where she claims to have been searching. The photo on this thread of her with a soldier is from the September 2008 article I mentioned -- link:

According to at least one Australian poster here, who recalled seeing/reading media coverage of Zahra's battle with cancer, there was more than just this article. But this one has remained findable by simple Google search all this time. Anyone who spent so much as a minute searching for a little Australian girl named "Zahra Baker" at any point in the past two years would have found it.
Just read the FB and myspace....on the FB the wall has nearly no responses, just posts by her..if friends leave an account do their posts disappear too? I'm just curious because it seems to be the most isolated FB account I've ever seen, just her posting to herself. ODD.

It depends upon the FB privacy settings. If you visit only her page all you will see is her posts, none of her friends posts as you are not friends with them.
I would be so interested to hear a psyche eval on her just seeing her fb and ms. I'm no doctor or therapist but I'd be pretty comfortable saying she is straight up crazy and it's obvious she has a serious problem getting along with society. Can somebody put up a link to the father's fb, i'm not seeing it. TIA
I am pretty positive that she has some severe behavioral disorders but as far as being "crazy" in the eyes of the law - nope. No way, she proved that by writing the ransom note - proof positive she knew right from wrong. I, for one, am quite glad she wrote it and then fessed up to it - THAT will go a long way in the courtroom to prove she is competent to stand trial.
Why would Adam leave AU so quick, marry this gal, just to get to USA???
Was he also in any trouble?
HE gave up relative, friends, job, benefits.........
why did he take Zahra with him?
He could of left her with his mom!
Why didn't they live in AU for awhile?
I'm thinking he might have a past also.
He isn't that innocent to me.
Wedding photo looks normal, then she goes thinner and GOTH.
Is he really a follower ???? Or is he wacko also???
I'd like to know more about Adam in AU..........
If the mother was searching for her and she had a legal right to know where her child was there would be legal avenues to get the information. I doubt they would disclose this information freely to someone asking for it.

What if the father, under false pretenses, took the child and went immediatley to file for benefits as a single parent indicating he is seperated from his spouse and filing for full custody of the child, would "Centerlink" then not tell the mother any info about her child?
On AY's FB he makes comment about hoping his ex is happy now because his doctor won't refill his pain meds. I gather who he is likely referring to. I get the impression from other posts that he is or was on disability.

Who is AY? Sorry I was in class all day yesterday and can't keep up. TIA
This is just me, I am strange like this, but I always find that these random vague msgs (such as this one twitter post) sort of ominous about ones situations in life.

With seeing/reading that one, if I was LE, I would put a date marker on July 22nd, 2010.

That's a 4 week spread from the old house to the new house.

That one and only tweet was 7/22 of 2009, not 2010.
Spent this morning catching up and I'm just scratching my head about the draining of the pond turning up nothing. I thought yesterday that someone (AB or EB) had to have been talking for LE to go to that extreme. Or at least that they had reason to believe they WOULD find something there. Working all night, in the dark, in the water, etc. But now I see reports this morning that they have no specifics on where to look and they're removing dumpsters now searching for evidence ? WHAT ????? :banghead:

Weatherman, of the sheriff's office, said the lack of specifics on where to look was making the search more difficult.

"It's very hard," she said. "Especially if (someone is) buried underground or you don't know where exactly to look."

In Hickory, police again visited the Bakers' house on 21st Avenue N.W. Officers and search dogs didn't turn up anything, although investigators removed a restaurant Dumpster near the house to search it for evidence.

Read more:

Why has there been no further mention of this glove covered in "red goo"? Surely they know by now if it was blood or not.

Why so little reporting on the house and Zhara's arrangements there?

Have they dusted the current residence to see if she was ever even there?

New comments I read this morning about hits on the wood pile and chipper say they were hits but "not conclusive".....

... I know nothing about lawn equip. but I talked to someone who does last night and they said there is NO WAY a body could go through a wood chipper without significant VISUAL evidence that it had. He said even with extensive cleaning there would be (gulp) flesh embedded in it's parts and depending on the size of the unit the body may have to be dismembered to even put it in the chipper . I also did a search on how they work and looked at images and agree that had Zhara been disposed of in that chipper LE would KNOW it. There would be significant evidence on the chipper and/or where the body was dismembered and/or someone would have spent HOURS and HOURS cleaning it off.

Why no information being dug up on this bio mother ?

:banghead: Getting frustrated with this case. Rarely do I have a feeling like this, but I think LE is running chicken. I think they have little to nothing to go on and I'm seriously starting to question if AB even knows anything :banghead:
I am pretty positive that she has some severe behavioral disorders but as far as being "crazy" in the eyes of the law - nope. No way, she proved that by writing the ransom note - proof positive she knew right from wrong. I, for one, am quite glad she wrote it and then fessed up to it - THAT will go a long way in the courtroom to prove she is competent to stand trial.

I agree 100% with you, I should have said that by crazy I'm not meaning so crazy she isn't fully aware of what she did and it being wrong, more like twisted sick b**ch. I apologize if that's not a nice way of putting it, I'm trying extra hard to keep what I'm really thinking about her to myself.:furious:
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