NCWanted - Raven's Interview

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All Posts JMO - May Godspeed Justice for Janet and
Apr 26, 2005
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I wanted to start a section for inconsistent statements, or thoughts on the video by NCWanted and Raven's Interview.

When he called 911, he sounds guilty from the get-go. He was blubbering and basically incoherent but yet he enunciated the address perfectly.

There are so many things but I wanted to see what other's got out of it.
I watched it.

I completely agree, Term, the guy sounds ridiculously guilty during the 911 call. It surprised me how guilty he sounds, actually.

How utterly ridiculous that he is wearing a purple ribbon, and we all know that he didn't go to the vigil (where the ribbons were handed out).

I don't think it was inadvertent that they talk about the type of knife she was murdered with, and then they cut directly to the Christmas video of him holding up the same type of knife.

He was OBVIOUSLY being painted as the main suspect. ARREST HIM ALREADY!
I am transcribing the entire video.

He's wearing the ribbon from the Candlelight Vigil, which must have been given to him by one of his friends, because he wasn't even at the vigil.

It actually made me want to puke to see that ribbon on him.

He not ONCE looked to the right. He kept his eyes straight ahead or looked to the left, almost as though he was forcing himself to look in that direction while talking. He actually thought he would come out looking truthful if he was careful and not look the other way.

Do you all notice how he has dark dead eyes now, as though there is nothing behind his eyes. Even in the pictures you can notice that something in him changed over the years and he looks like he is pure evil in the eyes. Some of the quotes by him are eerily disturbing and I will post when I finish compiling the entire program.
911 call

My, my wife is not breathing, she’s

911 Operator: Okay, your going to have to calm down, what’s the address:

2606 Ferrand Drive, 2606 Ferrand Drive

911 Operator: Okay now tells me what’s wrong

Raven: She’s been shot or something their’s blood everywhere..

911 Operator: she’s been shot?

911 Operator: Tell me exactly what you came in to.

Raven: I came in to my house. I came upstairs. The lights were off. The door was cracked open. I thought I’d left it open. Umm my baby’s crying right now.

911 Operator: How old’s your baby?

Raven: 6 months old


1. I knew after three weeks of dating her that I wanted to marry her, I just knew, you know I knew, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life pleasing her.

I guess I spent the rest of her life….

2. Why would somebody enter this quiet home in a quiet neighbor, why would somebody harm someone so innocent, so kind, as Janet, as my wife, and what were the motives.

3. Based off of some stuff that had happened in our lives we weren’t sure where her and I sat in our relationship.

4. There’s a lot of personal revelation that happened after that and I knew that I needed
to straight out my life a little bit.

5. When we had actually gotten back together when we were pregnant with Kaiden we we didn’t go to church all the time, we really wanted to focus more on each other.

6. We looked look at Kaiden sleeping and make sure everything is okay with him and put our arms around each other and and you know said I really love you and we have a beautiful child here.

7. She said you got too much homework Raven you shouldn’t go to your soccer game tonight and so she gave me a kiss you know and I left and that was it – last time that ahhh..

8. I got home and umm you know go upstairs wah ,
I’d always go in and give Kaiden a kiss and just feel his warm little body and

And you know that’s when I found out that something wasn’t wrong and Janet died that night

I wasn’t there

9. Was it someone who was trying to get back at me, was it somebody who was breaking into my home because of something I did, if that’s the case how do you live with yourself.

10. I couldn’t remember you know what I needed to do how I needed to help her, I couldn’t you know what I mean, they say that your life flashes before your eyes and that’s what happened, like the moment, like all of a sudden, this isn’t real, you know this isn’t happening to me.

11. Some people have painted her as maybe somebody who is ah you know not able to speak for herself or raise her voice but but she definitely has an opinion and there has been some times in in our relationship that you know she she’s has definitely wore the pants and is out going and is you know loud of the voices I have ah I was very submission to her because I did want to please her and I wanted to you know be the best I could be for her because I knew that somebody as special as her she deserved that.

12. I came in at management, and didn’t I work my way up, I just came in at management and so people talk bad about us,

I had a lot of arrogance I wouldn’t back down to people threatening me

13. I was trying to work to be a better husband because of some shortcomings and mistakes I made in my life and I was constantly entertaining church guests and having people over and it was making life difficult for Janet

I didn’t mean to to have religion come in the way of our relationship, I was just trying to make up for my make up for my own faults by you know by working harder

14. I said I’ll be available for any type of questioning but you don‘t need a polygraph from me. You may think you do, but you don’t need one from me, because I have nothing to hide

15. Every time that they’ve have you know needed to meet with me for additional information over these last couple of years I have taken time out of my day

16. The bottom line is that I wasn’t involved with the death of my wife, that I would do anything in this world to keep her here with me and that’s just, you know that’s something that I know that’s something that Janet knows and that’s something that I think that people who truly know Janet and truly know me can understand and appreciate.

17. You know it’s harder on me than it is on him, but he’s definitely is a smart kid and sees other moms and wants to know where is his mom

18. There is certainly a lot of pressure in our religion to umm marry someone of your faith and to continue to practice the principals and the teachings of the faith so when I met met Janet it was just amazing that you know she had the I guess it’s just like the full package, she was beautiful, attractive and she was comforting

19. There is one miracle that heavenly father knows that I would want, it would be for my wife to be safe. I would gladly, gladly take the place of my wife so that she could be here to raise her son, to be with her family. I wasn’t given that choice.
I just posted this on the other thread before seeing this one ...

I have to say that after listening to it a few more times, I change my mind on the 911 call. I don't find him to sound quite so hysterical after all. In fact, something about the way he talks about the door being open bothers me. I don't know what it is but something seemed contrived - like we discussed before - covering bases or something.
JG - yeah - if you can help me out and re-listen to the 911 call.

He sounds out of breath immediately to me, but we know he was there a while, he told investigators he went to see kaiden first, then he stated he saw her there in a kneeling position. - but remember he couldn't find his phone or so he said...

He sounded like he was acting at first but please notice how he repeated and enunciated the address. He did a great job stating his address and not only did he state the address, he repeated it. He didn't say please hurry, he didn't say, oh god, please come hurry. It was acted out, but not that well.

Look at all of his comments, he seemed to be acting the entire time.
Did you notice his cocky stance when he's talking about how he came in as management?
Anyone have any idea if & when they'll post the rest of Raven's bit?
JG - yeah - if you can help me out and re-listen to the 911 call.

He sounds out of breath immediately to me, but we know he was there a while, he told investigators he went to see kaiden first, then he stated he saw her there in a kneeling position. - but remember he couldn't find his phone or so he said...

He sounded like he was acting at first but please notice how he repeated and enunciated the address. He did a great job stating his address and not only did he state the address, he repeated it. He didn't say please hurry, he didn't say, oh god, please come hurry. It was acted out, but not that well.

Look at all of his comments, he seemed to be acting the entire time.
What struck me is that he had no problems remembering the details. He even rembers to say that Kaiden is six months old. I knew some one who had a child swallow some medicine as a baby and needed to call 911 and she being the mother could not even think straight enough to give the correct birthdate the first go around she was just in such a panic that nothing would come into her head.
Also, another point. As a new parent I find it hard to believe that Raven would make the statement that Janet folded laundry and then they went to put it in Kaiden's room after he had already been put down for the night. He describes in great detail how they put the clothes away and then stand there looking at Kaiden and he tells her what a beautiful child they have... or something like that. Okay... This is to any other parents out there. Who the heck goes into a sleeping childs room opens dresser drawers, which usually make noise and then stand there over the crib talking out loud? I have learned that a six month baby will WAKE UP! This is not a new born that sleeps throught the vaccuum. Am I wrong or is he just trying to make up this fairy tale life? I am thinking he never took care of that kid, put him to bed etc., or he would have know not to say such a stupid statement.

1. I knew after three weeks of dating her that I wanted to marry her, I just knew, you know I knew, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life pleasing her.

I guess I spent the rest of her life….
Pleasing cheated on her. There’s been people that have stated you were abusive. You criticized her, critiqued her and yet she loved you.

You spent the rest of her life....

Well the last few years of her life, it seems all you did was make her miserable. The only thing you gave her was Kaiden, which in the end you took from her when I believe you took her life.

2. Why would somebody enter this quiet home in a quiet neighborhood, why would somebody harm someone so innocent, so kind, as Janet, as my wife, and what were the motives.
Nobody entered the home that night Raven, you were in the home. You killed her and and I believe you left that baby in the crib and you went out and played soccer. After you came home, you did some horrible acting when you called 911.

Over a Half Million Dollars and your freedom was the motives Raven.

3. Based off of some stuff that had happened in our lives we weren’t sure where her and I sat in our relationship.
The stuff that happened in your lives was you cheated and you spent money like no tomorrow, on your toys, your fun, while she was the star Athlete, and scholar you were the lying, cheating, conniving husband. This was all BEFORE....Kaiden was born. You did not change after Kaiden was born, you got worse, then you became a thief, but chances are good you were a thief even prior to getting caught at Eurosports, chances are good you stole when you worked at Hewlitt Packard. What I find amusing is that even though you got caught at Eurosports, it was posted at the Crime Blog by someone that knows you, that you left Canyon Cycles because you stole from your last job!

4. There’s a lot of personal revelation that happened after that and I knew that I needed to straight out my life a little bit.
How did you straight our your life? This again was before Kaiden was born that you straightened your life out right. Because after that you embezzled and then cheated again Raven...that's what you call straightening out your life?

The day before Janet was murdered you wrote "If I were a bird" as though Janet was not in your life. You signed up everything prior to the murder as single.

5. When we had actually gotten back together when we were pregnant with Kaiden we we didn’t go to church all the time, we really wanted to focus more on each other.
This was your decision Raven, not Janet’s. You were afraid because you would have to confess that you cheated and you could have been excommunicated out of the Church for being a cheater. You told people you served a mission when you didn't. You were the one that didn't follow the teachings of your faith. Embezzling and adultery isn't part of the Mormon Religion and you did it constantly. It was YOU, that didn't want church, not Janet.

6. We looked look at Kaiden sleeping and make sure everything is okay with him and put our arms around each other and and you know said I really love you and we have a beautiful child here.
Again, what is your obsession with looks Raven. We have a beautiful child honestly remembered saying that the night your wife was murdered?

You have such a sick twisted way of thinking, looks mean so much to you don’t they.

Remember when you were asked how Kaiden was doing after his Embezzlement Trial - "He looks good") Also, please see Raven statement 18

7. She said you got too much homework Raven you shouldn’t go to your soccer game tonight and so she gave me a kiss you know and I left and that was it – last time that ahhh,
Why did you sound ANGRY Raven when you tried to mimic what Janet said to you that night? Was she angry at you that night?

You are trying to portray Janet as though she was trying to control you, yet she was working hard, she wasn't the one that was spending money non-stop, you were, on your toys, your little vx and whatever else you wasted your money on. She would never have told you not to go play soccer

8. I got home and umm you know go upstairs wah , I’d always go in and give Kaiden a kiss and just feel his warm little body and...And you know that’s when I found out that something wasn’t wrong and Janet died that night....I wasn’t there
Whew - acting is tough isn't it Raven....Creepy acting, even from you.

Why did you bring up Kaiden's warm little body? Because afterwards you had to go in and face what you had done....and touch her cold body.

Was Janet's body cold or warm? Can you remember the feel Raven? It was warm I'm sure when you first killed her but it was cold when you came back home from soccer.

Again, you told so many people so many different things.

9. Was it someone who was trying to get back at me, was it somebody who was breaking into my home because of something I did, if that’s the case how do you live with yourself.
Nobody broke into your home to kill Janet to get back at you. My question to you is.... Raven how does one live with oneself after they murder someone? Seems like you've done well for yourself, dating on and off, well, Mommy shopping, I mean.

Raven, let's face facts here, if someone wanted to get back at you, they would not have killed Janet.

Pretty much everyone knew you were a cheater and that killing Janet wouldn't hurt you. If someone wanted to get back at you, all they had to do was slash the tires on your VX. That you would have taken harder than losing Janet. Breaking out the window on your VX, that would have been harder on you than someone killing Janet.

Most people that disliked you disliked you because of how you treated Janet, they disliked you because they knew you were a cheater and an embezzler and we all know that Janet deserved way better than you.

10. I couldn’t remember you know what I needed to do how I needed to help her, I couldn’t you know what I mean, they say that your life flashes before your eyes and that’s what happened, like the moment, like all of a sudden, this isn’t real, you know this isn’t happening to me.
Umm, couldn't remember how to act as though you were an innocent husband. As far as help her, well you could have helped her by just divorcing her, no reason to kill her.

You were okay enough to state your address TWICE - enunciating properly and yet....the rest you were basically mumbling, and when it came to stating your child was crying, you were quite calm.

Raven, hey you gave her cpr didn't you? Raven, you gave her a blessing....didn't you? You told people that also.

You told some people she was warm and you told other people she was cold

You even went so far as to tell someone she was warm and turned cold. What was it would think that even after 2-1/2 years you would remember how your dead wife felt Raven.

11. Some people have painted her as maybe somebody who is ahh you know not able to speak for herself or raise her voice but but she definitely has an opinion and there has been some times in in our relationship that you know she she’s has definitely wore the pants and is out going and is you know loud of the voices I have ah I was very submission to her because I did want to please her and I wanted to you know be the best I could be for her because I knew that somebody as special as her she deserved that.
You were submissive and wanted to please her? Janet had a personality, nobody is denying that. Janet was tough and strong and proud too.

She had to be tough and strong to be married and to stay married to you after you cheated, embezzled and humiliated her in front of her friends at Eurosports.

Janet was tough enough if someone would have come into that home and try to break in, she would have kicked, fought, bit, scream, punch and she would have fought to her death. She was submissive when she was murdered. Someone was behind her, as though she knew the person behind her, someone put their arms around her, as though she expected it and then they raised their arm and stabbed her from behind.

12. I came in at management, and didn’t I work my way up, I just came in at management and so people talk bad about us,

I had a lot of arrogance I wouldn’t back down to people threatening me
I saw your resumes Raven, and many were full of embellishments. Nobody talked bad about Janet, they talked about you because you were and are arrogant, they talked bad about you because you’re just not a good person. People talk about you because of your infidelities.

Raven who threatened you? If someone threatened you I hope you gave this information to Law Enforcement, I mean seriously if you think you know who killed your wife (cough cough) you should come forward. I mean there is a reward – not $500k but you know enough to tide you through until you scam or steal again.

13. I was trying to work to be a better husband because of some shortcomings and mistakes I made in my life and I was constantly entertaining church guests and having people over and it was making life difficult for Janet I didn’t mean to to have religion come in the way of our relationship, I was just trying to make up for my make up for my own faults by you know by working harder
Your cheating, your lying, your stealing was coming in the way of the relationship, it was Janet that was into her faith, not you Raven, do you honestly think anyone is going to buy that hunk of crap. You bring up religion if you need something out of it, or if you are trying to con someone Raven, oh my gosh, you make me so ill. Janet needed to get back to her faith for her son and to get over the affairs you had.

14. I said I’ll be available for any type of questioning but you don‘t need a polygraph from me. You may think you do, but you don’t need one from me, because I have nothing to hide
How many times did you call Law Enforcement? How many times did you meet with Law Enforcement? I know of 3 times – and 2 were LE coming to you, one was the night of the murder. So, again, how exactly did you cooperate with Law Enforcement?

15. Every time that they’ve have you know needed to meet with me for additional information over these last couple of years I have taken time out of my day
You took more time out in one week to go biking than you did in helping Law Enforcement or even speaking with LE or doing anything with regards to your wife's murder since it happened.

You have been on how many biking trips Raven? 35? You’ve flown to out to Virginia, Maine, California, you’ve been to Las Vegas, Oregon, Chicago, how many trips have you been on….now tell us, how many times have you visited your wife’s grave?

16. The bottom line is that I wasn’t involved with the death of my wife, that I would do anything in this world to keep her here with me and that’s just, you know that’s something that I know that’s something that Janet knows and that’s something that I think that people who truly know Janet and truly know me can understand and appreciate.
The bottom line is…..there is not bottom line, just questions, Why did you have to do it?

17. You know it’s harder on me than it is on him, but he’s definitely is a smart kid and sees other moms and wants to know where is his mom
18. There is certainly a lot of pressure in our religion to umm marry someone of your faith and to continue to practice the principals and the teachings of the faith so when I met met Janet it was just amazing that you know she had the I guess it’s just like the full package, she was beautiful, attractive and she was comforting
Once again, you forget that she was caring, compassionate, a true athlete, a great friend, she was intelligent, she was witty, she was funny and charming and shy and silly and a great mother, but how do you describe her….she was beautiful, attractive - don’t they mean the same thing? Once again, your obsession with outward looks, so narcissistic, so sociopathic, so Raven.

19. There is one miracle that heavenly father knows that I would want, it would be for my wife to be safe. I would gladly, gladly take the place of my wife so that she could be here to raise her son, to be with her family. I wasn’t given that choice.
Raven, do you honestly think anyone buys this? There is no trading places, it’s just empty words, we both know this.

In conclusion, I find it funny the special is on your wife’s murder and you are trying to make her look like she was not into religion and that she was controlling when it was the other way around. You are trying to tarnish her even in death when it was all you, always you…
Also, another point. As a new parent I find it hard to believe that Raven would make the statement that Janet folded laundry and then they went to put it in Kaiden's room after he had already been put down for the night. He describes in great detail how they put the clothes away and then stand there looking at Kaiden and he tells her what a beautiful child they have... or something like that.
I agree with everything you've said in this post. Additionally, it seems like such a contrived conversation. I seriously don't think I've ever heard anything like what he outlined there other than in a movie. It's almost as if he's pulling images out of movies he's seen because he has no idea of what real-life intimacy is. He wants the outside world to think that they had this perfect life, perfect family - and since he had nothing even close, he can only rely on idealistic images he's seen elsewhere.

He is seriously creepy.

NC WANTED captured an exclusive interview with Janet Abroa's husband, Raven. Mr. Abaroa traveled from his home in Utah to speak only with NC WANTED.
Just click on the video player on the NC WANTED home page to view his exclusive interview as part of the full episode online.

Also, check back later this week as we'll update this section so you can view PART ONE of the entire 2 1/2 hour interview with Raven Abaroa. Each week, we'll add a new section.


NC WANTED captured an exclusive interview with Janet Abroa's husband, Raven. Mr. Abaroa traveled from his home in Utah to speak only with NC WANTED.
Just click on the video player on the NC WANTED home page to view his exclusive interview as part of the full episode online.

Also, check back later this week as we'll update this section so you can view PART ONE of the entire 2 1/2 hour interview with Raven Abaroa. Each week, we'll add a new section.


Thanks for keeping me posted...I'm sure we'll find a few more inconsistencies.
You guys are awesome - great job disecting Raven's remarks and posting the 911 call. Great sleuthing!
8. I got home and umm you know go upstairs wah , I’d always go in and give Kaiden a kiss and just feel his warm little body and...And you know that’s when I found out that something wasn’t wrong and Janet died that night....I wasn’t there

Is it just me or do you guys see Raven smile/smirk at this point in the interview?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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