NE NE - Jason Jolkowski -19 - Omaha - 13 Jun 2001 - #4

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I share everyone's hope that the JJ case will be solved someday. This is the #1 missing persons case I've been following since first hearing about this last year.

However, as has been discussed - there is literally nothing to go on here. I.e., after JJ helps his brother take the trash out that morning & starts his walk to the H.S. (to meet his co-worker) - he vanishes.

Obviously, this is an extremely odd & unsettling case.
True enough. As much as hope springs eternal, I don't think Jason's case could be compared to Tara Calico. Tara was undoubtedly a victim of foul play. A local sheriff had already identified a group of suspects, and while I'm 99% confident Jason was murdered, we cannot say for certain as there's no evidence of anything, and his profile was much lower-risk than Tara's.
Awesome. Nothing is more frustrating than when these skulls get put in some drawer and never get looked at again.
Wow, I was surprised to get a quick answer to my email to Namus. I sent it late at night and heard back early in the morn lol.Anyways, they said basically what I thought they would say, thanked us for our interest, and said they would have a look at the two possibles. I wanted to paste the letter here, but I seem to have misplaced it already or deleted it by mistake, ugh. I am sure they would've already been aware of the two skulls as possibly being JJ, but I'm still glad I wrote as it at least shows that there are those of us in the public who are following JJ's case closely.
  • Jessica Wade May 23, 2023
''Kelly Jolkowski said her son, who graduated from Benson High and worked part time as JJ the DJ at KIWR, wasn’t the type to run away.
“We really, truly never have had viable leads,” she said near the 10th anniversary of her son’s disappearance. “Most times in a missing person case, you have an idea, you have a theory. But in our case, we don’t have a finger to point at anybody at all. It’s just very, very mysterious.”
Wow, I was surprised to get a quick answer to my email to Namus. I sent it late at night and heard back early in the morn lol.Anyways, they said basically what I thought they would say, thanked us for our interest, and said they would have a look at the two possibles. I wanted to paste the letter here, but I seem to have misplaced it already or deleted it by mistake, ugh. I am sure they would've already been aware of the two skulls as possibly being JJ, but I'm still glad I wrote as it at least shows that there are those of us in the public who are following JJ's case closely.
I agree. It does show there are those of us who are following Jason's case.
I agree. It does show there are those of us who are following Jason's case.
Yes. And I just found the letter from Namus that was sent to me the next morning after my enquiry re. the two skulls. Here it is, if anything else it lets them know we are following JJ's case still and gives the address if anyone else wants to contact them.


Thank you for your submission, we appreciate your time and support. NamUs staff will review the submitted information.

Please note, identification and exclusions are only made and/or confirmed by investigating agencies. The results of comparisons may or may not be made available to the public for investigatory reasons.


Joe Welsch
NamUs Regional Program Specialist- Region 3
Contractor Supporting OJP/NIJ
Cell: (984) 327-5731
Web: Home
A few pages back people were wondering how he may have spent his days while his parents were at work. That was the era of Barry Bonds home run record chase if I recall and at that point in the season Sammy Sosa (Cubs) and Mark McGwire were also in the hunt. Probably safe to say he spent a lot of time watching Chicago Cubs day games on WGN? (I remember Scammin Sammy running the bases with the Stars and Stripes on a home run right after 9-11). People had Cubs fever in this era and up through the Bartman era because they sucked for so long.

I wonder if he had any other Cubs fans in the area he watched games with? Or maybe talked to on the internet? Or Church?

Did he always sport Cubs gear? Said he was decked out in Cubs gear that morning (Cubs played diamondbacks at night in AZ so wasn't a day game). Did he maybe plan to watch the game after work? Could that have been the type of thing to potentially have caused him to let down his guard if he was approached by a stranger in a vehicle saying "go cubs go" or striking up a conversation?

Not sure if he would be the type to do a Ferris Buellers day off Chicago trip? Cubs were on the road Weds June 13 in Arizona, but they played a day game on Friday the 15th at Wrigley. Maybe a greyhound bus trip or amtrak train from Omaha to Union Station? I guess it would seem that if there were anything that could maybe cause an otherwise good kid with no vices to go rogue it could be being a hardcore baseball fan at that age. if he ever went to a game at Wrigley prior? Or if it maybe was something he really wanted to do?

I know there was mention of $60 (or perhaps it was that was the most he would've had). Probably enough for a bus ticket and bleacher seat if he had a place he was intending to stay?
A few pages back people were wondering how he may have spent his days while his parents were at work. That was the era of Barry Bonds home run record chase if I recall and at that point in the season Sammy Sosa (Cubs) and Mark McGwire were also in the hunt. Probably safe to say he spent a lot of time watching Chicago Cubs day games on WGN? (I remember Scammin Sammy running the bases with the Stars and Stripes on a home run right after 9-11). People had Cubs fever in this era and up through the Bartman era because they sucked for so long.

I wonder if he had any other Cubs fans in the area he watched games with? Or maybe talked to on the internet? Or Church?

Did he always sport Cubs gear? Said he was decked out in Cubs gear that morning (Cubs played diamondbacks at night in AZ so wasn't a day game). Did he maybe plan to watch the game after work? Could that have been the type of thing to potentially have caused him to let down his guard if he was approached by a stranger in a vehicle saying "go cubs go" or striking up a conversation?

Not sure if he would be the type to do a Ferris Buellers day off Chicago trip? Cubs were on the road Weds June 13 in Arizona, but they played a day game on Friday the 15th at Wrigley. Maybe a greyhound bus trip or amtrak train from Omaha to Union Station? I guess it would seem that if there were anything that could maybe cause an otherwise good kid with no vices to go rogue it could be being a hardcore baseball fan at that age. if he ever went to a game at Wrigley prior? Or if it maybe was something he really wanted to do?

I know there was mention of $60 (or perhaps it was that was the most he would've had). Probably enough for a bus ticket and bleacher seat if he had a place he was intending to stay?
Interesting post and to hear about the baseball angle. Gives us new information about the Cubs at the time, thank you!I would say yes, it is a possibility he would take a day off but as one of those WS'ers who have been following this case for many years, I have to say no. IMO there is no way Jason would have not lived up to his work responsibilities to take off for a baseball game. He just was exceptional that way from everything we know about him from those who actually knew him personally. I expect others will tell you the same thing. But welcome and thanks for joining us here! I and others have grown to care so much about what happened to JJ :)
Interesting post and to hear about the baseball angle. Gives us new information about the Cubs at the time, thank you!I would say yes, it is a possibility he would take a day off but as one of those WS'ers who have been following this case for many years, I have to say no. IMO there is no way Jason would have not lived up to his work responsibilities to take off for a baseball game. He just was exceptional that way from everything we know about him from those who actually knew him personally. I expect others will tell you the same thing. But welcome and thanks for joining us here! I and others have grown to care so much about what happened to JJ :)
Thanks, no problem.

Yeah, whether JJ would've ditched out on work or not, the Cubs thing really stood out to me. It was mentioned JJ had a Cubs hat and Sammy Sosa shirt on that morning.

I know there are fans from all over because of WGN (Chicago based "superstation" kind of like TBS), but that steroid era/home run chase with Sosa and the Cubs making the playoffs for the first time in forever a few years before that. They had Kerry Wood, Mark Prior, Carlos Zambrano. Cubs were really big at that time in Chicago and the midwest.

It's easy to forget because they ended up always choking, but after 90 years or whatever that was the first time they had a chance at playoffs ever since late 80s. The home run record chase was also huge at the time. People used to say it saved baseball because after the strike people were kind of fed up and that really added interest and excitement back into the game. Then just with 9-11 happening that season kind of stands out.

I wonder if there was radio broadcast of those games in Omaha? Maybe he was like a Steve Bartman type and like to listen on his headphones while he went for walks? Or if there could've been someone he watched games with?

I wonder if he was going to school for like sports journalism? I know the Cubs are also big in Iowa. Not sure if he was a commuter or stayed in a dorm when he was at college. Either way, maybe an angle to consider as far as something that was important to JJ and how he may have spent his time or who he may have associated with.
Also, fwiw, coming up in that era, one thing that was really big in high school and college was AOL instant messenger. Like maybe a pre-curser to texting and before people had cell phones, but was pretty much anonymous messaging. It was huge in late 90s-early 2000s, especially high school and college for communicating with friends at other schools or down the hall in the dorms (and ensuring my mom wasn't listening in). Just throwing it out there thinking back on that era. Probably not much can be done forensics wise now, but may have been a way of communicating JJ's parents wouldn't have been privy to.
Good posts re: the 22+ year old JJ case. As time goes on, the likely-hood of finding out exactly what happened here seems to become less possible - due to the passage of time & the baffling circumstances re: the case, etc. However, there is always the chance that this will eventually get solved.

Re: the possible baseball game angle - I would have to agree that this it's unlikely he went to a game on the day he vanished. As has been discussed, JJ was a conscientious & good worker, and had agreed to come to work (earlier than usual, I believe) & had also agreed to meet a co-worker in the parking lot of the H.S. so she could drive him to the job. So, I can't see him ditching both work and the co-worker without explanation - to go to a baseball game. If he did this intentionally, it would obviously anger both his job & his co-worker. And, even though he was planning on starting another job soon, I believe he cared about his reputation as a good worker. And, I also believe that he wouldn't have wanted to anger/upset his co-worker - who was obviously doing him a favor by picking him up.

Sure - I can easily see JJ deciding to tell work he couldn't make it if they called him in on a day he wasn't expected to work....due to plans he had for a game that day. However, that obviously didn't happen in this case.
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Also, fwiw, coming up in that era, one thing that was really big in high school and college was AOL instant messenger. Like maybe a pre-curser to texting and before people had cell phones, but was pretty much anonymous messaging. It was huge in late 90s-early 2000s, especially high school and college for communicating with friends at other schools or down the hall in the dorms (and ensuring my mom wasn't listening in). Just throwing it out there thinking back on that era. Probably not much can be done forensics wise now, but may have been a way of communicating JJ's parents wouldn't have been privy to.
This seems way more likely than the baseball game. Jason was a shy and (probably) lonely kid, so AOL and chatrooms seems like a reasonable avenue for him to explore. Personally I think Jason might have been talking to someone online , possibly local, who either found out where Jason lived or had arranged to meet-up with him. I know Occam's Razor says that a neighbor lured him in, but something about this case just stinks of some premeditation.
Decided to post this to drum up some discussion and attention for Jason's case. Something I've thought about for months. Sorry it's long.

I’m leaning toward a neighbor who may have become obsessed/enamored with Jason from afar, man or woman. Most likely a guy, though. I don’t think their intentions started out as nefarious or bad, but when they finally made their move, the encounter turned sinister.

This would be someone who escaped notice during the investigation because they were just another face in the neighborhood and possibly lived in the opposite direction of the high school. Because, as we all know, the whole immediate neighborhood wasn’t canvassed/interviewed. We don’t know how thorough a job was done knocking on doors, or what the search radius was. I may be wrong, but if I had to guess, neighbors in close proximity to the Jolkowski house which were along possible routes to the school were the ones targeted. Not the houses behind them, like studebkr’s, or ones in the opposite direction of where he was heading. Those doors probably should have been knocked on, too, if they weren’t.

In addition to the houses along the route to the school, what investigators should have done, if they didn’t, was take out a map, used one of those compasses for drawing circles, and, with the Jolkowski house as the center, measured out about 300-400 feet to scale, and drawn a circle, something like this:


(Please note: this picture is not to scale and is being used as an example only)

Once drawn, investigators should have knocked on every door within the circumference of the circle. Every. Single. One. No matter if they could see the Jolkowski house from their location or not, or if they were along the route to the school or not. Every home within the circle, however big the circle turned out to be, and every one straddling the line or just over it, should have been interviewed. Yes, it would have been a daunting task, but that was their job.

And I will post why I believe investigators should have done this in a subsequent post *IF* folks agree to read it, because I put a lot of time and effort into it, and it’s long. But I will break it into segments to make it easier to read if necessary. Please comment if you’d like to read it. If there’s enough interest I will post it.
Allekyins, your theory in post #313 makes sense & this possibility is something I agree with. I would like to read your theory.

As has been discussed, I don't believe this JJ case was as thoroughly investigated as it should have been due to:

1) JJ being an adult male
2) The thought that he possibly ran away, etc. Due to this possibility/theory, the investigators probably didn't take the case as seriously as they should have.
Jason surely would've had an online presence. Were any accounts (such as AIM) ever checked into? I remember that AIM could automatically login on start-up, although if Jason was a private person he would've disabled this. I don't think Jason's disappearance was down to chance. I believe the answer lies in what he was doing in his spare time, either online or during those long evening walks, or both.
Decided to post this to drum up some discussion and attention for Jason's case. Something I've thought about for months. Sorry it's long.

I’m leaning toward a neighbor who may have become obsessed/enamored with Jason from afar, man or woman. Most likely a guy, though. I don’t think their intentions started out as nefarious or bad, but when they finally made their move, the encounter turned sinister.

This would be someone who escaped notice during the investigation because they were just another face in the neighborhood and possibly lived in the opposite direction of the high school. Because, as we all know, the whole immediate neighborhood wasn’t canvassed/interviewed. We don’t know how thorough a job was done knocking on doors, or what the search radius was. I may be wrong, but if I had to guess, neighbors in close proximity to the Jolkowski house which were along possible routes to the school were the ones targeted. Not the houses behind them, like studebkr’s, or ones in the opposite direction of where he was heading. Those doors probably should have been knocked on, too, if they weren’t.

In addition to the houses along the route to the school, what investigators should have done, if they didn’t, was take out a map, used one of those compasses for drawing circles, and, with the Jolkowski house as the center, measured out about 300-400 feet to scale, and drawn a circle, something like this:

View attachment 434567

(Please note: this picture is not to scale and is being used as an example only)

Once drawn, investigators should have knocked on every door within the circumference of the circle. Every. Single. One. No matter if they could see the Jolkowski house from their location or not, or if they were along the route to the school or not. Every home within the circle, however big the circle turned out to be, and every one straddling the line or just over it, should have been interviewed. Yes, it would have been a daunting task, but that was their job.

And I will post why I believe investigators should have done this in a subsequent post *IF* folks agree to read it, because I put a lot of time and effort into it, and it’s long. But I will break it into segments to make it easier to read if necessary. Please comment if you’d like to read it. If there’s enough interest I will post it.
Please post your theory/write-up Alleykins!!
I think he was watched or at least noticed for some time. The perp may even have stood around listening in on his conversations with his brother etc outside. I used to think it was a baseball bat but I think Jasons size was just too great for that. That would've been too risky. So I think he was maybe knifed to death. I think he went in a garage to help a neighbor move trash cans , but the garage door closed & before Jason could react the neighbor pulled out a knife or garden shears. I remember a news story from some years back a young man turned up at his neighbor's apartment and began stabbing him. He claimed he attacked because they were playing loud music but who knows. His friend, who was visiting, tried to fight off his attacker with a metal pipe but this friend died of stab wounds, though he was a strong young man. So ,one should not underestimate the power of a crazed person with a knife...even they can overpower 2 people sometimes like I said. Do I think the perp of Jason Jolkowski is insane? Absolutely. I think it's just not something a sane person would do. I'm def annoyed he robbed Jason of his life. But Jason was also a kind young man who would probably have felt very concerned for this person & their mental health.
But I will break it into segments to make it easier to read if necessary. Please comment if you’d like to read it. If there’s enough interest I will post it.
No sense in doing all that work if it isn't shared. ;-)

You could also attach it as a Word or PDF document too. I've done that with some items.

Also, if you check the Nebraska State Patrol Sex Offender Registry, you will find a couple offenders in the area, though I'm not certain who lived there 20 years ago. Sex Offender Registry | Nebraska State Patrol

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