neighbors being questioned about handyman

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Thanks gliving! this article is how I got my original question of do we know where LE got the photo they were showing. Shame on me for not linking it in my first post, I lost my ever loving mind reading too much about paper plates and the implications they impose.
It seemed to me that LE started to show a photo to neighbors and then information started to be reported about a homeless guy who wanted handyman work, the red bike, the encounter in the park and the bar owner maybe saying this guy goes by the name of Jersey and I was looking for the reason why LE started asking about this guy in the first place.
Anyone with handyman skills would recognize a MARKED electricians van and notice what house it was parked at on a regular basis. If that van was would be a good bet that the person known to drive it would also be gone. It's just a simple matter of observation.

He was kicked out for being drunk. Wasn't he?

Remember the "garage clinking" : maybe he hoped to drink up in the basement, then came upstairs for a little fun.

Seems like smashing someone else's happiness might maker him feel powerful for a minute or two.

That doesn't mean this is what happened or even what I think happened. Just saying peopel do that - sick people, people with mental problems, drug problems, problems fitting into the world.

Where's his tidy house? Where is HIS pretty baby? There was a beautiful family killed in my town by intruders who at the end of the day, just wanted to see nice people suffer.

MEO (my experience only), not everyone wants a tidy house or pretty baby. And sometimes those who have both of those things aren't such nice people. Just my two cents, i guess because in a way this Jersey guy reminds me a lot of the homeless people I have volunteered with. I have no idea about this guy in particular. I have just been around plenty of nice people who get weird vibes from the homeless just because they don't look, smell, or talk nice. And I include myself as someone who has had that reaction too, so I am not judging. Just my thoughts, I guess.
as far as creeps go and the statistics, i just looked at NCMEC page on infant abductions (the one that says only 12 were not recovered) and it actually states these were alll infants under six months, most or many in hospital with mom.

I haven't seen the latest statistics on infants of 6 months to 18 months who have been abducted. I just know the links everyone has posted about the infant pedophiles
Anyone with handyman skills would recognize a MARKED electricians van and notice what house it was parked at on a regular basis. If that van was would be a good bet that the person known to drive it would also be gone. It's just a simple matter of observation.

And that's an excellent observation.
If this homeless guy was asking around for anyone who could give him a job, maybe someone paid him to take the baby?
I don't think this "handyman" had anything to do with Lisa's Vanishing; IF he did the Stars were lined up for him that night.

Everything that night was just too perfect for it all to be one big coinsidence.
If he did, he should have bough a lottery ticket in the process! Maybe you guys need to scour the lottery winner names.
If he did, he should have bough a lottery ticket in the process! Maybe you guys need to scour the lottery winner names.

Its got nothing to do with stars lining up or coincidence. If someone known to the family paid him to take the child, they could have given him the info about when the hubby would be gone, and if it was the ex wife, (who used to live in that house), she may even have still had a front door key to give him.
Its got nothing to do with stars lining up or coincidence. If someone known to the family paid him to take the child, they could have given him the info about when the hubby would be gone, and if it was the ex wife, (who used to live in that house), she may even have still had a front door key to give him.

Just being observant or talking to the teen who was over there could have given him most info , layout of the home etc...apparently they are all quite alike.

Thing about the window being off the computer room..what room would you enter? IMO It would be the living room and this used to be the/a living room. I wonder if the Irwins had something on the kids doors..many do, saying "lisa's room" with baby stuff pictures while the boys would have their name? ETA I hate the practice becasuse it does give a creep a way to find the kids easily
Hi Everyone! Talk about baby pedo's is vile...I just can't mentally process it...I was just thinking how much I miss our Forensic Astrologers. I know they could provide some insight. Anybody interested in reaching out to them? I don't know any of them personally...and I hope I am not out of line for asking....Sorry.
Maybe this man has been watching the Irwin house for a while. Debbie said she would sit out in the front with her neighbors and talk during the day, etc. Maybe this man asked her for work or more maybe, who knows. She rejected him. He noticed one night the van was gone and he decided to get revenge?
Is there proof D had a 'handy man' or is this just wild rumor???

But none of the news channels have turned over their raw footage yet. That is why they are going to court. They were discussing that on FOX this morning with, I cant remember the judges name and I like him too, but they said it is very hard to get raw footage from a news agency, they usually wont part with them and really unless told by a judge they have to, constitutionally they dont have to. So I dont think they got it from the news footage at this point. The bar, if it has a camera is the best bet.

I think this is sad b/c I would like to think any news org would RUSH that footage to them if a child's life is in danger..I can not understand why any news org would not give up their footage that could help maybe bring Lisa home or save her life!
my guess is the Teen gave information on the house, that this guy probably squatted there, that he was a drunk and teens probably gave him food or money to buy them booze. Probably he did this for years. MOO

MOO he won't be involved
But infant pedophilia is rare. I actually studied this is class not that long ago. It is rare and most cases are male/male child. Female infants would be even more rare. Pedophiles statistically go after male children. Child pornographers will go after male and female children. But an infant being used in this capacity is rare. Another thing, most cases where an infant is sexually abused ( I am lumping that into infant pedophilia for this convo) are abused by a mothers boyfriend, not a stranger. If this case turns out this way, they got hit with every rare statistic that is possible. I dont even want to think of that with this poor baby.
Bold mind.

Every study I've seen that has higher prevalence of male abuse is using the assumption that girls report at a higher rate than boys and subsequently applies a subjective increase to male victims, which has no basis. Yes, many boys do not report- but many girls do not either. I know it's not conclusive, but I can't link to my academic library because it requires login, but check out wiki, scroll to "prevalence" and check the cited studies. The concrete studies I've been looking through all indicate that females fall victim at a higher rate than males.

And even if we grant that male victims are more common, it's not going to be an astronomical gap. It's not rare for female victims IOW. It is statistically more likely for Lisa Irwin to be not kidnapped, than to be kidnapped. Statistically, most mothers/families are not abusers or murderers of their children. And yet we all know it is probable that she is an exception to one of these statistics.
With regards to motive for this man called Jersey, we don't know enough about him to know what his motive may be. He may not even be homeless. Or single. Or involved at all.
Once again I am not blaming this mother but it would be more common for the mother to kill her own infant than a strange man killing her or taking her. Its a disgusting thought but it is more common. And we dont know if she was a devoted mom, we dont know if she was a bad mom, we know nothing about her really other than what we see on TV and what we hear on TV and in the news.

You're right frankie. The stats are posted here on one of the threads. A stranger is less likely to kill a baby. Stats go up with parents. :(

Hi Everyone! Talk about baby pedo's is vile...I just can't mentally process it...I was just thinking how much I miss our Forensic Astrologers. I know they could provide some insight. Anybody interested in reaching out to them? I don't know any of them personally...and I hope I am not out of line for asking....Sorry.

Tori, you are not out of line for asking, but WS owners have discontinued those threads for a number of reasons (none of them intended to cast aspersions on the FAs or posters who contributed with good hearts and good intent).

Also remember that WS doesn't allow reaching out to third parties on behalf of this site. If anyone has questions about these policies feel free to contact a mod, and :tyou: !

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