Netflix series "Don't With Cats"

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
For those who've already watched (and those who haven't yet as well, and may have the same question) and mentioned they pause at the question at the very end...

I won't give it away, but I will say it's a resounding NO for me. People, good or evil, do what they do because they are compelled by their own desires to do so.

One thing that stood out to me is that it seemed like the 2 "sleuthers" seemed to be pretty convinced that LM knew who they were and what they were discussing as they were discussing him online. Yet, I never really saw anything in the documentary that confirmed that. Maybe I missed something?
For those who've already watched (and those who haven't yet as well, and may have the same question) and mentioned they pause at the question at the very end...

I won't give it away, but I will say it's a resounding NO for me. People, good or evil, do what they do because they are compelled by their own desires to do so.

One thing that stood out to me is that it seemed like the 2 "sleuthers" seemed to be pretty convinced that LM knew who they were and what they were discussing as they were discussing him online. Yet, I never really saw anything in the documentary that confirmed that. Maybe I missed something?

I think it’s because they believed one of Luka’s fake accounts had been accepted into the group looking for the kitten murder. That along with the fact there was the video posted online of someone walking through Baudi Moovan’s work is when she thought he was posting it as a statement like “ I know who and where you are” that part gave me chills, but then again I was so torn up through the whole series!
Just started watching and I've already fast-forwarded and held my hand up to avoid viewing anything I can't handle seeing. Listening, though...
For those who've already watched (and those who haven't yet as well, and may have the same question) and mentioned they pause at the question at the very end...

I won't give it away, but I will say it's a resounding NO for me. People, good or evil, do what they do because they are compelled by their own desires to do so.

One thing that stood out to me is that it seemed like the 2 "sleuthers" seemed to be pretty convinced that LM knew who they were and what they were discussing as they were discussing him online. Yet, I never really saw anything in the documentary that confirmed that. Maybe I missed something?
I wondered the same thing and asked my hubby this question just last night! Perhaps we will never know or maybe there will be a second series?!
Do I have a story for you folks! I was a very active Websleuths poster at the time that the Luka Magnotta case broke over the news, and we had a thread here. It's now locked. During the investigation, we had many new posters join us. I recall that some were part of the Facebook group that was in the Netflix film. It was crazy because they already knew who the killer was even though his name had not been reported. I'm not even sure police knew who it was. Remember, he posted the video to the group member before anyone went to check the house. They shared a link to the video of the murder with a huge disclaimer and also shared the cat videos. In fact, I remember someone asking us to help them check for the light poles and being told that one of them had identified the city where the pole was located and stuff.

Of course, some of them ran afoul of the mods because there were no media links to support what they were saying. I believe some of their posts were deleted. But a lot of us saw the name before it was removed, and we went right to work. I can't speak for anyone else, but I watched a part where the victim was on a table being stabbed and stuff, and it was far too disturbing. I turned it off, but that image is still in my head. When the lady from the Netflix video cried about what she saw, I cried, too. The film brought back so many horrible memories.

But I have to admit that I was fascinated by all of the social media stuff. We were discovering hundreds of accounts that belonged to Luka. At first, we were commenting in the hope that he would reply. Then we started to realize just how many accounts were out there.

There were Youtube videos posted by him under an alias and then comments by accounts that he created and then responses to those comments by other accounts he had created. Yes, he would argue with himself. Spread rumors about himself and then argue that the rumor was false. And he was everywhere on the internet. I would load one Youtube username or email address into Google and end up finding the same name used for other accounts. And that account would have communications for 50 users who, of course, were all him, too. It was madness. But we were digging for clues.

The film brought back so many horrible memories. But there's one that is almost hard to believe. I swear by it, but I can't prove it for obvious reasons. I suppose a mod might be able to check it for us. But I'm not sure if I could direct someone without checking the old thread myself.

Anyway, near the end of the chase to catch Luka, a lot of posters were here. Many were new. A few seemed sketchy and were saying unusual things. I confronted one, and he/she disappeared. The person may have been banned instantly. But another seemed very peculiar. The person wasn't breaking any rules. But it almost seemed like the person was playing games with us. Pretending to be a big fan of Luka, pretending that it was all part of a plan to ruin his career. It all matched what I had been seeing on his social media sites. I didn't confront him because I didn't want to scare him away. But I asked him some questions. He wouldn't respond. He just kept blabbering. I kept on and got one response from him. It didn't make very much sense. Most of his posts didn't. Then, he was just gone. Not long after that, we heard the news that Luka had been arrested and that he had been using the internet when he was caught. I am 100 percent sure that Luka was here. After all, he loved attention, and there were hundreds of people here focused on him. But the thread got locked somehow, and some posts were deleted, of course. So there may be no way to go back and find those posts if they even still exist. It was certainly a creepy moment. And there were a handful of other posters who seemed to catch onto what I was noticing about a poster. If anyone has a connection with the mods, maybe we can get that thread opened and/or restore some of the deleted posts to see if we can pick out whether Luka may have been posting. I've always wanted to know for sure.
As Canadians it seems the most entertaining part of this is how Etobicoke was pronounced. Hahaha.
Oh man, I heard that and thought "and they didn't have time to edit that?"

I mean... leaving it like that just seemed really unprofessional.
Just watched the series. Wow! I tried searching for the original thread here. Why is it locked??
I watched. I was very impressed by John Green. I liked Deanna's drive. How frustrating and horrifying for them, can you imagine? It felt a tiny bit like knowing who killed Kara Kopetsky for years and not being able to do anything about it. LM is beyond anything I've ever seen, though and his mother actually made me more disturbed than the kittens (which was horrifying in its own right). I truly, sincerely warn those of you just getting into this case to avoid looking for the video of Jun Lin's murder (which is still online). It is truly horrific and will give you nightmares.

If my memory serves she had a true crime podcast, last name Hoffman but I can't be sure of her first name. It was a really long time ago.

nooooway. DT is too good to be CH and doesn't seem like someone that would lie online about having a criminology degree.

Just watched the series. Wow! I tried searching for the original thread here. Why is it locked??
There is a whole forum for him. Luka Rocco Magnotta AKA Eric Newman
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