Netherlands - Dutch family living in basement 9 yrs, Ruinerwold, Drenthe Province, 15 October 2019

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
ZaZara said:
I wonder if it is indeed legally possible to oblige the children to take part in this DNA-test. IMHO they have the right to refuse this test.

I too would think they have "rights" as some of them are adults.... guess we'll see if the prosecution gets what they want.
I'm actually kind of surprised that they didn't check if they are related or not yet. It has been a month. Where are they and how are they living? Like, can they take care of themselves financially? The one guy that "ran away" should be okay with giving a DNA sample.
Eerste openbare strafzaak vader Ruinerwold-gezin en klusjesman Josef B. op 21 januari bij rechtbank Assen

First public criminal case against father of the Ruinerwold family and handyman Josef B. on 21 January 2020 at the court in Assen

The first public criminal hearing of Gerrit Jan van D. (67), the father of the family found in a farm in Ruinerwold, and handyman Josef B. (58) will be held on 21 January at the court in Assen. The Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) has confirmed this on request.

Both men are suspected of having held six young adults, now of age, for nine years under psychological coercion in a farm in Ruinerwold. The six victims are, according to their own statement, children of Van D. They were never registered at birth: nothing is known to the government about their identity.

To be absolutely sure that they are his children, the Public Prosecutor's Office will carry out a DNA relationship test. It is very likely that the results have already been known by now. But the Public Prosecution won't say anything about it, because the two suspects are still under restrictions. This means that, except for their lawyers, they are not allowed to have any contact with anyone. Their lawyers and the Public Prosecution Service are also not allowed to comment on the content of the case because of these restrictions.

The new lawyer of the Austrian handyman B., Yehudi Moszkowicz, filed a notice of objection against the restrictions with the court last week. The court rejected this. Co-defendant Van D. is staying in the prison hospital in Scheveningen because of health problems. Last week a fire broke out in his wing, where the suspect of the Groningen cinema murders is also detained. No one was injured.

Van D. and B. were arrested five weeks ago after the raid on the farm in Ruinerwold, where five of the six young adults were found in a room. The sixth young adult escaped from the farm several times, and this caused the ball to start rolling. He reported the morning of the raid on the police station in Meppel. B. was arrested immediately, primarily because he refused the police access to the yard during the raid. Van D. was arrested three days later.

In addition to deprivation of liberty, the men are also suspected of assault and money laundering. A large sum of cash has been found in the farm, the origin of the money is not known.


Meanwhile, the most recent news about the children dates from quite a while ago:

Schuilgezin uit Ruinerwold werd opgevangen op vakantiepark Lanka in Ruinen: 'De jongeren zorgden met liefde voor Van D.'

Part of the family that was found a month ago in the farm in Ruinerwold spent the first night at bungalow park Lanka in Ruinen, about fifteen kilometres away. Due to ever-increasing pressure from the media, the family could only stay for one day, says co-owner Rob Lehmann.

Lehmann said that he immediately saw that it was a peculiar family, although because of the privacy of the family he doesn't want to go into it too much. He saw that the 67-year-old Van D. was lovingly cared for by the young people. According to him, there was no question of fear or coercion. "Yet I could not fail to notice that the relocation did not do the family any good."

The next day the family is picked up at 20.00 hours at the holiday park. The co-owner does not know where the family has been taken to and hopes that the children of the family will be OK.


The father being under restrictions means that the children have not had contact with him for over 5 weeks.

This is of course for their own good. *sarcasm mode off*
Eerste openbare strafzaak vader Ruinerwold-gezin en klusjesman Josef B. op 21 januari bij rechtbank Assen

First public criminal case against father of the Ruinerwold family and handyman Josef B. on 21 January 2020 at the court in Assen

The first public criminal hearing of Gerrit Jan van D. (67), the father of the family found in a farm in Ruinerwold, and handyman Josef B. (58) will be held on 21 January at the court in Assen. The Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) has confirmed this on request.

Both men are suspected of having held six young adults, now of age, for nine years under psychological coercion in a farm in Ruinerwold. The six victims are, according to their own statement, children of Van D. They were never registered at birth: nothing is known to the government about their identity.

To be absolutely sure that they are his children, the Public Prosecutor's Office will carry out a DNA relationship test. It is very likely that the results have already been known by now. But the Public Prosecution won't say anything about it, because the two suspects are still under restrictions. This means that, except for their lawyers, they are not allowed to have any contact with anyone. Their lawyers and the Public Prosecution Service are also not allowed to comment on the content of the case because of these restrictions.

The new lawyer of the Austrian handyman B., Yehudi Moszkowicz, filed a notice of objection against the restrictions with the court last week. The court rejected this. Co-defendant Van D. is staying in the prison hospital in Scheveningen because of health problems. Last week a fire broke out in his wing, where the suspect of the Groningen cinema murders is also detained. No one was injured.

Van D. and B. were arrested five weeks ago after the raid on the farm in Ruinerwold, where five of the six young adults were found in a room. The sixth young adult escaped from the farm several times, and this caused the ball to start rolling. He reported the morning of the raid on the police station in Meppel. B. was arrested immediately, primarily because he refused the police access to the yard during the raid. Van D. was arrested three days later.

In addition to deprivation of liberty, the men are also suspected of assault and money laundering. A large sum of cash has been found in the farm, the origin of the money is not known.


Meanwhile, the most recent news about the children dates from quite a while ago:

Schuilgezin uit Ruinerwold werd opgevangen op vakantiepark Lanka in Ruinen: 'De jongeren zorgden met liefde voor Van D.'

Part of the family that was found a month ago in the farm in Ruinerwold spent the first night at bungalow park Lanka in Ruinen, about fifteen kilometres away. Due to ever-increasing pressure from the media, the family could only stay for one day, says co-owner Rob Lehmann.

Lehmann said that he immediately saw that it was a peculiar family, although because of the privacy of the family he doesn't want to go into it too much. He saw that the 67-year-old Van D. was lovingly cared for by the young people. According to him, there was no question of fear or coercion. "Yet I could not fail to notice that the relocation did not do the family any good."

The next day the family is picked up at 20.00 hours at the holiday park. The co-owner does not know where the family has been taken to and hopes that the children of the family will be OK.


The father being under restrictions means that the children have not had contact with him for over 5 weeks.

This is of course for their own good. *sarcasm mode off*
The tone of your posts leads me to believe that this is not a real, serious case. Which, of course, I can be wrong because I don't read minds lol. Mind sharing your honest opinion about this case? And, once again, thanks for the translations.
The tone of your posts leads me to believe that this is not a real, serious case. Which, of course, I can be wrong because I don't read minds lol. Mind sharing your honest opinion about this case? And, once again, thanks for the translations.

My honest opinion is that LE and the Prosecutor are overdoing it and that they will run into big trouble down the line. How are they going to distinguish the alleged "psychological coercion" from other coercive, religious or cultural coercions - and worse- that go unpunished? For instance, Somali and other parents take their daughters to Somalia to have them cut - FGM is widespread in the Netherlands, the number of mutilated girls is staggering. Yet there has been one (1!) conviction and the girls get no protection from this barbaric practice whatsoever.

Given the choice, these girls would probably prefer to grow vegetables on a farm anytime.

Then this "psychological coercion" itself. The father had suffered a stroke, his children were caring for him. How did that man find the strength to continue to overpower his children psychologically?

He failed to register the children at birth when he should have done so by law. But is that a crime? Nothing has happened there that cannot be undone. Sadly, the Dutch system has no problems with undocumented asylum seekers, and will accept whatever they tell them. The number of Afghans, Turks, Palestinians etc that have been registered and given documents as "Syrian" is once again staggering.

When all this started, someone wrote that LE should not have raided the place, they should have sent a social worker instead. IMHO this is very true, and a lot of 'problems' could have been solved quietly and harmoniously, without breaking the family up and putting the father in prison, and without this media circus.
My honest opinion is that LE and the Prosecutor are overdoing it and that they will run into big trouble down the line. How are they going to distinguish the alleged "psychological coercion" from other coercive, religious or cultural coercions - and worse- that go unpunished? For instance, Somali and other parents take their daughters to Somalia to have them cut - FGM is widespread in the Netherlands, the number of mutilated girls is staggering. Yet there has been one (1!) conviction and the girls get no protection from this barbaric practice whatsoever.

Given the choice, these girls would probably prefer to grow vegetables on a farm anytime.

Then this "psychological coercion" itself. The father had suffered a stroke, his children were caring for him. How did that man find the strength to continue to overpower his children psychologically?

He failed to register the children at birth when he should have done so by law. But is that a crime? Nothing has happened there that cannot be undone. Sadly, the Dutch system has no problems with undocumented asylum seekers, and will accept whatever they tell them. The number of Afghans, Turks, Palestinians etc that have been registered and given documents as "Syrian" is once again staggering.

When all this started, someone wrote that LE should not have raided the place, they should have sent a social worker instead. IMHO this is very true, and a lot of 'problems' could have been solved quietly and harmoniously, without breaking the family up and putting the father in prison, and without this media circus.
Thanks. How much many did they find there? Was it that much to press charges on that?
Vader boerderijgezin verdacht van seksueel misbruik

Gerrit Jan van D., the father of the farm family in Ruinerwold, is suspected of sexually abusing two of his children.
The man is said to have abused two of his eldest three children. They had already left the parental home and have never lived in the farm in Ruinerwold.

The six children who lived in the farm are officially children of Gerrit Jan van D.. This is the conclusion of DNA research, which the Public Prosecution Service had carried out. They also all have the same mother. She died in 2004.

The children were not registered at the registry office after their birth. Thanks to the DNA test this is now finally possible. The public prosecutor has reported the children to the registry office. The municipality in which the children are registered has not been announced.

In the farm, one hundred thousand euros was found during an investigation. D. is therefore suspected of money laundering. In addition, the 67-year-old man is suspected of the deprivation of liberty and mistreatment of his nine children.

According to the Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) Gerrit Jan van D. and the Austrian handyman Josef B. also detained a 69-year-old Austrian in Meppel for several months in 2009. The couple are therefore also suspected of deprivation of liberty.

Last week it became clear that the municipality of De Wolden is paying for the costs of the children from the farm family for the time being.


This is weird. Why did the elder children and the "69-year-old Austrian" wait until now to report the father? None of them was living on the farm, or under his influence.
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Disagreement among Ruinerwold children: youngest five continue to support father

The nine children of Gerrit Jan van D. have made a brief statement. They do so in two groups. The oldest four, including the escaped Jan (25) who knocked on the door of a pub in Ruinerwold, support the trial against their father. The youngest five children, who all grew up on the farm in Ruinerwold, don't do that. "It is very painful for our whole family that a divide has been created."

Today it turned out that the 67-year-old father is suspected of sexually abusing two of his children. That was announced today by the Public Prosecutor's Office. The children respond with an explanation. The statements can be read below.

Statement eldest four children Van D.

We would rather never have spoken about this period, but the situation now forces us into a position where we have to respond. The alternative is that we have to read and see stories on television that are not correct, as is already happening. A lot is said and written about us and in some descriptions we recognize ourselves completely, but in others we don't recognize ourselves at all. We want to be clear about this so that we can finally resume our lives as joint children from this family. But at our own pace and at times when we are ready'.

We recognize ourselves in the indictment and trust in the proper course of justice. Furthermore, we do not want to make any other announcements regarding the content for the time being," they respond to the press release of the Public Prosecutor's Office that was published earlier today.

Statement of the five younger children

"We do not agree with the indictment of our father. This is because we have a different experience from our three elder brothers and sisters. We don't need to pick up our lives, because our purpose in life hasn't changed, just our environment.

It is very painful for our whole family that a rift has developed between us and our oldest brothers and sisters. We learned from our father to seek your happiness in your relationship with God, and to take your teaching into our own hands. And we still believe in that. We don't define happiness as the 'separate life from society', that was never meant to be the case, but that's how it turned out. We like the idea of working on a documentary, but we want to discuss this with our father first."

For this statement they contacted documentary maker Jessica Villerius. She follows the children for a documentary. "This is a story that, of course, transcends everyone's imagination. Explanation of their experiences cannot be captured in a quick reaction, a quote in the news or even in an extensive interview in a newspaper. If anything has become clear to me during our meetings, it is that nothing is what it seems and that it is even more complex than everyone might have thought. I think it's a good thing that in this vulnerable situation, in which a lot of pressure is put on them, the children have chosen to tell their story once, in detail and, above all, at their own pace."


So the family was moved from one place to another in order to shield them from the press and the public. And now they are being followed by someone with a camera while the public is being led to believe that they were surrounded by therapists whom they needed badly for their return into society.

According to several press releases, the four eldest children have contacted Jessica Villerius.
’Spookvader Ruinerwold hing vriend op aan plafond’

Van D. wanted a paradise, but it turned into a hell...
"Ghost father Ruinerwold suspended friend from the ceiling.

Ruinerwold - The father of the hidden family hung a business friend with a rope from the ceiling of the farm in Ruinerwold for days on end. He beat his children, punished them by not feeding them for days and locked them up. This is apparent from statements in the criminal file and from documents that De Telegraaf has seen.

These are statements from children who have fled the family before, as well as from children who have recently been taken from the farm. Gerrit Jan van D. wanted to create a paradise in Ruinerwold, but it became a hell of religious coercion, abuse, fear of death and violence.

Gerrit Jan van D. saw himself as God and was controlled by fear of the unclean outside world and by delusions about spirits. He subjected his children and the employees of his woodworking company to his terrifying regime.

One of those employees was Hermann, who dared to raise his voice against the Primal Father, as Van D. was called. According to statements in the file, the Primal Father believed that Hermann was possessed by evil spirits. He hoisted him up from the ceiling of the farm, so that the spirits could leave him.

"On a rope, not around his neck. I saw it, but I didn't dare to look at it either. He was hanging off the floor, I knew that for sure. I think for more than a day. But whether it was a day and a half or two days, I don't know. But it was very long", a statement read.

The man suffered severely and most likely became crippled by the suspension. Because the spiritual dominance over him was so enormous, he kept returning to the farm. Hermann was also locked up in a shed for weeks, maybe months, where he only got honey and apples. He had to do his business in a bucket, which others took away.

Gerrit Jan van D. and Hermann knew each other from the eighties. The Primal Father saw it as his task to take care of him and other 'bad people' from Austria. He made them his followers and put them under constant pressure with financial and mental penalties for alleged crimes.

The children were also locked up once in a while. They were punished with punishments such as beatings with a cane, hair pulling, compulsory eating of a jar of sweets or cold water baths. Van D. says he treated his children 'like dogs' so that they obeyed him. He also locked them in a doghouse.

The children were so scared that they regularly urinated in a corner of the farm because they were too scared to walk past their father to the toilet. One of the children peed his pants in fear and invented the story that he had showered and forgot to take off his pants.

OM Noord-Nederland on Twitter

Statement Public Prosecutor Noord-Nederland:

The Public Prosecutor's Office has taken note of the article in De Telegraaf about the Ruinerwold investigation. In this investigation, too, the Public Prosecution Service is taking great care to protect the privacy of all those involved. The Public Prosecution Service regrets that this publication has compromised this.

The Public Prosecution Service will not answer any further questions regarding the article in De Telegraaf.

This is all very confusing.

If the allegations are true, the children are victims & witnesses.
WHAT ON EARTH is that reporter doing there, making that documentary? The case is still under investigation, the father is in pre-trial detention plus he is kept under all restrictions. Those restrictions do not exist for nothing, at least one may hope so.

If the elder children agree with the indictment, including what has been published by De Telegraaf (still awaiting confirmation!) why invite the reporter?

Today is a very strange day.
This is one of the most interesting cases I've read in awhile.
What a beautiful farm. It should be an eden. I admit I was intrigued by Eagle's wiki and video - what an eccentric and deeply thoughtful individual, I thought! I was also under the impression the arrest and investigation was all taking it a bit too far - that there MUST be more to it we aren't hearing. And of course, there it is, accusations of 360degree abuse. I'll be watching this one for the eventual truth, may it come to light!
Jesus Christ. If all of that is true, oh my God. Since some of the 13 siblings from that case in California forgave their parents after suffering terrible abuse for years, and even voiced their wishes to still have contact with them, it doesn't really surprise me that some of these siblings still don't agree with the criminal case even if they were abused like that. Oh boy.
Hels leven bij de ’Duivel van Drenthe’

Shocking picture in criminal file of life in farm Ruinerwold
Life in hell with the Devil of Drenthe.

Amsterdam - His child was only a teenager, but for father Gerrit Jan van D. this didn't matter when he asked for sexual acts. The child simply had to obey, according to statements made by some of his children in the criminal records.

De Telegraaf had access to the complete criminal file. Moreover, the newspaper has hundreds of pages in which the ghost father himself explains his world view. He talks about 'moving and transferring ghosts'.

His children also explain this. According to the statements, it was only the soul of the deceased primal mother who entered the child's body and performed the acts for him, the 'primal father'.

Van D., apart from being a primal father, saw himself for decades as a great prophet, as the personal documents show. And later even as God himself. Religiously he was completely possessed. He forced his extreme gospel on his nine children and the closest employees of his wood company, according to the image in the criminal records.

The 67-year-old bearded father was convinced that he could make spirits move. He could take them out of bodies, and then transport them to other bodies if it was convenient for him to do so. If necessary, he used a ritual sword.

According to this method he had already taken the wife from Hermann, an Austrian who had become his follower and employee, in the eighties. He declared that the woman's soul had suddenly left for the spirit realm, and now that the body was 'empty', the soul of 'the primal mother' might just as well enter there.

The ex-wife of the Austrian was pregnant constantly. She gave birth to nine children of Van D. She actually gave birth to ten, but one child was born dead. Research by the Public Prosecutor's Office has now shown that Van D. is indeed the father of all children.

When the primal mother died of cancer in 2004, the primal father searched diligently for a new wife or a new vehicle for her soul. He would therefore have regularly placed her spirit in the body of one of the farm children. That child had to crawl into his bed.

After the death of the mother, all nine children were initially in bed with the father. In the end, only the aforementioned child stayed there to sleep. Since 2014, the child did not leave his side. All family members were convinced that the spirit of the mother had returned to the child's body and that she was therefore still present with them. They were happy and grateful.

According to the farm children, nothing criminal happened. According to them there was hardly any physical contact, only 'spiritual'. They thought it was more or less normal what happened.

Despite the spiritual interpretation of what was happening, Gerrit Jan did realise that the contact was not right, says one of the children who had already fled before the family moved into the farm in 2010.

He took measures to ensure that no one found out, it reads in the statements. By ensuring that the door could not open, for example.

The terror would also extend to physical abuse: hitting and punching the head, pulling hair, ice-cold showers until children could no longer walk. Children are said to have had black eyes or to have been locked in closets or pens. Regularly, children would be grateful to be punished for their sins.

It was not only the children who became victims. Hermann and two other Austrians were also part of the primal father's loyal followers. Hermann, whose wife Gerrit Jan had taken away, would have been further subjugated by him by exerting great religious pressure on the man who is two years older than Gerrit Jan.

When Hermann, frustrated and humiliated to the bone, once dared to raise his voice, he would have been hoisted with a rope on the ceiling of the farm in Ruinerwold. He dangled there, with his feet off the ground, 'a day and a half to two days'. And would have been wounded.

According to statements in the file, the primal father believed that Hermann was possessed by evil spirits. He would also have been locked up in a shed for weeks, maybe even months, where he only got honey and apples. He had to do his need in a bucket that other residents would later take out of the cage. The children would also be locked up once in a while.

Apart from Gerrit Jan van D., Josef B. is also still in custody. He is also an Austrian who had become a follower of the primal father. He is the tenant of the remote, but now world famous farm in Ruinerwold. His lawyer Yehudi Moszkowicz denies that his client B. is to blame for the reign of terror of Van D. He did not take part in the deprivation of liberty either. "He hasn't been in the farm in recent years." Furthermore, he and lawyer Robert Snorn of Van D. do not want to respond to the content of the case.

Five children who had been locked up in the farm in Ruinerwold for nine years do not recognize themselves in the image that the Public Prosecutor's Office sketches of their father, as they have stated in a statement.

"That's because we have a different experience than our eldest three brothers and sister", they say through documentary filmmaker Jessica Villerius. "We learned from our father to seek your happiness in your relationship with God, and to take your teaching into our own hands. And we still believe in that."

They indicate that it was not the intention to separate from society. "But that's just the way it went."

Van D.'s eldest four children - the three children who had already fled from the family and ended up on the farm, plus the son who had fled from the farm - made it known that they have a completely different view of the events.

"We'd rather never have told you about this period, but the situation is now forcing us into a position where we have to react. We recognize ourselves in the indictment and trust in the proper course of justice. Furthermore, we do not want to make any further announcements about the content for the time being."

The Public Prosecutor's Office for the Northern Netherlands indicates that it has taken note of the production in De Telegraaf about the investigation into Ruinerwold. "In this investigation too, the Public Prosecution Service has taken great care to protect the privacy of all those involved. The Public Prosecution Service regrets that this publication has compromised this.

Dit troffen agenten aan in horrorhoeve Ruinerwold

Children primal father walked in prayer across terrain
This is what cops found in horror farm Ruinerwold

The discovery of a Drenthe family that lived many years closed off from the outside world became world news in a flash last month. Cops entering the remote farm in Ruinerwold found the father and five of his children in a hidden space. It was as if they had ended up on the set of a movie.

Two cops can't believe where they have landed when they enter the ghost farm of Ruinerwold on the morning of Monday, October 14. The policemen walk from one hidden space to another before they encounter the main resident: Gerrit Jan van D., the primal father. Deeply hidden in the farm they find the weakened old man in bed, surrounded by a bunch of long-haired children.

The evening before, on Sunday 13 October at ten o'clock in the evening, the police in Meppel receive a report. A confused man has turned up in café De Kastelein in the hamlet of Drenthe, which counts less than 3000 souls. The eccentric appears to be a 25-year-old man who calls himself Jan Zon. He has no proof of identity. In fact, he was never registered in the Key Register of Persons and does not exist legally.

Jan declares that he no longer agrees with the way in which he and his brothers and sisters - who were never registered either - live in the extreme doctrine of their father Gerrit Jan. The family is completely isolated from the outside world. Gerrit Jan also appears to be no longer in the legal and administrative systems: ten years ago he unsubscribed with the story that he was going to emigrate. Jan outlines his father's bizarre ideas. He is very worried about his brother and sisters.

The police hear him and decide to bring him back to the farm, where he immediately takes off again. A day later, at seven thirty in the morning, he reports back to the police quarters on the Eendrachtstraat in Meppel. Now policemen decide to take action, after the boy, described as unkempt, declares 'that he has been spiritually destroyed'.

More than an hour later two policemen arrive at the farmhouse, which is enclosed by an outer fence. They climb over it, cut a second gauze fence and soon they see a garden and a large cage with several geese. Behind a green door dogs bark. The policemen 'freeze' the situation and call for a dog handler.

While they wait outside the fence, a man with a ferocious black beard walks towards them. He introduces himself as Josef B. and wants to know what the uninvited guests are doing. He belongs to the house, he explains. The policemen explain that they will enter the house on the basis of the police law. B. asks for a search warrant and is told that it is not necessary. B. refuses to believe that. The whole world has gone mad, he grumbles. The cops tell him to control the guard dogs, but again B. doesn't cooperate. The cops then detain him.

At ten minutes past eleven, the policemen break open the door at the back of the farm. Three dogs growl dangerously, but the handler skillfully puts them in a cage. The cops are surprised that they don't find anything at all in the back of the farm and wonder if there is a false report, or if they are too late.

There has been consultation with the Meppel police station: what to do? Jan Zon - he made up the name himself, he explains later - lets them know that there is a cupboard in the conservatory that can be pushed aside. Behind that cupboard is a door. That turns out to be correct. The policemen go in and end up in a new room, where they find both a new door and a corridor on the side. One of the officers walks into the corridor. In the complex maze, he again enters a secluded space, where bales of straw are lying, and where there is a fan that blows oxygen into a shaft. There is nothing else to see. But then his colleague shouts. He has opened the door that the two of them had encountered before. There appears to be a kitchen behind it, with another hidden space to the left of it.

There the policemen find six people. On the floor, on a mattress, lies an elderly man: Gerrit Jan. Next to him four girls, aged between 16 and 22 years, the policemen estimate (it would later turn out that all the children are now of age). And a boy, whom they also estimate to be 22 years old. They notice that the children look fairly well cared for, but the older man, with his grey beard, looks very rough.

The man mumbles something to his son. These are sounds that the 'intruders' cannot make sense of , but the son understands. He tells us that his father had a stroke in 2016. The policemen notice that with every question the children first look at their father and clearly wait for his permission before they answer.

The cops have gotten into a bizarre situation. They see that when father pees in a bottle, one of the girls picks it up, cleans it and puts it back next to him. The children are all sitting stiffly together, but don't seem to be staying in the mysterious room against their will. In the room and an adjoining room the policemen notice several religious books and some folders.

Then the older man mumbles again. The son takes a black briefcase from a closet. The somewhat frightened boy looks at the police officers and then tells them that his father wants him to keep this bag with him and that there is money in it. It comes from, according to the boy, three Austrians. One of them is Josef B, who has already been arrested outside. The others are business friend Hermann and his son.

The officers want the son to open the bag, which he does - after permission from his father -. Envelopes appear on which sums of money are written. The son reports that there is a total of about 70,000 euros in it. Part of it is intended for a new home, another part for living expenses, he says.

When asked by the officers, the boy answers that they never get off the premises. Occasionally they walk around, praying at the same time. In the kitchen, the policemen see a screen with images from cameras scattered all over the grounds. Above a desk, one of the detectives discovers another separate room, which probably serves as a bedroom.

About five hours after the officers entered the farm, they leave. They realize that the eccentric, who reported to the police with an insane story and begged for help, did not tell a ghost story. Shortly thereafter, the family is taken from the farm, the father is arrested, and the children are taken to a safe place. From that moment on, the insignificant Ruinerwold is world news.

The Rijksrecherche is investigating how documents from the criminal file on the Ruinerwold case ended up at De Telegraaf. The investigation into the leakage of this information focuses on "all those involved, both internally and externally", according to the Public Prosecution Service.

Last couple of days De Telegraaf published parts of that file about the behaviour of Gerrit-Jan van D., the man who is suspected of deprivation of liberty and sexual abuse, among other things.

Chief officer Diederik Greive is angry about the publications in De Telegraaf. "During the investigation, the Public Prosecution took the utmost care in dealing with all those involved. This publication is a gross violation of the privacy of these persons. With the leaking and the publication of the documents, the victims are once again sacrificed."

The editor-in-chief of De Telegraaf has expressed his surprise at the emotional statements made by the Public Prosecution Service. No names are mentioned in the article, the children have all reached the age of majority by now and five of them seek publicity themselves because they do not agree with the image that the Public Prosecution Service paints of their father. Four others are also working on a documentary.

The Public Prosecution Service also published the sexual abuse itself in a press release, specifically mentioning that it concerned two of the three eldest children. "To blame us for the fact that victims are once again being sacrificed is grotesque", according to editor-in-chief Paul Jansen.

It sounds to me like this investigation was certainly worthwhile and these "children" (now adults) were living in a cult-like, very abusive environment. Of course they will defend their elder. This is a sad and strange case.
It sounds to me like this investigation was certainly worthwhile and these "children" (now adults) were living in a cult-like, very abusive environment. Of course they will defend their elder. This is a sad and strange case.
I agree. They were heavily manipulated and brainwashed to believe the things their father was doing to them were okay, that there was nothing wrong with it and that he was doing all of those sick, abusive things to them for their own good. These cases always break my heart.
Vader zaak Ruinerwold ontkent beschuldigingen, gelekt dossier onderzocht

Father in Ruinerwold case denies accusations, leaked file investigated

The father of the family in the Ruinerwold case denies everything he is accused of. That's what his lawyer Robert Snorn says to RTV Drenthe. Yesterday and today De Telegraaf published parts of the judicial investigation. Details about what Gerrit Jan van D. is said to have done are described. For instance, he would have beaten and imprisoned his children.

The Rijksrecherche will investigate how documents from the criminal file about the Ruinerwold case ended up at De Telegraaf. The Public Prosecution Service of the Northern Netherlands is shocked about the leak.

According to the Public Prosecution, the victims were harmed once again. "The responsible parties did not care for a moment about the damaging consequences this could have for the vulnerable parties involved", according to chief officer Diederik Greive. "The victims have told their story in confidence. I am really indignant about the apparently conscious decision to leak the file and about this level of reporting."

Lawyer Snorn is happy that an investigation is being started and calls it "scandalous and sad" that the criminal file has been examined by journalists. "Anything is presented as facts, in capital letters, even though they are not facts at all, and my client has not yet been heard."

Yesterday it became clear that the father arrested in the Ruinerwold case is also suspected of sexually abusing two of his children. The 67-year-old man was already suspected of money laundering, deprivation of liberty and ill-treatment of his nine children.

Despite the fact that Gerrit Jan van D. can no longer speak properly because of a brain haemorrhage from the past, it is clear, according to his lawyer, that he rejects all accusations. According to Snorn, Van D. can indicate 'yes or no'. "And he is clear about what he is now being charged with. He denies all accusations, by shaking no."

Spookvader Ruinerwold beschreef tot in detail hoe hij eigen kinderen mishandelde

Ghost father Ruinerwold described in detail how he maltreated his own children

AMSTERDAM - Every time it was a nightmare for his children. When Gerrit Jan van D. was once again convinced that they were possessed by evil spirits, violence hung in the air. In some punishments he used his ritual sword.

The text above is one of the passages from the book Spookhoeve Ruinerwold, that will be published at the end of this week. The book describes the bizarre course of life of prime suspect Gerrit Jan van D., the father who hid six children for nine years in a remote farm in the village of Drenthe.

The children have made statements to the police about the abuses, but years earlier Van D. himself also described how he - in his opinion - freed his children from evil spirits.

One of the abuses happened early in the morning, after Gerrit Jan had had a nightmare. He regarded the nightmare as a sign that he had to defend himself against an attack from evil spirits. He grabbed his spiritual weapon and woke up one of his children, determined to destroy all the evil in him.

I punished him with words because he had such an evil spirit

And hit him a few times with my spiritual sword

I felt there was something in him

By beating him spiritually, I usually kill the ghosts in him

But nothing happened and he still looked very arrogant and strange

Then I saw a very small creature, spiritually, crawling into his head

Approximately 1 centimeter in diameter and round

As I kept talking to him, I caught the creature very quickly with my hand

I didn't touch his head

But when I caught the creature, he fell unconscious...

I held the creature in my hand and studied it after I killed it with my spiritual sword

After I discovered that creature, God destroyed them all and told me there were many, many billions of them

Van D. had saved his child from evil, he was convinced of that. But his offspring saw it very differently. For the children it was nothing less than a horrible abuse, according to the statement one of them gave to the police. It seems to be the same event:

"Beating or squeezing your throat until you lost consciousness. I can remember that because then you wake up again and don't know what to do in blind panic, disorientation. From [my brother] I know once that it happened. He was brought down from above, and then it happened in the hallway. I saw that he lost consciousness. My father did that. We always recovered quickly. This happened a lot. Dozens of times, I guess. Twenty times, I think.


The 67 year old father is accused of (also sexual) abuse of his nine children. In addition to the ritual acts, which were invariably ended by the laying on of hands, they had to deal with, among other things, hitting and punching on the head, hair pulling and ice-cold showers until they could no longer walk. Children who, in his eyes, were unclean or infected had to deal with sometimes bizarre punishment.

They also regularly walked around with blue eyes and were locked up in closets or pens. Out of fear, they sometimes gave their father, the impression that they were grateful to be punished for their sins. But often they had no idea what they had done wrong in his eyes. It could take hours or days before they were accepted back into his grace.

Not only his own offspring had to suffer. His 'disciples' from Austria also regularly had to deal with the violence of 'Cosmic Eagle' as he also called himself.

One of the most painful and shocking events is the hoisting up of his disciple Hermann. Gerrit Jan and Hermann have known each other since the beginning of the eighties and have been at each other's throats for decades. In 2009 this erupted when the Austrian engineer dared to raise his voice against his Dutch teacher. Fights arose, blows fell and because Gerrit Jan believed that his pupil was possessed by evil spirits, Hermann was tied up and hoisted to a beam on the ceiling.

There he dangled for hours, maybe even days, with his feet off the floor. He came back down crippled. After that he was locked in a shack for weeks, eating only honey and apples. He did his needs in a bucket that other residents then later took out of the loft. In the end Gerrit Jan thought the evil had passed. Hermann was then put on the train to Vienna. In spite of the serious violence he remained faithful to his Dutch teacher for years to come.

Attorney Robert Snorn of Gerrit Jan van D. says he doesn't want to respond. "If I decide to respond in substance, it will only be after the content of the case has been dealt with. I firmly believe that this is the right course of action."

Tuesday is the first public hearing in the Ruinerwold case. Van D. will not appear there, because he has still not been questioned. He is unable to talk because of a cerebral hemorrhage, and may never be able to do so again.

Tuesday, January 21st:
*Hearing for both (@ CET) – Netherlands – Dutch Family (Oct. 14, 2019, at Buitenhuizerweg in Ruinerwold, Drenthe Province) - *Josef B., 58, (Austrian) tenant of the property (& carpenter), was arrested on 10/17/19 & appeared in court (10/17/19). He is suspected of complicity in deprivation of liberty, mistreatment and money laundering.
10/17/19 Update: Josef B, appeared before an examining magistrate on Thursday (10/17/19) and was detained for 14 days (Oct. 31, 2019)on suspicion of unlawfully depriving the children of their liberty and money laundering (tens of thousands of euros in cash was found at the farm).
*Gerrit-Jan van Dorsten
aka John Eagles, 67, (father) was arrested on Thursday (10/17/19) & appeared in court (10/21/19). He is suspected of complicity in unlawful deprivation of liberty, ill-treatment in the sense of damaging the health of others & money laundering.
According to Dutch media, the family had no contact with the outside world waiting for the "end-of-times" (was proven false), living off a vegetable garden & a few animals for 9 years. The children were not registered & neighbors believed only one man (Josef B) lived alone on the farm. The children had no idea that there were other people in the world. The father (Gerrit-Jan Van Dorsten aka John Eagles) & six children (ages 16-25; 2 men, 4 women). Jan Zon van Dorsten (aka Israel) (25) had been living in a 'small, enclosed space' at a house in Ruinerwold, 60 miles north of Amsterdam, for the last nine years until he appeared at a bar in the town on Sunday, ordered five beers, and said he couldn't go home. Two sons & a daughter, fled the parental home in Zwartsluis. 8 years ago; the three (runaway) children were the only ones of the family who were known. No one knew anything about the other six.
GJVanD is said to have sexually abused two of his eldest three children. They had already left the parental home and have never lived in the farm in Ruinerwold. The six children who lived in the farm are officially children of GJvanD. This is the conclusion of DNA research, which the Public Prosecution Service had carried out. They also all have the same mother. She died in 2004. In the farm, 100K euros was found during an investigation. GJVanD is therefore suspected of money laundering. In addition, he is suspected of the deprivation of liberty & mistreatment of his nine children. The eldest 4 children VanD believe in the indictment but the 5 younger children who all grew up on the farm do not agree with it.
10/17/19: Van Dorsten is staying in the penitentiary hospital in Scheveningen. The examining magistrate of the court extended his pre-trial detention by fourteen days on Monday, 10/21/19. He is in restriction, which means that he can only have contact with his lawyer.

10/31/19 Update: Both will remain in prison for the next ninety days – set for 1/21/20. The court in Assen has decided on this. The Public Prosecution wants to determine whether the group is indeed related on the basis of a DNA test. Van D. will not appear there, because he has still not been questioned. He is unable to talk because of a cerebral hemorrhage, and may never be able to do so again.

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