Never say Never - RE: Jurors

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May 20, 2009
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They say they'll never find a juror who will pack up their lives for 2 months and live in a hotel.


Find me. I'll tell you a different story.

So many people would easily pack up their lives and live in a hotel for two months, sans newspapers, sans cell phones, sans internet surfing.

Never say never. Never assume there isn't somebody who will do something.

They thought they'd never in a million years find somebody who hadn't heard of Michael Jackson's woes. And yet they did.

Lots of people have the commitment to justice. Lots of people are registered voters but have nowhere to really call home that is so wonderful they wouldn't miss it for a month or two. There are millions, MILLIONS, of people in this country. I, for one, would be more than willing to take 8 weeks off work (and my company WOULD hold my job, as many companies would, don't kid yourselves), and sleep, and not have to feed the cats and my boyfriend, and not have to get up at 4:30 am to drive 55 miles to my office, and not have to put on stockings, or do laundry or grocery shop. Not that it's a vacation, but you get my point? I can do it. I can be on a jury for 8 weeks. I hate the damn cell phone anyway. Give me a few novels, crosswords, DVD player, and my own pillow in my private bed without anybody tugging at me for 20 hours a day. In exchange, I'll pay attention in court, I'll listen with an open mind, open heart, I'll be fair and honest and respectful and attentive. I'll do it.

Defense, quit crying. Stop the USS Drama Queen from sailing. Honest to God. Give it a rest. Please.
I would love to be on this jury. I am 61 and have never been on a jury, I have never even been called for jury duty. But I'm starting to think there will be no need for a jury. I think after yesterday's hearing she will do a plea deal, the "good guys" will have a "win" and she will get life in prison, be waited on, not have to do anything, just the way her life was before she went to jail.
I'm sure there are plenty of people who wouldn't mind the above. I on the other hand would be completely horrified to be taken my two toddlers for 8 weeks. Not only would it be completely unhealthy for me, it would break my kids. They have been away from me overnight and that is it. For every person that would be horrified there is one that wouldn't mind it so much. I know jury duty is civic duty but being a mom is what I signed up for..forever. I couldn't imagine missing out on my childrens lives.
I was on jury duty for two weeks once. I loved it. No cooking dinner, no household chores, new friends, a vacation from the old routine. It was intellectually stimulating. Pick me! Pick me!
I would hate to be in a hotel room with a strange sleeping next to me. I would gladly pay for my own room my. Other then that I would do it for no matter how long the trial might be.

p.s. I know we would have our own beds, but I still couldn't and wouldn't do it
The Defense argument works both ways, you either bring the Jury from another county to Orlando -- OR -- everyone involved in the case goes to another county. Which is the worst impact?

I don't think JB wants to play this trial in front of an Orlando media and crowd and desperately wants to go down to Miami so when he succeeds in a mistrial or technicality KC can hit the beach [tongue in cheek].
My mom and DH would not mind it at all.
As long as they could watch old movies and have good food.
Neither can do anything electronic, neither like to read.
there ARE jurors out there!
I would love to also. At the university where I work I work we get time off with pay for jury duty, so I would not lose income and it would be a great break from routine, while doing something interesting and important. But, alas, though I have been a registered voter for 40 years, I have never been called, while many I have known who hated the idea and who where hurt financially by it have.
I'm sure there are plenty of people who wouldn't mind the above. I on the other hand would be completely horrified to be taken my two toddlers for 8 weeks. Not only would it be completely unhealthy for me, it would break my kids. They have been away from me overnight and that is it. For every person that would be horrified there is one that wouldn't mind it so much. I know jury duty is civic duty but being a mom is what I signed up for..forever. I couldn't imagine missing out on my childrens lives.

With much due respect, I appreciate that, and have great admiration for you, and the beautiful things in your life. I love your sentiments. but you are exactly the person to whom I am not addressing my plea.

I am 47. I've never been able to have children. I work for a multi billion dollar company, where I've been employed forr 26 years, that is nearly half of my entire lifetime. I have 14 vacation weeks banked, plus I get paid for any time I need off, whether it's an hour for a doctor appointment or three days to take care of my sister after one of her many surgeries. I live paycheck to paycheck, yet except for my mortgage, I am debt free after many years of severe struggle. My home is clean. My grocery store is down the road. My boyfriend is completely capable of making himself hot dogs, going fishing to stay occupied, and he knows quite well how to feed the cats.

In other words, if I'm free, I can't believe I'm the only one out there who is. How could I POSSIBLY be so unique, that I don't have the time to spare, particularly for such a cause that we've all deemed worthy enough to spend the last two years of our lives, nearly every day some of us, deeply engulfed in.

I just wanted to be clear, that I respect anyone who cannot possibly do this, but I just wanted to say to the Defense, there are those that CAN. and don't think there aren't, and don't try to sway the public to believe that there aren't people who can be jurors for "one Miss Casey Anthony", because I'm not buying that snake oil.
I think it would be an imposition on someone with young children especially, but also on anyone with children in school. Two months is a long time to be away from the daily homework and extra curricula activities of school age children.

Those best suited to be sequestered on a jury for that length of time are those who's children are grown, or senior citizens who are retired. Young people in their 20's, who don't have children would also be able to serve.

But, the above criteria would limit the make up of the jury. You'd have young people without children (defense would prefer this juror), and older people who are probably more conservative in their views (prosecution would prefer this type of juror). Missing from the jury would be parents with school-age children, whom the prosecution would most want on the jury.
Am I to believe I'm the only 47 year old woman with a good education and strong work ethics who ISN'T a mother? I'm really starting to get depressed now, folks!
I've been called but not chosen, which is probably a good thing b/c it was a child molestation trial and I doubt that I could've handled it.

When they called for people to present to the judge reasons why they could not serve, at least 75% of that room stood up.

I sat in that courtroom and watched people use every excuse in the book to get out of it and the judge just kept letting most of them leave. Some of them he told to sit & wait on standby until he got through the rest of us so I guess their excuses weren't as believable. The only person who had a good reason (IMO) was a private nurse who cared for a disabled child.

My brother was a juror in a rape trial and he said he had trouble sleeping afterwards. It really disturbed him.
As a Floridian I can say people down here want this case over with like yesterday, Miami included. I know I won't be selected, because I live to close to Orlando.

JB acts as though no childen were ever murdered in Miami by their parents. Seriously!!! Florida has all races mixed throughout the state. I might add that most Latino's are of the catholic faith, and go to church regularly. On top of that Latino's are very family oriented, and hate baby killers just like everyone else.

JB be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it, and you mght be surprised by the result.
gnat I don't have children, although it's not by choice
I've served on a jury twice in my county and was glad I did. I found it quite fascinating and felt I was doing my duty as a citizen. Deciding the punishment for someone although was a lot harder to do than I thought it would be.

In the county I live there are circumstances that exempt you from jury duty such as having a child under the age of 15 who would be left unsupervised if you were serving. I would hope most counties have the same.

Job responsibilities or loss of income are not qualifying exemptions though. That could be a definite hardship on some but I don't think it gets you out of serving if called.
As a Floridian I can say people down here want this case over with like yesterday, Miami included. I know I won't be selected, because I live to close to Orlando.

JB acts as though no childen were ever murdered in Miami by their parents. Seriously!!! Florida has all races mixed throughout the state. I might add that most Latino's are of the catholic faith, and go to church regularly. On top of that Latino's are very family oriented, and hate baby killers just like everyone else.

JB be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it, and you mght be surprised by the result.

IMO it doesn't matter who's on the jury - she's going down.
IMO it doesn't matter who's on the jury - she's going down.

Your right! Who can explain 31 days of not calling LE or the smell of decomp in KC's auto, and all the other pieces of evidence. KC is going to bring KC down. The jurors are going to look at all of the evidence, and follow the law when making their minds up. With that in mind I think we can expect a guilty verdict. As JP
I'm a homeschool mom and my husband works out of town most weeks. However, my kids are teenagers and can stay home alone during the day. Or, they could visit the grandparents or grandparents could spend the night at our house. I would miss my dc horribly but I also feel I could be fair. But, I'm also too close to Orlando.

My dd and I were discussing it. She said I couldn't be objective. I think I could because in my heart of hearts, I can't imagine a mom killing her child and I don't want to believe it's possible. I think they'd dismiss me in a heartbeat due to homeschooling, husband traveling, illness and the fact that I joined Websleuths and started watching Nancy Grace due to this case.

Still, if I got called I think I could do it.
I'm a homeschool mom and my husband works out of town most weeks. However, my kids are teenagers and can stay home alone during the day. Or, they could visit the grandparents or grandparents could spend the night at our house. I would miss my dc horribly but I also feel I could be fair. But, I'm also too close to Orlando.

My dd and I were discussing it. She said I couldn't be objective. I think I could because in my heart of hearts, I can't imagine a mom killing her child and I don't want to believe it's possible. I think they'd dismiss me in a heartbeat due to homeschooling, husband traveling, illness and the fact that I joined Websleuths and started watching Nancy Grace due to this case.

Still, if I got called I think I could do it.

Me too!
I just want to say, "PICK ME, PICK ME!" I am a 65 year old grandmother, living in a county outside of Orlando, and I would welcome the chance to be on this jury. In all my years I have never been called for duty. I've followed along since the beginning of the 31 days, but I know I could evaluate objectively whatever is presented in court. I would like the chance to hear the plain and simple from both sides of the room.
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