New Damien Echols Interview

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I'm guessing by "bitemark" you are referring to this?:


If so, I've yet to see any reason to assume that is a bite mark at all, particularly in light of the fact that those wounds are remarkably consistent with the butt and Saw edge of the lake knife. Also, while I've seen Pam Hobbs join in on the speculation against her ex-husband in the recent movies which she was paid for her participation in, I've yet to see her go so far as to actually say she thinks he did it. If you can substantiate your claim that she did, please share.



  • bitemark.jpg
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I'm guessing by "bitemark" you are referring to this?:


If so, I've yet to see any reason to assume that is a bite mark at all, particularly in light of the fact that those wounds are remarkably consistent with the butt and Saw edge of the lake knife. Also, while I've seen Pam Hobbs join in on the speculation against her ex-husband in the recent movies which she was paid for her participation in, I've yet to see her go so far as to actually say she thinks he did it. If you can substantiate your claim that she did, please share.

<modsnip>. :D

Wow that looks like fingernail marks! I havent seen the photos , but Ill see if i can find a link :)
The photographs I've referenced are all in the Callahan Case Files Photos section of their Photos Archive, under "Bite Mark" and "The Lake Knife" respectively. As for fingernail marks, I agree that some of the wounds do look reasonably like they could have been made with fingernails, certainly more so than anything I'd expect from a bite. But again, when considering the wounds as a whole, it seems far more probable that they were inflicted using the butt and saw edge of the Lake Knife. I've created this animation to exemplify as much:



  • Lake-Knife-Wounds.gif
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The photographs I've referenced are all in the Callahan Case Files Photos section of their Photos Archive, under "Bite Mark" and "The Lake Knife" respectively. As for fingernail marks, I agree that some of the wounds do look reasonably like they could have been made with fingernails, certainly more so than anything I'd expect from a bite. But again, when considering the wounds as a whole, it seems far more probable that they were inflicted using the butt and saw edge of the Lake Knife. I've created this animation to exemplify as much:

With all due respect kyleb, the image of those items do not match, though the flashing does make it handy to give the impression. i have some pinking shears at my sewing table that we could scale to the size of the wounds in photoshop and probably get a better match.
If you can demonstrate your pinking shears (or anything else for that matter) to be more consistent with the wounds than the Lake Knife, please share.
If you can demonstrate your pinking shears (or anything else for that matter) to be more consistent with the wounds than the Lake Knife, please share.

you presented yours so shouldn't we examine it first, i mean with the flashing back and forth. by the way, this really should have its own thread. this is way off topic here.
I agree that the topic deserves it's own thread, but since Slone brought up the supposed bite mark here, this is where I wound up addressing it. As for my animated comparison, I initially simply posted the photograph of the purported bite mark and provided a link to still images of the Lake Knife which everyone has been free to examine to their hearts content long before I ever saw them. Only after Slone failed to even acknowledge as much did I take the time to create the animation, which I assure you was done with respect to proper scaling. However, you don't have take my word for it, as the there's rulers in multiple images of the Lake Knife gallery which when compared to the tape measure on the autopsy photo prove as much.

That said I will make a thread for the topic later tonight, and will be hoping to see you there.
Well that surely depends on the integrity of the individuals in question. I mean if you back an animal into a corner, its going to fight back with anything it can come up with, regardless of whether or not the animal is genuinely responsible for whatever prompted you to back it into that corner. When it comes to humans, some of us are more prone to behaving like animals than others. In that regard, while I know Echols and Baldwin have spouted poorly reasoned accusations at Terry Hobbs, and John Mark Byers before that: I don't recall seeing Misskelley ever engage in such depravity, and despite the fact that I consider all three guilty of the murders they were convicted of beyond any reasonable doubt, I do have to give Misskelley credit for not stooping of the level of Echols, Baldwin, and so many of their supporters.

Misskelley felt genuine remorse, as evidenced by his multiple confessions and grief immediately after the crime. Very unlike the other two.
Poor Terry??? Are we talking about the same Terry who broke into his neighbor's home and assaulted her? Are we talking about the same Terry who told his grieving wife to "get over it" only two weeks after her son's murder? Are we talking about the same Terry who beat his wife and shot/killed her brother? Is that the Terry you are referring to?

Yes, that Terry.
I will watch Damien's time out of prison with great interest, we shall see who he is by what he does. I am more and more convinced of his guilt as time goes on however, and I do not believe he was raped on death row.

Balanced article however, the reporter takes the stance that the boys are innocent but that Damien's own behaviour is why the boys were viewed as potential suspects, is why they were charged / tried and convicted. She criticises Echols for refusing to take responsibility for this, and for his continued lies.
I will also watch Damien's time out of prison with great interest because NY (where he sometimes resides) sits very close to Pennsylvania. I'm afraid he'll slither into my state when he's not taking his antipsychotic meds. (My family lives in Pennsylvania.)

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
I will also watch Damien's time out of prison with great interest because NY (where he sometimes resides) sits very close to Pennsylvania. I'm afraid he'll slither into my state when he's not taking his antipsychotic meds. (My family lives in Pennsylvania.)

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

Have you read his Twitter? *shiver*
Have you read his Twitter? *shiver*
Scary! He's clearly not on a high enough dose of antipsychotics. The grandiose manic monster now believes he's a Biblical scholar.

"Faith without works is dead."
You have to make a move. Then the universe will make a move.~Dangerous Damien

I predict he'll kill and eat his wife.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
Scary! He's clearly not on a high enough dose of antipsychotics. The grandiose manic monster now believes he's a Biblical scholar.

"Faith without works is dead."
You have to make a move. Then the universe will make a move.~Dangerous Damien

I predict he'll kill and eat his wife.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

He is not being rewarded by the world as much as he believes he deserves:

'It's only a matter of time before the conditions in your life matches the conditions in your thinking.'

It's only a matter of time before he tries to empower himself through 'magick' again IMO.
I'm guessing by "bitemark" you are referring to this?:


If so, I've yet to see any reason to assume that is a bite mark at all, particularly in light of the fact that those wounds are remarkably consistent with the butt and Saw edge of the lake knife. Also, while I've seen Pam Hobbs join in on the speculation against her ex-husband in the recent movies which she was paid for her participation in, I've yet to see her go so far as to actually say she thinks he did it. If you can substantiate your claim that she did, please share.

OK knife mark then, must have been a bit of a struggle, bite mark , knife mark, Tomato-Tomatoe I'm just sayin......
And one last thing , My Husband and my Grandparents are from West Memphis AR, I have spent alot of time there and I have family that lives , works, and own businesses there, IF YOU ARE NOT TOTALLY BACKWOODS HUNTER TYPE you are somewhat out of place with the general population there, the Justice system was a joke at this time, My Step Father was an Arkansas Judge as well as David Burnette, I can tell you I got an earful LOL! I dont IMO think these "Goth" kids had a chance, and Damian did not make it easy on himself, but most kids who are going thru a little purple hair rebellion dont find themselves charged with a murder(S) So as much as I think they are innocent, people who dont like or approve of that type of clothing, hairstyle, attitude etc. think that they are guilty, despite lack of any physical evidence, or motive. Ummm seriously, I think we've been there before,it happened in the 1600's in a little place called Salem, Oh yeah then again when we didnt let African Americans vote just because of the way they looked ( and oh yes I did because thats exactly what happened! ) JMO of course!
While I've never been an all black guy, I've had many friends who were, including a few very close friends. I've also long been a nonconformist, had long hair until male pattern baldness started resulting in a skullet, and owned my share of black tee-shirts, including one with Charles Manson's face covering the front and "Support Family Values" on the back which I particularly appreciated because of the two wildly paradoxical messages it conveyed, though of course I always favored the positive connotation. I'd still wear that shirt to this day if it hadn't fallen to pieces over a decade ago. I've also long shared much of what I've seen of Damien's taste in music: Metallica, Megadeath, Slayer, Judas Priest, Danzig, Nine Inch Nails, and I've been to concerts of the last two.

Beyond that, I've long been interested in alternative systems of beliefs, since I was four in fact, when my mother admitted to me that that Santa Claus wasn't real, at which point I asked her why I should believe what everyone's told me about God and Jesus any more than all the stories I'd heard about Santa Claus, for which of course she had no rational answer. I read the Satanic Bible in middle school at the recommendation of a friend, and while it struck me as reactionary screed against the faults of Christianity than a legitimate philosophy of it's own, it showed me that a person who generally respects the doctrines of LaVeyan Satanism can be a far better person that many who proclaim themselves Christians and such.

Also, while I stopped believing in the magic shortly after I stopped believing in Santa Claus and Christianity, I've read a considerable amount of works on occult doctrines for their philosophical perspectives, various writings from Alice Balley, Aleister Crowley, Manly P. Hall, and Albert Pike being notable examples. I've been friends with many people who do believe in magical elements of such doctrines throughout high school and into college too, attended a few seances complete with candles, crystals, Ouija boards and the like, and learned how to read Tarot cards from a roommate who insisted on teaching me. I've even dated couple of girls who considered themselves Wiccans, one of whom baked a cake and buried it under a full moon during a ritual with her friends in the hopes that feeding it to me would make me fall in love with her. That actually ended my romantic interest in her when she eventually told me though, not because I considered her beliefs fanciful, but rather because what she hopped to accomplish demonstrated would have been a flagrant violation of my free will.

So, the notion of not liking or approving of such things doesn't describe me my any stretch of the imagination. To the contrary, I identify with the three on many levels, likely more so than many who insist the three are innocent. However, unlike any of who've I've seen proclaiming their innocence, I've also taken the time to familiarize myself with the body of evidence against them and consider it as a whole. If you ever care to take the time to do the same, I recommend visiting WM3 Truth, look to the left the page and perhaps scroll down a bit to find the "The Case Against the WM3", and then read every page linked in that list in order of first to last while verifying all the sources as they are cited, and taking time to thoroughly consider each point before moving on to the next. If you do ever choose to undertake that effort and still conclude the three are innocent, I'd be most gratuitous if you'd share your reasoning in the face of the body of evidence as a whole, as I've yet to find anyone who can.

And on a side note, the previous mention of music reminded me of a song I'm particularly fond of, Flood, by Tool. The message conveyed through the song has aided me in many situations where something I had taken on faith stood in conflict with fact, and to the point of largely freeing me of the impulse to take things on faith. I suspect I'm far from the one only one who would say that, and perhaps it might help you too, in this matter and others. I recommend reading the lyrics too, and you can skip to about 4:00 into the song if you are only willing to take the time to hear part with the lyrics, but of course the song is best comprehended in its entirety.
Actually, there is evidence linking them to the crime scene. I'll pm you the website since it can't be linked here.

None of the parents were properly investigated, but TH was not even considered a suspect (still isn't).

As to why Jessie kept on confessing multiple times, my guess is that he was remorseful over what happened and wanted something done.

IF they didn't do it then how can Jessie and all the others know specific details about the case when it was not released to the public.

Only someone who was there would know specific details (injuries etc.).

Nobody else would.

Would you mind pm'ing me the link to that website? I'd like to look at the physical evidence that links them to the scene. I started off that they were innocent, then after reading more (callahan site especially) I think they are guilty.
Venom, I recommend visiting WM3 Truth, look to the left the page and perhaps scroll down a bit to find the "The Case Against the WM3", and then read every page linked in that list. However, there's also a page titled Physical evidence and lack thereof which addresses the topic you inquired about specifically. There's also mention of some hairs found to be microscopically similar to hair from Echols and Baldwin discussed on this page, which as far as I know have never been DNA tested.
Venom, I recommend visiting WM3 Truth, look to the left the page and perhaps scroll down a bit to find the "The Case Against the WM3", and then read every page linked in that list. However, there's also a page titled Physical evidence and lack thereof which addresses the topic you inquired about specifically. There's also mention of some hairs found to be microscopically similar to hair from Echols and Baldwin discussed on this page, which as far as I know have never been DNA tested.

Thanks. I started reading that last night, interesting stuff. He puts it all in good perspective.
Glad to help. I just found the site myself a couple of weeks ago, shortly after just looking into the case when some discussing another matter linked to the Wikipedia article about it. So I read that article along with many of the sources it sites, which left me with the impression that I was only getting one side of the story. So then I watched West of Memphis figuring surely a documentary would make a conscious effort to accurately present all perspectives, but wound up sorely disappointed.

Only after that did I finally google around enough to find WM3 Truth, and it took me a few days to read though and ponder evidence laid out there. Having done so I'm astounded at how wildly misinformed if not outright dishonest everything I'd come across prior had been, and the same goes for everything I've seen making the argument for innocence since. One notable example of this is addressed in WM3 Truth's A Short History of the 12-Hour Interrogation blog entry, which demonstrates how many mainstream media sources such as the New York Times and BBC News have repeated a completely unsourced claim which stands in flagrant contradiction to official police records.

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