New Developments and General Discussion, 08/10/2012

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Good morning dear sleuthers :seeya:
I've been taking a break from posting, but have been hovering around and trying to keep up to date with all the latest developments. I'm waiting with baited breath for 'BS' Lavergne's hearing tomorrow morning. My prayers right now are for him, although previously they have been only for his victims and their loved ones. I pray that any shred of goodness in his soul will overcome all the evil that has plagued him, and he will turn to God, confess all his sins, and shine the pure light of truth on the many lies he has told. We know he goes to church, and it gives me hope that his soul can be saved..even if it is the darkest of souls...there is a crack in everything. Yes, my prayers are for him right now and he needs all the prayers he can get.

snipped by me

Thank you for being so honest about this. When his arrest was made public, I was so angry at him (and others like DTL)... I'm not even going to post the things I thought I'd like to have done to him.

But, I never could wish him to burn in hell. The way I look at it... if I were to wish he burn in hell, then that would be like cheering on the opposing team. In this case the devil. The only one who wins by him going to hell is the devil.

Instead, I pray for justice for these victims, those known and unknown, and that God has his way with him.
Amen to the both of you!!!!!! I join in with you and offer my prayers for his change of heart...and his soul.
As we await the hearing tomorrow morning, the old saying "Tell the truth, shame the devil" comes straight to mind. I believe we all have the capacity for the greatest good and the worst evil inside of us...even the best of us. When I read some of the vile outpourings online regarding BSL from supposedly "good" citizens among us, it makes me cringe. I am sure that I'm not alone in stating that I have heard of some people who have served "cajun justice" on suspected pedophiles. Does that make them the "good guys" in the eyes of God? I hardly think so, and what if the object of their hatred was innocent, or had already made his peace with God? We are not here to take lives, even if they are evil. That's God's work. JMO
At the hearing tomorrow, I believe he has a golden opportunity to shame the devil, by being totally honest and forthcoming and by showing true and heartfelt remorse for his sins/crimes. It won't bring back any of the precious young lives he has taken, but it will give the victims' families the answers they have sought for so long. Shame the devil, and no more "BS" Mr. Lavergne!!!

"Again, when a wicked man turns away from the wickedness which he committed, and does what is lawful and right, he preserves himself alive. Because he considers and turns away from all the transgressions which he committed, he shall surely live; he shall not die. ... Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways," says the Lord GOD. "Repent, and turn from all your transgressions, so that iniquity will not be your ruin. Cast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. For why should you die, O house of Israel? For I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies," says the Lord GOD. "Therefore turn and live!"" (Ezekiel 18:27-28, 30-32).

Awesome MC!!!!! I am as concerned for his soul as I am for Mickey's or Lisa's, or my son's for that matter.
I couldn't agree more MC...again, awesome.
I've read some of the discussion on this graveyard, and visited it yesterday. It is three miles west of the intersection of Hiway 10 & 13. The roads are mostly rice fields and sugarcane, lush from the rain we've been having. There were more snowy egrets in one tree than I've ever seen, and might explain the white dots on the pics.

The first forested/wooded area on the left contains Pinesclair. There is a road that runs down to the graves, a very short distance. This is the road with the stop sign and was marked with crime tape. Also, a little further down the hiway maybe 100 feet or so, is a second entry which parallels the first. There is not a stop sign here, and it does not go into the graveyard, but runs adjacent to the woods, mostly open fields. This was also marked with crime tape.

I believe BSL/ drove down the second one to the site where he buried Mickey. He placed her in the woods on the left. He could pull his truck up and not been seen from the road or graveyard. There is evidence of a path, not sure if police/BSL/both.

I have taken several pictures and will share. The one posted earlier showed the wreath on a stand marking the entry to Pinesclair from Hiway 10. As mentioned earlier, you drive a short distance and the graves are on the right. Right past the graves, there seems to be an open area, that is not where she was buried.

Look at the picture and you'll see a tree in the middle of the picture, right over the flower pot. The path is to the left of the tree. It is not a well traveled path, even with the police and others going through there, it is barely visible. It takes you into the woods, and if you went straight about 15 feet, you'd run into the other road/path/open area, where I think parked his FWT.

But, you do not go straight, but turn to the left and about 25 feet over is where he buried Mickey.


  • GraveyardPath.jpg
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"Seems like a fitting time to repost the opinion of someone that has removed the mask of normalcy from many faces of evil".. l-depue.html
Roger L. Depue “Between Good and Evil” Author & Retired FBI BSU/BAU Profiler:

My job has been to try to stop human predators before they kill again, and after studying them so closely over so many years, to me their traits seem clearly recognizable.

Evil is more than a vague notion. It is an entity, and it is manifest on the earth. It has reflexes and intuition, senses vulnerability, and changes its form to adapt to its surroundings. Those who do not believe the Devil walks this earth have not seen the things that I have seen.

Evil is not a discrete entity that springs forth fully formed. It is born in the mind, takes root there as fantasy, and prospers when normal human restraint can no longer contain it. I have seen it devour the personalities of men like Richard Speck, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy, turning them into blank-faced sociopaths who clearly know right from wrong, but choose, time and again, to follow their own base urges, with complete disregard for the terrible human suffering they cause.

I believe that every act of homicide causes a slight unbalancing in the world, and that it diminishes life’s universal equation. In the interest of justice, it is imperative that someone try to right that imbalance.

But the task of fighting evil can take a terrible toll on the people who are charged with it. It can cost them their families, their equilibrium, their capacity for joy.
The devil is real and I for one will do what I can to fight him, and to not let him take Brandon's soul so easily. My prayers will be for a genuine change of heart...let the state have his body, but let God have his soul.
May not be a popular stand on here, but it's the right thing.
This shot is as you enter the woods and turn to the left. You can see the gravesite maybe 25 feet over.


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This shot is as you enter the woods and turn to the left. You can see the gravesite maybe 25 feet over.

Wow, there is no driving into that area, even if it is just to use headlights to light it upat night. Thank you for this perspective!
Here is a closer picture, note the dozen roses spread across the grave. You can see the sunlight from the open area mentioned before.

IMO she would never have been located without someone alerting LE to her location.

Driving back, I couldn't help but notice the beautiful surroundings and how Mickey would appreciate them. It angers me to think he picked her up from her neighborhood, murdered her, and placed her so far away from her home.

Justice for Mickey!

P.S. I squatted down to say a prayer and take a picture of the cross, when a butterfly flew over the grave, flapped it wings and headed off to my left over the butterfly someone had left for her. :)


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Here is a closer picture, note the dozen roses spread across the grave. You can see the sunlight from the open area mentioned before.

IMO she would never have been located without someone alerting LE to her location.

Driving back, I couldn't help but notice the beautiful surroundings and how Mickey would appreciate them. It angers me to think he picked her up from her neighborhood, murdered her, and placed her so far away from her home.

Justice for Mickey!

P.S. I squatted down to say a prayer and take a picture of the cross, when a butterfly flew over the grave, flapped it wings and headed off to my left over the butterfly someone had left for her. :)
Maybe the paper got it wrong. It looks like the grave was 5' long, but hard to imagine him digging it 5' deep in that location.
Maybe the paper got it wrong. It looks like the grave was 5' long, but hard to imagine him digging it 5' deep in that location.

My thoughts exactly when I saw the picture. Appears to be five foot long, but not very deep....
Would the investigators have replaced the soil they dug out when looking for her?
Maybe the paper got it wrong. It looks like the grave was 5' long, but hard to imagine him digging it 5' deep in that location.

It was 5 feet wide for sure. The soil was loose, looked like it had been sifted. I saw a stick and thought about probing, but did not.

Seemed like hallowed ground.
Here is a closer picture, note the dozen roses spread across the grave. You can see the sunlight from the open area mentioned before.

IMO she would never have been located without someone alerting LE to her location.

Driving back, I couldn't help but notice the beautiful surroundings and how Mickey would appreciate them. It angers me to think he picked her up from her neighborhood, murdered her, and placed her so far away from her home.

Justice for Mickey!

P.S. I squatted down to say a prayer and take a picture of the cross, when a butterfly flew over the grave, flapped it wings and headed off to my left over the butterfly someone had left for her. :)

Heartwrenching, thanx for sharing, IMPondering.. Mickey was/is a courageous Butterfly..
Would the investigators have replaced the soil they dug out when looking for her?

I'm sure some of it was replaced, but there was a pile off to the side too. It was very fine, probably sifted through a screen.
I'm sure they did, but there was also a pile away from the grave too. Once again, looked like it was sifted but not placed back in the grave.

Normally when you dig a hole or grave, there is a lot of excess dirt, even without
placing something in it. Seems that the unfilled portion of the grave or void is excessive for removing only one body, clothes and jewelry, imo.
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