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Could KC have been setting it up to look like a family murder/suicide? Of course, she's be one of the few, if any, who survived? OMG.
What an awful thing to think or say EVER. What a low-life loser. Is this communist China?

Whatever you think of him, Casey most likely killed her daughter trying to "catch" him.
Am I a day late and a dollar, Did you see where Casey tells Tony L that her brother visited her in her bedroom one night and Cindy didn't believe her.
During a Sept. 8 interview with Anthony Lazarro, he was shown a photograph of some of the items found in the garbage bag recovered from the trunk. He recognized several of the items, including a receipt from Fusian belonging to his roommate Nate. The garbage bag appeared to have come from his apartment. He could not explain why it would be in her trunk.
I doubt it will do any good, but I did the 'contact us' thing and asked FOX to please release these documents in another format. I also suggested someone who works there actually pull these docs up from the website on a computer to see what I am talking about.
I am dying to read them, but this is just too hard on my eyes, and I have 20/20 vision and a decent sized monitor. grrr.

Thanks I an having the same problem
I can't believe they're not posted anywhere else
He said KC led him to the shed and he pried it off with a crow-bar, thinking it was OK because it was her family's shed and she needed the gas. When they returned to the car he did not smell anything unusual standing outside the car.
I doubt it will do any good, but I did the 'contact us' thing and asked FOX to please release these documents in another format. I also suggested someone who works there actually pull these docs up from the website on a computer to see what I am talking about.
I am dying to read them, but this is just too hard on my eyes, and I have 20/20 vision and a decent sized monitor. grrr.
Me too. I really, really tried. I even enlarged but then the text gets fuzzy. Unbelievable that we have to wait for individuals to scan these before most of us can read! Has anyone else found another link yet???
During a Sept. 8 interview with Anthony Lazarro, he was shown a photograph of some of the items found in the garbage bag recovered from the trunk. He recognized several of the items, including a receipt from Fusian belonging to his roommate Nate. The garbage bag appeared to have come from his apartment. He could not explain why it would be in her trunk.

Yes. Maybe I'm thinking about relatively normal families but the grandma saying that really said it all to me. You just don't out of the blue decide to call the cops on a granddaughter, even if she stole from you. I bet this grandma has a lot to say, and unlike her husband who seems to have dementia, she appears to have her wits about her.

Although, who knows what type of person she is? She did raise CA after all. :(

My grandma would have called the cops the minute she realized I'd stolen from her, and that's no joke. She would have come to visit me in jail and told me that she still loved me even though I was thief. She would have encouraged me to change my wicked ways and told me that she though I could if I wanted to. But she wouldn't have bailed me out or dropped the charges.
During a Sept. 8 interview with Anthony Lazarro, he was shown a photograph of some of the items found in the garbage bag recovered from the trunk. He recognized several of the items, including a receipt from Fusian belonging to his roommate Nate. The garbage bag appeared to have come from his apartment. He could not explain why it would be in her trunk.

I think KC gathered up a bunch of trash and put it in her trunk with Caylee, so while she was putting Caylee in the dumpster it would appear she was just putting trash in.
Regarding KC drug use, AL mentions she sometimes smoked pot with him and his roommates. When asked specifically about Xanax, he mentions his roommate Cameron had been known to use it, but did not know of KC using it.
Hi - I am in the group that can't enlarge this so can someone tell me if I am reading Page 26 Set 2 - about LA abusing her in middle school?
I do not believe the abuse story yet because it would mean we have to believe KC.

I thought the same thing...but then I thought, what if this was an even tthat CAUSED her to begin lying like this, and pushed her into this mental state?

I wish I knew what to believe...
Geez...I was trying to cook and pack...Gone for all of an hour and, here we go again!

Has anything been released yet? :eek:

I sooooo hear ya! This case is making it all but impossible for me to get my cookin' done for tomorrow!:crazy:
He said KC led him to the shed and he pried it off with a crow-bar, thinking it was OK because it was her family's shed and she needed the gas. When they returned to the car he did not smell anything unusual standing outside the car.

IIRC, TL also stated that he handed KC the gas cans and that she put the gas in her own car. I knew she didn't break that lock herself and I knew she didn't use the shovel for breaking the lock. So, what did she do with the shovel?
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