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I believe his explanation was that he was thinking of killing himself.

You know, I don't (AT ALL)agree with the things George has been going along with in this case, but this would be such a tragedy. I hope he's able to find the strength he needs to do what's right for Caylee and to take care of himself. Caylee would want her grandpa to be strong.
Snipped & bolded by me.

I don't know if there are any fans of the Lost TV-show, but I instantly thought of 4 8 15 16 23 42!

I wonder what the context of "lost numbers" could mean, though?

LOL!! Lost fan here and thinking same thing.
The household weapon was KC.

Abuse or no doesn't matter.

Caylee didn't have to die and she yet she did. KC will waste everyone.

I'm with you on this.

Welcometo WS :blowkiss:
I'm sorry if this has been discussed but is there a good link to the docs? On myfox you can't click on an arrow so it's taking a lot of time.

Good Gobble day reading!
And as someone else pointed out, Annie D and Sean are on their friends list. There may be others but I have not had time to look.

Here's a photo from their myspace:


oh man I know 3 of those people from when I went to highschool.
LOL!! Lost fan here and thinking same thing.

I wonder if she used it as a combination for a lock. Hmmm....some type of bin with a pad lock.
Why? I want to know why.

And IIRC, it was Lee who told LP the same thing, wasn't it? Just another confirmation that something that LP said on NG was true! Gotta love that LP!
My grandma would have called the cops the minute she realized I'd stolen from her, and that's no joke. She would have come to visit me in jail and told me that she still loved me even though I was thief. She would have encouraged me to change my wicked ways and told me that she though I could if I wanted to. But she wouldn't have bailed me out or dropped the charges.

LOL, that reminds me of my Grandma. If I had stolen from her, she would have also called the cops, and told them to bring a shovel (no pun intended) to scrape up what was left of me to take to jail.
If Casey had had my grandma, we wouldn't be here discussing this case.
I'm thinking that the "lost numbers" search was a way of finding out how to lose or retrieve lost numbers from a cell phone....
yea, I'm not falling for the "my brother touched me" deal. She probably told him that for him to feel sorry for her. Try to make him closer to her??

That's what I'm inclined to believe as well. Also, I wonder if/when the A's will respond to this accusation. If it's untrue and they speak out to defend themselves, it'll hurt Casey's case. But allowing Lee to be accused of something so horrible is unconscionable (if it's untrue)... wow.
From page 48:

Jesse also mentioned that in September of 2005, Casey told him she didn't feel comfortable around her [redacted]. Casey allegedly told him that before this day [redacted] had tried to have sex with her. Jesse didn't ask her to elaborate, but from the context of the conversation, he believed that Casey meant [redacted] had tried to pressure Casey into having sexual intercourse with her.

OMG! I believed this all along but to actually read it is stomach turning.
wftv midday just reported it as searching "Neckbreaking AND Shovel!"

no link...:)

OMG.............that is what I saw happen in that dream. She tried to hit her in the neck with a shovel and missed and hit her in the head first. That give me cold chills.
I'm sorry if this has been discussed but is there a good link to the docs? On myfox you can't click on an arrow so it's taking a lot of time.

Good Gobble day reading!

Coley, after you click on the first page there should be a "next" up at the top. I just keep clicking 'next'. I wish it were at the bottom! But it's back up at the top, just above the doc page.
My eyes are so crossed that I read through the entire first set before I noticed it. :crazy:
OMG, I just thought of something! If the gun was found in the house, then KC violated her bond on her home confinement!
PTSD from the abuse triggering a psychotic break. The belief that her abuser was about to get custody of Caylee as CA has discussed. leading to the decision that Caylee was better off dead. As I have figured as a defense tactic from the day we all started discussing it here.

She has to admit she killed Caylee to go with that defense. She'd have to tell where Caylee's body was too.

If Caylee's body shows some horrific physical trauma (broken bones from being beaten with a shovel?) it wouldn't work.

I have always thought something about Caylee's body IF found would be very damaging. That is why Casey couldn't say it was an accident and bargain either.

From myfoxorlando:

GA speaking to Rev. Grund "Here's my answer to your question as to why I'm not doing what you think I should be doing. Because my wife doesn't want me to."

I actually Laughed Out Loud when I read that! Pathetic...the whole bunch of them.
He said KC led him to the shed and he pried it off with a crow-bar, thinking it was OK because it was her family's shed and she needed the gas. When they returned to the car he did not smell anything unusual standing outside the car.

I just read that part myself and thought: Why in the world would he go thru all that??? Couldn't he have loaned her $5 for a little gas instead of breaking into the da@n shed??:confused:
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