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That's what I'm inclined to believe as well. Also, I wonder if/when the A's will respond to this accusation. If it's untrue and they speak out to defend themselves, it'll hurt Casey's case. But allowing Lee to be accused of something so horrible is unconscionable (if it's untrue)... wow.

Do you suppose the Anthony's already knew what Casey had told Jesse, and THAT'S WHY they've been trying to implicate and discredit Jesse?
If nothing else, telling TL and JG that her father and brother abused her should prove that Casey doesn't cover up for her family.

She was telling her boyfriends not only about that but also that her parents were getting a divorce, that George was cheating and about George's gambling problems.

Casey's mode of operation was not one of going along with the cover up. I don't think she would silently suffer now if she could pin anything on someone else.

Fair enough. But I am going to make a guess that you are not a pathological liar. With KC's particular brand of sociopathy it is very common for them to make false claims of having been raped or abused.

I will leave it open in my mind, and as for Lee there is just something about him that does not sit easy with me. I am still having a hard time with him having to be subpoenaed for DNA.
I just read that part myself and thought: Why in the world would he go thru all that??? Couldn't he have loaned her $5 for a little gas instead of breaking into the da@n shed??:confused:

LOL I thought the same thing.
Anyone have any idea how to enlarge these? I can't read them :(
AL told Nate at one point that KC told him (AL) that her father had abused her in the past. Nate was unaware of when that would have happened or the nature of the abuse.

I can hardly wait to see Cindy's next interview!!! :)
Sorry, people do lie about abuse if they are mad at someone and don't think the consequences through. My first cousin had her new car taken away after getting a speeding ticket. For revenge she said her father touched her in a certain way and off to jail he went. She then called my mom and said she lied and wanted her father out of jail. My mom hired a lawyer to get the process going and then my cousin said that my mother made her change her story and her father did indeed touch her she was charged with Obstruction of Justice. $150,000 later my Uncle out of jail and my mom found not guilty. Fast forward 15 years my cousin has a daughter out of wed lock. When the boy won't marry her she claims he and his father have abused her daughter. Finally a judge tossed the cases and told my cousin to get some help. She reminds me alot of Casey. Spoiled, never held accountable for what she has done. As a true rape survivor from an escaped prisoner who broke into my house I feel I can speak from experience, Casey is just seeking attention that she was missing since she had the baby or trying to find a way to manipulate TL into allowing Caylee over at his house since everyone in her house is a sexual predator. I am sorry for those who have had this happen to them and had to endure the torture of the memories. But as far Casey goes she is using it to manipulate the boys in that apt. to allow Caylee to stay there.
Anyone have any idea how to enlarge these? I can't read them :(
Open Internet explorer the go to fox, bring up the docs. In the bottom right there is a magnifying glass, click on it and you can adjust the font.
That has always bothered me too. It was almost as if he was mocking them.

And it demonstrated a total lack of feeling about the gruesome fact his little neice was likely the source of the stench he was laughing about.
Sets 6 -9 are up now? Don't you know you have to tell us these things? Just kidding.

Expired on August 11, this man could have been in an accident on the way to Caylee's birthday party in 2007. I'm not saying that that is the case but that it does fit an old story of Casey's.
PTSD from the abuse triggering a psychotic break. The belief that her abuser was about to get custody of Caylee as CA has discussed. leading to the decision that Caylee was better off dead. As I have figured as a defense tactic from the day we all started discussing it here.

Okay but wouldn't he need to be adding to his witness list? Who would be testifying about the shrink stuff?
Kobi, or Dr. Lee, or the cell phone guy?:blowkiss:
My DH's x-wife had told him about multiple rapes, and (family) molestations, when they had met. She is also a narcissist (sp?). It was done, so he would feel sorry for her and want to protect her. None of it was true.
She also stated to others that my DH would tie her up and rape her at knife point. I've been married to him for 15 years...I can attest that he's not into that.
I am not inclined to believe KC.

My dh's ex also claims he raped her and did things that i"ve never seen him do in the 10 years we've been together. She also has told people I have done many horrible things that i know I didn't do :furious:
With all due respect, I am a sexual abuse survivor myself and I find it very offensive to read some of the poster's depictions on here of abuse survivors, matter of fact when questions initially began to surface following the trunk hair DNA analysis and the speculations began regarding possible SA between LA & KC, I refrained from commenting, instead I stayed away from WS's for a while. Many poster's comments/opinions are generalizations based upon what little information is available at this point in time. What we do know is that if you compare the number of reported & proscecuted cases to the actual number of cases simply reported, as well as the number of cases that are never reported and only disclosed in a therapeutic setting many years later, (unprosecutable due to statute of limitations) there is a huge gap. It is these sort of generalizations and "labels" that keep so many like myself silent. By revealing that you are a SAS causes others to look at you in a whole new light - even when someone has known you for years and may have even claimed "I would have never guessed!" upon your disclosure, yet from that time on, they begin to attribute everything to it. That is why so many never tell.
Open Internet explorer the go to fox, bring up the docs. In the bottom right there is a magnifying glass, click on it and you can adjust the font.

Thank you! :blowkiss:

Here's a turkey for ya! :chicken:
AL's cell records, including all cell tower information, was subpoenaed on July 21 along with KC's. This was because KC often traveled w/ AL, and they wanted to nail down her movements as much as possible - especially determine when she was alone.

Have not seen those records.
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