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I will ONLY believe Casey a little bit about any of this - when she says what happened to Caylee and where her body is at

Otherwise - she tells lies, tall tales - almost everything she says has a lie in it - no I don't believe her - I do not see Cindy leaving this alone either - Cindy is a bulldog, look at her now defending Casey about everything and the way she was when Casey was growing up - no Casey wasn't molested doesn't wash with me

And as for her pregnancy - not knowing who the father is? Um, Casey was rather loose - whoever her flavor of the night was

Don't believe any of it either....and I have been there and got that t-shirt when I was young....a family member....but I don't believe it....she has said nothing so far that anyone can prove is the truth....God help her.
I think a huge shoe is about to drop that many of us have surmised.

ITA. I know others are doubting this and I can thoroughly understand why. It's just that THIS would explain so very much. It's very easy to say 'well if she loved Caylee why didn't she just take her and get the heck out', but it's not that EASY! Casey has mental health problems regardless so you aren't playing with a full deck there and her thought processes would be very different than ours. I am NOT defending her, but this could be possible. It could very well be the reason she totally lost it when she did and did what she did. ALOT of us have guessed there were many underlying problems in this family. LP has hinted and come right out and said what had happened. The manner in which Cindy answered the FBI agent's question regarding any abuse in the ALL adds up. Lee being 'mia'. There is just too much to brush aside right now, imo.
It might keep the jury from sentencing her to death. That was the outcome with Susan Smith wasn't it? Of course that requires Casey saying she had anything to do with Caylee's death and I don't see that happening.

All she would have to say is she found out about it after the fact and she kept her mouth shut all this time because GA was going to kill her mother and her brother if she told and with her in jail she could do nothing to stop it.
Lots and lots of people have been raped and sexually abused, but precious few of them kill their children.

I agree! As is always my argument when I speak of mental illness as well. IMO Unless you are "Yates crazy" you have no excuse!
That's not true, plenty of us believed you. I do happen to live only about 20 minutes from Myrtle Beach. I still think Rick would be happy to speak with us.

You are correct. I should have worded that differently.
Personally I think that all child molesters should receive the DP... This information that we are reading are things that were told to people by KC and to date we haven't seen her tell much of the truth - that doesn't mean that it might not be but we do not know for a fact that either GA or LA or anyone for that matter abused KC...

yes, perhaps that might explain some of her behaviors but certainly not all and none of which should be excused because she might or might not have been the victim of sexual abuse.

KC is NOT crazy, she only does things that ARE crazy. KC is perfectly aware of the difference between right and wrong.

Sorry... kind of got on a soap box for a minute there...

I agree.

I have been diagnosed with and treated for PTSD.

I very much resent people using their childhood as excuses for bad adult behavior.

Those with PTSD and personality disorders know right from wrong and are responsible for their actions.
Jesse said KC told him this in September of 2005.

Anthony family friend turned on Jesse or on Lee? Who? I think I missed this.

Jesse and his father say at some point in the investigation the Anthony family is clearly trying to frame Jesse. But in the beginning of the investigation Jesse was involved and Lee was confiding in him. I was wondering if Jesse telling the police that Casey said Lee molested her was the point in time that the entire Anthony family started trying to throw Jesse under the bus.
Don't believe any of it either....and I have been there and got that t-shirt when I was young....a family member....but I don't believe it....she has said nothing so far that anyone can prove is the truth....God help her.
That's the thing. With all the lies she's told, God would have to come down from heaven and confirm her statement for her to have ANYTHING she says now believed by most people. Betcha a nickle, though, 'poor abused KC" is where the defense is going if this case goes to trial.
Lots and lots of people have been raped and sexually abused, but precious few of them kill their children.


And the spin keeps on....she has more than a few defenses to pick from now:bang:
Lots and lots of people have been raped and sexually abused, but precious few of them kill their children.

I'm not saying this excuses what she did and I highly doubt other WSers who think this is the 'instigator' do feel it excuses her actions. It just offers us some insight into the why's and how's of the actions. I can't ever forgive her for murdering Caylee, but this would certainly explain alot of the weirdness in this case. You can't deny that it would.
Jesse and his father say at some point in the investigation the Anthony family is clearly trying to frame Jesse. But in the beginning of the investigation Jesse was involved and Lee was confiding in him. I was wondering if Jesse telling the police that Casey said Lee molested her was the point in time that the entire Anthony family started trying to throw Jesse under the bus.

That is a very good point
It is possible that KC was raped. That would fit into alot of the theorys going around also. Why KC changed, why CA protects her from all her bad behavior. It's possible KC never bonded with Caylee because of that and why she won't name the father. With all of KC's lies I'm just not going to get in a hurry about believing any of KC stories.
ITA. I know others are doubting this and I can thoroughly understand why. It's just that THIS would explain so very much. It's very easy to say 'well if she loved Caylee why didn't she just take her and get the heck out', but it's not that EASY! Casey has mental health problems regardless so you aren't playing with a full deck there and her thought processes would be very different than ours. I am NOT defending her, but this could be possible. It could very well be the reason she totally lost it when she did and did what she did. ALOT of us have guessed there were many underlying problems in this family. LP has hinted and come right out and said what had happened. The manner in which Cindy answered the FBI agent's question regarding any abuse in the ALL adds up. Lee being 'mia'. There is just too much to brush aside right now, imo.

yep yep yeppers. He was angry she got pregnant. If it started in middle school it lasted a long time.

Look it up.

Abused incestuous relationships many times have the abused staying close to the abuser for years.

If she wanted to off her parents to gain the house and move Amy in, I wonder if the secrets Lee and Casey had as George says alluded to included his own demise.

Sleep with the light on George and Cindy because Lee is still free. YOU FAILED.
Well how do we know that CA didnt want to harm KC? geesh it is getting stranger and stranger isn't it?

It is hard to figure out for sure who is the one doing the searching on the internet.

Because of the other things Casey was doing on the computer while using google and wikipedia.

During the trial it will be explained why Casey was the one arrested.
It might keep the jury from sentencing her to death. That was the outcome with Susan Smith wasn't it? Of course that requires Casey saying she had anything to do with Caylee's death and I don't see that happening.

I think if all this did happen, that she was molested by her father OR her brother and she tried to tell her mother and she didn't believe her.. I think Casey is probably sighing a breath of relief that it is finally out in the open.. finally.
She is much tougher than you realize....I could not sit in jail all this time without screaming out something to help get me out and she is silent...doing exactly what JB tells her....she is sharper than a fox...she knows what she is doing and what she has done. IMO only.
I don't hold her any less accountable, but in my BUT GEORGE defense, said if I was her attorney I would use the defense that she was molested as a child by her father, and then later by her brother.

She could say she had reason to believe that GA was going to or had molested Caylee like he did her and confronted everyone the night of the 15th. That was the argument the neighbors heard. When she got up the morning of the 16th *when GA said he last saw them Caylee was gone. She thought her mother had her and went on to Tony's. Something happened that day to Caylee with GA there and when her mother called her a few days later she realized it.

He put Caylee in the backyard until he could decide what to do with her and because he had a key to her car, he searched it down and later put it in her trunk. She had talked to her dad and he told her if she told he would say she killed Caylee and he would kill her and her mother too. He told her everyone would believe him since she had done so many other things. Remember he had a gun in his car LE took from him.

She freaked out and had a psychotic break when she saw her and called him and told him to do something with the body. He did, he burned it and put the bones somewhere that KC does not know, and that is where we are now.

I have a Cindy version I run through in my head that's similar.
yep yep yeppers. He was angry she got pregnant. If it started in middle school it lasted a long time.

Look it up.

Abused incestuous relationships many times have the abused staying close to the abuser for years.

If she wanted to off her parents to gain the house and move Amy in, I wonder if the secrets Lee and Casey had as George says alluded to included his own demise.

Sleep with the light on George and Cindy because Lee is still free. YOU FAILED.

A lot of times, yes, abused victims of incest are exposed to theri abusers for a long time.
HOWEVER...they don't high five with them enthusiastically upon their release from jail.
they don't disclose more info to the abuser than they do to someone that could help.
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