New Evidence

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Poor Jessie.

He didn't get a single fact right did he?

Hmmm ... nope! The only "facts" that he got right were the ones that had already been publicized in The Commercial Appeal or other local papers. It is simply incomprehensible to me that his statement could have been accepted as the truth. Well, I guess I have to consider that we're talking about the wmpd here!:banghead:
Someone somewhere asked for a link to the report about the new fiber evidence. Here's the link:


It's a pdf at the bottom of the article. Scroll through the letter. The report is after the letter.
A square knot is just two half hitches tied starting with alternating hands. The other knots are simply repeated half hitches. So, IMO, these are not three different knots but variations of the same knot, the most common knot, the half hitch.

The defense, IMO, didn't pursue the knot question simply because they didn't see it as "proof" that the murders were committed by three separate individuals. Also, IIRC, the knots were not tied in a looping fashion except on one side of one victim. The other ligatures were all simply tying the left wrist to the left ankle and right wrist to right ankle without looping the ligature. IMO, Sakevicius was trying to make the knots appear to be "different" in order to help her employer, the State.

I wonder if we know, literally, whether these knots are used in slaughterhouses to hogtie the animals?
I've been exploring this case for the last several days, and have read of the "manhole" theory, etc., and studied various timelines.

I am wondering why the perp could not have killed the children in the home when they were seen being called by him to the house May 5th about 6:00-6:30. Since the lethal blows appear to have been from blunt force trauma, there wouldn't have been an abundance of blood. They could have been hidden anywhere in the yard for later disposal. Whether that was a 2-step process - manhole, creek - I wonder?

Would this explain the strange washing process?

I'm having difficulty imagining one small man containing three terrified children in open woods. The minunte one scatters, the perp would lose control. Some how a contained area, such as a room makes more sense.

Appreciate any input. JMHO.
I'll leave it to someone who is more knowledgeable about the manhole theory to answer your other questions, but wrt this...

I'm having difficulty imagining one small man containing three terrified children in open woods. The minunte one scatters, the perp would lose control. Some how a contained area, such as a room makes more sense.

I wouldn't get too hung up on the idea of one man having difficulty controlling three children in an open space. Sure, it would be easier in a closed space, but if you point a gun at three children in a deserted patch of woods that would likely do the trick too.

For an example of such a scenario, see the Jacob Wetterling abduction, where three young boys cycling down a lonely country road on their bikes were accosted by a lone masked man holding what they thought was a gun and ordered to lie face down in the ditch. In that case the perp's intentions were to kidnap one, but if his intention had been to kill all three he could very easily have managed it.

Privately I've often wondered if the same person didn't commit both crimes. In the Jacob Wetterling case, the children did as they were told, but two of the three West Memphis victims had ADHD, so maybe they didn't do as they were told, or something else went wrong and the would be kidnapper panicked and killed them.
There are a lot of possible scenarios. Perhaps the killer found the kids playing in the manhole. They were "into" Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles, after all. Maybe he called to his step son to come up and then knocked him out. Then, when the others emerged, one at a time, he knocked them out as they came out. Then, he just threw them all three back into the manhole.

Also, as he was the step father on one of the victims, he would have had a certain amount of "respect" from them. If they had run from him once, maybe they were going to follow him this time. (I think this is highly unlikely, but it is a possibility.)

The simplest explanation is the one Cappuccino gave; the killer had a gun or some other weapon that frightened the kids into submission. I don't think that the initial attack took place in the home because I would think some evidence would have been found there. None was. But, that's MOO! I could be wrong.
Scott Ellington lost his bid for the Senate last night. Good. That means he remains prosecutor for Crittendon County for the next two years, and he has to finish the job he started.

Look at the evidence Mr. Ellington...
I hope all the attention the case is getting now, through Damien's new book and the impending release of West of Memphis, Ellington will feel the pressure to actually examine the evidence, which he has admitted he has not done.
they are not at present fasely convicted of anything, they chose to plead guilty to murder, nobody made them do it although Jason was pressured into it and as I opined at the time and do so now I do feel he has come to regret it,

until the state decrees they are innocent and removes the murder convictions from them they all 3 are admitted murderers no matter how many times they and other opine upon there innocence,

for now they are not innocent in the eyes of the law,

and I am glad to see that the case and the evidence is still being examined,

You need to reread the definition of an Alford plea. Because the above is simply wrong.
I have a question about the hair that is supposed to belong to Terry Hobbs. There was no root, correct? So, the evidence is MtDNA as opposed to nuclear DNA. Is it true that MtDNA is not as conclusive as the nuclear DNA?

Also, regarding the predatory damage (from cats, canines and snapping turtles) - I wonder how those animals got to the bodies (?). The bodies were found lying face down in the water - so, I'm not understanding how the animals got to the underside of the bodies to do all of that damage. Additionally, the bodies weren't in the water, really, for a very long time - what, maybe 15 hours or so before they were found? What drew the animals to the bodies? If the blood was all in the water - would the canines and felines have been able to smell it? I mean - what made them come around and attack so savagely?

i will say this, among natural hair color, red is by far the rarest and is caused by a mutation. moreover, there are varying shades of red hair. it can vary from deep, almost burgundy red to bright copper to light bright gold or dull, more muted gold. red hair appears in people with two copies of a recessive gene on chromosome 16 which causes a mutation in the MC1R protein. this accounts for approximately 1-2% of the world population. going back to the variation in colors and shades, all natural hair shades or levels of dark to light can be broken down into 10 levels. 1 being the darkest, (black), and 10 being the lightest, (platinum blonde). add to that the predominant colors which is made up of primary, secondary and tertiary colors. as i mentioned above, reds vary in a multitude of ways which can easily be determined both visually and chemically. each level and color contain it's own levels of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, and pigments, eumelanin and pheomelanin. add that to the DNA evidence, and you can narrow things down pretty darn snugly. oh, shoot! i forgot to mention hair diameter also, another important factor.
hello - new person here. thank you for allowing my registration.

i watched 2 programs on the WM3 here in south africa. i'm sure when murders happened in 1993, there was coverage of the murder and case etc.

what i want to know is why did misskelly and baldwin get a life sentence and echols get the death sentence?

thank you for reading my post.
Welcome Fairynuff.

Jessie wasn't eligible for the death penalty because his jury rejected the option of capital murder. He was convicted of first and second degree murder instead. Jason, although convicted of capital murder, was a juvenile at the time of trial and thus also not eligible for the death penalty.
Some people do think of Jacoby as a suspect.

However, the wm3's defense are experienced in the field of criminal law and therefore they know that one hair at a crime scene is not enough for a SODDI defense. That's why their alternative suspect is Terry Hobbs, rather than David Jacoby. Whether or not you believe Hobbs to be guilty, (and I'm on the fence), the case against him is by no means limited to one hair.

We don't know much about Jacoby.But what I do know is from Amanda's diary when it was public and it's very disturbing so in my mind,yes DJ is a co-suspect.
thank you kindly cappuccino for you response. that has assisted me in understanding this a bit more.
You're welcome Fairynuff.

@Claudici - the "David" mentioned in Amanda's diary was not David Jacoby. Amanda has very definitely stated that several times.
oh wow thank you,this whole time I thought she was talking about DJ !!!
so we really don't know anything about him !
We know that he willingly cooperated with the defense team (giving his DNA) and that he willingly participated in West of Memphis. IMO, that says a lot!

Welcome, Fairynuff!
If Pam Hobbs though Terry Hobbs killed Chris, Stevie & Micheal they why are they hanging out together still?

There is also a letter posted by Todd Moore.

also, Whoever killed those boys were already in the woods.

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