New Letter On Haleigh May Prove Helpful

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complete description of letter and search efforts per Chief Ryan of pcso. Explains why the letter was held for days til investigators combed the area thoroughly for the second time and didn't want a media circus out at the search site located right around the home where Haleigh went missing.

Understandable on LE prospective. Good job on behalf of st. augustine and LE, then giving the public details appropriately in time.
Hello everyone.

I am new to this forum and wanted to introduce myself and answer a question as well.

In my honest opinion one of the reasons for going to the newspaper could have been that the person that had the tip felt that they or someone that they cared about would be hurt if they went to LE directly.

So, instead they give their information to someone that noone involved with the case would know and that person takes it to the newspaper office.

I am sad that the tip contained in the letter didn't work out as anything.
Hello everyone.

I am new to this forum and wanted to introduce myself and answer a question as well.

In my honest opinion one of the reasons for going to the newspaper could have been that the person that had the tip felt that they or someone that they cared about would be hurt if they went to LE directly.

So, instead they give their information to someone that noone involved with the case would know and that person takes it to the newspaper office.

I am sad that the tip contained in the letter didn't work out as anything.


My new image and hair cut, but blue eyes. Minus the cowgirl hat, that's up in the closet, may pull it out since it's turned morning chilly.

Great thought, possibly. The newspaper is a legitimate drop off point, used many times to get national public attention. Normally, I would always contact LE, but I'm leary of LE in this case and have some strong reservations concerning some choices, decisions and activites I'm learning along the way.

It's looking like this tip isn't going to help, at all. Haleigh's not there. According to LE statement, they said their going to investigate this tip fully, so I hope that means they follow through with it being an honest effort and belief from the tipper and not bogus riff raff injecting themselves for un-conconscionable reasons. Haleigh is too important.

Jump right in, you post well, following crime boards long? Like your member name, if you find your meds, will you share around here, mostly needed in the late evenings, during the day we keep the zoo under control. hahahahahahaha Peace and Enjoy, you friend KL
Not that it apparently matters anymore but what does anyone suppose "Circumstances extend statewide and beyond." mean?


This guy was ex FBI who thought he had special talents in the remote viewing area is my guess. There has been talk of a huge child *advertiser censored* ring that extend Statewide and Beyond. I think he thinks that all these missing kids of late are the work of this "Ring". JMO don't want to start rumors, just some talk I heard months back. There has been really big busts here in FL and there are ties to some of these rings to other places, that is all I can say. But Haleigh is not among these in my opinion, I think she is the victim of neglect on the part of Misty.
Good morning everyone. I just wanted to point something out...since some people are getting confused with the correct title of this 80 y/o man. Thank you SeriouslySearching for providing the link. According to The St Augustive Record, which also happens to be the newspaper which "mystery lady" gave the letter to, the originator of the letter was an FBI informant. An informant and FBI agent are 2 different terms. This does not state he was an FBI agent. A good comparison would be a narc giving info to county cops. They are "informants" and not police officers. IMO, this exFBI informant with "special abilities" was held in high regard if they took his note serious enough to make a statement to the public regarding it - one in which they said "It could lead to the where abouts of Haleigh Cummings". I just wanted to make it clear that, according to all the newspapers posting about it, he was not exFBI but and exFBI informant.


She told detectives that she dropped the letter off for someone else, an elderly man who had been an FBI informant “with special abilities,” Schauland said Monday.
“SAM” was the informant’s code name, the woman wrote in an e-mail to the paper on Saturday.
Good morning everyone. I just wanted to point something out...since some people are getting confused with the correct title of this 80 y/o man. Thank you SeriouslySearching for providing the link. According to The St Augustive Record, which also happens to be the newspaper which "mystery lady" gave the letter to, the originator of the letter was an FBI informant. An informant and FBI agent are 2 different terms. This does not state he was an FBI agent. A good comparison would be a narc giving info to county cops. They are "informants" and not police officers. IMO, this exFBI informant with "special abilities" was held in high regard if they took his note serious enough to make a statement to the public regarding it - one in which they said "It could lead to the where abouts of Haleigh Cummings". I just wanted to make it clear that, according to all the newspapers posting about it, he was not exFBI but and exFBI informant.


She told detectives that she dropped the letter off for someone else, an elderly man who had been an FBI informant “with special abilities,” Schauland said Monday.
“SAM” was the informant’s code name, the woman wrote in an e-mail to the paper on Saturday.

Hi there Jersey. I follow what you are saying. I feel authorities were treating this tip with respect for a reason. I think you are right and he may have been a very well respected and accurate informant. His feeling on Haleigh's whereabouts must have been holding his heart in quite a grip. I can't help but wonder about the information that he came forward with. I couldn't really understand how far down he was advising they look. Does anyone know?

I have some ideas but really want to wait until we get some more information about this letter. Wonder if they will run it in it's entirety or if there might be concern over citizens doing there own search?
Hi there Jersey. I follow what you are saying. I feel authorities were treating this tip with respect for a reason. I think you are right and he may have been a very well respected and accurate informant. His feeling on Haleigh's whereabouts must have been holding his heart in quite a grip. I can't help but wonder about the information that he came forward with. I couldn't really understand how far down he was advising they look. Does anyone know?

I have some ideas but really want to wait until we get some more information about this letter. Wonder if they will run it in it's entirety or if there might be concern over citizens doing there own search?

The other night - I truly tried to go to sleep but couldn' out of bed 3am & logged on...couldn't get the tip out of my head. I read on some chat forums that they were digging up an old well behind Haleigh's old home on Green Lane. This was again a few nights ago, so it was definitely out there before the newspaper printed this info. They also stated that nothing was found. I couldn't help but "wonder" if they dug down enough. Like: Is the bottom of the well metal? Or is it dirt? If it's dirt, why not dig the whole well out, including the sides? Surely if they could drain an entire pond based on a letter from a druggy whose exwife (or gf baby mama) was so afraid of him that she put in a court order to not release her address to him and their child had to have supervised visits at grama's house on Saturdays, then they could take an ex-informant held in high regard with the FBI serious...right? They obviously took him serious or they wouldn't have dug the well up...but did they truly dig deep enough?

With all of Misty's inconsistencies, I do believe she knows more. I know alot of people disagree with this, but I truly feel if she was coming off a high when she took her original poly, then her poly would be "off". She could have witnessed something the night of Haleigh's disappearance but was maybe out of it due to getting high earlier. She said Tommy was known to do crack. We know that cousin Joe was visiting. It's been said that Tommy got high at the trailer that day. What about if cousin Joe was there, too. What about if the joint was laced? Surely that would throw Misty's poly off. One more thing - there has been sooo much speculation since Haleigh's disappearance. Haleigh's entire family has to be aware of this speculation. That in and of itself could put ideas into Misty's head, making her lean one way or the other. That could very well throw off her voice analysis. I respect Tim Miller and the people he has working for him, have respected them since Natalee Holloway's disappearance. I personally do not think TJ Ward should have stated his opinion in the way he did, since he's an authority with regards to several types of tests he administers. He of all people should know the obstacles faced in cases such as this - where drugs play a heavy factor. I truly wish he would have won over her trust and simply tried a little bit harder. This is jmo - please don't bash me. I for one do believe Misty knows more than she's saying, but I still question her direct involvement.

Right now I'm wondering about Amber and, if it's true Misty & Amber had a fight that night or even that past weekend, why she isn't more pronounced inthe media. I want to know if le questioned her about that night. I want to know if she had to provide a sworn affidavit. I want to know if it's true that she borrowed NayNay's car and put a dent in it. I want to know why she poured cleaning fluid all over the trunk of NayNay's car. I want to know exactly how much money Ron would owe her if she ever took him to court for child support and if past support would be retroactive - I wonder if it would add up to around $35k. I wonder why Ron sent Jr up to her door to spend time with his little brother during the time Haleigh went missing. I wonder alot of things I guess.
The other night - I truly tried to go to sleep but couldn' out of bed 3am & logged on...couldn't get the tip out of my head. I read on some chat forums that they were digging up an old well behind Haleigh's old home on Green Lane. This was again a few nights ago, so it was definitely out there before the newspaper printed this info. They also stated that nothing was found. I couldn't help but "wonder" if they dug down enough. Like: Is the bottom of the well metal? Or is it dirt? If it's dirt, why not dig the whole well out, including the sides? Surely if they could drain an entire pond based on a letter from a druggy whose exwife was so afraid of him that she put in a court order to not release her address to him, then they could take an ex-informant held in high regard with the FBI serious...right? They obviously took him serious or they wouldn't have dug the well up...but did they truly dig deep enough?

With all of Misty's inconsistencies, I do believe she knows more. I know alot of people disagree with this, but I truly feel if she was coming off a high when she took her original poly, then her poly would be "off". She could have witnessed something the night of Haleigh's disappearance but was maybe out of it due to getting high earlier. She said Tommy was known to do crack. We know that Joe was visiting. It's been said that Tommy got high at the trailer that day. What about if Joe was there, too. What about if the joint was laced? Surely that would throw Misty's poly off. One more thing - there has been sooo much speculation since Haleigh's disappearance. Haleigh's entire family has to be aware of this speculation. That in and of itself could put ideas into Misty's head, making her lean one way or the other. That could very well throw off her voice analysis. I respect Tim Miller and the people he has working for him, have respected them since Natalee Holloway's disappearance. I personally do not think TJ Ward should have stated his opinion in the way he did, since he's an authority with regards to several types of tests he administers. He of all people should know the obstacles faced in cases such as this - where drugs play a heavy factor. I truly wish he would have won over her trust and simply tried a little bit harder. This is jmo - please don't bash me. I for one do believe MIsty knows more than she's saying, but I still question her direct involvement.

Right now I'm wondering about Amber and, if it's true Misty & Amber had a fight that night or even that past weekend, why she isn't more pronounced inthe media. I want to know if le questioned her about that night. I want to know if she had to provide a sworn affidavit. I want to know if it's true that she borrowed NayNay's car and put a dent in it. I want to know why she poured cleaning fluid all over the trunk of NayNay's car. I want to know exactly how much money Ron would owe her if she ever took him to court for child support and if past support would be retroactive - I wonder if it would add up to around $35k. I wonder why Ron sent Jr up to her door to spend time with his little brother during the time Haleigh went missing. I wonder alot of things I guess.

thank you for the observations Jersey. Concerning this tip, I just feel like there might have been something to it regardless of what authorities say. I am not alleging that LE is lying or that Haleigh is in the well...or anything, I am just wondering if the area this person describes could be a place that Haleigh was at one time, or perhaps something of Haleigh's was around there at one time. I can't ever get the sight of that dumpster out of my mind and I refuse to believe that the dogs had a false hit on something. They hit on that dumpster and brought enough attention to it to warrant a search. Well if you want to call what LE did that night a search.

Anyway the rest of your post. I can not let go of what my instincts tell me. I know Ronald never really admitted that there was an argument over a gun but Misty said she even went to retrieve the gun from the culvert while Ronald was on the phone directing her where to look. Teresa says there was a gun, Misty said there was a gun and LE states he possibly had a gun. Regardless if Misty was home sleeping or out of the trailer, Hankjr overheard RC's call at the Croslin home that night and he placed himself at the home months after he was reluctant to tell the truth about his actions. Joe was still in town then too, my thought is this, what if someone did take RC's gun and Misty stole it back. When did that happen and if Hankjr and Joe from TN found out that Misty wasn't answering the phone ....could they have went to get what they stole back...the gun, and Haleigh caught them? I don't know....I just feel like that gun has more to do with this than anyone wants to say.

Why did Joe from TN high tail it out of Satsuma?....Maybe the letter writer saw where Haleigh once was, but isn't anymore....
thank you for the observations Jersey. Concerning this tip, I just feel like there might have been something to it regardless of what authorities say. I am not alleging that LE is lying or that Haleigh is in the well...or anything, I am just wondering if the area this person describes could be a place that Haleigh was at one time, or perhaps something of Haleigh's was around there at one time. I can't ever get the sight of that dumpster out of my mind and I refuse to believe that the dogs had a false hit on something. They hit on that dumpster and brought enough attention to it to warrant a search. Well if you want to call what LE did that night a search.

Anyway the rest of your post. I can not let go of what my instincts tell me. I know Ronald never really admitted that there was an argument over a gun but Misty said she even went to retrieve the gun from the culvert while Ronald was on the phone directing her where to look. Teresa says there was a gun, Misty said there was a gun and LE states he possibly had a gun. Regardless if Misty was home sleeping or out of the trailer, Hankjr overheard RC's call at the Croslin home that night and he placed himself at the home months after he was reluctant to tell the truth about his actions. Joe was still in town then too, my thought is this, what if someone did take RC's gun and Misty stole it back. When did that happen and if Hankjr and Joe from TN found out that Misty wasn't answering the phone ....could they have went to get what they stole back...the gun, and Haleigh caught them? I don't know....I just feel like that gun has more to do with this than anyone wants to say.

Why did Joe from TN high tail it out of Satsuma?....Maybe the letter writer saw where Haleigh once was, but isn't anymore....

Bold by me...and I agree. Something that I'd like to add is the fact that somebody, after the dumpster hit, stated that sometimes cadaver dogs can hit on sanitary napkins or tampons. Puhlease...yeah they might hit on them if they came from a cadaver!
If it is true and the man was an FBI informant, why didn't he give the tip to the FBI? Someone asked this awhile back and it is an excellent question. Did LE contact him? Did they verify him through the FBI?

If he feels so strongly about her being there, why not have him go to the scene and make certain they are in the right spot. I don't know that LE did any digging at all. So is it possible they missed her?

It doesn't seem like a logical place to put a little girl's body, imo...unless the person living there was involved and he buried her in his backyard. There are a lot of homes nearby. If it was someone did they know about the old well? The directions talk about digging down to even find the old well so evidently it wasn't in plain sight and had long since been covered up.

Again, I have to mention the man living near there was the one interviewed in the media and his comments were very odd, imo. I was never clear on where the old mh was located before they moved to 2*2 Green Lane. Could someone help me out? The old man said he used to watch the children play every day, but where they lived at 2*2 is not possible to see them with the trees and the distance.
Full contents of Haleigh mystery letter revealed.

snip~"Check the back of father's mobile home. From the right end of the mobile home extending out continue for 540 yards straight. At that point go north 12 yards. Dig 2-3 feet, will strike metal covering an old well, check inside, black plastic garbage bag. Circumstances extend statewide and beyond." end snip~

yeah, that looks to be about a paragraph long doesn't it. 4 or 5 sentences they said. I wish I would have listened to those that had a sneaky suspension that this tip was much ado about little. I do however think that concern for Haleigh is far and wide and we are not the only people hoping that this case will be solved and questions answered.
Are you talking about the ]Buchanan Circle residence SS?
Hold on I know he lived next to his landlords The Bards in a 2 bedroom then he heard the 3 bedroom was open and they rented it to him. Let me go look
Someone mentioned on the other thread that my calculations were incorrect and it would mean they went NW from the corner of the home. I didn't read it that way as it would put it in the middle of St. John's Court. I thought it indicated it was 540 yards "straight out" which would be to the right running along Monroe Alley.

I wish they would just scan the darn letter!! Why didn't they do that?!

ETA: If the old home was on Buchanan Circle, there is still no way that old man saw them playing.
My responses in red...

If it is true and the man was an FBI informant, why didn't he give the tip to the FBI? Someone asked this awhile back and it is an excellent question. Did LE contact him? Did they verify him through the FBI?

I wondered the same thing. Either this guy is on the up & up with really being an informant but maybe the FBI was flooded with tips...or...maybe he's not really held in as high regard as he thinks...or...maybe the FBI let the tip go through so that PCSO would acknowledge the letter came from a "gifted" informant, therefore the FBI wouldn't have to acknowledge that. This is a high profile case, maybe the FBI didn't want to go on record acknowledging they use psychic informants. I wonder about this stuff b/c surely PCSO has received 100's, possibly 1000's of psychic tips. They never went on record acknowledging any of them...but they did with this guy. Maybe the FBI actually suggested it be handled the way it was being dropped off at the newspaper - heck, I have no idea!

If he feels so strongly about her being there, why not have him go to the scene and make certain they are in the right spot. I don't know that LE did any digging at all. So is it possible they missed her?

The mystery lady was in scrubs. If she works in home health care, such as a visiting nurse, then I wonder if her charge has mobility? Maybe the informant is bedridden...just speculating. I do wonder why PCSO doesn't just go to him, although maybe they have & we're just not privy to it. If they did take his tip serious, I sure wish they could get him themselves and take him to find the exact area he's speaking of. At least it could be ruled out, or ruled in.

It doesn't seem like a logical place to put a little girl's body, imo...unless the person living there was involved and he buried her in his backyard. There are a lot of homes nearby. If it was someone did they know about the old well? The directions talk about digging down to even find the old well so evidently it wasn't in plain sight and had long since been covered up.

Wells are public info. I'm still trying to find it. Anything related to plumbing, gas lines, sewers, water mains, earth faults, etc is public info. I wish I could find it. I've read that the well was covered by a metal lid...I think that came from the St. Augustine Record link you provided...can't remember.

Again, I have to mention the man living near there was the one interviewed in the media and his comments were very odd, imo. I was never clear on where the old mh was located before they moved to Green Lane. Could someone help me out? The old man said he used to watch the children play every day, but where they lived at 202 is not possible to see them with the trees and the distance.

I'm wondering if there was an opening or the kids played in the road. The mobile home neighborhood doesn't seem like it would have busy roadways. I thought the old man's comments were a bit odd, too, considering they were said right after Haleigh went missing. Then again, maybe he was just reminiscing like alot of old people do.
One more thing, Bern - I've read some of your dreams and think they are fascinating. I know this isn't that thread, but wanted to mention it b/c you've been pretty consistent in your posts in that thread. I wonder if LE would follow up on every single psychic tip, or if a person has to be reknowned. If they took this informant serious, why wouldn't they take you? You should forward your info to them...again, b/c I'm sure you already did at least once. All I'm saying is it can't hurt to try...right? :wink:

Thank you Jersey Girl,

But I can't give them dreams, they had enough of them IMO. If my dream is correct she will be found by accident, not by a search. When I first posted my drawing, Chesterp took it to LE, but they looked at Big Tree Road and a canal that is just off of it. Of course that is not the road I saw. But they did look at the drawing and the building in the back of the canal; one person thought it looked familiar. I don't want to add there crazy list of people, LOL. Haleigh will be found, but it will be when it is time for her to be found. Big sigh!
Bern what was Ronalds address before he moved to green Lane? TIA.

ETA....this is why i shouldn't go digging because I am creeping myself out looking at the stuff i find. Very weird stuff
Phyllis Bard, 65, said she would see the brother and sister outside playing, just as another neighbor closer to the Green Lane home, James Batchelor, 88, said he saw the two.

"I seen both of the kids out there riding their bikes not too long ago," Batchelor said.

"They've been in my home," said neighbor James Batchelor. "They've torn it apart. All the buildings out there they've been in them twice."

"I look down there and they'd be out there and just having a big time and all -- BAM -- all this happened," said Batchelor, a neighbor of the Cummings family.

And he is back in the news this week and seems to know the location of the well. Did he know before the search?:

Neighbors said that detectives are back near Haleigh's home actively searching. Jim Batchelor said he pointed out the well they were asking about, but it turned up nothing.

I can't find this article: Haleigh Cummings, Ronald Cummings, Abuse, and Geraldo Rivera ...
MyFox Tampa Bay, FL - Feb 21, 2009 SATSUMA - James Batchelor used to sit on his porch and watch his neighbor's children play in his yard. ... - Similar

Here is where his house is located and I still don't understand how he could see them from that distance:

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