New Search Warrant

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OMG what a dumb:behind:.

Did you notice that detectives were back in his house on AUGUST 13th? (but no SW on the 13th...) That's when they saw the 2 right ASICS shoes in the garage. Wonder how many pairs of running shoes Nancy had? And if the pair they removed in the original SW were hers?

Was he watching the movie, "My Left Foot?" :rolleyes:

For someone supposedly smart he sure isn't very bright. He had ALLLLLL that extra time to get rid of everything. Stupid is as stupid does. Watch: he'll get nailed on the 2 right running shoes found as well as keeping the diamond pendant necklace. Greedy & Stupid...he fits the description.
First Warrant

Item #9 - 1 pair of blue/gray tennis shoes

If I killed my wife, I would be cleaning and disposing of EVERYTHING that could link me to the crime that the first Warrant missed. You would have to be an idiot to leave behind shoes that did not match if you "disposed" of a pair similar.

How come the CPD did not seize all the thumb drives, CD-R's, DVD-R during their first search? Or was this to see if he had done anything since the initial search.

I have multiple email accounts. One for JUNK SPAM, one for my resume when job hunting, and one for personal. For BC, maybe one email was for his lawyers/personal and one was for Junk or the Rentz family.

If I knew the CPD had my previous email information and were reading all my emails prior to July 12 - then I would definitely create new ones for my privacy.

Now - the 2 pairs of (RIGHT) shoes were in the garage. Is it possible that when he "cleaned" up the garage that he thought they were a pair and tossed the 2 lefts not realizing they were different? Especially if they were old and belonged to NC. They were also a different brand then what he said in the Depo.

The shoes were in the laundry room on a shelf, not the garage.

I agree that multiple emails are normal. I have four right now.
The shoes were in the laundry room on a shelf, not the garage.

I agree that multiple emails are normal. I have four right now.

According to the warrant, the incorrectly paired shoes were placed side by side on the shelf. So, this was either an oversight by NC, or BC knocked them off the shelf in a rush to grab a pair, then scooped up 2 shoes and put the other two on. Most likely he never tried to put them on her feet, just got them to toss somewhere so they would not be there when LE started looking.

I guess now we know one reason why LE did not think NC left to go running that morning.

I have multiple e-mail accounts too, but some of them I rarely check, mostly to dump the SPAM. I use these accounts when a site requires an e-mail address, but I do not trust the site not to add me to a spam list.

I have multiple emails as well...probably 5 or 6, if I include work in there. It's not the # of's what they're used for and, more importantly, the content of what is found therein.
OMG what a dumb:behind:.

Did you notice that detectives were back in his house on AUGUST 13th? (but no SW on the 13th...) That's when they saw the 2 right ASICS shoes in the garage. Wonder how many pairs of running shoes Nancy had? And if the pair they removed in the original SW were hers?

Was he watching the movie, "My Left Foot?" :rolleyes:

For someone supposedly smart he sure isn't very bright. He had ALLLLLL that extra time to get rid of everything. Stupid is as stupid does. Watch: he'll get nailed on the 2 right running shoes found as well as keeping the diamond pendant necklace. Greedy & Stupid...he fits the description.

I bet that August 13th date is a typo. I would venture to say he didn't have as much time as he thought or wanted, JA stopped his clock with that call to 911. I do wonder though since he was in a different shoes between the two HT trips if he actually saw Nancy's shoes in the laundry room when he was looking at the detergent and immediately grabbed two shoes and took them to dispose of on his second trip to HT as insurance so to speak. When he realized he had two shoes of the same foot he moved the other shoes to the garage since he made a point of telling LE her shoes were normally in the laundry room.
I guess now we know one reason why LE did not think NC left to go running that morning.

Oh yeah, that would be a big hint right there! I'm sure someone somewhere will try to suggest that Nancy was in such a rush to get her run in that she put 2 left shoes on. :rolleyes:

On Sunday, July 13, 208 Brad Cooper advised affiant that a pair of Nancy Cooper's running shoes, which Brad described as dark blue in color 'Saucony' running shoes were missing from a shelf within the laundry room in the residence. Brad advised that he assumed that she had been wearing this pair of running shoes when she exited residence on the morning of Saturday, July 12, 2008. Two (2) shoes for the right foot, which were both 'ASICS' and dark in color, but different styles from each other, were observed at the Cooper residence on August 13, 2008 by affiant in the attached garage on a shelf. These two (2) shoes for the right foot were placed beside each other on the shelf as if they were a pair. Affiant is seeking to locate the matching shoes for the left foot for each respective style of ASICS running shoes.
I hope the date 8/13 either isn't a typo or is quickly corrected in an amended document. Don't want the warrant to be thrown out because of a technicality.
I have multiple emails as well...probably 5 or 6, if I include work in there. It's not the # of's what they're used for and, more importantly, the content of what is found therein.

For an account like Yahoo or MSN or whatnot, can LE gain access without the passwords if the mail is not downloaded into your regular email program (like Outlook)? Is there a way that they can compel Yahoo to give them access to the account or do they have to get the password from the suspect? I wonder without a key logging program how they get in.
I bet JA can tell us what brand she was currently running in. He states 'Saucony' running shoes in the Depo video. If JA states she was currently wearing ASICS and not 'Saucony' then that is ANOTHER red flag.

On Sunday, July 13, 208 Brad Cooper advised affiant that a pair of Nancy Cooper's running shoes, which Brad described as dark blue in color 'Saucony' running shoes were missing from a shelf within the laundry room in the residence. Brad advised that he assumed that she had been wearing this pair of running shoes when she exited residence on the morning of Saturday, July 12, 2008. Two (2) shoes for the right foot, which were both 'ASICS' and dark in color, but different styles from each other, were observed at the Cooper residence on August 13, 2008 by affiant in the attached garage on a shelf. These two (2) shoes for the right foot were placed beside each other on the shelf as if they were a pair. Affiant is seeking to locate the matching shoes for the left foot for each respective style of ASICS running shoes.

Mea culpa! Thanks for the correction.
For an account like Yahoo or MSN or whatnot, can LE gain access without the passwords if the mail is not downloaded into your regular email program (like Outlook)? Is there a way that they can compel Yahoo to give them access to the account or do they have to get the password from the suspect? I wonder without a key logging program how they get in.


I am nearly certain that LE can force Yahoo to give them the password, or at least the contents and logs of the account, with a subpoena.

For an account like Yahoo or MSN or whatnot, can LE gain access without the passwords if the mail is not downloaded into your regular email program (like Outlook)? Is there a way that they can compel Yahoo to give them access to the account or do they have to get the password from the suspect? I wonder without a key logging program how they get in.

I believe they would have to obtain a separate warrant and issue it to Yahoo.

I am nearly certain that LE can force Yahoo to give them the password, or at least the contents and logs of the account, with a subpoena.


Getting into Yahoo accounts is not difficult provided you have sufficient information about a person - ask the freak in Tennessee who thought it was fun to get into a political figure's email account. It happens.
Another point on running shoes in general: serious runners usually alternate pairs of shoes day to day, so it would be normal to have two or more active pairs.
Item 19 says - 4 pairs of foot wear.

I wonder if they found the left sides. Guessing this is what was taken.

1 pair of ASICS belonging to NC - Left (found) and Right
1 pair of ASICS belonging to NC - Left (found) and Right
1 pair of shoes belonging to BC - HT trip #1
1 pair of shoes belonging to BC - HT trip #2
As calm and cool as BC appears though all this, he must have been in panic mode in the minutes/hours after Nancy's murder. Say all the shows were lined up on a shelf, pairs matcing but not necessarily right left right left, etc. BC is paniccing & needs to dispose of a pair of shoes. He grabs 2 shoes off the shelf without noticing they are for the same foot. After all is said and done I don't think it would be on his to do list to go back and check if he took the "right" shoes.
I've been wondering all along since watching & listening to BC's questioning by AS about the sticks in the vase - could these mysterious sticks have been the cause of his neck scratches? Was he "washing the floors" as he called it and scratched his neck on the sticks?

Amarillo: I didn't want your point to get ignored in all the flurry over the returned warrant.

I had thought Nancy could have grabbed one of the sticks. Another thought was the vase got tipped over when he carried her out or in a struggle, and a stick got caught behind the dresser. If she was killed upstairs he would have had to carry her through the foyer to get to the garage or to go out the front door.
As calm and cool as BC appears though all this, he must have been in panic mode in the minutes/hours after Nancy's murder.

I think you're definately right. His time was particularly limited if he had to get everything "done" before the girls woke up. Small children definately don't keep secrets well!
Amarillo: I didn't want your point to get ignored in all the flurry over the returned warrant.

I had thought Nancy could have grabbed one of the sticks. Another thought was the vase got tipped over when he carried her out or in a struggle, and a stick got caught behind the dresser. If she was killed upstairs he would have had to carry her through the foyer to get to the garage or to go out the front door.

Maybe some of the sticks got caught in her hair & dropped onto the floor of the garage, or there were particles of wood in the trunk liner that didn't get vacumed out.
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