New Tracey Documentary

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Apparently there is a Manhunt for him.

Ned: Well I am up for a good manhunt. Anyone have any other information on this person or do we have to wait for the crocomentary?
Nedthan Johns said:
Apparently there is a Manhunt for him.

Ned: Well I am up for a good manhunt. Anyone have any other information on this person or do we have to wait for the crocomentary?

Yep - major manhunt, but his identity is apparently classified! Actually, in fairness, the tv blurb did state that ITV would not allow the man to be named - that could be a British thing since we seem to have tighter laws in these respects. Maybe if and when the documentary is bought by a US network, he will be named.
Well, chances are this is the guy who is a suspect in the 1993 murder of Allie Berralez(sp), and I can't remember his name to save my soul. We need Camper over here, cause she knows all about the Berralez case...Camper?????
great_tezi said:
Well, chances are this is the guy who is a suspect in the 1993 murder of Allie Berralez(sp), and I can't remember his name to save my soul. We need Camper over here, cause she knows all about the Berralez case...Camper?????

Alie Berrelez was five years old when she was abducted by a stranger on Tuesday, May 18th 1993. She was playing in the yard of her home in Englewood, Colorado. The local police did an extensive search to find Alie.
Alie was found murdered four days later. Her lifeless body was found on Saturday, stuffed in a duffel bag, by Deer Creek Canyon at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Aurora, Colorado police bloodhound Yogi, owned by Officer Jerry Nichols, led officers for 14 miles to where Alie was found. This case remains unsolved.
led the police right to the door of the 'suspect'. It appears even so that the PD did not have enough evidence against him to file murder charges. As I recall there was some investigation 'that appeared' the suspect bought an ice cream for the little girl, I don't recall that they tied up the loose edges on that finding though.

The suspect moved away quickly after that go a round, and I lost track.

However, the MO was not even close,

1. Snatched her out of the front yard where she was playing.
2. Had an army duffel bag, how many of those bags does a soldier get (tic)? Did not tote JonBenet away in a duffel bag, if he had another one.
3. No ransom note.
4. Little girls family was not wealthy.
5. No stealth operation in that case.
6. That case was one of a quick opportunity, snatch and run.
We never knew the suspects name, that I can recall anyway.

I hope whatever 'proposed eye opener' that MAY appear in the crock-- provides legitimate grounding information, rather than a fairy tale video experience.

I find it ODD that they do not play their video amusement in America, rather than overseas. Trying to get a good game of gossip going I guess. imop

Pop your popcorn, and sit back.
Nedthan Johns said:
Funny how he can’t recall much about the night his daughter was murdered, but can recall removing his clothes to get through the window. Most likely because the detective probably looked at him in disbelief given the size of the window and the size of John. He probably “added” to the story because it sounded unbelievable
True, Ned. And also possibly to explain the absence of fiber evidence from his clothes?

More thoughts on the broken window: John claimed HE broke it himself months earlier, and even told Fleet White this on the morning of the 26th; then he claimed he found the train-room door blocked by the chair that morning. Therefore, an intruder didn't break the window, nor could the intruder have entered or exited the house through the window because the door to that room was blocked.

John seems to have been trying to prevent the cops from viewing that window as the point of entry/exit by an intruder. Why? And to top it off, he told Arndt it had to be an "inside job."

Was it re-staging on John's part? Had Patsy staged the broken window, then John re-worked the staging to attempt to frame an "insider"... that is, someone with a key to house? Was it because he knew the cops would wonder why the Ramseys hadn't heard the window being broken and why there was no exterior evidence of an intruder? Was it because the window got broken during the incident that killed JB and John wanted to divert from the truth of what happened? Was it because the original plan was to remove JB's body from the house, say in the suitcase, and when the plan changed (due to weather or time concerns or whatever) the staging also had to be adjusted to present a "kidnapping gone bad by an insider"?

Why didn't John see or claim to see the window as the point of access for an intruder?
Thanks Camper and Jayelles!
Jayelles said:
There are photos of Michael Helgoth in a few of the articles which I'll scan and post on my Delphi forum sometime over the next couple of days. My scanner is at the back of a room which is full of boxes and I need to climb over them to get to the scanner!

The article suggests that the documentary was made with the co-operation of Lou Smit and another investigator called John San Augustine (so much for the investigative team not leaking!). In particular, it says the unnamed suspect lived nearby to Helgoth's place of work and that is a known paedophile and may have been responsible for another abduction/murder in 1993.

Apparently there is a Manhunt for him.

Listed as evidence against Helgoth and Mr X is a videotape of a film where Santa visits a little girl in her bed and this video is interrupted with a news bulletin of the 1993 abduction/murder.

I'm curious about the Manhunt----does it say anything else? First I've heard of the Santa film---supposedly a video was found of the newsclip, but no mention of Santa visiting a little girl in her bed. I hope you're able to watch and tape the show.
Maikai said:
I'm curious about the Manhunt----does it say anything else? First I've heard of the Santa film---supposedly a video was found of the newsclip, but no mention of Santa visiting a little girl in her bed. I hope you're able to watch and tape the show.

The santa video was mentioned by jameson on a Helgoth thread back in May. I guess Lou Smit shared that with her since he seems to be the source for this documentary too.

There are a variety of articles in the weeklies about the documentary but the one I've summarised above is the longest (2 pages). It's quite carefully worded and apart from saying that she still had the duct tape on her mouth when the medical services arrived, it seems to be fairly accurate - if cautious. I'd be curious to know if they will issue any discalimers at the end of the programme because our laws don't usually permit people to be named as suspects for murder unless they have been charged. There are rare exceptions but I wouldn't think this would be one of them.

I will say that this particular documentary hasn't had the pre-viewing coverage of the previous two and it's only been rated "one star" by one of the tv guides. It will be competing for air time with a documentary about "When Daddy became Mummy" and a rather popular and fun reality tv show about Bollywood (kind of the Asian equivalent to Pop Idol).
What is with Tracey's Ramsey fetish???

Is he seriously out for "justice" or is he out for a quick buck and a "name"???

I guess since I pretty much automatically dismiss anything that has to do with the "intruder" Ive never bothered to watch his previous efforts so ?Im unfamilar with him ?(I know he was a professor etc but I dont know his RST connection)
Tracey was incensed by the media treatment of the case.

He is British, like myself and we have very strict laws here which prevent "trial by media". His first documentary focused on the reporting of the Ramsey case and to us Brits, it was very shocking. Unfortunately, Tracey's documentaries have been presented with a pro-Ramsey bias which has earned him criticism. For example, the first documentary would have us believe that the Ramseys deserved none of the criticism that they received by the media. We didn't learn that they avoided police interviews and refused polygraphs. It focused on the rather absurd "no footsteps in the snow" slant which is a kind of trivial and meaningless point IMO.

For people like myself whose first introduction to the case is pro-Ramsey, it comes as a bit of a shock to learn on closer inspection, that this charming couple who were cruelly victimised by the press, weren't wholly undeserving of the criticism after all. It leaves one feeling confused and somewhat cheated by Mr Tracey & co. I like people to be upfront - "here are my warts" kind of thing. I think that if a person can be honest about the little things, then they will more likely be honest about the bigger things.
jameson says that ITV are BORG! Well, one can only assume that when she says :-

To clear up some BORG bull... Lou Smit is not part of the new documentary. He did not act as a consultant. That would not have been proper

I guess we should think it IS proper that Lou Smit keeps jameson informed of his activities (and non-activities).

Since I am the source of the magazine articles, I would like to describe them and leave others to work out how I formed the opinion that Lou Smit was involved in the documentary (it won't take much guesswork).

From the official ITV magazine - there is Headline "Catching a Child Killer". Underneath it is a photo of JonBenet in the white and gold feathered pageant costume with smaller photos of Lou Smit and Michael Helgoth underneath it. The subtext says:- (and I am quoting this time)

Probing: Detective Lou Smit (pictured far left) believes Michael Helgoth (pictured left) and an accomplice killed JonBenet.

I will be delighted to write to ITV on Ms Bennett's behalf and tell them she thinks they print "BORG bull".

A second magazine states "...the detectives who re-opened the case explain why they may now be only months away from resolving the case".
Maybe so. Since Mr. Helgoth is dead, and will not be sitting in court with a fancy attorney and his 'team'. Just how do you convict a dead man of murder?

Do you dig up his remains and escort them to prison to be buried in a state cemetary, or scatter his ashes in the prison exercise yard?

My comments, some tic, some not.
Here are the two statements that I made about Lou Smit and the documentary for the sake of jameson and any others with "reading comprehension difficulties":-

There are several articles about the documentary in this week's "weeklies". I don't have time to go into specifics just now because I am going off on business, but basically, it would appear that:-

Lou Smit is naming Michael Helgoth PLUS one other unnamed person as the prime suspects in JonBenet's murder.


The article suggests that the documentary was made with the co-operation of Lou Smit and another investigator called John San Augustine (so much for the investigative team not leaking!).

Maybe the documentary won't include an actual interview with Lou Smit, but it sure does sound as though his thoughts and opinions about the case and evidence are getting out there.

Maybe he "shared" with jameson and she sold that information to Tracey? I mean, she does have a history of selling information to journalists.....
Jayelles: If I am not mistaken, John San Augustine is the computer techie who helped Lou Smit prepare his PowerPoint presentation. Who knows, maybe the association continues. :)
Islander said:
Jayelles: If I am not mistaken, John San Augustine is the computer techie who helped Lou Smit prepare his PowerPoint presentation. Who knows, maybe the association continues. :)

Right. I remember there was a computer geek who was mentioned a year or so ago. I'm trying to remember what for. It described him as an investigator in the article.
Jayelles said:
Right. I remember there was a computer geek who was mentioned a year or so ago. I'm trying to remember what for. It described him as an investigator in the article.

That would be John San Agustin, not Augustine. Google him up by that name. Yes, he is a computer geek. He has gone on the record as calling himself one. His specialty is putting together PowerPoint presentations and other slide-show-like programs and computer animations, to illustrate how a crime may have played out. But he is, as far as anyone has mentioned, not an investigator by any reasonable definition. He does not collect evidence or interview people.
It is interesting to note that San Agustin works for the Ramseys.

A bad guy who's consumed much of San Agustin's time in the past several years is the same bad guy many Americans have wondered about since 1996 - JonBenet Ramsey's killer.

San Agustin and Ollie Gray, partners in a private consulting business, have worked for the 6-year-old's parents since 1999.

San Agustin said he learned about the case from Lou Smit, a retired El Paso sheriff's detective who has worked for the Ramseys.

Hearing about the case from Smit, San Agustin began to believe in the couple's innocence.

The Ramseys asked him to work for them, and San Agustin agreed to work for free, on the condition that if he found anything that incriminated them, he'd take it to Boulder authorities. They agreed.

"We really believe in their innocence," he said, noting the presence of foreign DNA on the child's body and other evidence pointing to the theory that an intruder killed the child.

"The stun gun, the tape, the rope on the garrote - none of it has been tied to the family," San Agustin said.

As he has with other cases, he's organized data and created a software program that includes photos of the infamous basement, the stairs where the ransom note was found and the white rope cutting into the child's neck.

Put together, it suggests an intruder broke into the Ramsey home and killed JonBenet, he said.

It would appear that Michael Tracey also works for the Ramseys.

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