New Video Interviews released from SA's office 11/21

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ok, casey did change after 20 and it was a very physical change as well.
last time i will post about the globe picture(dec.1), of a young, glowing, pregnant casey. you can see the change. she looks like a totally different girl.

i recommend you take the time to look at the picture, it speaks volumes.

it is a globe exclusive and we have not seen the picture on the internet.

I have been searching all over the net for this pic. Cant believe nobody has put it out there. I've seen the sitting down pic though, and she looks like such a plain a 'good girl' (except for the pg out of wedlock-lol).
I'm in Oz, and I dont think we get the globe here.
I know its not legal to scan and post the pic online, but if anyone wants to pm me with a sneak peak, I'm sure the globe wont mind ;).

As for the videos released, it seems like there was alot of secrecy in that house for a long time.
(Makes me glad that I put so much emphasis on honesty with my children.)
Poor george must feel so ashamed of falling for the email scam. And no wonder Cindy has such trust issues, with everyone lying to her and cleaning her out.
There must be so many 'if onlys' playing out in their minds.
Bolding mine
How big is that trunk? Could Caylee been Under a pile of clothes? Or tucked into the spare tire well with a jacket or some other piece of clothing thrown on top of her to conceal her?

I believe Caylee was in the trunk when George confronted KC about the gas cans. Ga might have got a glimpse of the trunk, but I seriously doubt KC stood with the trunk open for a long time. It was obvious she didn't want her dad to see into the trunk of the car.
OMG! :eek: What a load of carp: "Casey told Lee that 'timer55' meant she had 55 days to be taught that lesson. It's 55 days from June 14 to August 9 - Caylee's birthday.

'We don't know if anything is going to change now because who knew police were going to be involved in this,' Cindy Anthony said."

oh I bet that's partly why Cindy is in such denial- Casey probably told her she caused this by calling the police. That if Caylee is dead it's Cindy's fault for calling the cops.
Bold by me:

Hmmmm...betrayed? Why would someones brother feel betrayed by this?
Dang, once I get the thought of LA being Caylee's father out of my head now its popping up again. I need a pop up blocker.

Maybe it sounds funny, because of the way GA worded it. I still don't think there was anything sexual going on between KC and LA.
Did anyone notice that GA said the last time he saw Caylee she had a backpack on.
GA then said that there was one of Caylee's "old" backpacks in the bag in the trunk...........................
In video 5, GA is describing where the stain is. He states that the bag is one the left of the trunk and the stain is "right in the middle because that is where the spare tire cover is." Why did he say because?
I was just going to post this since I didn't see it. I found this snippet very interesting:


"During an interview with the FBI earlier this summer, George Anthony admitted that he'd lost the family's money in an e-mail scam - something he hadn't divulged to his wife.

He told an agent he received an email that said there was $2.2 million in a foreign bank account waiting for him.

TV Guy Hal Boedeker's commentary on the Casey Anthony case coverage ""I got involved in that..I should have known better. It was stupid," he said. "I got scammed."

Anthony was unemployed at the time, after suffering a knee injury and thought the money in the e-mail was the real deal.

"I did lie to my wife about that," Anthony said, adding that he maxed out their Mastercard and blamed it on gambling.

It's unknown how much money he lost or if it was ever recovered."

I wonder if CA knows now and if she just found out I wonder how pissed she is. Now I know why they need the money bad. Also WFTV will be concentrating on GA's interview saying there is alot that is telling about his interview.

So How is the family supporting itself during the time that Cindy isn't working? Makes those $$$ they are pursuing even more suspicious to me.
These video recordings did not give me many answers but they sure raised a lot of questions.

One answer I did get tho is to the question 'Do G & C know that Caylee is dead?' In my opinion, they Do know and have known almost from the first. For various reasons they will not say so in public, but they DO know.
I want to know more about what happened the day Casey went back and "borrowed" (took the keys) to mom's 4 runner. CA was at home and Casey returned the car in the evening. This is well after the time that Caylee was missing and the A's were worried and suspiscious (GA went on to follow the 4 runner and states that he lost it). This does not make any sense to me. Even if she sneakingly borrowed it, I would have been waiting for her in the driveway :furious::argue::furious:to get home for a "little talk". I wonder if GA really lost her in traffic.

Did someone say PASSIVE:doughboy: a few posts back?
Video 5

In trunk of car at tow yard:

In trash bag:

pizza box
pizza full of maggots
arm hammer liquid laundry detergent

In collapsible bin:

old backpack of Caylee's, black and pink, with a clear pocket on it with toiletries for Caylee inside

ETA: Casey's purse in front seat of car contained her drivers license, keys, etc. "everything"

Her drivers' license? When was she cashing those checks of Amy's? Wasn't it after the 27th of June? If so, then what was she using for ID at the bank?
I'm watching the video with Cindy - in the backpack when they picked up the car, Casey had Amy's resume in her backpack - there was a change of address card of Amy's switching Amy's mail to the Anthony residence

It looks like to me that Casey was going to steal Amy's identity - an thats why Casey needed one more day, she was probably going to go off somewhere and would be Amy, a new identity
watching the FBI agents they Know that Caylee is dead.They are only pleasing the A's with this interview.And this is what 3 weeks after her arrest. There must be some dam#ing evidence against her. O?T have listened to part 1 of Cindy's interview can that be dicussed here?
Her drivers' license? When was she cashing those checks of Amy's? Wasn't it after the 27th of June? If so, then what was she using for ID at the bank?

With all of Amy's information - I wonder if she was setting up her own kidnapping - car parked with the purse in the front seat - Caylee gone, Casey kidnapped - and Casey has become Amy and is somewhere else in the country
I have been searching all over the net for this pic. Cant believe nobody has put it out there. I've seen the sitting down pic though, and she looks like such a plain a 'good girl' (except for the pg out of wedlock-lol).
I'm in Oz, and I dont think we get the globe here.
I know its not legal to scan and post the pic online, but if anyone wants to pm me with a sneak peak, I'm sure the globe wont mind ;).

As for the videos released, it seems like there was alot of secrecy in that house for a long time.
(Makes me glad that I put so much emphasis on honesty with my children.)
Poor george must feel so ashamed of falling for the email scam. And no wonder Cindy has such trust issues, with everyone lying to her and cleaning her out.
There must be so many 'if onlys' playing out in their minds.

Ohh poor Cindy, "everyones" victim, NOT. Perhaps "everyone" treats Cindy this way because of how she treats them? Sometimes it makes much more sense that the person themself is the one with deeper issues and is actually the cause of the negativity that surrounds them because of how they behave. IMO It is certainly the case as we have seen with Cindy in how she treats outsiders so I have no problem believe it for "everyone" in the home too.
Her drivers' license? When was she cashing those checks of Amy's? Wasn't it after the 27th of June? If so, then what was she using for ID at the bank?

She was using her license, there are copys of it from when she was using Amy's checks.
watching the FBI agents they Know that Caylee is dead.They are only pleasing the A's with this interview.And this is what 3 weeks after her arrest. There must be some dam#ing evidence against her. O?T have listened to part 1 of Cindy's interview can that be dicussed here?

Yes it can.
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