Newbie Club Thread #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Something has been bothering me.........neighbors say the 'A' family had a big fight the night before Casey took Caylee and left the house...........could something of happen that night to Caylee??? George was the last to see them both.........??? The flurry of cell phone calls were the next day?? Does anyone know anything that I may of missed about the fight?
I'm a newbie and right now I am sick to my stomach. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I am crying and I don't know this family. I am getting on my knees and asking God to please help me understand why this is all happening.
Just another newbie here too wanting to say hello! I'm glad I found this site!
My first post on such a sad night; but with the sadness comes anger. Anger at a person that is devoid of any emotion but a master at manipulation. I've tried to read through everything, but there is so much here and I've been reading for weeks- I know this must have been talked about but I can not find it. Does anyone know what the seizures were and why? It was stated so matter of fact, like a common occurrence in the 400 page doc, but recent enough to be mentioned. Is this some type of medical problem that the defense can use? And even if you have just one seizure, aren't those people not allowed to drive until they do not have them for 6 months? It was stated as if that was what it was, not something that mimicked a seizure. It's just one of those unanswered things that keeps nagging at me. (everyone is understandably sad in General, so I hope it is ok to ask here. It didn't seem the right time for dumb questions)
:blowkiss: Heya!

Another newbie here wanting to weigh in on this heart breaking case!
I have been visiting this site for a while now and have finally registered and decided it was about time to start throwing in my two cents. I am dumbfounded at the behavior of the grandparents. I am a grandparent and see my grandkids several times a week. If I did not see them for several days I would find out why. I also know that they would miss me and want to see me as well. My heart breaks for the grandparents because clearly by their own actions they have little support. Regardless of their bizzare behavior they will never see their precious little angel again.
:Welcome-12-june: :hug: :wave:to all our newbies! When the big boards get too busy or you just want to wool-gather a bit come here and post away. If you have any questions this is a good place to ask and most of the "oldbies":) are more than helpful.
I'm a newbie and right now I am sick to my stomach. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I am crying and I don't know this family. I am getting on my knees and asking God to please help me understand why this is all happening.

Bless your heart. I know that everyone has been touched by this sad, sad case in each their own way. We all gather here at this wonderful place provided by Tricia and moderated by some really great people to talk about little Caylee and ponder what could have happened to her. And it is because everyone cares so much about one little girl that they will never meet. I think probably most of us have moments just as you are having now. You can't wrap your head around it. I don't know if GOD will ever let us know why this happened. But I do know that He knows , and that HIS justice will be righteous and that all we can do is be here for one another. There is a prayer thread here, with some really nice people who post there regularly. GOD bless you and yours.
Does anyone know what the seizures were and why? It was stated so matter of fact, like a common occurrence in the 400 page doc, but recent enough to be mentioned. Is this some type of medical problem that the defense can use? And even if you have just one seizure, aren't those people not allowed to drive until they do not have them for 6 months? It was stated as if that was what it was, not something that mimicked a seizure. It's just one of those unanswered things that keeps nagging at me. (everyone is understandably sad in General, so I hope it is ok to ask here. It didn't seem the right time for dumb questions)

As someone told me once here, there are no Dumb questions. Do you remember which section of the 400 pages it was in? And Welcome.
I hope I am in the right spot here. Is this a current newbie thread?
I believe I read here when BTK came back. But I never posted because my mom babysat for one of her kids so we didn't want to be in the media.

Thanks in advance I just don't know where to post since I am now posting.:)
It's funny, I expected to feel sympathy for the A's when this happened (it was bound to happen at some point), but I don't, not really, I feel sorry for the man who finally finds out he was the father of this child or his family, and could have possibly made a difference in what happened to her.

I can't even imagine living with that, and it's gonna hit hard for someone.

God Bless Caylee Anthony.

OMG I have thought this all along!
My first post on such a sad night; but with the sadness comes anger. Anger at a person that is devoid of any emotion but a master at manipulation. I've tried to read through everything, but there is so much here and I've been reading for weeks- I know this must have been talked about but I can not find it. Does anyone know what the seizures were and why? It was stated so matter of fact, like a common occurrence in the 400 page doc, but recent enough to be mentioned. Is this some type of medical problem that the defense can use? And even if you have just one seizure, aren't those people not allowed to drive until they do not have them for 6 months? It was stated as if that was what it was, not something that mimicked a seizure. It's just one of those unanswered things that keeps nagging at me. (everyone is understandably sad in General, so I hope it is ok to ask here. It didn't seem the right time for dumb questions)
welcome Riley. here is a link to a bit of discussion. Feel free to bump the thread with a new post if you want to see if other would like to discuss. I am sure many will. :)
I hope I am in the right spot here. Is this a current newbie thread?
I believe I read here when BTK came back. But I never posted because my mom babysat for one of her kids so we didn't want to be in the media.

Thanks in advance I just don't know where to post since I am now posting.:)

Who is BTK? I know I asked this in a post already but thought it might get lost if I didn't quote it.
Newbie here! LOL
Bind Torture Kill? IDK, you got me on that one.

He is a serial killer from Wichita Kansas. I should say was since he rots in jail now thank gosh!!
Also you are correct Bind Torture Kill
i doubt anyone will ever find out they were the father b/c quite frankly i don't think CA knows. For 10 mos she led JesseG (and his parents) to believe he was, and only after a DNA test was it proven he wasn't. I think he's the one who will greive the most as he believed she was his daughter and treated her that way, from what I've understood. He even posted a myspace comment a few days ago about it to his dad.
From JGrizzle's myspace in response to his dad's post on Cayley &Casey

<<Thanks Dad. You still place things into words and lessons we all need in life better than I ever could. It was not long but no matter what, spending whatever time I have spent with Caylee in my life, was the highlight of my life.>>
As someone told me once here, there are no Dumb questions. Do you remember which section of the 400 pages it was in? And Welcome.
Thanks for the welcome! Phew, I found it. My 400 pages is in three pdf's, hopefully somewhat the same as you all have. So it is pdf #3, page 223 in one of the officer reports.

"JG is a friend of the defendant. The defendant's mother mentioned him as the one that took the defendant to a hospital earlier in the year for a seizure."

So grandma is the one that brought the seizures up and that makes me wonder... could just be my overactive imagination. I just don't see any other mention of seizures and that seems strange.
Oopppss, I didn't see the response above with the link to previous. I guess it did take me a while to find it!

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