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Didn't they search the entire Island of Aruba (ok, its not that big). and didn't they become involved with the search for Stacey Peterson? (i'm not sure about this one)..what is TE criteria for becoming involved...i think they have to be invited?

if anyone has valid info. please post, thanks!
Glad there is a home from us...I was starting to feel like a red-headed step child on the other offense to anyone of course.

TOO FUNNY......:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Without an inkling of where to start searching or credible information about where Caylee was last seen, I don't think there is much Equusearch could do.

Perhaps. I don't think there's much any organization can do with a mother who doesn't want the child found. A lot of posters on the main threads seem to fault the gp for not contacting them and similar missing children's groups, but this case is unlike any other I wonder if any organization could have really helped them.
Perhaps. I don't think there's much any organization can do with a mother who doesn't want the child found. A lot of posters on the main threads seem to fault the gp for not contacting them and similar missing children's groups, but this case is unlike any other I wonder if any organization could have really helped them.

I tend to agree with out. Of course that kind of means we believe that she is no longer with us, rather than missing. I keep trying to hold out hope that she will be brought home, but I think that it's just not going to happen. :praying: for her nonetheless.
Didn't they search the entire Island of Aruba (ok, its not that big). and didn't they become involved with the search for Stacey Peterson? (i'm not sure about this one)..what is TE criteria for becoming involved...i think they have to be invited?

if anyone has valid info. please post, thanks!

This is a quote from Texas Equusearch's founder on their web site. It doesn't sound like there is any sort of criteria other than having the family of a missing person contact them:

"When a family calls us we know they are desperate and I do everything in my power to help them. I've been in their shoes and I know what it's like."
Perhaps. I don't think there's much any organization can do with a mother who doesn't want the child found. A lot of posters on the main threads seem to fault the gp for not contacting them and similar missing children's groups, but this case is unlike any other I wonder if any organization could have really helped them.

In many cases, when there is a person of interest in a disappearance that person doesn't want the missing person 'recovered'. But I don't see how this case is that much different in that respect than other numerous cases of that type--think of all the wives that 'disappeared' allegedly b/c of their husbands. In many of those cases their families--outside of the person of interest--contacted search organizations. And yet the Anthony GPs have not, as far as I know, done so despite claiming that they believe Caylee is alive.
In many cases, when there is a person of interest in a disappearance that person doesn't want the missing person 'recovered'. But I don't see how this case is that much different in that respect than other numerous cases of that type--think of all the wives that 'disappeared'. In many of those cases their families contacted search organizations. And yet the Anthony GPs have not, as far as I know, done so.

I understand what you're saying. I would also counter that the immediate difference is those wives were adults and there could have been a slim chance they went off on their own. In this case we only have the maternal side of this little girl's family who is likely torn between their love for Casey and her pathological lies. Usually there is a father and paternal relatives to be involved in a case. Add that to how long Casey was able to string people along before police were involved and it is different than any case I've seen get publicity.
Hey Susie and Mountain Momma...I am originally from WV too, I currently reside in IL. MIMI2 is from WV how did we get so many WV newbies in here?

Well, whaddya know--I'm another WVU grad!!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE West Virginia! Sadly, I'm in Ohio now. Sad because I'm not in WV.
Well, whaddya know--I'm another WVU grad!!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE West Virginia! Sadly, I'm in Ohio now. Sad because I'm not in WV.

I spent 8 years living in Northern Virginia. Does that count, LOL? Seriously, WV is very pretty and I enjoyed traveling/vacationing there when I was on the East Coast.
I am a newbie here as of today. I live in Orlando, so you know that I am watching the case of Caylee very closely. I also happen to work for the Court system, so this makes this even more interesting to me.
I noticed on a previous message that someone was wondering what all the drama was that happened in the home to drive Casey away. I remember one thing that GMACindy said at the beginning of the case, it had to do with the fact that GMACindy and Caylee were more bonded to each other than Casey and Caylee because Casey did not get to hold Caylee first when she was born. GMACindy did. She stated that there has always been this jealousy between them since the beginning.

Old-time newbie here! Registered long ago and far away but seldom posted for reasons others have previously expressed.

I am a newbie here as of today. I live in Orlando, so you know that I am watching the case of Caylee very closely. I also happen to work for the Court system, so this makes this even more interesting to me.
I noticed on a previous message that someone was wondering what all the drama was that happened in the home to drive Casey away. I remember one thing that GMACindy said at the beginning of the case, it had to do with the fact that GMACindy and Caylee were more bonded to each other than Casey and Caylee because Casey did not get to hold Caylee first when she was born. GMACindy did. She stated that there has always been this jealousy between them since the beginning.


And wasn't there a blog on Gma Cindy's Myspace referring to Caylee as "her Caylee" and how "she came into my life"?? Oh the things that make you go hmmmmmm.

Hello, I just wanted to stop in quick before supper to say introduce myself. I have been following this forum for A LONG time and I have some questions but ill be back later to post them.
Its nice to meet all of you
Well, whaddya know--I'm another WVU grad!!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE West Virginia! Sadly, I'm in Ohio now. Sad because I'm not in WV.

WELCOME! I'm in Texas now. I only lived in WV for university but it was a pretty place. I love Texas now too!
I joined several month ago to talk about the Maria Lauterbach murder but have really only posted a few things. But I am glad to see lots of newbies as well. The Caylee case has so many flaws in it. I hear today the Mom is refusing to see her family at all. I think she knows she is in a sinking ship and her parents are moving heaven and earth to find that child she doesn't want to be found. If (and I hope so) the child is just being hidden and is alive and well, why would Casey be so dead set about not giving up her location. Is she protecting her from the Grandparents? That is the question I would have? Right now the parents look like heros to the public but what if they are really flawed. Casey's dad is a ret police officer. It seems like if there was a problem with a kidnapping she would have gone to him first? But really there has not been one person come forward who knew that little girl was missing for nearly a month. How very sad. Anyhow Hello from North Carolina.
Without an inkling of where to start searching or credible information about where Caylee was last seen, I don't think there is much Equusearch could do.

I don't remember the station but a LE type was doing an interview and giving statistics yesterday. He said that most mothers who kill their children hide the bodies within a 5 mile radius of home. Fathers on the other hand hide the bodies much farther from home. I suppose they could start there but then again, Casey had a month to hide and even move her body (if that's what she did). Some divers have been looking at ponds near the Anthony home but they're saying it's a just a "training exercise."

I only caught part of the interview, did anyone see it by any chance?
I don't remember the station but a LE type was doing an interview and giving statistics yesterday. He said that most mothers who kill their children hide the bodies within a 5 mile radius of home. Fathers on the other hand hide the bodies much farther from home. I suppose they could start there but then again, Casey had a month to hide and even move her body (if that's what she did). Some divers have been looking at ponds near the Anthony home but they're saying it's a just a "training exercise."

Precisely why Casey said that Caylee is "close".:furious:
I don't remember the station but a LE type was doing an interview and giving statistics yesterday. He said that most mothers who kill their children hide the bodies within a 5 mile radius of home. Fathers on the other hand hide the bodies much farther from home. I suppose they could start there but then again, Casey had a month to hide and even move her body (if that's what she did). Some divers have been looking at ponds near the Anthony home but they're saying it's a just a "training exercise."

Precisely why Casey said that Caylee is "close".:furious:

Well, whaddya know--I'm another WVU grad!!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE West Virginia! Sadly, I'm in Ohio now. Sad because I'm not in WV.

Welcome Rebound. WV is definately beautiful. My hubby, daughter and I are about to make the trek back to visit family soon, we live in Illinois now. Will be the first time my little girl has seen Wild and Wonderful West Viriginia. She's very excited.
Hi fellow newbies. This was posted by SeriouslySearching. And it was searched for and found by Rebound(one of our newbies) and I thought others might benefit from it as I have thanks to the two of them. :clap: There are others out there if we could post them as we find them it would help our transition to the big boards lol:)

#1 08-02-2008, 08:01 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 15,526

Off Topic Thread/Websleuth's Lingo


I figured we needed an Off Topic thread anyway and thought I would include the lingo with it. Sometimes we need to take a break from such a case and talk about anything else. This is a good place to unwind for a few when things get a bit tense.

Now and then we have to remember with as many new members we have that our every day lingo becomes like a maze to them. Since people are lost on these and you go! Seasoned posters can feel free to add their own since I will probably forget half of them.

LE= Law Enforcement
POI= Person Of Interest
COD= Cause Of Death
TOD= Time OF Death
ITA= I Totally Agree
= Piece of (Reserved for a known perp, suspect, or POI)
IIRC= If I Recall Correctly
FWIW= For What Its Worth
COB= The story behind this is on the Jessie Davis case, someone meant to type COP in reference to Bobby Cutts, Jr. and it came out COB. We called him that for the rest of the case and now it had become synonymous with .
OT= Off Topic
WTH= What The Hell? (Usually reserved for frustration in understanding what is taking place within a certain situation...such as in this case. I see it a lot when discussing Casey Anthony.)
GMAB= Give Me A Break
A quote spray painted on the wall by search
and rescue workers at the OKC Bombing site 4-19-1995.
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