NH - Pamela Smart, Billy Flynn, in the murder of Greg Smart, 1990 *Guilty*

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Pamela Smart, the key figure in New Hampshire's most publicized murder trial, is asking for a pardon.

Smart, 37, was convicted in 1991 of persuading her teenage lover and his friends to murder her husband. Four teens, including one who admitted pulling the trigger, testified against her in a trial that was televised live around the state, and prompted several books and a movie.

In a pardon request filed last week with the Attorney General's Office, Smart repeats her arguments that she didn't get a fair trial because of all the media attention and that her sentence was too harsh.

Her lawyer, Greg Adamski, compared the case to the recent trial of Scott Peterson, the California man convicted in November of killing his pregnant wife.
I cannot believe she is still saying she had nothing to do with it. Unbelieveable.
(Big wave to MrsMush)

Pamela has convinced herself she didn't do anything wrong.

I loved the black satire movie with Nicole Kidman, TO DIE FOR.
Jeana (DP) said:
Some people just have brass balls - that's all I can say about this!!! :rolleyes:
Yes she has some MAJOR chutzpah!!!

I read an article in "O" magazine detailing a program for female inmates to write about their lives and crimes.Pammy is a part of it but according to the program organizer (that annoying "Vagina Monolouges"Eve woman) Pamela still has not owned up to her part in her husband's death.She blames the boys and only seems sorry for hurting her Mother and still in MAJOR denial.

To Die For is an EXCELLENT movie!
I've seen the documentary on A&E and once you listen to the telephone calls and her conversation with her friend she is clearly involved. A really shocking crime ,that poor guy.
Not a very inspiring petition. At first, in fact, I thought it was the one opposing her release!! LOL
She still will NOT admit any guilt or admit to having anything to do with her husband's murder!!!! After all these years she's still in denial(?) even with all the evidence! The only thing she says she feels bad about is her Mother being "upset" but she admits to NOTHING!!!
Jeana (DP) said:
Not a very inspiring petition. At first, in fact, I thought it was the one opposing her release!! LOL
I wonder if the person who started the thread Read the petition. Or if they are just trying to be sneaky??

"She has been in prison 14 years and that is long enough. Most of the countries in the civilized world hold a life sentence as 7 years.

Please sign our petition to ask for Pamela's sentenced to be reduced to time served or at least for Pamela to be released on parole. "

free pamela smart?.. hmm.. tough one.. but I think I'll pass.:laugh: :behindbar
One of these days, someone's going to need to explain to me how "life" can be determined by a number. Seems to me if someone gets life in prison, they don't get out of prison until the END of their life. :bang:
messiecake said:
She still will NOT admit any guilt or admit to having anything to do with her husband's murder!!!! After all these years she's still in denial(?) even with all the evidence! The only thing she says she feels bad about is her Mother being "upset" but she admits to NOTHING!!!

I think she's a sociopath. She will never admit her guilt. I hope she never, ever gets out. She looks like a robot to me, reciting carefully rehearsed phrases like Peterson did in his tv interviews.

Well, I'm off to sign the petition.

LOL, OMG did I ever misread that. I am not signing any petition for her reduction in sentence.
sharon25 said:
I wonder if the person who started the thread Read the petition. Or if they are just trying to be sneaky??
Oh, good grief, NO! I think she should stay right where she is...

Pam is almost exactly (to the day) one year younger than I am. I remember thinking at the time she was sentenced "Wow! She's going to be in prison for the rest of her life..that must suck!" At the time, she was 23 and I was 24... I am always curious now to see recent pictures of her - I like to see who's aging better! So far, I'm winning - I don't think prison is too great on the complexion!

ETA: Curious thing about that petition...I noticed that her mother and sister signed it, but not her father and brother...I wonder why that is...
Pamela Smart should spend the rest of her life in prison. She conspired to have her husband murdered when she could have divorced him.

She also was a teacher, who ruined the lives of several teenagers. I don't feel sorry for her at all.

She is a pathological liar whose lies make no sense at all. They have her on tape. Of course, she has a ridiculous excuse for her self-incriminating conversation.
Vance Lattime Jr., the getaway driver in New Hampshire's notorious Pamela Smart murder case, was granted a three-year sentence reduction yesterday.

He becomes eligible immediately for parole but first must appear before the state parole board.

"He's aware that he got it," Mark Stevens, Lattime's lawyer, said. "The family's very pleased with the result."


This article is about her request, but yesterday the Governor declined her request for clemency. Thank God, this woman is a murderer. One doesn't have to pull the trigger to be the murderer.

She was just part of this whole trend with young female teachers having affairs with young boys. This case was huge here.


Pam Smart pardon put on Executive Council agenda
Union Leader Staff

Pamela Smart, the convicted mastermind of a plot to kill her husband in 1990, will have her request for a pardon hearing sent to the Executive Council.


Gov. John Lynch will place the former Derry woman's request for clemency, which seeks to reduce her sentence of life without parole to time served, on the council agenda, spokesman Pamela Walsh said this week.

"That does not necessarily mean he is going to support a hearing request. I think that is an important distinction," Walsh said, noting the governor's power to veto council decisions.

The governor has "great faith in the jury system" and believes pardons should be granted in rare circumstances in which a serious of breach of justice occurred, Walsh said.

Good for the governor! "Pame" as she styles herself (which would make her ham-rhyming name rhyme with blame) is where she so richly deserves to be. She should rot like the poor husband she had killed.

She also ruined the lives of the boys she inveigled into the crime.
Has anyone ever seen this woman interviewed? It is obvious that she is a liar. Her ridiculous explanation about what she said on the taped conversation with the girl student was laughable.

I agree that she ruined the lives of several individuals and, for no reason, took the life of her husband.

She is one sick person and should spend the rest of her life in prison.
nanandjim said:
Has anyone ever seen this woman interviewed? It is obvious that she is a liar. Her ridiculous explanation about what she said on the taped conversation with the girl student was laughable.

I agree that she ruined the lives of several individuals and, for no reason, took the life of her husband.

She is one sick person and should spend the rest of her life in prison.

I totally agree. I saw the American Justice episode about this with her interview and it was so obvious that this sick monster is a complete liar who manipulated young boys into killing her husband. She deserves to spend the rest of her life rotting away in prison.

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