Identified! NJ - Buena Vista Twp, WhtFem 248UFNJ, Aug'86 - Jeanette Tambe

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cemetery walker
Apr 5, 2005
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This is the first time I have seen this unidentified murder victim.

The remains of a white female were found in Buena Vista Township, New Jersey. The victim was fully clothed with her hands bound. Numerous non-lethal stab wounds were found on the body. The cause of death was asphyxiation.
In her case histroy on doe network this is added:

"A high concentration of sulfuric acid had been poured on victim's face and chest. "

Clearly someone did not want her identified.
Enough to take her out of state to dispose of her?

This is a very strange case but it seems the lead suspect himself disappeared at some time between the disappearance of the first and second victims. On that basis, could he have been lying low elsewhere? His father, who is believed to have assisted him, moved to Arizona immediately afterward - could he have gone north to NY?

Sure see a resemblance between the girls and there is a 33-day gap between disappearance and discovery - although the account suggests little or no decomposition.

Shannon Green vs. Jane Doe

Wow, they sure do look alike! I wonder if she has been ruled out.
What about this girl?

Catherine Ruth Malcolmson
Missing since August 13, 1985 from Stow, Middlesex County, Massachusetts
Classification: Non-Family Abduction

Date Of Birth: April 17, 1969
Age at Time of Disappearance: 16 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'5; 110 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Brown hair; blue eyes. Malcolmson bleached her hair blonde prior to her disappearance.
Marks, Scars: She has a Chicken pox scar on her forehead, a mole on her left cheek and a dimple on her right cheek. Her ears are pierced.
Clothing: Malcolmson was wearing light blue jeans; a short-sleeved striped shirt; sneakers; a silver ring; and two bracelets when she was last seen. She was carrying a gray pocketbook
The prime suspect in Malcolmson's case had been reincarcerated for attempting a similar crime just a couple of months afterward, i.e., before Jane Doe's fresh body was found. Of course that doesn't mean that it's not Malcolmson or that he's not involved but he definitely didn't kill her himself if that is her. Great match though.

Link here:

As for my match, I no longer think it's her either, partly because the difficulty a young suspect would have had in moving her out of state but also because Shannon only had one filling and the Doe has I think seven, if I have read the dental records correctly.
I am working on a new UID that I just came upon on Doe Network. What I'm most struck by is the fact that her face was covered in sulphuric acid. I can't believe she hasn't been ID'd yet - someone cared for her enough to provide dental insurance to cover her orthodontic and root canal work, so she had to have had family that would report her missing. Since 16 is relatively young to have root canal work, I think she's probably on the 20something side of that age range. I'll let you know what I find...

Unidentified White Female

Discovered on August 8, 1986 in Buena Vista Township, Atlantic County, New Jersey.
Estimated Date of Death: August 8, 1986
Cause of Death: Homicide by asphyxiation
State of Remains: Recognizable Face


Vital Statistics

Estimated age: 16-26 years old
Approximate Height and Weight: 5'4"-5'7"; 110-120 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Short, wavy, brown hair. Both ears pierced once.
Clothing: Wearing blue, long-sleeve Varsity House pullover sweater, Sergio Valente blue jeans and size 8 gray hightop sneakers, with the brand name Dancercize.
Fingerprints: Available
Dentals: Available. Orthodontic brackets present indicating prior braces or retainers. It is believed the dentist who installed brackets learned in a school from the midwest. Tooth 8 upper right cental incisor, pre mortem loss or decay. Root canal treatment on teeth 3 and 24.
DNA: Complete - Profile available at state lab

Case History
The victim was found in a wooded area of Buena Vista Township, New Jersey on August 8, 1986. She was fully clothed with her hands bound. Numerous non-lethal stab wounds were found on the body.
A high concentration of sulfuric acid had been poured on victim's face and chest.
The Newtonville section of this rural community is densely wooded and sparsely populated.
I am so glad to see someone post a thread on this Jane Doe as this is such a sad case...the fact that someone can go to considerable lengths to pour acid on the victims face and chest in an obvious attempt to hide JD's identity and cause of death is disgusting! Lets ID this girl and catch this killer!
I considered Hazel, Darla, and Denise as well, and they all could be potential matches, but none of them really "jumped out" at me. I guess I'm looking for that one "eureka!" moment when I look at these, but I probably shouldn't be.
the thing i liked about kim was her clothing and height, but i agree, not quite eureka.

the other thing i wondered about is the acid. since JD is described as having a recognizable face, perhaps the acid served another purpose? revenge or to hide scars/tattoos? i remember hearing on tv a couple of different times about women whose husbands/bfs/etc splashed acid on their face to "ruin" them for other men.

the other details also sound like overkill or rage to me...the non-lethal stab wounds, the hands bound...
Saw this one again and decided to look a bit more. Myra went missing only 50 miles from where Jane was found. Although there is a 3 year time lapse, all the other pieces seem to, height, weight, age, even dentals seem similar. Wonder if Jane has been run through codis?
i contacted Jane's LE to see about any rule outs....

Will keep you posted.
Hey kpdx,

I looked on the namus website to see if it listed the rule outs on this Jane and it didn't. I have noticed that Namus has been listing some rule outs on some UIDS, so I figured I would look.

I hope you hear something soon from LE!

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