NJ- School Superintendent blames girl’s family for her suicide after she was beaten by a group of girls in the hallway of her school.

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DNA Solves


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Mar 30, 2018
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I agree the girls should all be charged criminally. And frankly, their parents should catch some flak too for raising such hellions. The idiot superintendent needs to be fired pronto. And none of this "resign" crap either. It needs to be a firing, publicly.

in addition to criminal charges, I’d love to see a law denying cell phone service to any individual who has used a call phone as a weapon. And this online harrassment and bullying has become a dangerous weapon for disturbed individuals.

It should include a provusion to deny service to any family member or friend who loans their phone to a convicted cell phone tormentor.

Just adding, this Supt.needs to be both fired and sued in my opinion. His outrageous comments were even carried in British newspapers!
Hopefully the school board will meet this weekend and fire the Superintendent. His response has been shocking, unprofessional, and unbelievable.

School Bullies have been around forever. I assume they grow up to be the jerks we see in every day life. However, now social media takes it to the next level. The shared videos continue to taunt the victims and I can’t even imagine what that does to them.

This sweet child seemed to come from a loving and supportive home. But that wasn’t enough to make her feel safe. I really hope there is justice.
That superintendent needs firing. There are no two sides to the story that justifies these actions. The school can't even support her after her death, no wonder she felt no other way.
Wholeheartedly agree. I read about this yesterday and am happy to see a thread pop up here. I am astonished at his response. Why on earth would he respond the way he did and to do so to the Daily Mail is kind of shocking. He had to know that this wasn't going to be a flattering article about him or the school he presides over. His lack of judgement and compassion is glaringly obvious.
The four teenage girls involved in the beating of 14-year-old Adriana Kuch, which her father says drove her to take her life, have been hit with new charges in New Jersey.
The four alleged attackers were initially slapped with third-degree assault charges and one also charged charged with disorderly conduct after they were also suspended indefinitely from school.

Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer announced on Friday that the charges against the teens had been upgraded.

One is now charged with aggravated assault, and could face court as an adult, one with harassment and two with conspiracy to commit aggravated assault.
Her father indicates that lawyers from across the country have reached out to him.
in addition to criminal charges, I’d love to see a law denying cell phone service to any individual who has used a call phone as a weapon. And this online harrassment and bullying has become a dangerous weapon for disturbed individuals.

It should include a provusion to deny service to any family member or friend who loans their phone to a convicted cell phone tormentor.

Just adding, this Supt.needs to be both fired and sued in my opinion. His outrageous comments were even carried in British newspapers!
Denying cell phone service is such a good punishment.

This should be considered!

Rarely am I searching for the right words to address people and how I feel about them.

The students that did this to that girl are the very worst human beings on the planet. They should never be allowed to walk in any form of society. The family that raised these "things" need to be looked at under a microscope. Same goes for that Abomination of a principal or whatever his title was.

PLEASE, someone help the 16 year old BF heal.

We are ALL in trouble if the Alpha generation continues to be coddled and abhorrent behaviors continue to be normalized.

There is no hope when there is no empathy.


Between the failure of the school administration to protect the teacher who was shot by the six year old and the pathetic response from her school after Adriana's suicide; it sounds like the school admins are not doing the job they're paid to do ; imo.

Rest in gentle peace, Adriana !

The small girl can be seen bobbing up and down frantically in the video as she struggles to swim. Kush dives in unafraid and scoops up the child in her neighbor's pool, the five second clip shows.

This was the large and compassionate heart Adriana had !

For some students, school is somewhat like prison for those tormented daily ; they cannot escape their bullies or those who have a grudge against them .
If they try to fight back or defend themselves, then the school admins will punish both students.
There is no escape or recourse for bullied students in many situations at schools, and this needs to change.
Between the failure of the school administration to protect the teacher who was shot by the six year old and the pathetic response from her school after Adriana's suicide; it sounds like the school admins are not doing the job they're paid to do ; imo.

Rest in gentle peace, Adriana !
In his case a reported 190k MOO

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