GUILTY NM - Amalia Sanchez, 1 month, raped & beaten to death, Albuquerque, 28 Dec 2011

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Ya know, the more I read about cases like this, the more I start to wonder just what we have done people over the last years? Is it something controllable that is literally causing diminished mental capacity?

I understand that society has changed. More women are working outside the home, more people end up in situations where it is necessary to leave their children with people that charge less than a traditional day care or risk losing their jobs.

It used to be that people might take a day off for themselves once a week or once a month, but it was always with the same babysitter, and if they couldn't find a sitter that they trusted, they didn't go. But what's so bad is that people seem to be genuinely trusting these abusers and killers. The law and the speed of information are trying valiantly to catch up, providing people with more avenues to access information about individuals every day, and people are literally too stupid to use it, too naive to seek out the resources, or too damaged to care. And I'm not saying stupid as a slam on any particular parent that does it, I'm saying stupid, as in, it seems like the population is losing IQ points. At least large percentages of the population.

Step in a time machine, go back to the fifties, and watch what would happen, if a woman went to her friends house, and told them that she left her one month old with her boyfriend so she could go gambling, jaws would literally drop, and that woman might be committed...and today people are doing it every day.

Well, there was also a lot bad about the good ol' 50's. Child abuse was rampant as college educated mothers could not always handle a life of child rearing and waxing floors and took it out on their kids. Also, it was really okay to beat the tar out of your kids, maybe even kill them. Women and children who were victims of abusive husband/fathers, were virtually ignored. There was no such thing as battered child syndrome, and no reports in the 50's in the news of children being abused, because it wasn't discussed and was considered a "family" issue.

Also, women divorced and remarried with rapidity back then and new daddies were not uncommon. I think some things have gotten worse but some have gotten better.
Oh the poor precious baby, heartbreaking and sickening, may you rest in peace angel.

Did her mother know this man well? Know his past? I don't care about him being illegal, but I wonder how long she knew him and what their connection was :(

None of the candidates for President seem to care. I haven't heard one statement that confirms that any of them care one iota.

I think we need leaders like John Walsh and Marc Klaas in office.

There's no money in child abuse - no voters to woo by taking a campaign contribution and returning the favor. When our present first lady took on childhood obesity as her cause, I could have screamed. I wrote letters and emails giving her a piece of my mind....being over-fed is the least of the abuse being exacted on our children. There are women who receive checks for as many children as they can pop out, and they could care less about the kids. Yesterday I posted a story about a woman who sold her little girl to a pornographer, over a period of time (also her tutor), for $50,000.00) No checks and balances in the system. A premature birth is extra money, and forever. People are shocked by this story, and it is one of the more shocking, but the abuse is constant.
"Every 13 seconds a child is physically abused in the United States. One in three girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18. Over 85 percent of teenagers who run away from home flee in an attempt to escape some form of abuse; physical, emotional or sexual. Every 10 seconds a child is sexually abused or raped. Today, five children alone will die from neglect and child abuse. By the time you finish reading this article a child's life will forever be changed by abuse. This has to change, the lives of innocent children depend on it."
Oh the poor precious baby, heartbreaking and sickening, may you rest in peace angel.

Did her mother know this man well? Know his past? I don't care about him being illegal, but I wonder how long she knew him and what their connection was :(

I do care about him being illegal, he will be placed in our prison system, we will pay for his stay, and he will contribute to child molesters getting lesser sentences because of prison over-crowding. Convict him and have his country house him in THEIR prison system.
I do care about him being illegal, he will be placed in our prison system, we will pay for his stay, and he will contribute to child molesters getting lesser sentences because of prison over-crowding. Convict him and have his country house him in THEIR prison system.

You know you might have something. Why don't we just contract with Mexico and ship all of our child molesters down there. Probably would be cheaper. And have you heard about the prisons down there?
Oh the poor precious baby, heartbreaking and sickening, may you rest in peace angel.

Did her mother know this man well? Know his past? I don't care about him being illegal, but I wonder how long she knew him and what their connection was :(

He was deported but he came back. This illegal alien shouldn't have been here at all.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot???????????????????????????

If there is a Hell, Juan Galindo should rot in Hell alongside with Jeffrey Dahmer, Osama bin Laden, Adolf Hitler, and Joseph Stalin.
:furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:
That poor, poor, sweet baby! The healing fractures show that it had been abused probably since birth. How can people be so evil? And why does God allow it? Just a month old and killed in such a violent way. The man who did it should get the death penalty and real soon. My one daughter at age 12 was raped by a church member who had lived with the pastor. This happened repeatedly for nearly a year before my daughter told me. My other daughter was molested at age 5 by a neighbor man, father of one of her playmates. Prosecutor wouldn't take the case because it was her word against that of an adult man and with no witnesses wouldn't stand up in court. The same daughter was molested at age 12 by the father of her best friend. He was a wealthy engineer who lived in what I would call a mansion, married with 2 children, a girls soccer coach, and a church worship leader. He molested his own 11 year old daughter too. He did get a felony conviction for both girls. He got 5 years restricted probation and had to get a lot of therapy and sex offender treatment. Failure to do so would mean he'd spend a year in jail. He did finish his treatment and probation without offending again, as far as we know. He has to register as a sex offender for life. My own sister was raped as a teen by a family friend and told to forget the whole thing ever happened. My mother later married the rapist. My older sister's husband molested me from ages 5 to 12, raped his own daughters, molested his children's babysitters, and raped at least one adult woman. He was never charged with anything and got away with all of his crimes. Sexual assault is MUCH more common than most people believe and its often the people you would least expect that commit these crimes.
I think putting him into general population of an US prison could do just fine.

Yeah that too. Latin American prisons are really nasty. They make American prisons look like Club Med.
The mother was at a casino per the report. How much you want to bet she was prostituting or selling his drugs. He was on the meth when he raped/killed the infant..and has been known to be involved in drug trafficking previously.

Cases like this make me want to ask God ...why?

not God, but man, how can you do this? We cannot excuse this was a MAN continuing to disobey the law PLUS on drugs!!! And fathering children (murdering them, too).

I just simply cannot understand this kind of evil. It's incomprehensible to me that any adult would consider a newborn infant a sex partner, and actually harm a tiny baby in that way. What thought processes take a person there? It's so horrific I'm not able to even grasp it.

This man is not a human. He's some kind of sub-par, depraved being with no soul.

May he rot in hell for all eternity.

And may this baby's mother spend the rest of her life consumed with guilt and grief.

Poor sweet little baby. I wish I could've taken you home with me and kept you safe.

I am just so upset....
This should be a death penalty case. A person like this can not be rehabilitated. The perp was a drug trafficker and had previously assaulted and harmed another child. How many other people has this person victimized?

If not death, then cut everything off his body that he used to tortue and kill the child.
Please do NOT turn this into a political discussion. Take that to the political pavillion.

This is about a crime, committed by a person, against a child. Stay on track because I have zero tolerance for prejudicial comments. It is NOT because the perp was in the country illegally that he committed this crime. It is because he is a monster that commits crimes against children. Two separate issues.


from Op's link - Immigration officials said Galindo, a convicted felon, may face 20 years in prison just for coming back into the country. Investigators said it's still unclear if anyone else will face charges in the incident. -

"Court documents also said Galindo had tried to revive the baby, but when he couldn't, he took her lifeless body outside and sat with her on the porch for three hours." another quote from OP link article. imo, anyone else in the household at the time or knew he was baby sitting should be held accountable.

RIP sweet baby.

From this link:

According to the criminal complaint, the baby also had rib fractures in various stages of healing, which indicate that she had withstood abuse for over a period of time.

A period of time? Really? At 4 weeks old if the phrase "a period of time" can actually be used in a sentence then mom needs to be put away right alongside him & for just as long if not longer.
not God, but man, how can you do this? We cannot excuse this was a MAN continuing to disobey the law PLUS on drugs!!! And fathering children (murdering them, too).


Exactly Krime, God gave man free will, and this man had a choice. He chose to ignore the laws of our Country, and he chose to ignore the laws of human kind ... someday he will pay the ultimate price.
Well, there was also a lot bad about the good ol' 50's. Child abuse was rampant as college educated mothers could not always handle a life of child rearing and waxing floors and took it out on their kids. Also, it was really okay to beat the tar out of your kids, maybe even kill them. Women and children who were victims of abusive husband/fathers, were virtually ignored. There was no such thing as battered child syndrome, and no reports in the 50's in the news of children being abused, because it wasn't discussed and was considered a "family" issue.

Also, women divorced and remarried with rapidity back then and new daddies were not uncommon. I think some things have gotten worse but some have gotten better.

Alright, I'll give you that one. It is a trade off. But it seems like somewhere along the way, humanity in general lost something very important.
Well, there was also a lot bad about the good ol' 50's. Child abuse was rampant as college educated mothers could not always handle a life of child rearing and waxing floors and took it out on their kids. Also, it was really okay to beat the tar out of your kids, maybe even kill them. Women and children who were victims of abusive husband/fathers, were virtually ignored. There was no such thing as battered child syndrome, and no reports in the 50's in the news of children being abused, because it wasn't discussed and was considered a "family" issue.

Also, women divorced and remarried with rapidity back then and new daddies were not uncommon. I think some things have gotten worse but some have gotten better.

I was a child of the fifties and you are so right gitana - abuse was ignored and it wasn't talked about. What families did in their home was "their business". Had it been different back then, it might be different now.
I believe some of the increase in the cases rests on how people are more likely to move away from their childhood home areas. In the past you would have numerous relatives to rely on for help. If a mother needed a break, grandma or an aunt, sister or cousin would be there. So many mothers today are not near family. I was so attached to my babies that I couldn't bear being away from them. My first child was 4 months old the first time my dh and I left her with my parents so we could go out to dinner. I was a nervous wreck the entire time, which ended up being only long enough to eat and return. I knew she was being taken care of well but I was also breast feeding and she was very particular and would not take a bottle very well.

Now what can be done to assist moms that need some time away? Wouldn't it be great if we could get some system set up for women that are not near their own grandchildren to be a mentor and helper to new moms that do not have family support where they are living? Is this a feasible idea?

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