NO BAIL! Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 -#27

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probably that old Australian folk song, the Overlanders..

pass the billy round , boys.. etc.
Bruce O. had probably been leading TM on for a long, long time; promising to leave Allison, calling it off, promising again and so on.

If it was TM who issued the ultimatum for 1 July it was probably because she had finally had enough of being led on. The trauma of frustration, distress, futility, anger ... over and over can be so frustrating.

Bruce O. should just have had the decency to tell her the truth - that he would never be hers. pooncy can one man possibly be???
Going by a link Keentoknow posted yesterday re prisoners...they all seem to come up with nicknames for each other. I wonder what GBC's will be...brucey??...burger man??

When he arrived; "For Sale"

After a week ; "Under Offer"

After a month ; "Sold"

After a year; "Registered Unsafe property"

After 20 years; "Permit for demolition issued" pooncy can one man possibly be???

If I wanted an alias, and I was a man, I would so go with chuck norris..nothing would peak my interest upon hearing bruce..I have friends called bruce, not picking on them, or their somewhat goofy name!! Rock on bruce lee......:rocker:
It does my head in trying to make sense of what went on with the Baden Clay/Frost/Broom thing. LOL :crazy:

Unless I truly am crazy, I remember some posts some time ago stating that he had a business called Oasis Finance and that TM was a part of it too. Anyone else remember?

I remember talk about the business but not that TM was a part of it.
Toni sat on her backside and said nothing while the search went on for days and nights, and Mr and Mrs Dickie became unhinged with grief as did Allisons daughters.. the only time she co operated with the police, and this after having to be hauled in by them, she didnt volunteer,. was when her little tacky dream went to *advertiser censored* when the evidence of Gerards other pants activities were revealed to her.

so excuse me for not seeing Toni as a victim in all this.. I'll pass on that one, thanks.

Absolutely, I have NO sympathy for women who have affairs with married men for a start (with the exclusion of those who were lied to and didnt know the guy was married), they are part of the cause of untold misery in this world. And yes, in TM's case she didnt lawyer up until a much later stage, by that time she had already been interviewed several times, so methinks she has only lawyered up when the cops started to realise she may have known something more, and THEN she's become a bit more forthcoming.

And in TM's case she actually knew Allison, and had the affair right under her nose while both worked at the C21 office - only left when Allison found out, but still continued the affair. AND from all acounts she ingratiated herself with the BC seniors as well. She either had no or very little regard for Allison, probably another narcissist herself.

Granted she got herself involved with a guy she probably couldnt have imagined would do what he did, but to have a blatant affair while working in the same office as the guys wife absolutely disgusts me.
Psychopaths rarely isn't in their mind-set.

He hasn't been diagnosed as anti-social (psychopath is no longer the terminology used). And in custody the mental health tribunals show they, when they have means and opportunities, will often try because they can no longer live out their fantasies and exercise control, domination and manipulation. It really bursts their bubble as the years go by:)
Going by a link Keentoknow posted yesterday re prisoners...they all seem to come up with nicknames for each other. I wonder what GBC's will be...brucey??...burger man??
The Phone Man; Mustard Man; Little Bit Hurt Man

Quick one, Does anyone have proof for when TM actually first was in contact with the Po po?
Quick one, Does anyone have proof for when TM actually first was in contact with the Po po?

No. maybe a quick check in the Media timeline. In the article that reports the affair.. It was when GBC sold her house..but unsire when, sorry don't have time right now to pull up the article..(I am assuming you mean when first had contact with GBC?)
I just doubt this stuff about Gerard being a psychopath. for one reason.. his only unrehearsed and unexpected TV interview..

from that little cameo. about 99% of anyone who watched it, sat up and said to themselves, oy.. this bloke is as off as a bucket of prawns left out in the hot sun. At the end of a long pier..100% of the dogs and horses who saw it immediately formed the same conclusion.

a psycopath, a sociopath would not have had a flaw in that interview.. you would not have been able to pick up the nonsense, even if you watched it frame by frame. it is their modus operandi. no one would ever have picked up his peculiarity. He would have been the perfect baffled grieving worried abandonded father, a class 10 performance, You would have been reaching into your pocket to give him a hanky.
I suspect that she had to 'trip off to work' to support her children.

As for emails, if she had deleted them unread she would have been destroying evidence.

Very unlikely that she went on with her dream ...

I think she HAD to just do what she normally did. For all she knew ABC may have committed suicide as awful a thought as that is. She most likely wasn't to know what had in fact happened. She has a family she had to keep going I guess. As for the emails we don't know what actually happened as yet.
Good to hear the fundraising for the girls is going well.
I've been mulling things over and despite what was supposedly put up by the CP at the bail hearing, about TM's contact with GBC regarding an overlap at a conference, I'm perplexed.
I guess it would be a really easy thing to resolve if you knew ABC's friends/work colleagues, or if you were in the REIQ admin, to know which conference ABC were going to.
Personally and its just MOO, she was not going to a Real Estate Property Management conference. It just to me doesn't make sense. Sure she might have been mentioned on the Century 21 website but I can't see her really having an involvement in the agency or the business (maybe through company shares/directorship but not active?)
I think it much more likely that it was a conference relating to her own interest/expertiese - psychology - development of resilience in children - training.
I remember the link to Pathways was mentioned a lot early on, and that a poster said the hairdresser told her they had been questioned, and that ABC was talking about a Pathways seminar the next day. Can't find anything, but I remember googling a bit a long time back and finding another organisation that was linked, that had something going on 20th. (dratted brain cells and that you don't write things down at the time!!!)
Maybe it doesn't turn on much anyway, it's just I wonder if the police mis-interpreted what TM said, if she said "I told GBC to tell his wife that we would both be at the same conference tomorrow" but she didn't mean she and ABC, she meant that she (TM) and GBC were both booked to go to the REIQ conference and she was worried that ABC might find out they were crossing paths.
In any case, is there any way to find out if TM went to the conference after all?

Just questioning the bit about the Police misinterpreting what TM said.... In my unlearned personal opinion, don't people have to sign agreeing to what they have said?
I know of barristers who say to their clients, don't tell me if you are guilty or not. I will never ask either. But tell me everything else . . . .

I know this enables the lawyers to do their jobs of arguing for their client to the best of their ability, and I suppose it helps them sleep at night too, but it's something I just can't seem to stomach.

Is this something that lawyers are taught during Law 101? The guilt of your client is not relevant, only whether you can win the case for them or not? Your job is to get them off, period.

Not trying to cast aspersions in any way, I'm just trying to get a handle on the issue of client guilt from the brief's point of view.

Law students are taught from their very first day that their duty is to the court, not their client. By this I mean that their duty is to ensure their client is represented and that any evidence against them is fully tested. This ensures that any conviction is based on solid, admissible evidence not heresay or illegally obtained.

The vast majority of representation in a criminal court involves pleas in mitigation, very few people accused of a crime plead not guilty. I have the stats somewhere and will post the, when I can dig them up.

If a client tells their lawyer they are guilty, the lawyer can still represent them if they then plead not guilty however ethically their lawyer is restricted to only testing the prosecution evidence. The lawyer cannot introduce evidence or alternate theories that supports the not guilty plea. Because of this lawyers deliberately do not ask the client if they are guilty or not guilty........this is the job of the jury to decide.

Sorry if this has been answered already......been catching up after a little while away from the forum.
Maybe he had other fake names too. Possibly a fake passport in the name of Bruce Overland in his getaway bag ready for his escape ... only the QPS were too smart for him.

Yes that is something along the lines of what I posted last night...that perhaps he was going to skip country, with his "bearded" disguise in a dodgy passport.

But police ordered the beard shaved off maybe in case he received bail...welll he was considered a flight risk so anything's possible I think.
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