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Patsy stated that JonBenet also did not want to wear a red turtleneck to the White's party!

Whats going on here?


I was commenting on that post by Toltec that said that Jonbenet didnt want to wear a dress. Is that a problem? Sorry Im new to this forum and if Ive done something amiss I apologize.

"Linda Hoffman Pugh explains a little of what happened the day of the 23d. She was there to help Patsy with the party, along with daughter Ariana...

On December 23, JonBenet was playing with makeup. "JonBenet, you are not going anywhere with all that on." Patsy told her. "You take some of that off." JonBenet did. At one o'clock she went to play with some friends and was back by four o'clock. Late that afternoon, she didn't want to wear a dress for their Christmas party. Patsy got a little agitated. Finally, JonBenet put on a velvet one with short sleeves. perfect murder, perfect town pg 238 ppb"
Linda Hoffman Pugh explains a little of what happened the day of the 23d.

.... she didn't want to wear a dress for their Christmas party.

Now that statement caught my eye.

Please don't be offended! I think what UKGuy meant was to see what your theory about this was, and not meant in any accusatory way. (forgive me, UKGuy if I am wrong, I don't want to put words in your mouth). When in an online forum, nuances like tone of voice and facial expression are absent, and it is easy to misconstrue what it said. You are most welcome here, as are all posters. Everyone's input has value.

The first thought that popped into MY mind when I read your post was this:
was there a reason why wearing a dress would be "uncomfortable" for her? Most little girls love party dresses, JB seemed to like dressing up in pretty clothes. I am going to be very frank here- it is easier to molest a female in a dress than one who is wearing slacks. Just logistics. Someone looking for easy access to JB's private area, especially when people are around, wants to get that "thrill" quickly and furtively. And even a very young child like JB would feel that she was better "protected" wearing pants than in a dress, where the panties and private area are more easily exposed. She may not even have been able to put it into words, but possible she felt that way. She didn't want to wear a dress Christmas Day to the White's either, insisting on her black velvet pants and vest.
Was this what you meant?
My little sister was molested by a woman who used a lotion bottle as the phallus.

Within a few months of this she was playing a weird game where she would rub the butt of her female cousins ( same age as her) and then she tried to play it with me. I am 8 years older so I knew what her sexual knowledge was.

I knew something was up and ( I feel bad about doing it) forced her to tell me the truth by threatening her. I told her I would cut up all her paper dolls, break all her crayons, cut the heads off her dolls etc. She finally broke down and told me.She also told me her molester had threatened to tell I was the responsible party if she told.

I told my mom who was taking care of my terminally ill father. She called the Aunt of the cousins and confirmed the game. She actually made my sister confront the woman with her accusations and my poor sister said she made it up. I could tell when she was lying and I knew she wasn't. I kept my mouth shut and told no one. The woman who molested my daughter had 2 girls of her own and my older sister and I lived with her for many months while my dad was in another town getting cancer treatment. This was before the molestation had occurred.
The oldest daughter was my age and went to school and told all our mutual friends I was spreading lies about her Mom. I lost all my friends. I was 13. I had told no one but my mom.

The next door neighbor to the molester had a daughter who was special needs. She had suffered a traumatic brain injury when very young. Her mom was a nurse. There were not many girls to play with on our block so I played sports with the boys and even the special needs girl would not play with me anymore the molesters daughter had gotten to her too.

At some point I couldn't take it anymore. I got the .22 rifle I had been given at age 8. ( I also got shooting and safety lesson from a Texas Ranger who called me Annie Oakley. He said he wished his trooper had my natural skills.) I climbed a tree and had the woman in my sights about to pull the trigger when the father of the special needs girl pulled me out of the tree and freaked out. He drug me into his house and demanded I tell him what was going on. It was very very late everyone was in bed clothes except me and I broke down and told him and his wife the whole sordid story from beginning to end. The mother being a nurse recognized what I was saying had to be true. I begged them to never let their daughter spend the night at the molesters house. It had happened to my little sis that way, The woman had requested for her to stay when her hubby and girls had gone to lake and she was alone. She had often babysat and everyone on our block adored my little sis she just had and still has such a great bubbly personality. They then took me home and talked to my mom. The nurse told my mom no way could a child her age make up such a story. Considering what I had just done they all decided to not tell my father who wouldn't have bothered to hide in a tree before he did what I was planning to do. He was at the hospital that night. My little sis was his favorite, she looked like him and was a surprise gift from God. I was most like my dad in personality so they knew if I could do this he would have no problem with it and considering his health he knew he had nothing more to lose he would die before a trial could be completed.

I was angry at my mom for not pursuing it further. It was the 70's and as she later told us she was losing her husband and couldn't really deal with it. She knew the woman was sick and I mean physically sick as she had debilitating migraines and was seeing a local DR who was a well known quack. Before all of this happened my mom had begged her to go to another Dr who would at least do an X-ray of her head to rule out other causes besides migraine for her headaches. She had personality changes becoming aggressive and and just mean when she had them. My Mom and Dad had offered to pay for the Dr too.
After the tree incident my mom told me to have faith in God as God would handle in in his own way. She knew the woman was going to die from whatever was in her head. Before she died her husband left her and the daughters elected to live with their dad. She died at some friends house in the middle of conversation she just keeled over dead. this was 2 years after the molestation and less than a year after my dad died. I was asked if I was going to attend her funeral and for the first time I spoke out in school about what she had done. I was sent to a school counselor who told me to not say the things I said in class. I told her to go to hell. She threatened me with suspension I told her to go for it if she wanted to lose her job and reputation as protecting a molester even in memory only wouldn't look good on her resume. My parents were well connected to judges and politicians and I threw a few names out and told her how they attended Bar-B-Ques at our house and were in the same social clubs as my parents. She sent me back to class. My mother never got a phone call from her either but i did decide to just drop it as my mom said to do.

At our 10 year high school reunion in a stupid game they played (orchestrated by one of the molesters daughters close friends) I was handed a microphone and asked embarrassing questions about things we had done in high school. Someone threw out a question about the fit I threw when asked about the funeral. I told them that happened in JR High and not everyone in our high school class went to the same Jr High. I told the entire class what my little sis had suffered. I was asked for proof and I told them my sisters medical records were not covered under the open records act. I told them when she went for her first pap smear and when she gave birth for the first time both doctors asked her about it as she had extensive scarring and evidence of trauma was present years after the event. After that several other people who had un- friend-ed me got the microphone and told stories from college about how this molesters daughter had messed them over, how two faced she was how she could not be trusted. She did not attend the reunion.

My hubby and I later(years) saw the molesters daughter with her Dentist husband and infant daughter at a local restaurant. I went over and smiled and then told the husband what her mother had done and to watch his wife as his daughters safety was at concern considering that his wife was most likely molested too.I pointed out that if he was a medical professional that he knew that kind of behavior was passed down from one generation to to the next. I would not have said a word if there had not been a child with them. The youngest daughter of the molester committed suicide in college.

My question to forum members-did I do the right thing?

My sister did get counseling even if the matter was not pursued in court. She got counseling in Jr High as my mom wanted to wait until she could cope with and have a more mature ability to deal with it.
I was commenting on that post by Toltec that said that Jonbenet didnt want to wear a dress. Is that a problem? Sorry Im new to this forum and if Ive done something amiss I apologize.

"Linda Hoffman Pugh explains a little of what happened the day of the 23d. She was there to help Patsy with the party, along with daughter Ariana...

On December 23, JonBenet was playing with makeup. "JonBenet, you are not going anywhere with all that on." Patsy told her. "You take some of that off." JonBenet did. At one o'clock she went to play with some friends and was back by four o'clock. Late that afternoon, she didn't want to wear a dress for their Christmas party. Patsy got a little agitated. Finally, JonBenet put on a velvet one with short sleeves. perfect murder, perfect town pg 238 ppb"

Hey welcome there, I never noticed you were so new. So its not a problem at all. The question was intended to be rhetorical e.g. is this other instance another example of the one you mentioned?

Some recurring themes are dolls, and not wanting to wear stuff, one wonders if they are part of some underlying scenario?

Please don't be offended! I think what UKGuy meant was to see what your theory about this was, and not meant in any accusatory way. (forgive me, UKGuy if I am wrong, I don't want to put words in your mouth). When in an online forum, nuances like tone of voice and facial expression are absent, and it is easy to misconstrue what it said. You are most welcome here, as are all posters. Everyone's input has value.

The first thought that popped into MY mind when I read your post was this:
was there a reason why wearing a dress would be "uncomfortable" for her? Most little girls love party dresses, JB seemed to like dressing up in pretty clothes. I am going to be very frank here- it is easier to molest a female in a dress than one who is wearing slacks. Just logistics. Someone looking for easy access to JB's private area, especially when people are around, wants to get that "thrill" quickly and furtively. And even a very young child like JB would feel that she was better "protected" wearing pants than in a dress, where the panties and private area are more easily exposed. She may not even have been able to put it into words, but possible she felt that way. She didn't want to wear a dress Christmas Day to the White's either, insisting on her black velvet pants and vest.
Was this what you meant?

Yes, you were right, it was not meant in any accusatory way. I agree with your thoughts about JonBenet and her dress.

Hey welcome there, I never noticed you were so new. So its not a problem at all. The question was intended to be rhetorical e.g. is this other instance another example of the one you mentioned?


New here and I have no theory and its hard to come up with a theory when all hypotheses get disproven by this source or that one. It appears there is no definitive authority, no proven facts that tip the balance for me. At one time I thought JMK had something to do with it but as time goes on and no authentic confession or lead appears.... Im beginning to turn back towards the family. I just dont know.
New here and I have no theory and its hard to come up with a theory when all hypotheses get disproven by this source or that one. It appears there is no definitive authority, no proven facts that tip the balance for me. At one time I thought JMK had something to do with it but as time goes on and no authentic confession or lead appears.... Im beginning to turn back towards the family. I just dont know.

Just take your time. Many of us have had years to ferment our theories. If you study the JMK link, you'll see there was NO way to place him in Boulder the night of the murder. ALL of the information about the crime, which DA ML falsely claimed were things no one else new, was already publicly known, and he said nothing that any of us here didn't already know. It isn't just that his DNA didn't match- there was NO forensic evidence from him left anywhere at the crime scene, on the body, or anywhere else. JMK also claimed to have had oral sex with JB that night- yet NO evidence of his saliva was found on her.
This was his fantasy, pure and simple. When he had his correspondence with Tracy, this lit up Tracy's world, too- it was a way to be a part of one of the nation's most high-profile unsolved cases. If you saw that press conference where ML crowed about solving the case, behind here were an entire circus car full of clowns, smug with the cockiness of true fools. LS was also among them.
Try reading a few books on the case if you haven't already. Most are available in paperback by now, and should be found on or Barnes & The most "neutral" is "Perfect Murder, Perfect Town" by Lawrence Schiller. He also made a "for TV" movie of the same name, which I rented via Netflix but also bought a copy. I think Steve Thomas' book is also a very good read, and many people also like to read the Ramsey's own book "Death of Innocence" which many feel is a work of fiction. Most books on the case are listed on the following site, which is an extensive encyclopedia of the case. Study the site well, there are tons of pictures, including crime scene photos. The site has other cases too so you have to scroll down and click on the JonBenet link. Here it is:
New here and I have no theory and its hard to come up with a theory when all hypotheses get disproven by this source or that one. It appears there is no definitive authority, no proven facts that tip the balance for me. At one time I thought JMK had something to do with it but as time goes on and no authentic confession or lead appears.... Im beginning to turn back towards the family. I just dont know.

DeeDee249 offers some excellent reading suggestions. Once you get past the intruder theories, and other arcane theories such as satanic abuse and JM Karr's offering. You are left with the residents of the Ramsey household, and any consistent theory with one or more resident as a suspect cannot usually be disproven. They are simply more or less probable.

Everyones input is valued, part of your theory or contribution might unlock the case, who knows? It's only recently that we discovered there was a barbie doll in the wine-cellar along with JonBenet. The evidence for that came from Paty's own lips, in an interview. It was there, available for all to see, but for years nobody noticed, until one day someone asked the question what is this object in a blurry crime-scene photo?

My little sister was molested by a woman who used a lotion bottle as the phallus.

Within a few months of this she was playing a weird game where she would rub the butt of her female cousins ( same age as her) and then she tried to play it with me. I am 8 years older so I knew what her sexual knowledge was.

I knew something was up and ( I feel bad about doing it) forced her to tell me the truth by threatening her. I told her I would cut up all her paper dolls, break all her crayons, cut the heads off her dolls etc. She finally broke down and told me.She also told me her molester had threatened to tell I was the responsible party if she told.

I told my mom who was taking care of my terminally ill father. She called the Aunt of the cousins and confirmed the game. She actually made my sister confront the woman with her accusations and my poor sister said she made it up. I could tell when she was lying and I knew she wasn't. I kept my mouth shut and told no one. The woman who molested my daughter had 2 girls of her own and my older sister and I lived with her for many months while my dad was in another town getting cancer treatment. This was before the molestation had occurred.
The oldest daughter was my age and went to school and told all our mutual friends I was spreading lies about her Mom. I lost all my friends. I was 13. I had told no one but my mom.

The next door neighbor to the molester had a daughter who was special needs. She had suffered a traumatic brain injury when very young. Her mom was a nurse. There were not many girls to play with on our block so I played sports with the boys and even the special needs girl would not play with me anymore the molesters daughter had gotten to her too.

At some point I couldn't take it anymore. I got the .22 rifle I had been given at age 8. ( I also got shooting and safety lesson from a Texas Ranger who called me Annie Oakley. He said he wished his trooper had my natural skills.) I climbed a tree and had the woman in my sights about to pull the trigger when the father of the special needs girl pulled me out of the tree and freaked out. He drug me into his house and demanded I tell him what was going on. It was very very late everyone was in bed clothes except me and I broke down and told him and his wife the whole sordid story from beginning to end. The mother being a nurse recognized what I was saying had to be true. I begged them to never let their daughter spend the night at the molesters house. It had happened to my little sis that way, The woman had requested for her to stay when her hubby and girls had gone to lake and she was alone. She had often babysat and everyone on our block adored my little sis she just had and still has such a great bubbly personality. They then took me home and talked to my mom. The nurse told my mom no way could a child her age make up such a story. Considering what I had just done they all decided to not tell my father who wouldn't have bothered to hide in a tree before he did what I was planning to do. He was at the hospital that night. My little sis was his favorite, she looked like him and was a surprise gift from God. I was most like my dad in personality so they knew if I could do this he would have no problem with it and considering his health he knew he had nothing more to lose he would die before a trial could be completed.

I was angry at my mom for not pursuing it further. It was the 70's and as she later told us she was losing her husband and couldn't really deal with it. She knew the woman was sick and I mean physically sick as she had debilitating migraines and was seeing a local DR who was a well known quack. Before all of this happened my mom had begged her to go to another Dr who would at least do an X-ray of her head to rule out other causes besides migraine for her headaches. She had personality changes becoming aggressive and and just mean when she had them. My Mom and Dad had offered to pay for the Dr too.
After the tree incident my mom told me to have faith in God as God would handle in in his own way. She knew the woman was going to die from whatever was in her head. Before she died her husband left her and the daughters elected to live with their dad. She died at some friends house in the middle of conversation she just keeled over dead. this was 2 years after the molestation and less than a year after my dad died. I was asked if I was going to attend her funeral and for the first time I spoke out in school about what she had done. I was sent to a school counselor who told me to not say the things I said in class. I told her to go to hell. She threatened me with suspension I told her to go for it if she wanted to lose her job and reputation as protecting a molester even in memory only wouldn't look good on her resume. My parents were well connected to judges and politicians and I threw a few names out and told her how they attended Bar-B-Ques at our house and were in the same social clubs as my parents. She sent me back to class. My mother never got a phone call from her either but i did decide to just drop it as my mom said to do.

At our 10 year high school reunion in a stupid game they played (orchestrated by one of the molesters daughters close friends) I was handed a microphone and asked embarrassing questions about things we had done in high school. Someone threw out a question about the fit I threw when asked about the funeral. I told them that happened in JR High and not everyone in our high school class went to the same Jr High. I told the entire class what my little sis had suffered. I was asked for proof and I told them my sisters medical records were not covered under the open records act. I told them when she went for her first pap smear and when she gave birth for the first time both doctors asked her about it as she had extensive scarring and evidence of trauma was present years after the event. After that several other people who had un- friend-ed me got the microphone and told stories from college about how this molesters daughter had messed them over, how two faced she was how she could not be trusted. She did not attend the reunion.

My hubby and I later(years) saw the molesters daughter with her Dentist husband and infant daughter at a local restaurant. I went over and smiled and then told the husband what her mother had done and to watch his wife as his daughters safety was at concern considering that his wife was most likely molested too.I pointed out that if he was a medical professional that he knew that kind of behavior was passed down from one generation to to the next. I would not have said a word if there had not been a child with them. The youngest daughter of the molester committed suicide in college.

My question to forum members-did I do the right thing?

My sister did get counseling even if the matter was not pursued in court. She got counseling in Jr High as my mom wanted to wait until she could cope with and have a more mature ability to deal with it.

All of my sympathy, CathyR. The way I see it, you did the only thing you could have done.
Considering the dress, I agree that it would be in JB's mind a safer piece of clothing to wear.

Even though AJ got a lot of her facts wrong her show started me thinking about a couple of things. She never mentioned some of the most compelling evidence. Does any of the following seem plausible to you?

JB feared her molester would be at the party. Pretty strong evidence that it was not her father or mother who were molesting her.

If it was another child maybe a playmate of Burke's it is easy to see why she would be fearful. Kids are told to go play and to leave the adults an other wise "safe" area often when adults with children get together.

My dad had 7 sisters and 1 brother we often didn't see some cousins but once or twice every few years. My older sister says she remembers being introduced to total strangers and told these are your cousins now go outside and play with them.

If her family members were molesting her I don't see why she would fear them doing it in such a public place. Even Burke would wait till he had her alone privately as he had access to her at all times so the party wouldn't be a place he would molest her at.

It is too late to ask Patsy if JB asked about anyone else being at the party like is so and so going to be there I don't like them much. If asked she would not tell why just I don't like them.
IMO a child would be more likely to make this statement to a mother than a father.

Our society is now much more likely to believe a child was molested but parents of abuse victims often are in denial. Why. They blame themselves for not picking up on the cues, it is because they were raised at a time when stuff like this was a dirty little secret. They want to feel that in no way did they risk their child's safety. They do blame themselves. Read my story posted above, my mom couldn't deal with it either. She never allowed the molester access to her daughter after that but she allowed her to spend the night with her in the first place.

This makes JB's statement to an adult that she didn't feel pretty much more important. IMO. Who was there that was was also at the White's party when she made this statement. She may have been molested just prior to this statement.

This is the stuff that makes me so indecisive about an IDI as opposed to a RDI.
JB might have told her molester no and that she was going to tell.

The BDI theory might be close to the truth too but what if it wasn't the parents of Burke who decided to silence JB. The parents of a child who like my sisters molesters daughter told their parents JB is going to tell lies about me. One or both parents might have decided to take action before she said anything to an adult. After killing her they justify in their mind that she was a messed up kid who told lies about their child and even though too young to realize the ramifications of her lies she needed to be stopped.

Of the R's friends and family (not Patsy or John) who fits the following description if any.

1 adult is basically the "head" of the household. The mate is meek and mild, cannot make decisions without consulting the other. One person who is very dominant over the other but no one would consider it abuse in fact they might think they are the perfect couple as the qualities are opposite of each other. No fights in that house over who wears the pants in the family. The two never seem to disagree or the less dominant one never shows any signs that they resent or are unhappy about the "control" the other one has. They even defend them saying stuff like I don't have a good head for numbers so Mate makes all the financial decisions. The less dominate one would always check with the other before shopping to buy themselves something. The dominant mate always says yes, of course to reward the less dominant one for checking in first. This would not raise the suspicion of their friends as the dominant one appears to be generous whenever asked.
Look at all the cases of couples involved in child kidnappings and murders. One is a very strong and dominating the other is clearly the follower. They often report they follow any and all orders given by that individual even if in the back of their mind they know it is wrong. Jaycee Dugard, Elizabeth Smart Heda Neubaum. Forgive spelling or getting names wrong. 2 kidnappings and one murder.

I could be projecting my own experience here as in my sisters case the mother and the daughter conspired to cover up the behavior. I know that people often do that project their own life experiences into something in an effort to understand it better.
Cathy, I have no way of knowing the Ramsey's behavior before JB's death, but it is pretty obvious in their interviews afterwards exactly who was the dominant leader and who was following. It was even mentioned in Aphrodite's show that Patsy was always looking at John in order to follow his lead. One of the few things they got right, imo.
My question to forum members-did I do the right thing?


Just wanted to make sure you knew how I felt. :)

It sounds like we are close to the same age. Back in the 70's it was still taboo to talk about molestation. You hid it.

Back in the 70's it was still legal for a man to rape his wife.

My point is we have come a long way.

Cathy, I hope you are going to therapy. If not please consider it.

And also know that you very likely saved that little baby from getting molested.

Hell yes you did the right thing.
Considering the dress, I agree that it would be in JB's mind a safer piece of clothing to wear.

If her family members were molesting her I don't see why she would fear them doing it in such a public place. Even Burke would wait till he had her alone privately as he had access to her at all times so the party wouldn't be a place he would molest her at.

I could be projecting my own experience here as in my sisters case the mother and the daughter conspired to cover up the behavior. I know that people often do that project their own life experiences into something in an effort to understand it better.

We all bring our own life experiences to bear, on this case but really, in anything. It's human nature. But situational molesters behave differently than most pedophiles. For one thing, a situational molester may not be a true pedophile (meaning they are not sexually attracted to ALL children). The situational molester targets a victim because of their availability and vulnerability. It isn't a big leap to see someone in the family or close to the family targeting JB because of her sexualized pageant persona either. To them, they are attracted to the "JB posing as 22 year old woman" and not the "JB the 6-year old girl". Many situational molesters target a child until they are old enough to protest with enough force to stop the molestation and in many cases the molestation never happens with another child.
But in this case, there are several possibilities NOT including the parents. BR and JAR are particularly prominent on the "short list". Also on the list are a small number of friends of theirs and family friends who would frequent the R house. The main problem I have with anyone OTHER than the two brothers is that I cannot see the parents covering up for anyone else. And I believe with all my heart that Patsy wrote the RN. There is NO one she would do that for outside her family. (by family I mean her own father, husband, son and stepson). I also have a problem with how any of the others would happen to be in the house that night (NO ONE came in that window) and how they'd have fed the pineapple without getting prints on anything and remember BR was there then, too, at the time of the pineapple snack- his prints are on the bowl, too. Did anyone ever ask BR if HE had any pineapple that night? I bet not. Then we have the matter of the white blanker, which was NOT pulled off her bed (LE established this very thing in an interview with Patsy). No friend of the boys or friend of the family not to mention no stranger would know the blanket was in the basement dryer (where LHP left it till she could make up the bed again after the family left for the trip). No friend or intruder would know about the Bloomies panties purchased for JB's cousin. All the staging smacks of the parents, and don't forget their fibers were found on things directly related to the CRIME- the tape, neck cord knot, paint tote and JB's panties.
So you seem it all comes round again to the parents KNOWING what happened that night, whether they themselves were the perps or not. And I simply cannot see them doing this for anyone outside the family. The molester was known to them. The molestation was known about. That's why there was a coverup.
We all bring our own life experiences to bear, on this case but really, in anything. It's human nature. But situational molesters behave differently than most pedophiles. For one thing, a situational molester may not be a true pedophile (meaning they are not sexually attracted to ALL children). The situational molester targets a victim because of their availability and vulnerability. It isn't a big leap to see someone in the family or close to the family targeting JB because of her sexualized pageant persona either. To them, they are attracted to the "JB posing as 22 year old woman" and not the "JB the 6-year old girl". Many situational molesters target a child until they are old enough to protest with enough force to stop the molestation and in many cases the molestation never happens with another child.

I wish you better luck than I've had, DD. I've tried to explain that a thousand times, and a fat lot of good it did.
my little sister was molested by a woman who used a lotion bottle as the phallus.

Within a few months of this she was playing a weird game where she would rub the butt of her female cousins ( same age as her) and then she tried to play it with me. I am 8 years older so i knew what her sexual knowledge was.

I knew something was up and ( i feel bad about doing it) forced her to tell me the truth by threatening her. I told her i would cut up all her paper dolls, break all her crayons, cut the heads off her dolls etc. She finally broke down and told me.she also told me her molester had threatened to tell i was the responsible party if she told.

I told my mom who was taking care of my terminally ill father. She called the aunt of the cousins and confirmed the game. She actually made my sister confront the woman with her accusations and my poor sister said she made it up. I could tell when she was lying and i knew she wasn't. I kept my mouth shut and told no one. The woman who molested my daughter had 2 girls of her own and my older sister and i lived with her for many months while my dad was in another town getting cancer treatment. This was before the molestation had occurred.
The oldest daughter was my age and went to school and told all our mutual friends i was spreading lies about her mom. I lost all my friends. I was 13. I had told no one but my mom.

The next door neighbor to the molester had a daughter who was special needs. She had suffered a traumatic brain injury when very young. Her mom was a nurse. There were not many girls to play with on our block so i played sports with the boys and even the special needs girl would not play with me anymore the molesters daughter had gotten to her too.

At some point i couldn't take it anymore. I got the .22 rifle i had been given at age 8. ( i also got shooting and safety lesson from a texas ranger who called me annie oakley. He said he wished his trooper had my natural skills.) i climbed a tree and had the woman in my sights about to pull the trigger when the father of the special needs girl pulled me out of the tree and freaked out. He drug me into his house and demanded i tell him what was going on. It was very very late everyone was in bed clothes except me and i broke down and told him and his wife the whole sordid story from beginning to end. The mother being a nurse recognized what i was saying had to be true. I begged them to never let their daughter spend the night at the molesters house. It had happened to my little sis that way, the woman had requested for her to stay when her hubby and girls had gone to lake and she was alone. She had often babysat and everyone on our block adored my little sis she just had and still has such a great bubbly personality. They then took me home and talked to my mom. The nurse told my mom no way could a child her age make up such a story. Considering what i had just done they all decided to not tell my father who wouldn't have bothered to hide in a tree before he did what i was planning to do. He was at the hospital that night. My little sis was his favorite, she looked like him and was a surprise gift from god. I was most like my dad in personality so they knew if i could do this he would have no problem with it and considering his health he knew he had nothing more to lose he would die before a trial could be completed.

I was angry at my mom for not pursuing it further. It was the 70's and as she later told us she was losing her husband and couldn't really deal with it. She knew the woman was sick and i mean physically sick as she had debilitating migraines and was seeing a local dr who was a well known quack. Before all of this happened my mom had begged her to go to another dr who would at least do an x-ray of her head to rule out other causes besides migraine for her headaches. She had personality changes becoming aggressive and and just mean when she had them. My mom and dad had offered to pay for the dr too.
After the tree incident my mom told me to have faith in god as god would handle in in his own way. She knew the woman was going to die from whatever was in her head. Before she died her husband left her and the daughters elected to live with their dad. She died at some friends house in the middle of conversation she just keeled over dead. This was 2 years after the molestation and less than a year after my dad died. I was asked if i was going to attend her funeral and for the first time i spoke out in school about what she had done. I was sent to a school counselor who told me to not say the things i said in class. I told her to go to hell. She threatened me with suspension i told her to go for it if she wanted to lose her job and reputation as protecting a molester even in memory only wouldn't look good on her resume. My parents were well connected to judges and politicians and i threw a few names out and told her how they attended bar-b-ques at our house and were in the same social clubs as my parents. She sent me back to class. My mother never got a phone call from her either but i did decide to just drop it as my mom said to do.

At our 10 year high school reunion in a stupid game they played (orchestrated by one of the molesters daughters close friends) i was handed a microphone and asked embarrassing questions about things we had done in high school. Someone threw out a question about the fit i threw when asked about the funeral. I told them that happened in jr high and not everyone in our high school class went to the same jr high. I told the entire class what my little sis had suffered. I was asked for proof and i told them my sisters medical records were not covered under the open records act. I told them when she went for her first pap smear and when she gave birth for the first time both doctors asked her about it as she had extensive scarring and evidence of trauma was present years after the event. After that several other people who had un- friend-ed me got the microphone and told stories from college about how this molesters daughter had messed them over, how two faced she was how she could not be trusted. She did not attend the reunion.

My hubby and i later(years) saw the molesters daughter with her dentist husband and infant daughter at a local restaurant. I went over and smiled and then told the husband what her mother had done and to watch his wife as his daughters safety was at concern considering that his wife was most likely molested too.i pointed out that if he was a medical professional that he knew that kind of behavior was passed down from one generation to to the next. I would not have said a word if there had not been a child with them. The youngest daughter of the molester committed suicide in college.

My question to forum members-did i do the right thing?

My sister did get counseling even if the matter was not pursued in court. She got counseling in jr high as my mom wanted to wait until she could cope with and have a more mature ability to deal with it.

how dare these ignorant sob's ask you for proof!!! That makes me sick!!!
i figured I'd get it out there as I think some of my opinions may be colored by this experience. Good Bad or Ugly this is my life experience with child molestation.
I sometimes feel bad for the way I handled it. As a 13 year old and an adult, especially the threats I made to little sis to get her to tell me what happened. She also had nightmares I destroyed her toys. We shared a room so when she would wake up with one I often cried then and had to tell her I was all bark and no bite. That was hard to admit to her as I had a tough girl image to protect. She lost her daddy at age 5, I was 14 I had him longer and we were very close, I was the closest thing to the son he never had. It was my job (in my head) to make sure she would feel protected. I figured it is what my dad would want me to do.

My hubby was floored when I did that in the restaurant and said you are going to get yourself or me killed doing stuff like that.

I told him he isn't our Dentist, what is he going to do about it? Chase us down the street with needles and a drill? My sisters hee hawed when he told them I said this especially my little sis. I also have never seen a man so shocked and taken aback as when I told him. I'm sure she lied her a@# off to him to explain it all but if his daughter showed any signs of abuse later then maybe a bell would go off in his head and remember what I said.

Hubby asked me if I was motivated by revenge or concern. I didn't know for certain cause a small part of me enjoyed confronting her and making that scene so I can't say I was 100% totally committed to saving another child from becoming a victim.

I had seen her and her husband before when they came to town to visit her dad or grandmother but never felt the need to do what I did till I saw her with a child. I think seeing that baby set me off.

Does anyone here get my point about how good parents can and will deny sexual abuse from a close friend or family member. It is so hard to deal with the pain and guilt they would rather it just go away. They ignore the little clues the child gives them. It is betrayal of trust so deep seated that it breaks down the "safe idea" they had of the environment they thought they had created for their child. We live in a nice neighborhood, we send our kids to the best schools.
I don't care what it is hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and nuclear disasters like Japan. People don't want to think about the worst case scenario and deal with it. No one wants to feel in any way responsible for the suffering of another human being. This is how victims are often blamed for being a victim.

Look at how Patsy so strongly objects that no one they knew would do this. IMO she won't let herself think like that because she would feel responsible.
My daughter is 6 years 2 months old. When I suggest an outfit for her to wear, she wants something different. When I want to give her raisin bran, she wants frosted flakes. When I make her waffles, she wants pancakes. You get the idea.

Patsy and JonBenet were involved in a power struggle, just like my daughter and I are going through now.

So, the dress incident on the 23d, the red turtleneck incident with Patsy and JonBenet Christmas day...

So what happened Christmas night? What set Patsy off? Was it that JonBenet wet her bed? Was it that she didn't want to bathe that nite after wetting the bed? Whatever it was, it must have been one doozy of a power struggle.
just touchin on SDs first post on this thread about staceys dad abusing her younger sister when she left, i did read somewhere (i will find the link) about the relationship between beth an JR and her death not being an accident it was suggested there was sexual abuse between the two of them.

Which brings me to stacey her dad molested her sister with the view of her being staceys replacement, would it be possible that JBR was Beths replacement because she was grown enough to make her dad stop, and if her death wasn't an accident did she threaten to expose JR for what he was.

This is just my opinion but if all of the above is true surely the opinion becomes possible
Remember this girl had gone to our mutual friends and told them before I said a word that I was going to tell some horrible lies about her mother. This girl was very pretty very slim built and dainty looking, quite manipulative and could easily turn on the tears and gain sympathy. She was so devastated I her best friend would do this. I her best friend would betray her. The nature of people is to believe the worst of others, with very little proof. If this were not a known fact then pre trial publicity would not be a reason to change venues in a court case. It is Human Nature. I think they call it preconditioning so people have a hard time giving up opinions they have formed and held for years. Being wrong is shame based to a lot of people they can't be that wrong as it calls into question their judgment and character to them. Frankly all those girls who snubbed me had to feel 2 inches tall in front of our whole High School class so they naturally were defensive and when a person is defensive they are more likely to act like that. One of our class mates is a Texas Ranger and he wanted to pursue it and wanted some proof until he figured out the molester is dead, the statute had run out. He was scribbling notes like crazy while I talked and sweat was beading off his head. His wife said he nearly blew a gasket he was so upset. He didn't go to JR. High with me so he had no idea this had ever happened. He wanted some proof so he could nail the Bas#%$ to the wall. If he could have done anything about it and little sis was willing I would have given him everything I could to help.
This girl often had manipulated me, been a horrible best friend but for some reason her ability to charm me and others would disarm any feelings I had that she was not a good person. I blamed myself for our disagreements and the teen age slights she did to me before this happened. I'm sure she did this to others as many said later. They told me yeah you were right about her she was two faced and stole money from me, stole my boyfriend etc. It opened my eyes wide at age 13 and I recognized those behavior traits in others which saved me a lot of grief later in life. I avoided people like that and didn't trust them no matter how nice and charming they were. Also the mic was blinking in and out and not everyone heard the word funeral in regards to when I threw my fit in class.

When we discuss serial killers or people who effectively charmed others like Ted Bundy did I think of her. I see what they mean by saying I would never have suspected this person of doing that. No matter how manipulative and charming a person like her is they cannot keep it up with all people they know. They don't spend a lifetime making close friends they manage to drop their false image at some point. I don't blame anyone for asking for proof cause I think they meant to form a lynch mob but wanted to feel good about hanging her mom. Like I said a lot of these kids were unaware this lady was dead they did not go to Jr High with us and she didn't grieve her mom dying (except at the funeral I'm told and that was to gain sympathy and further her case against me). Even people who met her later in High School said she never talked about her mom. They just assumed she had one and that she was still living. Sorry if I raised your hackles but the story is long and I wanted to try and write it in as short a form as possible. The people who asked for proof were not necessarily mean only 1 of them still had a grudge against me and for good reason.
Her BF was a very unattractive girl with a severe under bite. She had worn braces for years and one day in class I caught her giving me evil evil looks. I asked her why. She said because of BF's mom and the lies I told. I asked her what lies did I ever come to you and say anything about her mom. She couldn't say I did but countered with well I believe D. I told her then let D. who was sitting next to her give me the evil eye cause if you don't quit it I'll save your parents a lot of money and turn that under bite of yours into an overbite cause I will hit you so hard your bottom jaw is going to be in your brain. I said it low enough that only she and D. heard it. (I also can imitate John Wayne or at least the way he spoke when you knew he meant business cause I swear John Wayne's western cowboy characters could have been my dad and grandfather.) She knew I meant it and was scared of me. She never eyeballed me again and kept her head down anytime we passed in the hall. It pretty much stopped the rumor mill on their end. She left the reunion with tail between legs and has never attended another one and no one I know from HS has had any contact with her since. It is like she dropped off the face of the earth. Her husband gave her some pretty dirty looks on the way out so I hope they had a huge fight on the way home. Her evil plot blew up in her face. I am so so evil I know but at least I am honest about it. BTW I never had any physical fights ever with anyone in school but I was just a good bluffer. I know she is the only person I ever threatened. Playing sports with the boys made me stronger and bigger in the arms from swinging a bat and pitching balls. I wish they looked as good now at 50 as they did when I was 17.
The first thought that popped into MY mind when I read your post was this:
was there a reason why wearing a dress would be "uncomfortable" for her? Most little girls love party dresses, JB seemed to like dressing up in pretty clothes. I am going to be very frank here- it is easier to molest a female in a dress than one who is wearing slacks. Just logistics. Someone looking for easy access to JB's private area, especially when people are around, wants to get that "thrill" quickly and furtively. And even a very young child like JB would feel that she was better "protected" wearing pants than in a dress, where the panties and private area are more easily exposed. She may not even have been able to put it into words, but possible she felt that way. She didn't want to wear a dress Christmas Day to the White's either, insisting on her black velvet pants and vest.
Was this what you meant?

I havent read all the threads in all the forums so .... has this ever been noticed before to your knowledge because it sure struck me as odd for Jonbenet. I know as a kid I didnt like my Mom dressing me up because I was a little tomboy back then... Ill keep reading.

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