NV - 59 Dead, over 500 injured in Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, 1 Oct 2017 #10

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Las Vegas Law Enforcement corruption: the gift that keeps on giving.

The fact that they have fought so incredibly hard to keep everything secret is proof to me that they have plenty to hide.
Absolutely. My question is why is this allowed to continue?

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Absolutely. My question is why is this allowed to continue?

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Who is gonna stop them? People are shouting from the rooftops. But they get blown off as “conspiracy theorists”

At this point it is quite obvious they are hiding what happened upon entry to room 135. They lied about the initial shots fired. They lied about whether or not they witnessed Paddock shooting himself. And now they are saying there is no bodycam footage of initial entry.

What is it they are hiding and why?
Who is gonna stop them? People are shouting from the rooftops. But they get blown off as “conspiracy theorists”

At this point it is quite obvious they are hiding what happened upon entry to room 135. They lied about the initial shots fired. They lied about whether or not they witnessed Paddock shooting himself. And now they are saying there is no bodycam footage of initial entry.

What is it they are hiding and why?

I'd love to know. Maybe they shot him don't want his family to sue. That would one explanation.
And can someone please explain why it took them over an hour to get to the room??? They even stopped for a pee break and raided the minibar of 31-135 before going up to 32. Crazy!!!

And this was a makeshift swat team... WHERE WAS SWAT?
Has anyone ever seen police body cam wherein the camera is a nice closeup of some cops mouth for 45 minutes??

Steven Spielberg likes this angle!

Give me a break -- but at least he washes and dries his hands after urinating before taking a coffee break

humm humm look like it would be an ideal training video however

I have never seen real body cam footage where the camera can take move and "aim" when different people are talking - except in the movies .

Why are they walking sometimes when guns up and in front and at other times look more like they are checking to see if they want to buy the joint!

Body cams on shirts dont take different points of view - they are static

what a joke
I am not implying the real event did not result in death and injury. The body cam I have seen thus far (two hours) seems like a training event filmed later (hence refusal to release ) the only thing i think is real is the 10 minutes after the breach)


I have experienced training like this in the context of a threatening pt, a out of control pt a code etc. In training like that there are stops and starts - its not fluid like in a real escalation with a pt.

throughout they walked slower than your grandmother

walking up some steps he has his machine gun and his stolen bottle of water in his hand during the entire ascent

the stop at each landing for about 15 minutes - god knows why

one cam that was released ( the leader) cam was aimed at his mouth ??

Sometimes they had there guns up and out at other times they looked like potential buyers of the hotel strolling the halls checking out the property

noone had a clue what they were doing - hence training

there was no rush

lots of agencies involved in the sting operations
so the four that broke in were the ones in the know about what was actually going on (that went very wrong) had to be the ones that got in

only reason the footage was released a couple of days ago was court order. Lomabardo refused for all this time violating Nevada law the court ordered them to release

They had to wait ( that is why they took there time) for the others in the operations to get away from the scene

At one point the dialog is we got a guy shooting at people. I suppose the notion is that people in the hotel itself had no clue someone was firing 1000 machine gun bullets . The guest nicley replies "OK"

it was an ongoing sting operation -- for months -- just like Paddocks dad he flipped years ago and was working undercover trying to sting folks buying guns for nefarious reasons

Throughout the two plus hours I saw I never saw one guest - there is a concert series of they say 25000 people and the hotel is empty for two hours of walking down the long hallways on three floors

the claim is they were clearing rooms that is why it took them so long - how do you clear 2 massive floors of guests without knocking on one door? I dream of Jeanie and tranport the guests out of their rooms without opening or door . How do they know which rooms are occupied by walking past doors for 98 minutes

what function does a body cam on a lead cop do focusing on his mouth only never ahead of him? I would think in an incident stuff happens in front of cops .

For training purposes it would be ideal to hear the commands clearly -- focusing on the leaders mouth seems ideal

IMO with exception of the breach all the rest of it was training video -- no video has any time and date stamps in the corner - a standard on cop body cams date and time stamps were removed for some mysterious reasons

his dialog sounds like review of points to remember in an actual event ( ie yell hands up if you see someone they might be pretending to be a victim. Most cops would know that. A teaching moment.

In several instances he informs everyone to take a deep breath.

The line you all are doing a effing great job beer is on me sounds like cheesy movie dialog

Explaining how to turn a corner in a hallway every turn sounds like another great teaching review moment

Random outbursts of Metro Metro for no known reason makes no sense - practice remember to say this when you encounter someone in a real event another fine teaching moment

Throughout a sprawling hotel for some reason leader knows the layout of the hotel when giving references to their location he uses terminology the engineer used we are in the 300 wing -- there was never a northwest southwest location given so I assume everyone on the radio he was talking to knows exactly what 300 wing means just like the engineer defies credibility

Somehow in a massive event he seems to know who is where ( there are two metro officers up in the stair well ahead) -- defies any logic at all -- they reported afterwards massive communication problems interdepartmental -

he was a nice instructor letting officers when they did perfect perfect another training moment

intermittently he kindly reminds his team when to put the shield up. Why in a machine gun scenario shield would not be up at all times is just flat out silly. Is this more psychic capability - to know when to put shields up sometimes and not at others or a reminder of importance to keep shield up?

Sometimes guns are up sometimes by their side how do they know when a boogie man might pop out

far easier to understand the silly dialog if you do not watch and just listen focuses hearing

the endless waiting on each landing makes no sense -- in an urgent situation - it is never clear what determines when action then resumes - in training this is how it works

in essence it is a bunch of cops slithering around hallways whispering - again similar to training exercise not a mass shooting with guns blazing

where are all the panicking hotel guests there has been an assault

obviously for training purposes a couple of floor would be cleared

I can't imagine trained officers needing to be shushed every 6 minutes

again the waiting for god knows what in each landing makes zero sense , that is how a training exercise would go - waiting for the next part of the scenario to be laid out

In some segments (like when the cop is leisurely getting organized from his trunk) audio is loud busy different voices. The amount of time it takes him to get in action is stunning -- there is no urgency here either --folks on vacation get stuff our of their trunk quicker!!

The dog handler is strolling - certainly not remicent of any of the hours and hours of PUlse body cam footage

they act like they want the element of surprise but in the audio track you constantly hear others talking normally calmly kinda like two pals studying together

We got a guy shooting a lot of people sounds like a scenario

the guests we do see in the lobby areas are strolling about hands in pockets

I never heard one panicked guest ask a gang of 6 officers for directives

in the lobby scene one cop is holding the shield wrong ( horizontal!) while strolling

not one iota of panic and pandemonium

amazingly the directive we gotta clean out the whole casino repeated endlessly while passing a couple of calm guests without saying anything is more like a drill

Amazingly they know the layout of a massive hotel - we would get layout before we started the actual drill somehow these groups of cops know where everything is there was not one oh this is the wrong way . Somehow once it established the general location noone has any confusion . It is not a one hallway - its like a spider at MB yet erveryone is fine . We would know the general area of where the drill is happening

Look for bullet holes??

it will be kinda Iran Contra will come out eventually

the earthquakes volcano in Hawaii is really sad stuff
59 56

suspect on helipad same link (dont recall hearing this before ) anyone>

so we have 6 different supposedly trained officers calling in 6 potential suspects in different areas

LV cops apparently need more training to ascertain possible suspects according to the tale

6 cops on 6 different police radios calling in 6 suspected suspects at 6 different locations within the same timeframe

all after a black sedan tearing out of somewhere followed by action on the helipad

anyone good at this kind of thing sure would be neat to know as they relate to each other where the RV the escalator suspect the helipad are as it relates to the direction the black sedan is reported heading as it relates to to helipad

might it look like a high speed uber run picking up the snipers for delivery to the helipad

timewise would that relate to the atc radar of the helicopter turning off transponder next being seen on radar on the ground and shortly thereafter hauling butt in restricted airspace faster than any other helicopter in the entire event



A brief review:

so we got fbi sedan racing from xcalibar parking lot heading south to delano

an RV at motel 6 by delano

an escalator gunman at NY NY heading down

then a man in maroon refusing another officers command to stop heading for heading toward delano

activity at helipad after tourist helicopters had landed

*** its interesting that right at this time frame all the shots fired at multiple locations in quick succession right after the black sedan peels out

might all these "diversions" as reported be to allow the :



ants running around !!!!!

Only thing I can help out with is here is helicopter movements that night

Spatially I can not do heading east northwest military time maps - not my forte!

It would be like the dreaded word problem:

I failed constantly !

If Bob were in an FBI vehicle heading west at 62 miles and George was coming down an escalator for the front door at 564 Sniper Ave and Tim was at the helicopter pad located at Cover Up Lane what time would the FBI van get to RV located at 487 CYA Blvd!

Bonus Question: What time would the FBI sedan , with the maroon shirt, the sniper driver of the FBI sedan and and fatigue pants man arrive at the helipad for their escape into cover up land?


amazing how during all this the notion of a frame up because of gambling debt with MGM and mafia being thought of and Paddock was gonna rat Lombardo and MGM out
video good point

mainenance steve describes noticing nothing out of the ordinary on the way down the hallway

so there are no bullet holes on the way down the hall !!

starting to think campos gave himself a little boo boo and durning the 75 minutes the snipers killed paddock shot up everyone shot the door out

interesting with all these cameras on the carts and peak hole in door no video of that released we ought to be able to see our hero campus rescuing the scene!! all on the missing hard drive
59 56

suspect on helipad same link (dont recall hearing this before ) anyone>

so we have 6 different supposedly trained officers calling in 6 potential suspects in different areas

LV cops apparently need more training to ascertain possible suspects according to the tale

6 cops on 6 different police radios calling in 6 suspected suspects at 6 different locations within the same timeframe

all after a black sedan tearing out of somewhere followed by action on the helipad

anyone good at this kind of thing sure would be neat to know as they relate to each other where the RV the escalator suspect the helipad are as it relates to the direction the black sedan is reported heading as it relates to to helipad

might it look like a high speed uber run picking up the snipers for delivery to the helipad

timewise would that relate to the atc radar of the helicopter turning off transponder next being seen on radar on the ground and shortly thereafter hauling butt in restricted airspace faster than any other helicopter in the entire event



A brief review:

so we got fbi sedan racing from xcalibar parking lot heading south to delano

an RV at motel 6 by delano

an escalator gunman at NY NY heading down

then a man in maroon refusing another officers command to stop heading for heading toward delano

activity at helipad after tourist helicopters had landed

*** its interesting that right at this time frame all the shots fired at multiple locations in quick succession right after the black sedan peels out

might all these "diversions" as reported be to allow the :



ants running around !!!!!

Only thing I can help out with is here is helicopter movements that night

Spatially I can not do heading east northwest military time maps - not my forte!

It would be like the dreaded word problem:

I failed constantly !

If Bob were in an FBI vehicle heading west at 62 miles and George was coming down an escalator for the front door at 564 Sniper Ave and Tim was at the helicopter pad located at Cover Up Lane what time would the FBI van get to RV located at 487 CYA Blvd!

Bonus Question: What time would the FBI sedan , with the maroon shirt, the sniper driver of the FBI sedan and and fatigue pants man arrive at the helipad for their escape into cover up land?


amazing how during all this the notion of a frame up because of gambling debt with MGM and mafia being thought of and Paddock was gonna rat Lombardo and MGM out

OMG CARIIS, you crack me up!

...so we have 6 different supposedly trained officers calling in 6 potential suspects in different areas...

...6 cops on 6 different police radios calling in 6 suspected suspects at 6 different locations within the same timeframe...


If Bob were in an FBI vehicle heading west at 62 miles and George was coming down an escalator for the front door at 564 Sniper Ave and Tim was at the helicopter pad located at Cover Up Lane what time would the FBI van get to RV located at 487 CYA Blvd!

Bonus Question: What time would the FBI sedan , with the maroon shirt, the sniper driver of the FBI sedan and and fatigue pants man arrive at the helipad for their escape into cover up land?

(coastal raises hand, waves madly, me! pick me!) 42!
upthread someone posted a youtube video with the 2+ hrs of body cam. Well yesterday my husband and I watched it. One camera was focused on the guy's face rather than what he was seeing, so a useless bodycam.... one man left the cam on while he went to pee, however, turned it off during the entering of the room (Makes no sense to me! but I don't think he has a prostate problem. Good stream flow. I digress!)

There was a dog with one officer in the beginning of that youtube video. I don't know where it went after they went into the casino. We kept looking for it, couldn't find it. That officer took his sweet time unloading and reloading stuff from his vehicle. All the while there's an active shooter. Bizarre response from all in that video, IMO. I don't think they were trained to handle that type situation. While I can understand NOT getting upset, doing things without thinking, etc, there just didn't appear to a sense of urgency.

They weren't able to communicate efficiently with other responding officers. At one point, they entered a hall where there was already armed officers, and immediately began saying "friendly, friendly, friendly"... so if you ever are in a situation of chaos, just yell 'friendly friendly friendly' and maybe it'll save you.

There a few seconds of footage of the suspect on the floor with a visible blood pool. However, in the videos released, I saw no one check to see if alive, or even mention him being there as they walked around the room, looked out the windows, moved the curtains, etc. There was a mention of something with a cord in a briefcase or suitcase, and officer asked for specialists to open it, but another officer apparently didn't hear that communication because he opened it, and said it was a vibrator.
upthread someone posted a youtube video with the 2+ hrs of body cam. Well yesterday my husband and I watched it. One camera was focused on the guy's face rather than what he was seeing, so a useless bodycam.... one man left the cam on while he went to pee, however, turned it off during the entering of the room (Makes no sense to me! but I don't think he has a prostate problem. Good stream flow. I digress!)

There was a dog with one officer in the beginning of that youtube video. I don't know where it went after they went into the casino. We kept looking for it, couldn't find it. That officer took his sweet time unloading and reloading stuff from his vehicle. All the while there's an active shooter. Bizarre response from all in that video, IMO. I don't think they were trained to handle that type situation. While I can understand NOT getting upset, doing things without thinking, etc, there just didn't appear to a sense of urgency.

They weren't able to communicate efficiently with other responding officers. At one point, they entered a hall where there was already armed officers, and immediately began saying "friendly, friendly, friendly"... so if you ever are in a situation of chaos, just yell 'friendly friendly friendly' and maybe it'll save you.

There a few seconds of footage of the suspect on the floor with a visible blood pool. However, in the videos released, I saw no one check to see if alive, or even mention him being there as they walked around the room, looked out the windows, moved the curtains, etc. There was a mention of something with a cord in a briefcase or suitcase, and officer asked for specialists to open it, but another officer apparently didn't hear that communication because he opened it, and said it was a vibrator.

A vibrator, as in, a vibrator?
upthread someone posted a youtube video with the 2+ hrs of body cam. Well yesterday my husband and I watched it. One camera was focused on the guy's face rather than what he was seeing, so a useless bodycam.... one man left the cam on while he went to pee, however, turned it off during the entering of the room (Makes no sense to me! but I don't think he has a prostate problem. Good stream flow. I digress!)

There was a dog with one officer in the beginning of that youtube video. I don't know where it went after they went into the casino. We kept looking for it, couldn't find it. That officer took his sweet time unloading and reloading stuff from his vehicle. All the while there's an active shooter. Bizarre response from all in that video, IMO. I don't think they were trained to handle that type situation. While I can understand NOT getting upset, doing things without thinking, etc, there just didn't appear to a sense of urgency.

They weren't able to communicate efficiently with other responding officers. At one point, they entered a hall where there was already armed officers, and immediately began saying "friendly, friendly, friendly"... so if you ever are in a situation of chaos, just yell 'friendly friendly friendly' and maybe it'll save you.

There a few seconds of footage of the suspect on the floor with a visible blood pool. However, in the videos released, I saw no one check to see if alive, or even mention him being there as they walked around the room, looked out the windows, moved the curtains, etc. There was a mention of something with a cord in a briefcase or suitcase, and officer asked for specialists to open it, but another officer apparently didn't hear that communication because he opened it, and said it was a vibrator.

WTF!!! Every bit of that is so so so strange. Especially the fact that no one is seen checking his pulse or even mentioning the fact that he was there. They HAD TO have trimmed the footage before releasing it because there's no way they didn't make sure he was deceased or not mention him. Do we know how much time passed between the first and second guy entering the room. Don't they usually move as a pack?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
upthread someone posted a youtube video with the 2+ hrs of body cam. Well yesterday my husband and I watched it. One camera was focused on the guy's face rather than what he was seeing, so a useless bodycam.... one man left the cam on while he went to pee, however, turned it off during the entering of the room (Makes no sense to me! but I don't think he has a prostate problem. Good stream flow. I digress!)

There was a dog with one officer in the beginning of that youtube video. I don't know where it went after they went into the casino. We kept looking for it, couldn't find it. That officer took his sweet time unloading and reloading stuff from his vehicle. All the while there's an active shooter. Bizarre response from all in that video, IMO. I don't think they were trained to handle that type situation. While I can understand NOT getting upset, doing things without thinking, etc, there just didn't appear to a sense of urgency.

They weren't able to communicate efficiently with other responding officers. At one point, they entered a hall where there was already armed officers, and immediately began saying "friendly, friendly, friendly"... so if you ever are in a situation of chaos, just yell 'friendly friendly friendly' and maybe it'll save you.

There a few seconds of footage of the suspect on the floor with a visible blood pool. However, in the videos released, I saw no one check to see if alive, or even mention him being there as they walked around the room, looked out the windows, moved the curtains, etc. There was a mention of something with a cord in a briefcase or suitcase, and officer asked for specialists to open it, but another officer apparently didn't hear that communication because he opened it, and said it was a vibrator.

That was my favorite part. Police administrators, always justify cops being able to turn on and off their body cams, by pointing out that cops have to take bathroom breaks. So they have to be able to turn the cams off. This cop didn't seem to have any problem relieving himself with the cam on, but then he turned it off at the important time. It's just more evidence that body cams should be on from the start of their shift to the end.
WTF!!! Every bit of that is so so so strange. Especially the fact that no one is seen checking his pulse or even mentioning the fact that he was there. They HAD TO have trimmed the footage before releasing it because there's no way they didn't make sure he was deceased or not mention him. Do we know how much time passed between the first and second guy entering the room. Don't they usually move as a pack?

I'm not sure what to make out of that. Maybe those two body cams just didn't pick up the body. There must be more body cams that we haven't seen. Maybe the body is shown on other cams.

For the record, checking pulse is not always necessary. Even a medical doctor would not check for a pulse, if a patient has obvious fatal injuries, such as a severe head wound, or if there is evidence of rigor mortis. Also cop's medical training is limited. I have seen many videos of police shootings, were the cops don't bother to check for a pulse, even right after they shoot somebody. So I don't see anything unusual in that.
Maybe I'm remembering this through my "better safe than sorry" life filter, but I had the impression that first responders were instructed to assume a patient might be alive, no matter the condition of the body. I think there was one exception to that rule: if the patient's head is no longer attached to the body. MOO
Tonight on TLC channel, "This is life, live" will have a 2-hour special under Union of Las Vegas victims and their Heroes who saved them. Many of whom have never met since or were unknown to them.

Sorry for the late notice as the show starts in 2 minutes. On the East Coast. 9 pm.
“A person staying in a room two floors below and six rooms away from the gunman on the Mandalay Bay’s 30th floor during the Las Vegas mass shooting tried to call 911 and the hotel’s front desk to report that the shooter sounded like he was on that floor or above it.

The person, whose name and gender were redacted in records released Wednesday by Las Vegas Metropolitan Police, was unable to get through to 911 or the Mandalay Bay and instead called the nearby Luxor hotel to report the shooting.

The call was transferred to Mandalay Bay security and the person reported the shooter appeared to be on the 30th floor”

More here:
where are all the panicking hotel guests there has been an assault

the guests we do see in the lobby areas are strolling about hands in pockets

I never heard one panicked guest ask a gang of 6 officers for directives

not one iota of panic and pandemonium

So my sister works for MGM Grand (owns Mandalay Bay), worked in Mandalay Bay at the Michael Jackson cirque show and now works at Ka (at MGM Grand) and was working this night.

I am paraphrasing what she told me: Most people along the strip (hotel staff and guests) did not know for a long time EXACTLY what was going on - even inside MB - in order to not cause panic/pandemonium. SO many visitors/guests do not speak English and it can get hectic/panic-driven QUICK - you'd need a translator or multiple translators of about five different languages, so MB hotel staff was told to remain calm - keep guests calm. For a long time, they were just told "there is a security incident - stay where you are"

At MB, around 10pm they stopped the MJ cirque show and then cops and SWAT came to secure the theater. Lights turned off and guarded locked doors of the theater for about eight hours with ~1000-1200 people inside. Staff again were instructed not to tell the audience what was happening, so people were trying to use news sites and social media to figure out what was going on. They released them from the theater at 6am, so the time to panic was over a long time before that.

Not a total, 360-degree perspective but I just thought I'd offer what I know.

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