NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 2

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I cleaned out my posts above. Others should do the same if it contains misinformation.

So the mesquite gas station fill occurred before kmart? That's interesting.

Do you think another one of my maps with all this info would be useful?
Laytonian this list is a mess! I'm sure it would be easier to read if you added it to your master time line. ALSO, Steven visited the Neffs on Wed Dec 9th not the 8th!

Company-Place-Date of Transaction-Date Posted to Account-Time-Amount-Other info

Paper Receipts

Taco Time - Nephi, Utah - 12/10/2009 - ? - 7:24PM – $3.64
K Mart – St George, Utah – 12/12/2009 – 12/14/2009 – 7:58PM – $9.42
Shell Oil – Mesquite, Nevada – 12/12/2009 – 12/14/2009 – 4:04PM – $18.08 – 6.07gal

Bank Records

Flying J – Springville, Utah – 12/10/2009* - 12/14/2009 - ? – 32.88
Jack in the Box – Washington, Utah - ? – 12/11/2009 - ? – 3.21
Tesoro – Salt Lake City, Utah - ? – 12/14/2009 - ? – 7.30
Maverik – Salt Lake City, Utah - ? – 12/11/2009 - ? – 13.10
Pilot Travel – Wendover, Nevada - ? – 12/10/2009 - ? – 33.13

*Someone, has this receipt, but not me...

Thank you.

I got the date of the visit to the Neffs, from Annemarie's Facebook post -- so she made a typo. OK, I'll get that fixed.

OK, one thing to clarify. When it says "time" -- is that the time it posted to the bank account, or the actual time on the receipt? (I'm thinking it's time posted to the account, since it's listed after the date posted?)

I'm afraid the bank records will look all over the place, because it shows
process/routing rather than receipt data. I'm not seeing anything out of line, except for the Mesquite receipt still looking like the purchase was BEFORE the Kmart receipt.

This ALSO confirms that he drove through Wendover on the way to Ruby Valley....because it looks like the bank records are about two/three days off (took the long way!)...so LostAtSea was right, and my "better route" wasn't the right way ;)

For those who don't know, Washington Utah is a suburb of St George.
Wendover is on I-80, on the Utah-Nevada state line.

I'll play with it all tonight. I might just put it on a separate page, load it online in the columns, and let you look at it before I add it to the timeline.
Can you give us a physical description of JZ? Height? Weight? Have you ever met or seen a picture of him? I believe you said earlier he is in his 20's. Is this correct?
I cleaned out my posts above. Others should do the same if it contains misinformation.

So the mesquite gas station fill occurred before kmart? That's interesting.

Do you think another one of my maps with all this info would be useful?

I think a map would be very helpful. I'm a visual learner.
First of all, allow me to apologize. Laytonian is exactly right in that the words "wiped clean" has never been used on this forum. And nobody in the forum up until mine used those words to describe how the computer has been handled. "Wiped clean" in general computer terms to the lay person usually means that everything but the operating system with your regular Windows or MAC programs has been deleted. Something along those lines. And that is certainly not what I meant when I typed that before. All that has been said about his computer is that nothing "suspicious" was found on it. In fact, he did not even have regular internet access at his place and there have been references to him getting internet access through Wifi at coffeeshops or sitting outside of motels. He had a Facebook account, right? So, he had some type of internet access somewhere. So, for the record: The computer WAS NOT wiped clean (in the usual meaning of those words when computers are concerned).

But I gotta tell all of you: when you rule out letters, cell phones, texts, pre-paid cell phones, face to face contact. . .all of which I think we can. . .what's left? It seems like we are slowly painting ourselves into a corner when it comes to how Steven got the info to end up on Savannah. What I meant to say in my previous post was that I do not believe that the computer had nothing "suspicious" on it, I just believe that the pertinent info to what Steven was doing on that street was deleted. I believe it if for the only reason is that nobody has given me any reason to believe any of the other ways of how he might have gotten the Savannah info. He got those directions somehow.

There are reasons why child predators troll for children online. Why a lot of affairs start online. Why people watch *advertiser censored* online more than any other way. The reason: It's the most anonymous and it's the easiest to delete if you know what you are doing. In other words, it's the easiest way to cover your tracks. So, when I hear there was nothing "suspicious" on his computer, I guess I believe that it had nothing on it when the authorities looked at it. But, I am inclined through process of elimination, logic, and experience to believe that probably there was stuff on it until Steven deleted the last time he used it. If he was willing to be nebulous about his travels and why he was in Las Vegas, he could surely be smart enough to cover up his tracks on a computer.

For the record, I absolutely did not mean that the computer was "wiped clean". What I meant was that I believe Steven deleted any info that may have lead to somebody finding out what he was doing. I realize there are no explicit facts to support that but we are slowly narrowing our choices down and a computer is the easiest way to get information and cover it up at the same time. Am I totally way off base on this?
Couple more things before I crawl off into a corner to try to recover from the weekend.

-The trip to Mesquite seems to have gone futher west. There was a ping from Steven's AT&T cell phone on the Overton cell tower which, I understand, is near lake mead? Could someone become a wikipedia expert on how/when cell towers pass different cell phones??

OVERTON -- It's not west.
It's northeast of Las Vegas....and just along I-15.
Fairy1 can check me on this...but I don't see this "ping" as necessarily suspicious or off-route, depending on when it occurred.
There's cellphone coverage all the way along I-15 between St George and Vegas. You say "THE Overton tower". After you leave Mesquite, Overton is one of the small towns before you get into Vegas.
IF #1 -- If you're driving along with your cellphone on, you might "ping" off that tower.
IF #2 -- If you take the Overton exit, you start getting into 'town" about four miles off the road....and when you get to town, you can see Lake Mead. You can drive directly into/out of Henderson via SR169/167. It's a scenic route, and you're off the ugly freeway.

See this map: http://snurl.com/u441s which shows how you could drive between St George and Henderson, via Overton. (Either direction, or course)

Was there a hand-off to/from another tower?
The people who told you about the "ping" are the ones who should be able to tell you that, and show you the area that cellphone tower covers.
But I gotta tell all of you: when you rule out letters, cell phones, texts, pre-paid cell phones, face to face contact. . .all of which I think we can. . .

OK, you meant "deleted" or "erased". Those files can easily be recovered with software, until such time as they are overwritten by another file. Hopefully, whoever's been inspecting his computer "mirrored" the hard drive, so that no changes were made to the data on Steven's.

I don't think we have reason to rule out *any* means of communication.
Maybe snail-mail.
OVERTON -- It's not west.
It's northeast of Las Vegas....and just along I-15.
Fairy1 can check me on this...but I don't see this "ping" as necessarily suspicious or off-route, depending on when it occurred.
There's cellphone coverage all the way along I-15 between St George and Vegas. You say "THE Overton tower". After you leave Mesquite, Overton is one of the small towns before you get into Vegas. IF you take the Overton exit, you start getting into 'town" about four miles off the road....and when you get to town, you can see Lake Mead. You can drive directly into/out of Henderson via SR169/167.
See this map: http://snurl.com/u441s which shows how you could drive between St George and Henderson, via Overton.

Was there a hand-off to/from another tower?

You are right and I don't see anything odd about Steven's phone pinging there. Going through Overton/Logandale will take you right into then through the Lake Mead Rec Area and yes - out of the other side would take you into Henderson.

Let's just think for a moment about the car being found where it was. I have always felt that it appeared Steven looked like he knew where he was going on the video. But, it's impossible to know that for sure just from viewing a few seconds of video. We also thought the person or people in that SUV were up to no good, but that proved not to be true.

If Steven is not himself, he could have just chosen that stop completely at random and left his car for a reason that made sense to him at the time. It doesn't have to be for some nefarious reason - nor should we automatically assume he fell to harm shortly after appearing on that video. The same can be said for all his travels prior to going missing. It's possible that the more we attempt to make sense out of it, the less sense it will make and the further we will be from what actually happened to him.

Having said that, there are several other plausible theories that have been discussed here - none of which should be dismissed out-of-hand. But I also see no harm in resisting the urge to overcomplicate or overthink this. Looking at all we do know and as long as the IHOP sightings appear to be credible, I'm going to look at it through that theory. Which I sincerely hope will enable his family to find him soon.
You guys, Im going to respectfully bow out here. I appreciate the hard wotk you guys are doing but I feel my questions may be holding up progress. Please note you are doing a wonderful job! I'll continue to lurk and pray for Steven.

I cant seem to be able to private message anyone.

I'm feeling there is a link to certain persons (JZ) and I find it odd that he spent $9.42 on 2 children's Christmas gifts. If they were just everyday gifts "from Uncle Steven" then maybe....but Christmas gifts..I wouldnt think so
You are right and I don't see anything odd about Steven's phone pinging there. Going through Overton/Logandale will take you right into then through the Lake Mead Rec Area and yes - out of the other side would take you into Henderson.

Let's just think for a moment about the car being found where it was. I have always felt that it appeared Steven looked like he knew where he was going on the video. But, it's impossible to know that for sure just from viewing a few seconds of video. We also thought the person or people in that SUV were up to no good, but that proved not to be true.

If Steven is not himself, he could have just chosen that stop completely at random and left his car for a reason that made sense to him at the time. It doesn't have to be for some nefarious reason - nor should we automatically assume he fell to harm shortly after appearing on that video. The same can be said for all his travels prior to going missing. It's possible that the more we attempt to make sense out of it, the less sense it will make and the further we will be from what actually happened to him.

Having said that, there are several other plausible theories that have been discussed here - none of which should be dismissed out-of-hand. But I also see no harm in resisting the urge to overcomplicate or overthink this. Looking at all we do know and as long as the IHOP sightings appear to be credible, I'm going to look at it through that theory. Which I sincerely hope will enable his family to find him soon.


The only thing that would trouble me, is if this Overton "ping" was on Dec 14th, when his cellphone dialed into his voicemail number.

I've found two cellphone towers that cover the Overton area SO FAR:
There's one just south of Mesquite that teaches into Overton.
There's another at "Overton Beach", which is off the SR167/169 route, and right ON Lake Mead.

I don't know how they interface with Steven's cellphone company.

We need a phone tech here - Wikipedia's not going to be dependable ;)
Were Steven and Jordan "friends"? Were there calls/texts showing they had some sort of friendship?

I'm sorry -- I thought Naegle would answer this one; she'd have more info on it.

Jordan rented the other "room" in the house that Steve lived in.

Apparently, they each paid to have their own private bedroom, and could share the rest of the house (except the landlord's private area).
I haven't quite caught up yet, but Naegle, your thought out plan is probably the best way to go right now. I only have one suggestion at this point.

You said you contacted other restaurants in the area. Have you been in touch with nearby LDS churches? There is one very close to the IHOP at 4493 Charles Ronald Avenue.
Im sorry, I just feel like the tag along holding up the pros :loser:

Thanks Laytonian..I dont have pm privileges yet but I can read them I think. Yes I am online friends with the landlord so I have the basics down.
Steven wasn't paying his rent but he was traveling. That tells me that he had money to do one of two things either pay his rent in hopes to find a job in St George but he hadn't had luck with that or invest that money in travels to find a job else where.

From what I've been told Steven was kind of absent minded or as some have said ADD. I have a friend that has a very similar personality than that of Steven. He doesn't do well under stress and pressure and at times does thing that are irrational. This absent mindedness may have been exacerbated by his situation and his actions may have become irrational at times. As he traveled he was no doubt worrying about the future and as his money went the pressure and stress mounted.

I can imagine how he felt those last few moments before he disappeared. I am in the same demographic as Steven almost exactly but we have different personalities. That is why this case is so interesting to me it hits very close to home.

Now im going to get personal. Steven's lack of income and self fulfillment coupled with his loneliness and desire for a a meaningful relationship is something that i deal with myself. When im feeling stress i try to think my way out of it and usually i can find a solution but if i cant then i will think think think.

I think Steven was more of the type that would act and when that didn't fix it he would act act act. That might explain his extensive traveling, just a way to relive the stress.

What ever happend in that sun city community drove him over the edge.
Rejection can be a very tough thing to deal with especially with everything that had mounted. Maybe it was a job prospect or maybe it was a girl that blew him off. I have friend that flew all the way to London for a girl just to be met by scorn and ultimately rejected. Luckily everything else in his life was stable or he might have gone missing too.

I pray he is found safely!

The only thing that would trouble me, is if this Overton "ping" was on Dec 14th, when his cellphone dialed into his voicemail number.

I've found two cellphone towers that cover the Overton area SO FAR:
There's one just south of Mesquite that teaches into Overton.
There's another at "Overton Beach", which is off the SR167/169 route, and right ON Lake Mead.

I don't know how they interface with Steven's cellphone company.

We need a phone tech here - Wikipedia's not going to be dependable ;)

Sorry - I didn't realize that ping was on the 14th. Hmmmmm. I have to think on it.

We have some posters here on WS who are experts in cell phone triangulation. Sorry to say, I am not one of them. :(
Im sorry, I just feel like the tag along holding up the pros :loser:

Thanks Laytonian..I have no idea how to pm.

NO!!!! New eyes and thoughts are so very valuable here. What are your questions and theories?
Whoa, Fairy! ;)

We don't know when the Overton ping was; I'm just saying that IF it was on the 14th, I'd be concerned.

Sorry - I didn't realize that ping was on the 14th. Hmmmmm. I have to think on it.

We have some posters here on WS who are experts in cell phone triangulation. Sorry to say, I am not one of them. :(
Does Jordan Zirkle (steven's roommate) have family in Vegas as he claims? He made lots of calls to Vegas to "family"

Just wanted to ask if he made the Vegas calls from his own phone, or from Steven's cell.
Im sorry, I just feel like the tag along holding up the pros :loser:

Thanks Laytonian..I dont have pm privileges yet but I can read them I think. Yes I am online friends with the landlord so I have the basics down.

I think I just sent you one. I'm new here, no expert. Maybe you have to enable it?
Look up in the right-hand corner of THIS screen, and you'll see something like this:

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I THINK it'll say "notifications" or something in bold, if you have a private message. Click on that.
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