NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 7

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That is a mess.

Video said there will be more on the connection during their 9pm broadcast. I really didn't understand the written article. Deanne didn't mention it in her interview, so that was probably earlier. But the article says it is the Henderson and St. George police who are thinking of the connection. It has been stated that Josh drove several hundred miles (?) the day of the rental. The day of Susan's disappearance was from 12:30am to 5-6pm that Monday, the 7th. Seventeen hours--supposedly with 2 tots in the car. The day of the rental the kids were with his sister.

That video of SK's mom is about a month old.
Sounds like rather than paying to license AP or syndicated coverage, they're picking up bits and pieces, trying to create their own story.

TO ALL: IF you haven't seen that new Susan Powell page that (obviously) is an attempt to sway the public, you need to. CLICK HERE

Anyone else notice something really odd about that image?
Oh for crying out loud!

Did you watch the video?

There's a comments forum, folks. Get after 'em. They've already got someone "helping" to add to the story (probably the half-literate "reporter").
Sorry OT here, but if you want to LYAO, go to the near end of the comment section of Trib re: Josh's dad/Flyers:


I thought women could be bad, but boy the men have it for this comment section. Haven't laughed like this in awhile. Whew!

This is the article regarding the website put out by Josh/Father? in rebuttal to the PC the Cox's did of the DV experienced by Susan. Steven is saying the posters and ribbons are disturbing and upsetting to the children. They were torn down.
Did you watch the video?

There's a comments forum, folks. Get after 'em. They've already got someone "helping" to add to the story (probably the half-literate "reporter").

Yes, I noticed we had a lurker previously with a hat referencing the press. But that could be anyone.
Did you watch the video?

There's a comments forum, folks. Get after 'em. They've already got someone "helping" to add to the story (probably the half-literate "reporter").

I left a comment. Sheesh.
Sorry OT here, but if you want to LYAO, go to the near end of the comment section of Trib re: Josh's dad/Flyers:


I thought women could be bad, but boy the men have it for this comment section. Haven't laughed like this in awhile. Whew!

This is the article regarding the website put out by Josh/Father? in rebuttal to the PC the Cox's did of the DV experienced by Susan. Steven is saying the posters and ribbons are disturbing and upsetting to the children. They were torn down.

They get pretty wild over there, but not as nasty as on the unregulated KSL forums. You need brain bleach after reading KSL.

This is REALLY OT...but it's crime related:
Wife blindfolded husband for "surprise"

Read the news story first (it's worth it)....then the comments section. One of the funniest news forum comments EVER, was posted on the first page, near the bottom, by SkiFastBadly.
They get pretty wild over there, but not as nasty as on the unregulated KSL forums. You need brain bleach after reading KSL.

This is REALLY OT...but it's crime related:
Wife blindfolded husband for "surprise"

Read the news story first (it's worth it)....then the comments section. One of the funniest news forum comments EVER, was posted on the first page, near the bottom, by SkiFastBadly.

Oh my. I read the story before, and thought what an idiot he was------talk about being lured. The comments are great. I think maybe every wife has secrectly wanted to do someting similar at one tme or another. I always talked about my Griswold skillet. We better get back on topic before we get in trouble.
Lots of timeline talk recently has made me go back and review it again. Just have some questions and comments:

-So, let me get this right. . .Steven was kind of "working" for Travis but it does not seem to me like Steven was working for Travis AT ALL. Can we find ONE customer who used one of those flyers to get a hold of Travis for his services? If I was Travis, I would look at the timeline and say, "What the heck!" I mean, that timeline leaves very little time for doing work of ANY kind. Are we sure that Travis is in that business. . .and not some other kind? Was Steven doing some other kind of work for Travis instead of what we are supposed to think? I know I have seen statements from Travis but does anybody know this guy?

-If Steven was doing work for Travis of the window cleaning kind-and all the other things that are listed on that flyer-would not Steven have been carrying around some equipment? Yes, I know. . .he was just doing the "marketing" but c'mon. . .that kind of job is on the spot. You're telling me that Steven is passing around flyers and isn't at least slightly prepared to do a job on the spot if someone wants it? That's not generally how that kind of business works. It's like these guys who wash cars in parking lots. . .they don't pass out flyers, get someone to yes, and then come back the next day. They do it right then, right there. Am I missing something here?

-I find it weird that GW was up at 8am on a Sunday morning in Vegas. Under general circumstances, I would think he never went to bed. Think about it.

-Not cashing his grandmother's check? Don't know what to think of that. Pride? Lost it? Stolen. . .!!!?

-the stopping in at AN's in Ruby Valley is less and less feeling like a "secondary explanation for his trip there" reason. Really, he could have made that entire trip and nobody would have known. Why did he have to stop there? For example, if I am cheating on my wife (I'm not married) and I want to see my mistress across town and I get in a wreck on my way there, I have to come with an explanation of why I am over there. So, I go to a buddy's house. I go to a store. Etc. to provide a reasonable explanation. But, if I don't get in the wreck I go to her house and back and nobody knows. In Steven's case, AN's would be the store, the buddy's house, etc. The only problem is that there is no "wreck". Not that we known of. So, he could have gone the whole way to Ruby Valley and wherever without anyone knowing. So, why stop at AN's to provide an alibi or reason? That leads me to believe he went there to see her. There might have been something going on and he thought she was the only one he could trust. And needed to speak to her in person.

-those other phone calls on Dec. 13 in the morning besides GW's. I really think Steven would have given a reason to be in Vegas if he could talk about it. Like "I can't make it this morning because I am in Vegas on an interview." Or "I'm in Vegas meeting with friends" OR "I'm meeting in Vegas on business." Would Steven not feel, if he is as good as guy as everyone says he is, like he should give an explanation of some type? But, he didn't. That's odd.

-the whole flyer thing still sticks with me as well. I know the number on it was for Travis' "business" but could it not be that some nefarious person saw one of the flyers, called the number, got Steven's number, and then set up to meet Steven in Vegas? That would certainly make all the phone calls on his cell phone look normal.

Dang, I hate being the longest poster here. . .Just how my brain works.

One more thing, (And this is just a percentages thing) it is generally accepted that women are usually murdered by men they know. Usually it involves some type of sexual assault and violence. Ex-bf. Ex-husband. Whoever. Rarely are they just shot for no reason. For men, same thing, rarely are men murdered for "no reason". Yes, there are some freaks out there but the percentages are very low. Men are usually killed for money, property, drugs, etc. It could also be that men are killed by ex-bf or ex-husband of the girl they are now with. With Steven, far as we know he had NO money, meaning cash. His car was left there. He had meager possessions that were not taken. His phone was used once and never again. That leads me to either a "woman" reason. Or, he was killed (and yes I do think he is gone) for what he knew. I'm starting to think that the call between GW and Steven occurred while they were standing next to each other here in Vegas somewhere.
Ya know eddy - you bring up a good point about Steven stopping at AN's folks in RV. If he was up to no good in that neck of the woods, why did he stop to see people who knew him? He didn't stop to see his family during any of his strange travels, so why them?
I get lots of fliers for home services.Window washing, pressure cleaning, gutters etc. Have never had anyone show up with a ladder, and try to talk me into having the windows done ...
I do not think that Steven was in Henderson doing any kind of business, or drumming up business. If that was true, i believe he would have waited until Monday. His church work, and his church job seemed to be priorities. I believe he kept the Sabbath day, and did not work on Sunday. But I do believe, he thought there was something that needed to be done on Sunday, someone told him that, and he must have thought it was important. i believe someone he knew, hurt him, because he knew something he should not have, or that person did something very sick.
What is the connection to the neighborhood where he parked his car? If he met with foul play, then did it stem from someone in one of those houses. Or was it someone he knew who had a connection to one of the houses? Would he have been alive the next day to call his voice mail or did someone else do it?
Funny stuff...WTH is wrong with people though????

After reading the JP article and postings, wish those people would put some of their "energy" toward GW and making him talk...at this point he's our JP. :-) Ok, that was not very nice, but seriously...GW is about the only thing that we have not gotten any answers to since we started this. We even now know that SK didn't have his passport...which confirms in my mind that he did disappear intentionally.
Ya know eddy - you bring up a good point about Steven stopping at AN's folks in RV. If he was up to no good in that neck of the woods, why did he stop to see people who knew him? He didn't stop to see his family during any of his strange travels, so why them?

I agree with you both. Have you ever been in a situation where you were scared to death or panicking and wanting someone to talk to. Felt like you couldn't talk to anyone about it, but needed to just be with another person to talk about "anything" just to calm yourself down. I know I was like this right after Susan's and Steven's cases. I had a very sick dear pet, and later had to put her down. I couldn't speak to anyone that I thought would understand or care. So I came here and typed my brains out to take my mind off it.
Funny stuff...WTH is wrong with people though????

After reading the JP article and postings, wish those people would put some of their "energy" toward GW and making him talk...at this point he's our JP. :-) Ok, that was not very nice, but seriously...GW is about the only thing that we have not gotten any answers to since we started this. We even now know that SK didn't have his passport...which confirms in my mind that he did disappear intentionally.

Do they keep your old passport when you renew; whether expired or not? I've never renewed mine, but has expired now.
Updated story (video) of the possible Josh/Steven connection.


Just a thought, Josh and Steven both owned their own websites right? Darn-- late and can't think straight.....but I think the domain was Go..something. Also, seems that both their computer's info was "scrubbed". Can't find anything on the net. Too, somehow the info thru this domain was "anonymous"--no trail. I need some help here techies!!!! trying to explain this.... Is there anyway they could have crossed paths on the internet by this way? Maybe really stupid question, but do they have something like chat rooms on a domain website?
Time to go to bed....with dunce hat on. :)
Having read most of the other threads, I didn't see anyone mentioning these things so I thought I would, in case it sparks any ideas for anyone. I know the police won't necessarily discuss what they are doing but....

- the map shows this neighborhood is not too far from an airport. Although I think it's unlikely that Steven disappeared voluntarily, for all the reasons other people have mentioned, it's possible that the proximity of the airport to the remote mountains made this area one friendly to drug traffickers and he may have stumbled onto something by accident

- it's possible that Steven was making money on the side in an unsavory way - shooting a gay calendar - but unlikely. If he had been, he wouldn't have been so far behind on his rent, as these things pay. And if he had had a boyfriend or girlfriend, he probably wouldn't have been sleeping in his car

- it does seem most likely that he was in the area for a job interview, but probably one he didn't know was a scam. If you look at the current Craiglist listings, Vegas is like a lot of areas in that it is replete with job scam warnings. There is currently an "internet marketing" ad right in the Sun City/Summerlin area that is the kind of thing he might have thought he had experience with. These ads don't give company name, address, or phone number, but might have been used to lure someone out, rob them, and perhaps a robbery got out of hand. There are also ads in that senior area for "home caregivers" and it's totally possible that he would have responded to an ad that needed an able-bodied man to lift a senior citizen. Some of these ads offer a room as well as wages, which might have been attractive to him. But the ad might also have been bogus and have been about identity theft or robbery

- it's striking that the Rubie death in Southern Utah also happened when he was going out to an area for a job interview - the idea of being lured out somewhere. He was last seen the morning of his "interview." Burning the car is a way to eliminate DNA - fingerprints, hairs, everything.
Another possibility is that Steven had been trying to turn small bits of money into something larger by gambling. There is a casino in a pharmacy near the neighborhood where he left his car. People do sometimes become "marks" for others in a casino, especially if they win something.

This explanation also fits with what he might have been doing in Ruby Valley and Wendover, NV. He might either have had a gambling problem, or had recently started to gamble, but in out of the way places where he thought he wouldn't be spotted.
- it does seem most likely that he was in the area for a job interview, but probably one he didn't know was a scam.

If Steven had a legitimate purpose for going to Vegas then he would not have taken such care to leave no e-trail behind. Nothing jumped out at LE as explaining why he went to Vegas that day nor were there any phone calls that were not eventually explained.

And what's with all that driving? IMO, he was driving around like a lunatic trying to keep himself occupied before his planned disappearance. Sitting in his room in St. George was probably making him crazy so he just took off and drove to take his mind off of what he was planning to do.
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