NY NY - Chaim Weiss, 15, Long Beach, 1 Nov 1986

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Looking at this from another angle - there is nothing at this stage to say that the attacks on the elderly people aren't connected. Many serial killers/rapists target weaker/more vulnerable victims when they start out. Who's to say the old people weren't 'practise runs' for other crimes the killer wasn't yet bold enough to commit?

Chaim's murderer was bold as brass, entering a populated building as he did. But he still attacked a (most likely) sleeping 15-yo boy blitz-style, aiming for the head (instant control) and wasn't very sophisticated about it. Maybe he he'd had enough practise to feel confident in some ways, but wasn't yet very confident with handling live victims. So he targets the elderly/kids..

I cannot shake the feeling he was familiar with Chaim and his habits in some way, however.

I thought the two previous attacks were somehow connected. Could well have been a killer who was beginning his killing arc, and so chose weaker,more vulnerable targets. I could not find anything to indicate that the two elderly people were robbed. Just that the killer had entered their homes at night, and probably they were killed while sleeping.

If these three murders were all connected, it could have been either a person who had been in all three locations for a specific reason, i.e. to do some work, or, it could have been someone from the yeshiva, who just wanted to kill. As a gambling woman,my money is on #1...jmo
The majority of killers and rapists who target the elderly are young, teenagers or early 20's - the elderly are 'easy targets' and the killers/rapists are too unsure of themselves and inexperienced to go after a stronger victim.

Chaim was in no position to defend himself, asleep in bed.. and was attacked so viciously, head first, that he was killed before he even had a chance to wake up, probably. So, either a cowardly sneak (who might have indeed targeted old people previously) -- OR someone with a vested interested in Chaim's death in particular, who blitzed him so the murder was quick and there'd be as little noise as possible (like a hit) before they fled.

But if it was a hit, it wasn't a very professional one. Messy, overkill... I lean towards a psychopath, possibly young or physically weak, possibly one who stalked his victims for a time, presently.
Would it be terrible to consider that a student/teacher/parent of student, with strong feelings of lust/envy could not control themselves and" destroyed" the popular and clever Chaim?
Could feelings of shame destroy a community and so "for the better good" people who may have known something refuse to say anything?
The majority of killers and rapists who target the elderly are young, teenagers or early 20's - the elderly are 'easy targets' and the killers/rapists are too unsure of themselves and inexperienced to go after a stronger victim.

Chaim was in no position to defend himself, asleep in bed.. and was attacked so viciously, head first, that he was killed before he even had a chance to wake up, probably. So, either a cowardly sneak (who might have indeed targeted old people previously) -- OR someone with a vested interested in Chaim's death in particular, who blitzed him so the murder was quick and there'd be as little noise as possible (like a hit) before they fled.

But if it was a hit, it wasn't a very professional one. Messy, overkill... I lean towards a psychopath, possibly young or physically weak, possibly one who stalked his victims for a time, presently.

Based on my understanding of the wounds the Perp was not physically weak. Thus was livid overkill and by someone very robust. I theorize someone who was used to manual labor.

"...contacting investigators if frowned upon." Like we read in the Boy Scout Perversion Files....the Mormon Church...the Catholic Church, some fundamentalist churches. Seems these churches prefer to take matters into their own hands. Take care of the pesky problem internally. YUCK. Thank goodness people are speaking up about sexual abuse now and some of the victims are finding justice.:moo:

I hope that LE finds the killer and he is still alive.
Chaim was stabbed,and blugeoned. The attack was described as "frenzied ". Could it have been two killers ?
It's not at all unfeasible, Liz.. but it's also fairly common for a single perp to attack a victim in multiple ways and with multiple weapons. Especially in cases where 'overkill' and postmortem damage is evident. All damage to Chaim except the first blow to his head was postmortem, and definitely in the realms of overkill. I'm more inclined, personally, to think 'single perp with vested interest in venting intense rage, the cause of which may or may not have actually involved Chaim himself on a personal level'.
Agree Ausgirl. I also had a thought about the lambs blood, the first birn son and so forth. This could have been a religious fanatic of some sort. But the overkill is evident.
My heart really goes out to Chaim's family, not knowing the who or why their beloved boy was not safe in his own bed.
Hope someone out there with a heart and who might be carrying a dark and heavy secret, shares what they know about this horrible murder and help bring peace to all involved. imo.bbm.


"The Nov. 1, 1986, killing shocked the frum community and, from the beginning, police have acknowledged having no suspects. There were no signs that anyone broke into the dormitory room.

It was later revealed that the body had been moved to the floor from the bed, where Chaim was believed to have been killed with a sharp, blunt object. Also, a window in the dormitory room was left open despite late autumn temperatures that hovered in the low 40s.

Today, chief of detectives Rick Capece addressed the Jewish community

Anton Weiss, Chaim’s father, spoke briefly at today’s news conference but declined to answer any reporter questions, citing a desire to protect his family’s privacy.

He noted his son’s classmates would be in their early 40s by now. “His classmates by now are married, are parents on their own and understand what it means to be a parent,” Weiss said. “I am appealing to you and urging you in the strongest way, if you have any information that you feel the police might need in this murder investigation, I ask you, I urge you, to please contact the police department.”
In this video they say that there is a reluctance to put hair strand found at scene of crime through further testing lest it destroy the evidence completely.
Hopefully LE still has Chaim's pjs.Hopefully they could get a touch DNA from the clothng. Wonder what prints showed up ? Did trhey fingerprint everyone in the building that night ? Because I read that LE went to the trouble of doing polys on everyone in the building.
Thinking of that one hair found in Chaim's room and all that it could potentially reveal about the killer/s.bbm. It would be interesting if the hair revealed someone with a very similar diet to the students at the Yeshiva, or if it would reveal for example, someone who had ingested pork and other foods not eaten by school students...


"The study found a strong correlation between hydrogen and oxygen isotope levels in hair and drinking water; 85 percent of the variation in isotope levels in a person's hair was explained by variations in drinking water isotope levels in areas where they spent time.

So a single hair can help determine a person's location during recent weeks to years, depending on the length of the hair sample and thus how much time it took to grow.

The scientists used the method to produce color-coded maps showing how ratios of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in scalp hair vary in different areas of the United States.

the maps cannot pinpoint a person's exact locations in the past, but identifies general geographic areas where they stayed and drank local water.

"You can tell the difference between Utah and Texas," Ehleringer says. But, Cerling adds, "You may not be able to distinguish between Chicago and Kansas City."

The maps were based on isotope analyses of hair and water samples collected from barbershops and tap water in 65 cities in 18 states across the United States. Each city had 100,000 or fewer people to ensure that hair collected from barbershops most likely came from local residents than from tourists visiting a big city"

Read more at: http://phys.org/news123180241.html#jCp
Thank you for your posts dotr! I too want to think of some small tidbit that might help this family get closer to an answer!
"Chaim was last seen by a fellow student at 1:25 a.m. According to a 1990 report from Newsday, a dorm counselor found him, dressed in his pajamas, after he didn't show at Sabbath services. His window was found open, the shade raised and draped over itself, and an autopsy showed that soon after his slaying, his body had been moved from the bed to the floor, according to the Newsday report. A few days later, a lighted religious candle appeared in his room, Newsday reported.

The slaying sparked tensions initially, with militant Jewish groups conducting armed patrols around the school, but an FBI profile later suggested that the killer was someone Chaim knew well, and was possibly around his age"


"Detectives have DNA evidence from the scene -- a strand of hair, according to a report in Newsday -- but are reluctant to test it and potentially destroy the sample, until they have someone to compare it to, Azzata said.

Anyone with information is asked to call 1-800-244-TIPS, or the Nassau County Homicide Squad at 516-573-7788. All calls will be kept confidential, police said.
I go back to the strict religious practices and beliefs. Could this young man have done something that his murderer thought justified this punishment? Had he "ruined" a girl or anything like that? I'm not trying to smear this boys name or memory, but this thought comes to mind. Fifteen is an age of raging hormones. Or, by orthodox law, what acts would be punishable by death that fit in the realm of possibility with this young boy? I think the religion is the key, and that this was punishment for some perceived and unforgivable deed? Or, had something been done to him that he was being silenced for, or that he had witnessed?


Hard to imagine the kind of anger it would take to "destroy' a child, his family, friends, classmates and a school's reputation as a safe place.
Did Chaim see something from his window?

" In Brooklyn, of the 51 molesting cases involving the ultra-Orthodox community that the district attorney’s office says it has closed since 2009, nine were dismissed because the victims backed out. Others ended with plea deals because the victims’ families were fearful.

“People aren’t recanting, but they don’t want to go forward,” said Rhonnie Jaus, a sex crimes prosecutor in Brooklyn. “We’ve heard some of our victims have been thrown out of schools, that the person is shunned from the synagogue. There’s a lot of pressure.”

The degree of intimidation can vary by neighborhood, by sect and by the prominence of the person accused.

In August 2009, the rows in a courtroom at State Supreme Court in Brooklyn were packed with rabbis, religious school principals and community leaders. Almost all were there in solidarity with Yona Weinberg, a bar mitzvah tutor and licensed social worker from Flatbush who had been convicted of molesting two boys under age 14.

Justice Guston L. Reichbach looked out with disapproval. He recalled testimony about how the boys had been kicked out of their schools or summer camps after bringing their cases, suggesting a “communal attitude that seeks to blame, indeed punish, victims.”
Wondering if and how the investigation would be any differently perceived if religion was taken out of the equation?
If Chaim was at a non-religious boarding school, would that change what people may think happened in that room and by whom?

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