GUILTY NY - Ian Sharinn, 34, killed in road rage incident, Long Beach, 15 May 2009

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We got a call on Friday night that our friend had been killed in an apparent road-rage incident on Friday morning in Long Beach (NY). There are a few witnesses to the event, and there are several opinions as to who may be at fault for the actions taken that day. However, one thing is a fact, our friend was killed and is no longer with us.

This was not the typical road-rage incident where there are two mangled cars; our dear friend Ian was run down by the other driver after he got out of his car to confront him and was instantly killed. While one witness says the driver may have panicked, police and other witnesses say his actions were intentional.

Ian was the roommate of my husband's best friend since 1994, and we shared many good times together. He was extremely kind and generous, often dubbed a "gentle giant" because he stood 6 foot- 5 / 250 lbs. He has just purchased his first home, and was on his way to the closing when he was killed.

While there are many sides to this story, please keep in mind my husband and I are distraught, and his family and girlfriend are completely shattered by his passing.
Driver dead, one arrest in apparent Long Beach road rage

A road rage confrontation in Long Beach turned deadly Friday when a motorist ran down another driver who had climbed out of his Porsche to confront him, Nassau police said.

Police arrested Evan Potts, 22, who is to be arraigned Saturday for allegedly using his Nissan Altima to run over the 34-year-old driver of the 1978 canary-yellow sports car.

"There appears to be some aggressive driving that may have triggered this event," said Det. Lt. Kevin Smith of Nassau police, adding it's not yet clear what provoked the encounter.

Police have not publicly identified the dead motorist because they were trying to reach his family. They also did not release the suspect's name, but his family confirmed his identity.

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I'm so very sorry for your loss MrsG. It doesn't matter what the particulars were of the disagreement that happened on the one should have lost their life.

I'll be adding you and your husband and your friend's loved ones in my prayers tonight.
May 15, 2009 7:07 pm US/Eastern
Case Of Road Rage Leaves Man Dead On Long Island

An apparent case of road rage ends in tragedy on Long Island. The driver of a Porsche is dead and another driver is in custody. Now police are trying to figure out what instigated it all.

In what witnesses are calling a terrifying and fatal case of road rage, a 34-year-old Long Beach victim was struck with such force it knocked him out of his brown sneakers, as he fell violently onto W. Park Ave. in front of the Long Beach City Hall. He had exited his yellow Porsche moments before to confront the driver of a Nissan Altima.

"If you have ever had your foot stepped on and pushed backwards, that's what it looked like. The car hit his leg right in line with the wheel on the driver's side, the guy went straight back, hit his head real hard, and the kid just stepped on the accelerator, went right over him like he was a cat in the road," said witness John Messina.

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MrsG, this is just horrible! My thoughts are with you and yours.
Oh no, that's so sad. How hard would it have been for the other guy to just drive away. Sure, tempers would've been flaring for a while but at the end of the day things probably would've been almost forgotten and everyone would've been okay. I'm so so sorry for your loss.
May 15, 2009 7:07 pm US/Eastern
Case Of Road Rage Leaves Man Dead On Long Island

An apparent case of road rage ends in tragedy on Long Island. The driver of a Porsche is dead and another driver is in custody. Now police are trying to figure out what instigated it all.

In what witnesses are calling a terrifying and fatal case of road rage, a 34-year-old Long Beach victim was struck with such force it knocked him out of his brown sneakers, as he fell violently onto W. Park Ave. in front of the Long Beach City Hall. He had exited his yellow Porsche moments before to confront the driver of a Nissan Altima.

"If you have ever had your foot stepped on and pushed backwards, that's what it looked like. The car hit his leg right in line with the wheel on the driver's side, the guy went straight back, hit his head real hard, and the kid just stepped on the accelerator, went right over him like he was a cat in the road," said witness John Messina.

More at Link

very very sad, and completely senseless. My thoughts are with you.
Oh My. (((hugs Mrs. G))) I agree, the particulars don't matter. I think of someone gettng out of a car to exchange insurance info... not to use a car as a weapon.

I am so sorry for your loss, and hugs to your DH's buddy and his family and friends.
I'm sorry for your loss MrsG. What a horrifying situation.

My prayers are with you, your friend and his family.

Thanks guys. This is just such a senseless act. I am angered by those who feel sympathy for the killer, who had a long rap sheet, while Ian was a generous, philanthropic, mature and kind individual who was warm and funny. I can't stomach the media's portrayal of him as an angry monster.

Both sides of the story are being represented in most media clips, but some make me sick. :(
What a tragedy...I'm so very sorry for your loss MrsG....I try to tell my kids all the time that the choices they make could very well affect them and others for the rest of their lives...the choice this driver made has affected not only himself but many others in his and your friends lives.
I pray peace and strength for your friends family and his friends.
I'm so sorry for your loss MrsG. I always tell my kids no matter if someone cuts you off in traffic or rides your bumper. Let it go. You never know who you're dealing with.
I am so sorry Mrs. G. This is awful.
I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad to see someone was arrested, I hope your friend receives justice. You and his other friends and family are in my prayers.
Om my god.. this is just so tragic and heartbreaking. I am so deeply sorry for your loss and my deepest sympathies to all who loved your friend Ian. No one should lose their life over such a stupid thing as this.. when will people learn ??
So sad-my deepest sympathies to his family and yours. A car should never be a weapon.
Greetings MrsG728,

So sad for you, your family, and for Ian's family and friends -- what a terribly sad loss and a terribly horrible murder :(

I hope that God will swing in to comfort all of your hearts.


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