NY - Jordan Neely, killed by chokehold in subway during mental health crisis, Manhattan, 1 May 2023 *arrest*

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On the afternoon of May 1, 2023, former Michael Jackson impersonator Jordan Neely began acting in a "hostile and aggressive manner" while riding the F train in Manhattan. Sources say that he threw his jacket on the ground which made passengers move away. A witness said that Neely "started screaming in an aggressive manner...he said that he had no food, no drink, that he was tired, and doesn't care if he goes to jail." There are no signs that he physically assaulted or threatened anyone before a 24-year-old alleged former Marine grabbed Neely from behind.

The 24-year-old man then placed Neely in a fierce chokehold; Neely attempted to escape it for 2 minutes before his body stopped moving. 2 other subway riders held Neely down for another minute before one of them placed him on his back. The subway rider then moved Neely's body on its side to prevent him from choking on his saliva. Freelance journalist, Juan Alberto Vasquez, noticed Neely moved his arms before he completely stopped. The Medical Examiner's Office said Jordan Neely died from compression of the neck due to the chokehold and has labeled his death a homicide.

The NYPD detained the man behind Neely's death, questioned, and then released him which has generated anger. It has since been learned that Jordan Neely was homeless, had a history of mental illness, and had an active warrant out for his arrest due to felony assault.

The killing of Jordan Neely has caused considerable outrage. A rally was held on the same subway platform where Neely died 2 days later to demand justice and for more social services for people in need. Governor Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams have been accused of being complicit in Neely's killing by criminalizing the city's mentally unwell while at the same time doing nothing about the lack of affordable housing. The NYPD was accused of incompetence for releasing Neely's killer.

<modsnip - not an approved source>
What We Know About the Death of Jordan Neely
Medical examiner rules Jordan Neely's death a homicide after subway chokehold
<modsnip - not an approved source>
Outrage simmers in New York after the killing of Jordan Neely on a subway train
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I'll be interested to see what the Manhattan DA does. From the facts I've read, I think the man who choked him should be charged. JMO.
It's a sad sad world <modsnip - social media discussion>
he got his first kill
handy target.
<modsnip - political commentary>

That kid was a brilliant dancer, he only needed some help, instead macho man launched and crushed and so many people rejoiced.
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More of this type of thing is going to continue to happen in cities that are are overrun with mentally ill homeless people. People don't feel safe and are told to just put up with people threatening and screaming at them. It's scary as hell, especially being a woman, when I have homeless go off on me for walking by. People are tired of it, and unfortunately, are going to start taking the law into their own hands. The humane thing to do would be to get people into inpatient treatment. They need help and leaving them to the streets shouldn't be the solution. <modsnip>
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It's a sad sad world when so much of what I've witnessed on MSM and social media are posts praising this marine..
he got his first kill
handy target.
I have severe misgivings about this new(ish) mayor.

That kid was a brilliant dancer, he only needed some help, instead macho man launched and crushed and so many people rejoiced.

That's all I'm hearing students (the few who are doing their current event assignment). The initial reaction to media reports is that "crazy guy needed to be subdued," but they aren't reading for facts, much less legal facts. A few questioned the details, thankfully.

But reading around the internet, many people are jumping to conclusions - and an offbeat, non-ordinary man is dead.

Thing is, we're safer now than in almost any decade in 120 years. IMO. I'm providing homicide stats

Are people still living in the late 80's 90's or does everyone think 40s-60s were great (post-war years, many reasons why murder was lower).

My point is that the 1920's and early 30's weren't so great, either. Maybe think about that a little bit? (Not aimed at WSers, of course).

Neely, who died Monday afternoon after being held in a chokehold for 15 minutes by a straphanger, descended into “a complete mess” after his mother, Christie Neely, was reportedly strangled to death and then stuffed into a suitcase when he was just 14, according to his aunt, Carolyn Neely.

“My sister Christie was murdered in ‘07 and after that, he has never been the same,” Carolyn, 40, said.

“It had a big impact on him. He developed depression and it grew and became more serious. He was schizophrenic, PTSD. Doctors knew his condition and he needed to be

<modsnip: Quoted post was removed> ... those who kill the mentally ill homeless should be prosecuted. What the Marine did was sadistic and unacceptable; it even looked like he was enjoying strangling Jordan. <modsnip>
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Larry Malcolm Smith, Jr. said he got to know Neely in foster care roughly a decade ago and considered him a big brother who shared the money he made dancing so that the other kids could afford food or a haircut.

“This was a good guy,” Smith said. “He would be in the New York City train station using his God-gifted ability and talent.”

As a teen, Neely lived in Bayonne, New Jersey, just south of Jersey City, according to reporting on his mother’s death in 2007. More than four years later, he testified at the murder trial of her killer — an abusive boyfriend who strangled her to death and dumped her body off a Bronx highway. Neely told the court he realized something was wrong when his mother did not wake him for school as she usually did and when her boyfriend blocked him from entering their bedroom, NJ.com reported at the time.
And those who kill the mentally ill homeless should be prosecuted. What the Marine did was sadistic and unacceptable; it even looked like he was enjoying strangling Jordan. NYC plus the whole state needs politicians who are actually compassionate. The city made a big mistake in electing Eric Adams.
I haven't watched it, too traumatized by watching George Floyd die. I still think he might be charged, you shouldn't be able to just kill someone and walk away without consequences. There has to be some law that this falls under and hopefully the DA will find it.
I can't believe people are trying to call that marine a hero. He executed someone in distress. He held him in a killing choke hold for 15 minutes. Think about how long that is. He did it with the help of two other people. Why didn't they just stop when he was down and subdued? He wasn't attacking anyone.

He was hungry, tired, at the end of his rope and yes he was yelling out in despair. Yes, I can imagine it was scary. But the marine guy took him out from behind, unprovoked. This was a murder, as far as I am concerned.

Anyone who argues in favor of summary execution because someone was being disorderly in a public space, I have to wonder what other kinds of extra judicial, vigilante justice they're in favor of.

We have people being killed or shot at for coming on to the wrong porch, or entering the wrong vehicle. And now this. Where is this paranoia and hate coming from?
It's a tragedy that someone who clearly had severe mental health issues died in this way.

NYPD needs to thoroughly investigate this - both in the way Neely died and also what lead up to it.

I think there are a couple of things going on here. One is the culpability of the individual who put him a chokehold that led to his death -<modsnip> This is why a transparent investigation is necessary.

However, at a fundamental level, everyone should be angry Jordan Neely died this way. Irrespective of the lead up to his death this is someone who had serious issues & was living an impoverished life and feel through the safety net that a wealthy city in a wealthy country should be providing.

I see the same thing in Toronto - like in other big cities in Can/Am - an increase of people living in on the margins on public transit. Most of these people are just in devastating situations, use the subway as a place to stay, and pose no threat to anyone (i am ideologically opposed to harassing people simply for being 'homeless in public'.

Unfortunately, there are others who have created high profile violent incidents that have terrified public transit users and also left people dead. I was on the subway last weekend and a man started walking down the train leaning into people's faces and screaming loudly. He grabbed at one lady's shoulder and threw her purse to the ground. I'm 43 and have lived in Toronto my entire life. I have never been so scared before and got off the train before my stop. I was mentally planning what to do if this individual got to me & tried to grab me.

I would like to hear the whole story about what happened on the subway leading up to Jordan Neely's death.
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You can't force someone into a mental health facility nor can you force someone to take medication. I really don't know the solution to the mental health crisis, its just really sad.

Just with what has been posted here, this poor man did nothing to need to be "retrained".
On the afternoon of May 1, 2023, former Michael Jackson impersonator Jordan Neely began acting in a "hostile and aggressive manner" while riding the F train in Manhattan. Sources say that he threw his jacket on the ground which made passengers move away. A witness said that Neely "started screaming in an aggressive manner...he said that he had no food, no drink, that he was tired, and doesn't care if he goes to jail." There are no signs that he physically assaulted or threatened anyone before a 24-year-old alleged former Marine grabbed Neely from behind.

Granted, it was scary for the passengers. But could no one on that train offer this clearly distressed man their own drink or snack or seat? Could no one show Jordan they cared? Apparently they’d rather watch him be murdered than show him human kindness. Could no brave young man persuade the marine to let go. Could no feisty old lady hit the marine in his butt with her cane (hard) to distract him (speaking as one who would have). This took long enough that someone could have stepped in to help Neely, rather than help the marine kill him. Evil triumphed that day.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”
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I can't believe people are trying to call that marine a hero. He executed someone in distress. He held him in a killing choke hold for 15 minutes. Think about how long that is. He did it with the help of two other people. Why didn't they just stop when he was down and subdued? He wasn't attacking anyone.

He was hungry, tired, at the end of his rope and yes he was yelling out in despair. Yes, I can imagine it was scary. But the marine guy took him out from behind, unprovoked. This was a murder, as far as I am concerned.

Anyone who argues in favor of summary execution because someone was being disorderly in a public space, I have to wonder what other kinds of extra judicial, vigilante justice they're in favor of.

We have people being killed or shot at for coming on to the wrong porch, or entering the wrong vehicle. And now this. Where is this paranoia and hate coming from?
I totally agree with you that the marine is no hero. I do not think he should be celebrated for this at all - he should live the rest of his life contemplating that his actions led to someone's death & considering what he could have done differently so Jordan Neely was still alive right now.

To me the question is whether he should be criminally charged - maybe he should be - i just don't think there is enough info yet to say one way or the other.

It's true there are reports that Neely was yelling out in despair -<modsnip - no link from an approved source; rumor>

There should be a transparent investigation of this - and if criminal charges are warranted they should be laid.

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