NY NY - Kathleen Durst, 29, South Salem, 31 Jan 1982 *Robert Durst died 2022*

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For those who have been following the Suzanne Davis/Sharon Marshall thread and read Matt Birkbeck's A BEAUTIFUL CHILD, his other book is on Robert Durst. You may recall he was aquitted last year after dismembering a man in Texas. His wife Kathie has been missing since 1982. The book is called A DEADLY SECRET: THE STRANGE DISAPPEARANCE OF KATHIE DURST and like A Beautiful Child is a great read. Perhaps we can start some conversation on Durst, who you'll believe is a serial killer after reading the book.
He was supposed to be paroled last week but was arrested again and is being sent to Pennsylvania. The book answers many troubling questions about Durst and raises many about the police investigating him. Any thoughts on Durst, his wife Kathie, the murder of his best friend Susan Berman and the trial last year?
We watched (hubby & I) a show on Mr. Durst the other night. Being a Texan, living quite close to Galveston, I was quite interested in his earlier trial. After seeing this movie (Think it was on CTV, Cant be sure though) there is no doubt in my mind that he murdered his wife. They interviewed her friends and neighbors, and they all say she had told them that if anything happened to her, 'Dont let Bobby get away with it'. HELLOOO - And the friend who was supposed to testify against him reguarding his wifes dissappearence, gets two 25K checks from him to 'help her with expenses' and then ends up murdered a few days before the trial begins...This man scares me, and I am sooo glad he is being shipped out of MY state!
Bumping for Kathleen (Kathie)

I just saw the movie today. It's called "All Good Things" and it was really pretty good. They changed the names though. It was Katie and David Marks...and her maiden name was McCarthy instead of McCormack. When I read the back of the case and saw it was based on a true story, of course I had to research it and then I came here to make sure there was a thread for her. From what I've read of news reports, the movie is pretty accurate...and Gossling and Dunst are fabulous in it.

I know that everyone pretty much knows what happened but I would love to see her body recovered and brought home to her family...along with some possible answers as to the details of what happened. I hate the thought of dirty rotten abusers killing their SO and getting away with it, especially when they just "disappear" and their families know what probably happened but they don't know for sure. Not to mention he most likely killed his best friend too, and has gotten away with that as well. Then he practically gets a slap on the wrist for murdering and dismembering his other friend in "self-defense"...SMH at the legal system. These victims deserve justice and this sociopath needs to never see the light of day again...whatever the means (I teeter the fence on that debate).

I've never searched for UIDs before but I'm gonna give it a go for Kathie. Anybody whose done this before have any ideas for matches?
Not sure if there's a ruled out list on UIDs for Kathie but here's a couple I found. I've only searched the NY Jane Does found after her disappearance in 1982 and the list only goes as far as 2008. Anyway here are a couple I found that might fit. Not familiar with NY and where these locations are in reference to NYC, and I know it's a large state, but people will go great distances sometimes to hide bodies...and his family was in the real estate business so he had potential access to lots of unoccupied properties. I gotta get some sleep now, but tomorrow I'm gonna check for more matches in surrounding states. I know they had ties to VT as well so it's worth a look at the surrounding areas.

The age and the dates are listed a little wierd on this one (the math doesn't add up the way they have it worded), but the other stats look like a good match (estimated time of death and height in particular) and the sketch looks like a possibility. The nose and the ears look really similar to me and so does the jaw line.


This one was just a skull that was found. They have pics of it with many different hair colors and styles. I think some of the blond ones bear a resemblance and the estimated date of death and age range are similar.


What do you guys think? Anybody else see any possibilities in these? This is my first time doing this so friendly criticism is welcome :)
Just watched the movie "All Good Things". It was a really good movie. I didn't realize it was based on a true story until I googled it and found the case here. Since he dismembered the man I am thinking that's what he also did to his wife. Don't know that she will ever be found if the remains were thrown in the water. Sad story. Can't believe this psychopath is not behind bars. Definitely going to read more about the case.


Durst in push for missing wife's $82K - even though he's still a suspect in her disappearance
Last Updated: 12:18 PM, March 25, 2013
Posted: 12:13 PM, March 25, 2013

"The oddball multimillionaire scion of a Manhattan real estate family wants to poke around in the investigation of his long-missing wife, even though he’s still a suspect in her disappearance, according to court records.

Robert Durst tried to subpoena two prosecutors and an investigator in the Westchester County District Attorney’s office to prove that the investigation into Kathleen’s disappearance in 1982 is a cold case.

The multimillionaire’s stated reason for the shady probe is to collect a mere $82,000 from her estate that’s been held in escrow pending the investigation’s conclusion, according to his May 9, 2012 petition."

I hadn't read about this case until now. Robert Durst is in the news again - this time for urinating on candy (yes, you read it right. quit spitting on your eyeglasses). You can read the thread here:


Last year he was arrested for trespassing on his estranged brother's property:


Prosecutors said during his arraignment tonight that Durst also stared into the security cameras of other relatives who live in neighboring homes, and a judge issued 13 orders of protection telling the Durst to stay away from his relations.

Seems he thinks he can get away with anything so he openly intimidates people.

I don't see anything new on the Kathleen Durst case. I hope the investigation is ongoing and there will be justice soon.
NY Times had an article today about a new HBO documentary that's starting soon about Robert Durst. It's directed by Andrew Jarecki, the same guy who did Capturing the Friedmans. I'll see if I can link the article when I get to a computer.

In the first two episodes of a six-part HBO documentary that premiers Sunday, real-estate heir and Scarsdale native Robert Durst does little to help solve the mystery of his wife's disappearance 33 years ago. But he admits to a physical confrontation with Kathie Durst at their South Salem home the last night he saw her. And he comes clean about lying to police when he reported her missing in New York City days later.

He says on film that his lies — that after putting Kathie on a train to Manhattan he had a drink with a neighbor and later spoke with Kathie by phone — were intended to convince detectives that his wife went missing in the city. Her friends and family don't believe she ever got there. "That's what I told police," he said. "I was hoping that would just make everything go away"...

State police Investigator Joseph Becerra, who reopened the probe into Kathie Durst's disappearance 15 years ago, said he has seen parts of the documentary. But he declined to comment on whether Durst's lies to police in 1982 have any evidentiary value, saying only that the investigation remained open. "We're going to watch it carefully and see what new developments there might be," Becerra said Friday.
I watched the first episode and I really enjoyed it. They use a lot of archival footage of the scene back then, and have fascinating video of his wife being interviewed by detectives.

Hard to believe Bob Durst was arrested trying to steal a HOAGIE from Wegmans when he had thousands of dollars in cash in his car.
The Jinx part 5 was a good one. I can not believe to this day that this man was not convicted for that killing in Texas. It is unbelievable. I think he is a serial killer at this point with at least 3 under his belt. Kathleen, Morris, and Susan. I think that this documentary has given them lots more on him and I hope they get him and convict him for at least Susan and Kathy.

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