NY NY - Marlene Santana, 3 days, Brooklyn, 21 October 1985

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Oct 20, 2005
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Vital Statistics at Time of Disappearance
Missing Since: October 21, 1985 from New York City, New York
Classification: Non-Family Abduction
Date Of Birth: October 18, 1985
Age: 3 days old
Height and Weight: 1'8, 7 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: Brown hair, brown eyes. Santana has a foot deformity called a metatarsus adduction; her feet will appear C-shaped if viewed from the bottom.
Clothing Description: Wrapped in a swaddling blanket.
Etan Patz is Not Alone: 15 Missing Child Cases in NYC Remain Unsolved


Marlene Santana was just three days old when her mother was held up at gunpoint outside Brookdale Hospital in Brooklyn on Oct. 21, 1985. The woman with the gun snatched the child from her mother’s arms and sped off in a car. The Santana family hasn't seen their baby girl since.

Read more: http://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/201...child-cases-nyc-remain-unsolved#ixzz1v6tM8Qc7

The Charley Project page mentions the mother was held at gunpoint for six blocks, how the hell didn't more people notice that, or maybe they did but didn't want to get involved.

The page also notes there was another newborn taken from a hospital around the same time but the cases aren't thought to be related (this other baby was later recovered and the culprit arrested). Does anyone know which case that was?

I've tried to Google for similar cases but I haven't found anything, maybe because newspaper archives usually come up in a separate search, I was just trying to see if there were any pages for missing babies from around this time with a similar MO but I guess the police would have made that connection if there were.

I wonder if the person who kidnapped Marlene was part of a ring, perhaps they changed MO each time and went to different places all over. It seems like the person had already been keeping an eye on Marlene and her mother, and enough to meet them as they were being discharged after Marlene was kept in the hospital until later.

Either way, IMO there's a big chance Marlene is still alive and well and was adopted by someone. I wonder if she even knows she was adopted, she could have been told all her life she's the biological child of her adopter. I wonder if her mum has given in any DNA into the system, if Marlene is alive and finds out she's adopted she may want to try to look for her biological family and this could make it easier (not sure on how these procedures work in the US).

This is so sad, I hope her mother gets some closure eventually.
Bumping for Marlena. Found this info on a website while researching missing baby Donel Jacoby:


On October 21, 1985, 3 day-old Marlene Santana was abducted at gun point from her mother's arms as they were leaving a hospital inNew York City, New York. The assailant was a woman who had previously been admiring Marlene at the nursery during visiting hours. The woman said she would kill the baby if her mother did not hand her over. When the three reached a deserted junk yard, the kidnapper escaped with Marlene in hand into a vehicle driven by an accomplice. Marlene's birthday is October 18, 1985, and she has never been found.

Marlene's abductor was a caucasian woman with some hispanic features. She looked to be 5'2" and about 130 pounds. In 1985, she looked to be 24-30 years old. She had dirty blond or bleached blond hair, and may have had a wig on. The car she escaped into was a 1976 Cherolet Malibu with red lettering on the door. Marlene also has a foot deformity called Metatarus, where her feet look C-shaped from the bottom.
yesterday I read of a African American girl abducted as a newborn that was identified after almost 20 years. kamaiyah mobley. it was when she was using her social security mumber they found out it belong to a dead man and it had been stolen. her identity was all fake. I guess there us Hopermission for marlene sanrana too since her current identity must be fake too. I believe she is alive and well not knowing she was abducted.
Marlene is being suggested as a possible match for this Jane Doe. I did not make the connection but I see it’s being actively discussed.

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Marlene Santana

  • marlene_santana_1.jpg
  • santana_marlene_foot.jpg
  • marlene_santana_4.jpg
  • marlene_santana_5.jpg
Age-progression for Marlene to age 25 (circa 2010) (photographs of her are unavailable because she was abducted shortly after birth); Example of a foot with metatarsus adductus; Sketches of the abductor

  • Missing Since10/21/1985
  • Missing FromBrooklyn, New York
  • ClassificationNon-Family Abduction
  • Date of Birth10/18/1985 (33)
  • Age3 days old
  • Height and Weight1'8, 7 pounds
  • Distinguishing CharacteristicsHispanic female. Brown hair, brown eyes. Marlene has a foot deformity called a metatarsus adductus; her feet will appear C-shaped if viewed from the bottom. A picture of what a foot with this deformity would look like is posted with this case summary.
Details of Disappearance
Marlene was abducted at gunpoint by a female suspect in the New York City borough of Brooklyn at 9:30 p.m. on October 21, 1985.

Marlene's mother, Francisca Santana, met the abductor at Brookdale Hospital while giving birth to Marlene, three days prior to the abduction. The woman admired the baby at the nursery window during visiting hours; she said it was the prettiest baby and the quietest one.

Marlene was kept longer than usual due to jaundice, but eventually discharged with a clean bill of health. The suspect kidnapped the baby as her mother was leaving the hospital with her. The child was wrapped in a blue, pink and yellow swaddling blanket at the time of her abduction.

The suspect threatened to shoot Marlene if her mother did not give her up. The two women walked together for six blocks with the suspect pointing a gun at Marlene, then stopped at a deserted junkyard, and the suspect took the baby. Her mother gave the abductor her telephone number and asked her to call. The kidnapper escaped in a waiting car driven by an accomplice. Marlene and the suspect have never been seen again.

Sketches of the abductor are posted with this case summary. She was 5'2 and 130 pounds, and approximately 24 to 30 years old in 1985. She was Caucasian or Hispanic, with dyed red or blonde hair, and may have been wearing a wig. The abduction car was a white 1976 Chevrolet Malibu with red lettering on the door; possibly it was an unlicensed cab.

The same week Marlene disappeared, a two-month-old baby was kidnapped from another New York City hospital. The infant was recovered unharmed a few days later and his abductor was arrested. The case is not believed to be connected to Marlene's; the timing was coincidental.

Marlene's father was in the Dominican Republic at the time of the infant's disappearance and is not considered a suspect in her case. Francisca returned to the Dominican Republic after Marlene's abduction, as she didn't feel safe in the United States. She and Marlene's father had had two children before Marlene, and they subsequently had two more. The entire family still lives in the Dominican Republic and is employed at the family business, a small supermarket.

Although it's possible that Marlene was sold for adoption, authorities don't believe her abductor was a professional criminal. Rather, they think the kidnapper was a mentally unstable woman wanted a child to raise and couldn't have one of her own. Marlene's case remains unsolved.

I wonder if there were no witnesses at the hospital that could identify the myserty woman, She spent considerable time there and plenty of people saw here.

Same goes for the 1976 Chevrolet Malibu, could the police match it with potential owners

Sadly it's a big no no that her parents moved back to DR after this event, the entire case was put on hold because of that. Imagine they had been fighting for this by pushing the LE and talking to the press, perhaps they could've done something more.

I feel like she's still alive but nobody's looking. Perhaps she was sold for aboption or the abductor raised her as her own with that man diving the car.

The only way this can be solved is if the girl takes a DNA test and her mother can math it by some geneology database OR if someone comes forward to ID her abductor, perhaps a witness or someone close to her. Perhaps she and her man parted ways and he could be tempted by giving her up for a award. But someone need to put some light into this case, sadly it seems to be completely forgotten.
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There is a woman that thinks she is Marlene Santana! Here is the copy and pasted info from the Facebook Group Missing People of NYC (in case the above link does not work:
Kristen Damron

I think I'm Marlene Santana.
My "mom" made sure to have my distinguishing face moles removed from all my baby/child photos. I remember her asking photographers to do this. She also abused me horrifically, including stalkling me as an adult and stealing my identity, using my social to open accounts etc. My birth certificate is clearly bs (included in pics). A year and a half ago she randomly told me, "Your name was SUPPOSED to be Marlene" then asked me what I thought of the name Francesca, this was before I had ever heard of the case. She took great care to hide my moles throughout childhood, including forcing me to wear sweaters when it was hot. She put me in the wrong fitting clothing often to make my feet and body look bigger. I remember a guy in Redondo Beach, California freaking out and screaming "That's Marlene Santana!". My "mom" made sure to get us out of there quick. This occurred in the early 1990s when I was around 5 or 6. I have many other examples of things like these.
Oh yeah, forgot to tell you, I have a foot deformity that makes it so I have no arch. My right foot is affected more and has caused many right knee injuries as I'm an athlete (snowboarding, trail running). My knee is rolled slightly inward because of my foot and I have to wear special insoles on long runs. I've been made fun of for my feet (lovingly) by several people in my life.
Hopefully they can tell me the results of my DNA test soon.

Kristen has lots of pictures of herself as a child but none exist of Baby Marlene because she was stolen from the hospital at 3 days old. There is a lot of evidence that lines up but you have to read the Facebook post. I will try to add it here as I get a chance. How exciting if this is her!
Kristen Damron lives in a small California town but has been in touch with NY police and submitted a DNA test 2 days ago and so she is waiting to heare back.
Here are the answer Kristen gives as to why she thinks she is Marlene Santana:

"my "mother" edited all my distinguishing marks out of childhood photos, including the big more on my left cheek which is pictures in my profile photo."

"she's been abusive and terrible my whole life. She let other people abuse me whenever they wanted. I ran away at 14. She recently stole my identity and my stimulus checks prompting me to do some research and figure out she's not my mom. I am trying to get a restraining order against her, but it probably won't be necessary considering she probably kidnapped me at gunpoint."

Her adoptive mother "treated me so bad that I stayed thinking she's not really my mother. So I will never be asking that human cesspool anything."

When asked if she thought the sketch of the abductor looked like her adoptive mom: yes she looks exactly like my mom. My mom likes to hurt people and animals. I think the dead baby in the dumpster was hers and she stole me to cover it up. My birth certificate is not legitimate and is from Florida. I was raised in California, Florida is on the way from NYC to Southern California."

"she's half white half Hispanic and 1.5 years ago she randomly told me "your name was SUPPOSED to be Marlene""

"she very obviously abused me much more than my two sisters. I was never good enough. I didn't have a bed or a door"

"my stalker fake mother actually turned in a dna sample under my identity before I could figure out I needed one, so that is something I have to contend with in regards to the identity theft."

She has the same issue with her feet as Baby Marlene

When asked if her mom reported her missing when she ran away at 14: "nope"
Great news. She could actually be Marlene Santana. I can see the resemblance from that drawing. I hope we find out soon by DNA. It would be monumental.
Where is the mother now?? Is Kristen in a safe place until she finds the results of the dna??
It makes me wonder how we got similar stories. Because I didn't know about this until after I submitted my story to Unsolved Mysteries.
I hope LE is really on top of this, including keeping very close tabs on the alleged abusive mother and investigating the abuse allegations.

I hope Marlene's biological family receive some good news soon.
@Raven85 Law enforcement in charge of this case is the New York City Police Department: 1-646-610-6914 (within the United States)

(They are the investigating agency according to Marlene Santana – The Charley Project)

NY City Police Department is where to start with submitting any information, tips, etc.
ChatteringBirds Unsolved Mysteries does the same thing.
They will send the info to the police department for you.
Let's hope Kristen is Marlene.
We just don't know yet.
But I am also waiting for news.
I hope Kristen's mother still gets away from her.
She already according to Facebook has a restraining order on her.
This was on the Charley Project and Missing Children.
It's good because she is safer now.
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@Raven85 Contacting LE directly would speed up the process and help ensure that information isn't accidentally lost. I don't know your situation, though. It's kind of you to care about this case. All the best.

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