NY NY - Niagara Co, Niagara River N of Lewiston docks, WhtFem 20-25, UP13043, black hair, Jun'94

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Aug 9, 2015
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NamUs UP 13043


Unidentified Body/Remains (White Female)

Found June 22, 1994 in
Niagara County, NY
Body Condition: Not recognizable-putrefaction/decomposing

Probable year of death: to

Vital Statistics
Estimated age: 20-25
(Late Teen/Young adult)

Approximate Height: 61estimate
Approximate Weight: 104 estimate
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Scars and marks:

Clothing & Accessories
Jewerly: nothing

Fingerprints: Fingerprint information is not available
Dentals: Dental information / charting is not available
DNA: Sample is currently not available

Case History:
Found in lower Niagara River, 1/4 mile north of docks of Lewiston docks on American side
I wish she had a reconstruction :( So sad she doesn't have one. I feel like recons help so much with identification. There's not even any identifiers :(
Someone on the Unidentified in New York page brought up the fact that she might have been Canadian. Since the border is fairly close (in the river), I have no idea, but it seems like a good possibility.
thank you. i already checked Canadians as they are in the MP directory I reference along with people from the USA. No dice :( the people i listed are the only matches I could find within 12-15 months prior to this UID's discovery.

Someone on the Unidentified in New York page brought up the fact that she might have been Canadian. Since the border is fairly close (in the river), I have no idea, but it seems like a good possibility.

Sandra went missing pretty darn close to where the body was found. Only one big city on the map between Macedon where she went missing and Niagara Falls. She also has very dark hair that could be considered black and she is caucasian. She was pregnant. Not sure if there would be any way to determine if this MP was pregnant. Hm.

The height and weight are more comparable to Sara Wood. But I don't know if it would be possible for an ME to think a 12 year old girl were in her late teens or early 20's. Sara was also from upstate NY.

I agree with you on that, DaisyChains. I would so much like to be more involved with NAMPN, but I have no idea where/how to begin. For instance, is there any kind of list that exists to see if Sara Wood (and others) have been reported yet as being similar to UP 13043? Any assistance, links, websites, etc. re: how I can best help missing and/or unidentifieds would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Hi Carpeverum! So glad you are here on the case :)

There is no list on namus for submissions, just rule outs. You can see those rule outs of missing persons on the profile for the unidentified person. For some reason there are no rule-outs listed for this Jane Doe and I think it is b/c there is nothing to rule anyone out with. This Jane Doe sadly has no DNA, No fingerprints, and no dentals on record. With such scant information it is impossible for Namus to attempt to match this Jane Doe to a missing person utilizing fingerprints/DNA/dentals even if that missing person has a complete profile on all counts.

Typically we at websleuths keep track of the submissions. If I submit Sandra I will note it here and we will have record of it so she is not submitted again. I am not sure I will submit her though as again this Jane Doe has literally nothing to compare to Sandra. I did however just contact the PI handling Sandra's case about this UID. We will see if her boots on the ground can do anything with it.

I agree with you on that, DaisyChains. I would so much like to be more involved with NAMPN, but I have no idea where/how to begin. For instance, is there any kind of list that exists to see if Sara Wood (and others) have been reported yet as being similar to UP 13043? Any assistance, links, websites, etc. re: how I can best help missing and/or unidentifieds would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Hello, DaisyChains! :) Thanks for your warm welcome and most helpful information. I have also located the Forums for help with FAQs on Unidentifieds which I will need to study thoroughly. It's good to be here, and we ALL deserve to be buried with a name whenever and wherever possible. Also: I'd be absolutely gutted if I had a family member missing and would want closure--even if it's not a result I would be hoping for.

I want to research the basic methods involved in helping to assist so that hopefully I can post information that is relevant and possibly useful--I don't want to be a liability to any thread or post if I can avoid it! I'll study a bit and watch you all at work so to be more helpful when I do add anything.

Thanks again for your kind assistance, DaisyChains! :tyou:
It looks like the NamUs page is super out of date... the contact for case manager (Kristen Neubauer) is listed as retired on LinkedIn.
Received a reply from the PI handling Sandra's case. great guy.


Thank you so much for your concern and the heads up!

There appears to be a lot of possibilities here. One thing though, is the possible age they determined.
Sandra was 38 years old for one thing. The other problem is that she was almost full term in pregnancy.

I will dig into this. There is a lot of possibility that it could be Sandra.

Again, than you for your help and for being so alert.

If I come up with anything more, I will get back to you.

Richard (Dick) Ingraham"
This case is still in NamUs and IMO, since she was found in the 90s and young, may have been reported missing.

How do we find out if DNA or dentals are available at this point?

I can't find this case on Doe Network. Can anyone else?

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