NY - WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO McDonald's Worker Beats Women Who Attack Him

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  • justified because this was self defense.

    Votes: 66 70.2%
  • exhibiting criminal behavior and should be prosecuted.

    Votes: 20 21.3%
  • Other - Make sure to explain in a post please

    Votes: 8 8.5%

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I dunno, Masterj. I completely understand why someone would be taken aback if/when their legitimate US currency is called into question or downright refused.

From what I know (which could be wrong), only one woman slapped him. But he beat both of them. With a metal rod. And I don't consider slapping someone, especially when a woman slaps a man, as an action that requires self defense. The cashier's life was not in danger. If he had slapped her back, fine. But that's not what he did. He beat two prone women with a metal rod. IMO, his behavior is despicable.

We always check bills for counterfeits. We've already been passed two this year..a $100 bill and a $50 bill. If you get one you are out the face value. I don't understand one bit the reaction of the woman just because he was doing his job and checking the bill for authenticity. Her reaction was 100% wrong. What has become of our society when folks can justify rude, violent behavior perpetrated against someone simply doing their job?
We always check bills for counterfeits. We've already been passed two this year..a $100 bill and a $50 bill. If you get one you are out the face value. I don't understand one bit the reaction of the woman just because he was doing his job and checking the bill for authenticity. Her reaction was 100% wrong. What has become of our society when folks can justify rude, violent behavior perpetrated against someone simply doing their job?

I understand the reaction because checking a bill is, for all intents, calling the customer a thief. I'm not saying stores shouldn't check for forgeries. I'm just saying that they should be prepared for insulted and/or angry customers. I find myself asking a similar question to yours. What has become of our society when folks can justify a man beating two prostrate women with a metal bat? It was excessive force to the point where one woman may have brain damage. The cashier went too far and I hope he is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I understand the reaction because checking a bill is, for all intents, calling the customer a thief. I'm not saying stores shouldn't check for forgeries. I'm just saying that they should be prepared for insulted and/or angry customers. I find myself asking a similar question to yours. What has become of our society when folks can justify a man beating two prostrate women with a metal bat? It was excessive force to the point where one woman may have brain damage. The cashier went too far and I hope he is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


I respectfully disagree. I can be handed a 50 at a store and it turns out it's fake. I'm not a criminal I'm a victim. This McDonald's has been receiving counterfeit bills and so they have to check them.

They HAVE to check everybody. If they don't then they open themselves for a discrimination lawsuit. If someone takes a busines checking a bill as calling them a thief then, IMO, they need to lighten up.

I've had bills checked and I understand the underlying reason. Anyone who over reacts to it has issues that aren't the counter guys fault. JMO
I understand the reaction because checking a bill is, for all intents, calling the customer a thief. I'm not saying stores shouldn't check for forgeries. I'm just saying that they should be prepared for insulted and/or angry customers. I find myself asking a similar question to yours. What has become of our society when folks can justify a man beating two prostrate women with a metal bat? It was excessive force to the point where one woman may have brain damage. The cashier went too far and I hope he is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

that woman had no business slapping the man or jumping over the counter to get up in his face. very foolish too as it could've cost her her life. both parties in the wrong and both parties should be held responsible for their actions
Many years ago I found myself working as a cashier despite having a college degree, but tried to make the best of it. The most painful memories I have of that period are those of abusive customers, many of them obvious otherwise 'nice' people who viewed me as a doormat to be bullied, ridiculed and intimidated. The general attitude seemed to be I was a 'loser' for working there so I deserved their contempt.
Was this justified, IDK. It'd help if I could see more of what really happened, I just know that when out of control people jump a counter and come after you, then you have the right to use force against them. I'm sure these little morons never expected what happened, maybe it sends a message.
JMO, but I cannot accept the accusations. He walked away after being called names and slapped in the face, at which time she decided to jump the counter to go after him. She is lucky he didnt find a knife, or stick her face in the deep fryer.
I honestly believe if it was two men and a woman, all the people who said it went "too far" wouldnt feel the same way, all because of the views on women in society today. If she had had a weapon or gun, people would have been thanking him for saving people around him, instead he is persecuted for being the only one to act. If he was so out of line, why didnt his manager or someone grab and hold him back instead of just scream? I doubt he heard what was going on around him. Lets just hope he can do PTSD from prison or whatever keeps him out of harm, because he was working his shift and, for me at least, proved one felon stereotype wrong.
JMO, but I cannot accept the accusations. He walked away after being called names and slapped in the face, at which time she decided to jump the counter to go after him. She is lucky he didnt find a knife, or stick her face in the deep fryer.
I honestly believe if it was two men and a woman, all the people who said it went "too far" wouldnt feel the same way, all because of the views on women in society today. If she had had a weapon or gun, people would have been thanking him for saving people around him, instead he is persecuted for being the only one to act. If he was so out of line, why didnt his manager or someone grab and hold him back instead of just scream? I doubt he heard what was going on around him. Lets just hope he can do PTSD from prison or whatever keeps him out of harm, because he was working his shift and, for me at least, proved one felon stereotype wrong.


But she didn't have a weapon or a gun. She wasn't brandishing a weapon and there have been no reports that she was carrying one. Neither has it been reported that she was trying to pass a bad bill.

You can't beat someone who is down on the ground, defenseless, just because they "might" have a weapon. That's why he was charged with assault. And I hope this time they put him away for a very long while. He is a danger to society.
When I trained in martial arts years ago, a point my instructor would make - A good reason to never start trouble with someone you don't know is that you no idea what they are capable of doing to back to you.

These two large adults started their senseless and unnecessary assault on another adult who was well capable of defending himself.
I will try and make this brief, but I want to get some of my points out for my opinion...

1-these women were in the wrong to become so angry with him for checking the legimacy of their large bill. It happens, it wasn't motivated by anything other than possibly company policy for large bills. I heard they were intoxicated as well.

2-they should never have hit him. Got a problem, he is just a cashier-get a manager who can actually do something.

3-Again they were wrong in coming across the counter at him, that is an act of agression. Did they think just because he was a lowly McDonald's employee so he didnt deserve respect as a human being? They obviously didnt know who he was-which leads me to #4...

4-He does indeed have a criminal history. He spent 10 years in a facility for violent offenders. Do you think he did not have to defend himself on a regular basis in prison against violence? Do you think when violence occurs in prison it stops when someone says so? My logical guess is it stops when they are either forcibly broken apart or when the threat is eradicated. After ten years I would think defending yourself with violence against violence is standard operating procedures, and ingrained in one's brain. I see his reaction to their agression as something that was instinctual for him.

5-Did he go to far-Probably. Hindsight is always 20/20. BUT here is a guy with a violent instinct, out trying to make a clean living (I can only assume as I do not know anything about him other than he is indeed employed in a legitimate job) when violence is thrust upon him.

6-the females injured decided to bully someone they perceived as weaker and lost.

If he is found guilty of anything I hope it is plea bargained down and he can continue to try and be a productive member of society. I am sure those females will sue McDonalds for millions.
He went a bit too far but he was clearly being attacked unreasonably and should be allowed to defend himself. The fact that the attackers were women and he was bigger is irrelevant. Under the circumstances with adrenalin and anger running it is not surprising that he did carry on though, most people would do the same thing. I doubt he even heard the other people screaming at him to stop. It was just for a few moments, it was not as though he carried on for 10 minutes.

Too bad for the women who attacked him, but that is the risk you take when you get aggresive like that. Your victim might strike back, so don't go crying if they do.

I don't think he should be charged.
Ill have to respectfully disagree. SHE assaulted him (where are her charges?) jumped the counter, and had her friend come around to do god only knows what. How long of a time frame are you willing to give someone being assaulted (after walking away) to decide if they are going to get punched, stabbed, or shot? Also, the beating only continued by their own choices of trying to get up over, and over again. Its clear he is saying stay down, and they are still trying to get up.

If the gender roles were reversed, i have a feeling your opinion would be different, and most likely there would have been people jumping in to help, as opposed to yelling stop! and just watching.
I feel it's totally justified. I had a friend who worked at subway threatened by knifepoint for money, and having worked at McDonalds (15-17) I know how terrible some of the expectations are. I think he expected no help from his coworkers, and assumed they were in possession of a weapon, if they didnt want to get their heads bashed in they should have left it at calling him a p**** and slaping him in the face after he walked away. I think the real shame is that they are "victims." I know some people say "it was excessive," but remember he walked away first, she stepped over the counter, and then the other came with no good intentions. I honestly think he would have been prosecuted without the weapon, it's just how our system works today. Poor attackers.

I agree with this. Two women attacked him, not one. One jumped over the counter and the other ran to the end of the counter so he couldn't get out. I think he was totally justified. Why in the world would 2 women act in such a manner? I don't know the answer, but I can bet it is not a good one. How was he to know they were going to stop their attack? It was not evident from their actions, that's for sure.

And I am pizzed over these charges from one of the articles posted (bbm):

Police have charged the cashier, identified as Rayon McIntosh, 31,
with felony assault charges, along with criminal possession of a weapon.
Both women were charged with menacing, trespass and disorderly conduct.
He is being held at the Manhattan Detention Complex on $40,000 bail,
according to the Department of Correction website.

WTH???? Why were the aggressors charged with misdemeaners and the defender charged with a felony? They started this mess and refused to stop. They got what they deserved.

I agree with Steely - they will probably now sue and get a lot of money from McD's.

I also think that it is sad that our society does not allow men to protect themselves. If this had been two men on the cashier, or 2 men on a female cashier - I don't think many would think the cashier over reacted and I would almost guarantee there would have been NO charges against the cashier. But because it was crazy females, somehow the guy is supposed to know that they don't really mean to hurt him or that they are incapable of really hurting him?? I don't get it and I don't believe it.


PS - I hope he gets a really good defense attorney.
The reason the two women were only charged with misdemeanors is because they did not commit a felony assault like the guy who beat them with a metal bat. As reported, they didn't have a weapon, their assailant did. Thank goodness the law recognizes the difference between menacing and disorderly conduct and felony assault with a weapon.

Given the assailant's violent criminal background, the two women will most likely win a large settlement and the cashier will head back to prison. Where he belongs.
Thank goodness that some people like me, who sit on juries, see this as an innocent person defending themselves from two assailants.

I wonder if we'll here about the backgrounds on these two, and whether they were under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time?
I understand the reaction because checking a bill is, for all intents, calling the customer a thief. I'm not saying stores shouldn't check for forgeries. I'm just saying that they should be prepared for insulted and/or angry customers. I find myself asking a similar question to yours. What has become of our society when folks can justify a man beating two prostrate women with a metal bat? It was excessive force to the point where one woman may have brain damage. The cashier went too far and I hope he is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

In a civilized society, these is NO justification for someone being offended if a bill is checked to make sure it is legit. No one was saying she may have made the bill...she could have picked it up as change from the store she visited last. As for the "no weapon?" I spent 20 years breaking up fights in middle schools and high schools. I'd vote to break up a fight between two guys any day before girls. Females are vicious and can cause so much damage with their nails it isn't funny. They pull clumps of hair out the others head, claw their faces (often leaving horrible scars) kick, bite (once a girl's nose was almost bitten off) and more. Once the woman in the story slapped that cashier then went behind the counter all bets were off IMO. They were the aggressors from the get go.

"Why is counterfeiting such a big deal? Well, consider the following scenario, which happens all too often: If a business unknowingly receives a phony $20 bill and then tries to deposit it at the bank, it will be scanned, most likely detected as counterfeit, and then seized. Bottom line: That business is now out $20! This can have a devastating effect, especially on new businesses."


From the U. S. Secret Service:


How To Detect Counterfeit Money

The public has a role in maintaining the integrity of U.S. currency. You can help guard against the threat from counterfeiters by becoming more familiar with United States currency.

Look at the money you receive. Compare a suspect note with a genuine note of the same denomination and series, paying attention to the quality of printing and paper characteristics. Look for differences, not similarities."

To those 2 assaulting ghetto chicks who thought they'd get away with calling the McDonald's worker a pu**y, slapping him, then running him down to attack him in his own workplace:

Ya, Spurser, Judas Priest has some great stuff. And their song "You've Got Another Thing Comin" fits those 2 belligerent, terrorizing wannabe gangsta chicks perfectly! :great:

Does anybody know how to embed a YouTube Video here?

I did it above with that short, 3-second "Simpsons" clip, but no matter what I try, it won't let me do it with the "You've Got Another Thing Comin" song.

Greatly appreciate any help.
Ya, Spurser, Judas Priest has some great stuff. And their song "You've Got Another Thing Comin" fits those 2 belligerent, terrorizing wannabe gangsta chicks perfectly! :great:

Does anybody know how to embed a YouTube Video here?

I did it above with that short, 3-second "Simpsons" clip, but no matter what I try, it won't let me do it with the "You've Got Another Thing Comin" song.

Greatly appreciate any help.

Go to the web address at the top of the page and copy it. Then bring it over here and paste in a post. You just need to paste it and nothing else.

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