O/T thread ~!~ General Venting Allowed

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L L & S

Active Member
Sep 17, 2004
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I should have added that this is for those who want to chat in and about the Janet Forum while not worrying about getting off topic. The heat's getting to me, obviously.

It's hot.

My internet is running slow.

My music playlist sucks.

My dishwasher is broken.

My dogs smell bad.

I'm down to my last Diet Cherry Pepsi.

Normally I would just go over to the Demon Board and take out my frustrations but every one of my nics there have been banned and after starting three new email accounts to rejoin, they still won't let me in. I hate that place any way.

The Michelle Young forum has an O/T thread and I thought we could use one here. True forum confession: Sometimes I just sit here and count lurkers and eat M&M's. You should see how many words you can actually make out of the letters chicoliving.

Did ya'll hear Nancy Grace is leaving CTV. Heck I didn't even know CC's show was gone/about to be gone. Phil Specter's hair gives me nightmares so I haven't had CTV on in a while.

I read in USA Today that Modesto is the worst place in the universe to live, or something like that. They might be right. It's starting to get hot.

I wish it wasn't to late to take a nap.
I should have added that this is for those who want to chat in and about the Janet Forum while not worrying about getting off topic. The heat's getting to me, obviously.

It's hot.

My internet is running slow.

My music playlist sucks.

My dishwasher is broken.

My dogs smell bad.

I'm down to my last Diet Cherry Pepsi.

Normally I would just go over to the Demon Board and take out my frustrations but every one of my nics there have been banned and after starting three new email accounts to rejoin, they still won't let me in. I hate that place any way.

The Michelle Young forum has an O/T thread and I thought we could use one here. True forum confession: Sometimes I just sit here and count lurkers and eat M&M's. You should see how many words you can actually make out of the letters chicoliving.

Did ya'll hear Nancy Grace is leaving CTV. Heck I didn't even know CC's show was gone/about to be gone. Phil Specter's hair gives me nightmares so I haven't had CTV on in a while.

I read in USA Today that Modesto is the worst place in the universe to live, or something like that. They might be right. It's starting to get hot.

I wish it wasn't to late to take a nap.

omg, I heart you, lady!!!
Update: I got an email from Coldwater. She asked me which nic I wanted to keep. I told her which one I wanted AND that I had added two more nics since I emailed her (my hub thought I was just being blond) and they didn't work either. She wrote back...
My only suggestion is to register again as new, using the name and address you want. I have no way of figuring this out.
LMAO! I think she gave up on me! Coooolddddwatttter, don't leave me hangin'! Do you think any of them (Coldwaters, I mean) come over here and read, just to be around adults? I know some of the children of the demon boards come here. They last about 7 posts before they go poof! OH well. The Michelle Young thread got locked down and that's where I was headed anyway.

Hi Chico!

Hi Legal!

Sorry Chico, not sharing my M&M's, it's all I have going for me here in Modesto. First we were the car theft capitol then we were called Methdesto for awhile and now USA Today says it's official, we're the worst place to live in the entire universe. Has to be because the Hershey Chocolate plant is leaving the area, I just know it!! So until they actually move all the leper colonies here and shut off the electricity forcing us all to live in brown vans down by the river, I'm keeping my damn M&M's!

With all due respect!
The news has sounded rather grim about your town. Can only get better now but you have to give me the M&M's. Step away from the bag!
LL&S - Off topic....love the post.

I'm not a very interesting person.

I'm cranky and opinionated.

I am going to be one of those little old ladies that rams her cart against you and tells you off for no reason.

I follow people that have their children standing in a car that are unseatbelted and pull in and get out and tell them off.

I will eventually be a little old lady that walks around muttering to herself, because I do it now.

I will probably wear my pajama's when I'm an old lady at the store, with mismatched socks.

I am feared by some, hated by more and loved by those that matter.

I have a ton of weeds to pull, my house needs to be dusted and vacuumed.

Too much work, too little time.

I can't make up that many words with chicoliving. - chico, living, cog, hog, log, loc, clog, loin, coin, logic, coil, nog, civil, hi, gin, nic, inch, and I'm sure I am missing some easy ones.

Didn't hear that Nancy was leaving CTV, my friend is not very quick with information, but then again she lives on the other side of the US.

Demon board really isn't my bag.

I believe it's Coldwaters...not coldwater

Wish I would have met up with you LL&S at Terri Winchell's Candlelight Vigil, it would have been nice to meet you.

I hate when it's quiet here, I wake up late at night sometimes for watersign on to Websleuth to see if there is any news and there's still lurkers here.

I can't wait until a trial because I will definitely be there, and hope to meet some of you.

Sleeping is not easy for me.

I love being online and seeing 8 lurkers and chuckle to myself knowing that a few of the lurkers seeth when they see my name. It makes me giggle.

I drink a lot of coffee.

I type without looking at the words, I rant, never preview, never sensor what I wrote. I hit send. Once in a while I reread my post after I send it and can't believe the typos and grammatical errors, and laugh.

Sometimes I reread a post I wrote and say to myself....I can't believe I said, but I did.

I am brutally honest. Not one of my best personality traits.

I love Websleuths.
1. There aren't enough people posting on the countdown thread

hmmmm I'm sure I can think of something else to vent about.....
The news has sounded rather grim about your town. Can only get better now but you have to give me the M&M's. Step away from the bag!
Too Late! They say you are what you eat!

Ummmmm....I dot dot dot a lot....

I think raven is guilty....

I think terminatrixator is right on the money many times and I just don't have the balls to say it myself.

I think that LL&S is a kick in the *advertiser censored* and I love M&M"s too...hey, mixed 'em with your popcorn lately?

hmmmm, pardon me while I go get a glass of wine. I like wine. And chocolate...oh, and chips & salsa!!!!

These are all my opinions, but, opinions are like *advertiser censored**holes...everybody's got one.

I think that LL&S is a kick in the *advertiser censored* and I love M&M"s too...hey, mixed 'em with your popcorn lately?

hmmmm, pardon me while I go get a glass of wine. I like wine. And chocolate...oh, and chips & salsa!!!!

These are all my opinions, but, opinions are like *advertiser censored**holes...everybody's got one.

Shhhhhh! I can almost guarantee chico's watching us now..... she knows we have chocolate.
Shhhhhh! I can almost guarantee chico's watching us now..... she knows we have chocolate.

Chocolate? Who said I have chocolate?
shhhhhhh! Maybe she won't notice...ya' think?
Ok well since we're being brutally honest about ourselves, here goes...

I live in Nascar city NC ok not really Nascar city, only feels like it. It pisses me off for a lot of reasons, one being I have to drive past the race track to go to work and when something is going on there, its impossible to get past there in 2 hours time. I was at the light, it had turned green, two cars got through, and here came drunk stumbling redneck drinking his bud in a can and walked out in the road. Maybe it was because I was hot, to broke to buy enough gas to run the AC and down to my last newport, but I couldnt' take it. I slowley went forward and nudged him, about 3 times before he backed off the road and I got through. There, you want horrible, lol, that is about as horrible as it gets.

I'm Tiffany and I check in here daily just to see where the case is going. I love this thread btw!
LOL! Welcome Tiffany the Horrible! I'm not a Nascar fan either.
Hello?????....I don't care how softly you typed chocolate....I heard it all the way in Mississippi and am requesting all the red and green M&M's please!!!

This is a great thread....somewhere where I can think:waitasec: and bang my head in frustration:banghead: and get mad :furious: and bang my head in frustration:banghead: and slap people :slap: and bang my head in frustration :banghead: !

Alright give me all the yellow M&M's too.
Hi Eww! I'm fresh out of M&M's. Sorry. Nice to see ya though! Got some Life Saver's Wild Berry Ice Cream. Haven't tried it yet, but it's pretty!
Hmmm.....Ice Cream.....alright alright stop bending my arm...send it my way and I'll help you try it!
You have no idea how I would love to have you sitting here with me... We could sew Raven Voodoo dolls... or something fun like that.
Here you go Ewww

I think these might be to your liking.




I'd bang my head but I got a massive headache.

Hmmmm actually I have a taste for Chocolate Covered Banana's. I bet that would make me feel so much better.

Eww nice to see you.

It's another overcast cool day here makes me want to sleep instead of work, but I need to get my work done because we are on summer hours now. Work hard Mon - Thursday and early Friday hours. Hurray!

:slap: Maybe Raven can catch my headache via internet.
Speaking of M&Ms and ice cream.....I've been munching on "ogre" sized peanut M&Ms all day. Gotta love that. And...has anyone tried the new Creme Brulee flavored ice cream from Ben and Jerry's---absolutely addicting.

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