Deceased/Not Found OH - Carrie Culberson, 22, Blanchester, 28 Aug 1996 - #1 *V. Doan guilty*

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one loving cousin said:
Excuse me, but I believe that Debbie Culberson is the one that said Carrie is "dead". Char and Find Carrie, whoever you are, I don't really care, you arent helping anyone accomlpish anything. If you people really were interested in finding Carrie you would have been looking at all of the tips that the police have recieved not just some of them. For your information, since you are such good friends with her and all, you should know this, Debbies antique store, which she bought after she got her money, is UPSTAIRS from Christinas hair salon, which she also boght after she got her money. I suggest next time you check in with your good buddy before you start passing out the wrong information again.
Im glad that you two keep looking at Vincents websight that way you will be sure to know when we find Carrie because you definately arent doing anything to help. We love you Vincent and Tracey!!!!!!! :D

:behindbar Your boy is in JAIL and will be for life. Now that is something we can chat about if you like. Secondly, your spelling is off, the word boght should be bought. YOU sound a little flustered, get the spelling correct before you criticize others. Honey..I for one bypass the web site and go directly to the message board. I have forwarded the link to the police detective handling the case so they can see themselves the slanderous comments you have made about Debbie and FindCarrie. No need to change the words that you shall have for them because they have the originals from your stupid site. Yeah you love Vincent and Tracey on visiting days don't you? How often do you visit your jailbirds? Often I hope to keep him appraised of the fact that soooo many folks are glad that he is in jail. PS..tell him how you were booed of the CTV Missing Person's thread because no one wanted to support your dirtbag relatives that murdered and buried an innocent girl. Now that's a class act isn't it? Gotta love watching the clan from Blanchester do their deeds on this and other sites huh? Keep up the good work spreading the gospel..btw..I shall say a prayer that your Vincent and Tracey repent while they are in prison. Ta Ta!! Gotta love Carrie, Debra and Christian Culberson. A rose for them for being Angels!!
one loving cousin: As for Char, welll she is still trying to convince the world she is a sweet person who is concerned for Carrie, and Rachel changed her emails, YEAH RIGHT, GIMME A BREAK PEOPLE. :clap:

:dance: now this is person is is emailing me and saying I have changed my email address on the other website? Folks you are pretty childish if you think you or your troll network have any bearing on my day or my life. You only know what Vincent wants you to know. Period. My email has always been the same and your Racheltroll has the address..which no one has responded too. Why you ask? Because they are chicken, that's why. THe email you are responding too folks goes directly to the PD. Have a great day folks!! BTW, did you visit your Vincent in jail today? If the answer is YES, think of Carrie's mother Debra Culberson not BEING able to visit her daughter at a grave or anywhere. Now that is sad isn't it? An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Too bad that doesn't apply here in Vincey's case. HE is lucky he wasn't convicted in Texas.
Yes that is correct. The antique shop is upstairs from the salon. She can spend the settlement money however she feels. THat is a small price to pay for taking her daughter who they've never found. Betcha next time the town will think twice before botching an investigation. It was never about the money, it was about showing the community that this was wrong and to prevent it from happening again to somebody else's kid.

She still lives in the same house and doesnt drive all these fancy vehicles you all seem to tell people about. She owns a black camaro IROC and a Jeep Cherokee. Hardly a Porche or Ferrari.
Of course those could be set on fire at any given date like the Whitten's cars.
:mad: FindCarrie: Has the Doan/Baker Clan made any direct threats directly to Debra? If so has she retained some kind of security to protect herself and her home? I wouldn't put anything past that clan hiding behind false nics and making threatening phone calls too her. Figures huh ... seems like the family of the school year bully doesn't like that they put her bullyabuserkillerconvictedmurderer away for life. Too fricken bad.

BTW, Debra can do whatever she chooses with the money from the County. The Doan'Baker clan are just jealous that they don't have to have it and get milk the county for their false accusations. Sad isn't it?

Keep up the good work Jill. God and Debra appreciate it.

Vincent and Tracey: Good Luck in Jail and hope you enjoy your long stay. Do you have enough soap and supplies to tide you over? Hope so. Say good night to Bubba for me!!
I was quoted on Vincent Doan's site for being a person who is unable to keep my nose out of everybody's business. Well, that's pretty much true as far as Carrie Culberson goes. I pride myself in going where people wish I wouldnt. I also work on missing person cases so I have the right to talk to other missing person advocates and I do as often as I can. That's hilarious. Is that all you have to come at me with?

How many people are working to help your establishment?
bobbijo69 said:
MY answers: really has nothing to do with this case other than to satisfy your own curiosity.

On this site we are very curious about everything. If you expect people to entertain your side of the story well...only the curious will listen.

One loving cousin – I hear your pain. You did say some supportive things about losing a child. I agree with you that no stone should go unturned.
Instead of addressing Carrie’s group then how about telling those of us that are impartial what the debated details are? A jury sent VD to jail for a very long time – did you ever have any doubts?

Although this thread is dedicated to Carrie it is not her personal site and all reasonable discussion should be entertained.

No fair everyone trying to guess who is who! We are here to debate and no one is going to come forward with information if they are scared away with behind the scenes guessing games.

It is well established that the two sides are not fond of each other. With that behind us is there anything to discuss?
:laugh: Char...your posts crack me up. You are too funny!

FindCarrie: Are you an investigator (professionally), or did you also have a family member end up missing (if you don't mind my asking)? I'm just curious....I noticed that you are in Georgia but have been actively involved in this case and others.....
I live in the Blanchester area but dont know either family (I've only been here a few years). The place where they have been digging is just a few miles from my house. I also grew up in a small southern ohio town where things like this just dont happen.....I guess that's why I'm so interested in this case....Also, while I didn't know Carrie, she was a "friend of a friend"....I remember hearing about her disappearance back when it happened. I have shopped at Debra Culberson's antique store (love it) a couple of times, but I didn't know that that was is upstairs from a hair salon.
I am not related to Carrie Culberson nor have I had a friend or family member go missing. If you are familiar with Dennis Mahon and his work for the Modaferri and Kristin Smart family, well that is what I basically do for the Culberson family. I feel very strongly about what I do and I was not hired by anybody for my services, despite what rumors may be floating about that.

I dont take offense to people who have stated that I'm a nosey B#@*h who cant stay out of people's business. I take that as a compliment, because the LAST thing that I EVER want to happen is for anybody to forget about Carrie.

At the risk of being "slapped down", I would like to reply to your post. I live in Blanchester and am familiar with both families and although I am a huge fan of Debbie and the total heart she has, I have lived here long enough to wonder about some of the investigation that has surrounded this case. We all know that the initial investigation was totally bungled by our local police chief and he plea bargained his way out of having to answer questions about his behavior or his departments action or lack there of, but what this has done is create an atmosphere where people are just not certain what happened or if Debbie will ever be able to put Carrie to rest and thus find closure not just for herself but for all of us who have witnessed the unrest in our town. Although I do not agree with the methods that Vince's supporters have used to try to make their "point", I do have to respect that they feel he has also been victimized (and no I do not want to have Carrie's supporters "chasing me off" simply because I can set my personal feelings aside and see why they feel they have reason to question and doubt the validity of Vince's incarceration). I have read both sites (Carrie's and Vince's) and followed the posts on both this site and CTV's and I really feel that both sides have been a little crass in trying to make their case. The goal here shouldn't be to belittle the other's points of view or point fingers and name call and slander either family, the goal should be to find Carrie and help both families realize the truth and find closure. I know the very obstinate and opinionated posters can't see the good in doing just that, but having lived in Blanchester and watching what happened before and after Carrie's disappearance I think that there are avenues to closure that haven't yet been explored or discovered and if there are other possibilities it is worth exploring so that Debbie and Christina have someplace to feel Carrie's presence. The truth will out in the end, but we have to find ways to help it and bashing heads obviously isn't getting it done. I haven't noticed any real "sleuthing" going on here!
:banghead: If Vincent was "told" by his attorney and daddy not to testify or take a lie detector test or even sodiaum amytal (I don't care if they are admissable in court or not) why hasn't he offered to take one now voluntarily? There is no reason nor excuse for him not to. Have him offer through the prison where he is located and for his latest attorney to get one for him with a neutral person asking the questions. That may be a step toward finding out what REALLY happened to Carrie. He still isn't cooperating with anyone that really matters in this case. I for one don't care what he has told his family. Family will believe anything they are told, I am talking about ONE neutral party that the Doan/Baker Clan can't intimidate or harrass or even speak with. Then only then will I even consider looking somewhere else. PS..He would have to be totally truthful even if it implicated ANYONE in his family. He needs to do the ultimate if he is totally innocent. Seems he isn't really doing anything except taking up space in prison.

Thank you. God Bless Carrie, Debra and Christina Culberson. May they find peace soon.
I am interested in debating it. I posted some questions earlier in this thread but so far haven't really heard anyone else's thoughts on these points:

1. Doan's supporters are now pointing to Messer, suggesting he acted without Doan. A lot of folks have claimed (on Vincent Doan's website) that Carrie overdosed at Messer's house, and "they" got scared and buried her. Who are "they"? Did "they" not realize that far more trouble would come upon them for gross abuse of a corpse, obstruction of justice, etc.,etc., than for getting high at a party? Any drugs or illegal paraphernalia could easily have been gotten rid of before calling the police/ambulance. Easier than getting rid of a body. Oh, sorry....A body AND a car. Right. People O.D. all the time, but that doesn't mean that everyone in the immediate vicinity is automatically sent up for murder. So I don't buy this "they got scared" theory.....obviously, there is more to this story than any accidental overdose. Also, how were "they" so sure she was dead and not passed out? Were they medics? Did they try to revive her (while NOT calling 911)? If someone accidentally overdosed at your house, would you bury them in your backyard? And expect not to be found out? This is a ridiculous theory.

2. Who built the barn? Actually constructed it? Was it built after her disappearance, or was it just the lean-to that was built after her disappearance? I am confused about this....

3. So now the folks on Doan's site are posting that of course Carrie was at Messer's....this is where she went to pick up her drugs. This conflicts with the previous claim that "Vincent and his father went to look for her at Christopher's bar in Hillsboro, because this is where Carrie got her drugs".......Messer's barn is a long way from Christopher's bar in Hillsboro.

4. Purely speculation here......but, I have been around the old block a few times, so to speak. If anyone had a drug habit here, it wasn't the Culberson girl. She:
- was gainfully employed.
- was apparently attending a community college (I know a professor at Clermont who mentioned that Carrie was in her class, so I know this is true).
- (judging by her pictures) always looked healthy, neat, CLEAN, and well-put together.
- was involved in sports (played on a volleyball team). As a general rule, people who are heavily into the drug scene do not get involved in sports. Trust me on this; I've been there and I know.
- had goals in life.

5. A 22 year old girl whose family, job, friends, & boyfriend are all in the immediate area, where she has lived all her life, does not just take off and move to another state over her lunch hour, never to be seen or heard from again. Also, how would she have supported herself without being able to use her car (which eventually would have been seen) and without any money? (The court transcript says that her bank account remained untouched). This theory is even more ridiculous than the overdose theory.

6. What does Mr. Doan have to say about the recent events? People in prison still have internet access. Why doesn't he post on his website?

Also, assuming that Doan is guilty, how/why is Messer involved? Some say that he is a known dealer. He does appear to have a string of arrests....Were Doan and Messer involved in a ring (drug ring, stolen property, etc.), and possibly together (Carrie there as well) that night? Maybe there was an accident (car accident?) and these guys didn't want to let anyone know because of warrants, what they might have had with them, etc........who knows. There are plenty of back country roads around here where something could happen without attracting a lot of immediate attention (especially late at night)... If Doan had the temper/violent tendencies that he appears to have had, I have no trouble believing that he killed her (without meaning to)....But I do have some trouble with the claim that he cut her up.....I would think that he would be way too emotionally distraught to carry out something that cold & calculating. Of course, there is the possibility that he allowed his brother & the Messer guy to dispose of her body while he got rid of the car.....I read somewhere that he borrowed his dad's tow truck that night? From the timeline of events, it doesn't seem that Vincent and Tracy were gone from Tracy's house for a real long whatever they did, they would had to have done it pretty quickly (and obviously thoroughly) I think it is reasonable to theorize that Messer might have helped them. The strange part is WHY....I read that they were acquaintances....maybe they were actually close friends, maybe not. Maybe Messer owed Doan a favor.
At present, this part of the state is saturated with methamphetamine and makeshift labs. I don't know if it was in 1996. I don't know if that is even relevant, but it seems to play a role in many criminal cases in this area.

Any thoughts?
The reported blood just seems to rule out an accidental overdose. It doesn’t make sense to do any butchering when they could have driven her car to a neutral location posed her body then if they were really human call in a tip from a pay phone about someone passed out in a car? If the perpetrators were doing meth that would explain somewhat.

It still bothers me that Carrie seemed almost resigned to her fate. Many women are killed after filing charges they are most vulnerable during the time they are trying to breakup. “Throughout the trial, prosecutors argued that Doan abused his former girlfriend for nearly two years before finally killing her on Aug. 29, 1996. Doan has said he never harmed Ms. Culberson and claims she still is alive.”….. ''I admit that I'm an innocent person,'' he said. ''That's all I admit.'' On what does he base this claim? Sorry sightings by strangers are just too flimsy. Tracey, a truck driver, was on the road trip when he was indicted but was arrested in Kentucky. Hmm there would be plenty of places to dissipate the corpse on the road. What kind of person would have the stomach or will to do so?
“Doan disputed that testimony Tuesday when he addressed the jury for the first time in a brief, unsworn statement. He told jurors he loves Ms. Culberson and believes she is still alive. ''I'm still not going to give up faith in her,'' Doan said. ''It hurts me to see that her friends and family would give up on her so easily.'” I thought he didn’t love her anymore……..
[URL= [/URL] When the mother confronted Doan a third time the day after Carrie's disappearance, he told her that Carrie drove by his home at 12:30 a.m and that they had argued. Doan claimed that Carrie drove away after he told her that he did not love her anymore.

Quote 3. So now the folks on Doan's site are posting that of course Carrie was at Messer's....this is where she went to pick up her drugs. This conflicts with the previous claim that "Vincent and his father went to look for her at Christopher's bar in Hillsboro, because this is where Carrie got her drugs".......Messer's barn is a long way from Christopher's bar in Hillsboro.

Ah ha! A timeline blunder!
Carrie’s site would not let me copy and paste but he clocked out of work the next morning and did not return but then called the salon saying he was on his lunch hour.

Work will be in the way of posting for several days but I wanted to throw this stuff on the table.
findcarrie said:
Court TV's the System will be airing the episode this coming Tuesday, June 15, 2004 at 8 p.m. about Carrie Culberson and her disappearance. The title of the show is "missing"
Please check your local tv listing to make sure you dont miss it in your particular time zone.

Sorry to double dip but you posted while I was struggling with the links.
Some of us do not have cable. Could you fill us in on what you think or let us know if it is worth seeking the transcripts?
Jade said:
findcarrie said:
Some of us do not have cable. Could you fill us in on what you think or let us know if it is worth seeking the transcripts?
I don't have CTV so I rely on this site for information. Hope that someone puts in a summary or transcripts.....
:confused: What happened to the Vince side wanting to prove their boy is innocent? Why hasn't he taken a lie detector test? There is no reason for him not to take the test. No lawyer or daddy to tell him not too. If he is so intent on clearing his good name and getting out of jail I say speak up now and ask his attorney for a test. Get someone neutral and if he is invasive in any way, consider him guilty.

Guess they are not so interested. I guess they had their chance.

Thanks again for proving us right!! :clap:
coopkid said:
2. Who built the barn? Actually constructed it? Was it built after her disappearance, or was it just the lean-to that was built after her disappearance? I am confused about this....
Found this:

Investigators two weeks ago began tearing out the concrete floor of the pole barn and removing the gravel floor of the lean-to portion of it after they received an informant's tip that Culberson's body was buried there.

They found all of the articles at a depth of three to four feet, but only in the ground beneath the gravel in the lean-to. The pole barn was constructed in 1996, around the time of Culberson's disappearance, while the lean-to portion was built two years later.

Investigators said they believe the body was buried under the lean-to portion prior to its construction.

"We don't believe her actual remains are here," Dunn said.
Oh I guess you know exactly what Vincent is doing everyday, now don't you Char? How do you know what he has agreed to and what he hasnt? Oh I guess your little friend Find Carrie hasnt told you anything so therefore you don't know right? Maybe thats because she doesnt know everything after all. Yes, Lawrence and Vincent did go to Christophers bar in Hillsboro to look for Carrie after she disappeared, but Jarrod Messer had been known to hang out there too. The Bakers and Doans looked several places for Carrie after she disappeared, unlike her own mother, we werent convinced that she was dead as soon as she didnt come home. Yes, the stories have changed many times as to what happened to Carrie, if you werent with her at the time she disappeared how would you know what happened to her????? Maybe her friends need to be questioned again.
There were many things wrong with the way this case was presented at trial and because of all the new evidence that has come up we will get a new trial. Char and Find Carrie, you are welcome to come if you would like, then maybe you will know the real truth and you wont have to keep spreading lies. Vincent and Tracey we love you and we will be seeing you soon. :)
one loving cousin said:
... Vincent and Tracey ...we will be seeing you soon. :)
You need to step back and read your posts from an objective point of view. Your posts are petty and hateful and certainly do nothing to reflect positively on your relatives. If I were Vince or Tracey, I would cringe at what you are writing on their behalf.
one loving cousin said:
Oh I guess you know exactly what Vincent is doing everyday, now don't you Char? How do you know what he has agreed to and what he hasnt? "you are welcome to come if you would like, then maybe you will know the real truth and you wont have to keep spreading lies." Vincent and Tracey we love you and we will be seeing you soon. :)

:boohoo: Now that is can't answer a simple question can you? Because your boy is a liar, an abuser and now a convicted murderer. Now isn't that special. The only group spreading lies are you and your nice clan of Harrassers/Intimidators/Abusers. lmao....Yeah I know what he is doing everyday, living his life behind BARS. Yessirreee. The only way you will prove anyone wrong is to convince your boys Vincey and Tracey to take lie detector tests. As usual you are a bunch of whiners..all talk and no action I see. Your right you will be seeing Vincent and Tracey soon...ON VISITING DAYS. Have a great day while your boys are spending another weekend in Jail at taxpayers expense. I know I am glad that they are still in jail. Two less criminals in public. Lie Detector or not? I guess not huh? :clap:
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