Found Deceased OH - Cheryl Coker, 46, Riverside, 2 Oct 2018 *husband suspect* #2

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Cheryl Coker case: Billboard serves as reminder 6 months later
Riverside police Det. Travis Abney said there had been no new developments in the case since Cheryl’s husband Bill Coker was named a suspect.

Several searches have been conducted in recent weeks by Texas Equusearch Ohio - Midwest Chapter and another search, which will include the public, will be held Saturday. Saturday’s search will begin at the command center at St. Helen’s Catholic Church, 5086 Burkhardt Road, according to organizers.

“Parishioners and others are invited to assist, but must be willing to be present the entire day,” St. Helen’s Catholic Church said in a Facebook post.

In order to participate in the search, which begins at 8 a.m., you must be at least 18-years-old and have proper identification. You also will not be able to disclose the areas you are assigned to search or see others searching, Texas Equusearch Ohio - Midwest Chapter said.
Cheryl Coker billboard serves as reminder of her disappearance 6 months later

This is the link to the article the poster mentioned above. It indeed does say that a riverside detective stated there were no new leads since Bill was names a suspect and later says all the searches have come up empty. Very sad news. I worry now about the ramifications of naming Bill their number one suspect.

I am not a lawyer so I’m not sure, but couldn’t it be possible that Bill now would have a great defense if he did go to trial by saying that the police only focused on him as a suspect and never any other options as well as tried him in the “court of public opinion”? If convicted couldn’t that be some type of cause for a possible appeal? It seems to me at this point that if Bill did indeed commit this crime, it had to have been planned or at least he had thought about it. Her body not turning up yet and the small time frame he had to come up with a plan, and execute it well was small. Digging a grave is extremely hard work, even shallow. Other options like water burial or finding a well to put her in would also take time, and forethought I would think.

It looks like the headquarters for the search on the 30th is going to be off Burkhardt Road, so not far at all from the residence. Not sure if that means the search is nearby but I would assume so. I’m hoping something is found. It’s starting to look, and sound in the media, very bleak.
ALS89, you said so perfectly....this has been my issue from the beginning, I believe in my heart like the police did in my great aunts murder that they had horse blinders on and did not look past William, which I agree with you is going to bite them right in the butt,

I drive past St Helens church everyday, and if the search is in an immediate area I’m confused of the areas

Did they ever stop and think that if William did it and I am not 100% sure just did not put her in a dumpster and she’s been in the landfill all this time..
After relocating to Ohio and residing in a Riverside now for over eight years the Cheryl Coker case has awoken my eyes again to the ineptness of the police and legal system..
The one realization that has come out of the case for me is that in the Dayton Ohio area if you have a family member or yourself disappear the chances of ever recovering or finding you are non existent , it’s a scary thought, I think the police and I will say it they were inept in the handling of this case. We have a better chance of being struck by lightning than ever being found, and yes the police have their platter full, there’s a new crime everyday which takes away the attention of yesterdays, and the day before...
I began worrying for my family , even today, my daughter-in-law is a real estate agent, I have been her behind the scenes body guard for showing in what I call questionable neighborhoods, I have lost the trust factor in human society, so I am doing what a husband, dad, is supposed to do be ever vigilant...
So in this case I certainly hope they are correct in William being prime suspect and that the real suspect is still out there.....
I failed to mention in my previous post, I RESENT the fact that Smolletts name is listed on our site, I thought this site was dedicated for the helpless missing victims of our society , not some FREAK show who fabricated a serious crime, wasted countless hours of police time and money , and for his name appearing on our site is a total disgrace...

If you or me had filed a false police report we would be prosecuted, I don’t care about his so called political motives, maybe his mother failed to give him enough attention as a child.....

So as a contributor to our site, and we have to follow standards, I highly resent that we are giving him any credence, signed pretty ticked off.....
ALS89, you said so perfectly....this has been my issue from the beginning, I believe in my heart like the police did in my great aunts murder that they had horse blinders on and did not look past William, which I agree with you is going to bite them right in the butt,

I drive past St Helens church everyday, and if the search is in an immediate area I’m confused of the areas

Did they ever stop and think that if William did it and I am not 100% sure just did not put her in a dumpster and she’s been in the landfill all this time..

I don't understand. You post on here daily about how you think William's house and all of his known associates' properties should be search and that all these people should be questioned, and you mention this because of how clear you say it is that William is responsible.

Now you're saying they should look past William, even though the evidence all points to him?
And yes I stand on what I said, when Cheryl went missing on 2 oct the police originally thought she left on her own , and until they knew for sure Cheryl’s home on Cristy Lane should have been sealed tight since it was a possible crime scene, the police towed her vehicle away and is still in police impound, and as the case matured from William being labeled as POI then graduated to suspect, with the home sealed they could have went back and revisited a crime scene, what would have been the hurry to return it to him
And yes in my eyes the GF , and I think in my opinion she’s is as guilty as he is with him being the prime suspect, and yes her home and vehicles should have been searched, since she was part of the picture before and after disappearance.
I seriously believe William if he did it as the police think he had help.

But as time marches on , Williams police status changed , searches coming up empty, and he seems to be living a carefree life now with the GF, almost like Cheryl never existed

That’s why I cannot at the 6 month mark coming up, with what has happened recently that I cannot put 100% stock into the fact he’s the sole suspect, right now I believe he’s 95% responsible but 5 % of my thoughts are nagging saying someone else did this, and when the police raced to label him suspect , they were doing this to draw someone else out, there real suspect....
Put it like this if I was on a jury hearing his case I could not convict, at this point....
He seems to be living a carefree live because he is free and not in jail. Just because that is the case now doesn't mean that will always be the case. The police are building their case and investigating. I'd rather them let him be free for the time being instead of rushing an arrest that will result in charges being dropped or him getting off due to a weak case. For all you and I both know, the police could be waiting for that one piece of evidence or witness that makes it a slam dunk.
I have a better chance of seeing the Easter Bunny on 21April...

There slam dunk was changing his status to prime suspect, and the police missed the backboard and hoop shot......
I have been doing legal research concerning Williams status, at this point in the game the police should have kept his status at POI, the minute the changed to prime suspect without sufficient evidence to arrest, they are violating his rights,

He should contact the ACLU , because when the LE labelled him prime suspect without arrest, the harassment against him has increased, ie..the real nasty comments posted on his Facebook page, the harassment at work, the shadowing of him by non LE individuals with attempt to harass..

Even though the police label him as prime suspect, And the police with this prime suspect labeling have created a mob like hatred group , and I again reference the nasty comments on his Facebook

How is LE going spin the narrative one day when one of these members of the hate mob loses it and attacks the suspect...

If I were the police and after reading the hatred content against the suspect that is on the Facebook page I would be very worried of an unwarranted attack on the suspect, as I read those comments I also worry the pot is going to boil over, badly.....

We are supposed to be a civilized society, we need to start acting that way....
I have been doing legal research concerning Williams status, at this point in the game the police should have kept his status at POI, the minute the changed to prime suspect without sufficient evidence to arrest, they are violating his rights,

He should contact the ACLU , because when the LE labelled him prime suspect without arrest, the harassment against him has increased, ie..the real nasty comments posted on his Facebook page, the harassment at work, the shadowing of him by non LE individuals with attempt to harass..

Even though the police label him as prime suspect, And the police with this prime suspect labeling have created a mob like hatred group , and I again reference the nasty comments on his Facebook

How is LE going spin the narrative one day when one of these members of the hate mob loses it and attacks the suspect...

If I were the police and after reading the hatred content against the suspect that is on the Facebook page I would be very worried of an unwarranted attack on the suspect, as I read those comments I also worry the pot is going to boil over, badly.....

We are supposed to be a civilized society, we need to start acting that way....

Tim, would you mind providing the link showing that it's a civil rights violation in the state of Ohio for someone to be considered a prime suspect?
My sister is a paralegal for a criminal law firm in another state and she stated, it’s under statute known as section 1983, title 42 of the United States Code, it covers the following it makes it unlawful for anyone acting under the authority of state law to deprive another person of his or her rights under the constitution or federal law,
1) by the police initially labeling him a POI then quickly a suspect without charges or arrest is depriving the individual of the right of privacy, bringing undo interference into there life in personal or employment , and freedom of movement without harassment

A) by the police naming him prime number one he is under the microscope and everyone he encounters has prejudged him, it protects the individual if it is proven that someone turns out to be suspect and the original named suspects reputation in the community is ruined

2) and as mentioned above in another post labeling him a prime suspect without looking at other possible suspects
I failed to mention in my previous post, I RESENT the fact that Smolletts name is listed on our site, I thought this site was dedicated for the helpless missing victims of our society , not some FREAK show who fabricated a serious crime, wasted countless hours of police time and money , and for his name appearing on our site is a total disgrace...

If you or me had filed a false police report we would be prosecuted, I don’t care about his so called political motives, maybe his mother failed to give him enough attention as a child.....

So as a contributor to our site, and we have to follow standards, I highly resent that we are giving him any credence, signed pretty ticked off.....

Absolutely agree. He's a and guilty of a hate crime
I am very surprised that at this point Bill has not obtained an attorney for a civil suit. About a month ago I heard from some people in my building at work that he had been spotted going to the law offices of Rion Rion and Rion but I was unable to confirm that. It was just an observation of three people who were in the law office on business and said they saw him and a woman waiting in the lobby. If so that’s not good news because those guys are total sharks. Damn fine lawyers, they ended up winning an appeal for the lady who microwaved her baby here 10-15 years ago and everyone was shocked.

If he hasn’t obtained a lawyer it makes me feel like he knows he wouldn’t win a defemation civil suit because the authorities must have something on him that is compelling enough. He could just be keeping a low profile too. Or maybe he does indeed have the attorneys working on something. Who knows.

I do at least agree with Tooltimetim on the public around here and their anger at Bill being concerning. Since I live here as well I can tell you that the public has tried him in the court of public opinion and they want blood for it. It seems that the fact that she’s out there somewhere while he’s playing house with his girlfriend makes people very angry. I would say he probably is at a risk of physical or emotional harm based upon accounts I have heard of encounters at Costco or stores and online etc. I hope nothing like that happens as it will give him some nice ammo for court. I saw someone post on Facebook a while back that someone egged his home and he had gotten his car keyed. Again I can’t substantiate that, it was just a comment I read, but it goes to show you the state of mind of people around here. Its not uncommon to hear people talk about the case and how they’d love to ‘get their hands on him’.

I would say that if this trial ever does happen it probably won’t be held here based upon how much hatred he gets. Probably hard to find a jury who can be impartial or hasn’t heard of the case.
Thanks ALS89, I am glad you hear and see the same things in Riverside, I shop at that small Kroger all the time and I hear the grumbling from residents and overhearing employees, this man is what I call “public enemy number one”in Riverside, and I put the sole responsibility on that label on the police, they created a very dangerous situation, that I feel will hurt William and others....

These people whose anger is spilling over can be held accountable if he is hurt, and I hope they are, how many times across this country have you read of mob stupidity killing a suspect just to find out that person is innocent....

So the police in my book did something very dangerous and stupid by rushing his suspect label....
But how many times have you read where LE has rushed to label anyone to quell the communities anger and to show them they are doing LE work......
In my families case the LE berated my great aunt and us basically saying between the lines she created her murder, due to age I say to William get those shark lawyers and sue the living hell out of false prosecution in the streets....
Thanks ALS89, I am glad you hear and see the same things in Riverside, I shop at that small Kroger all the time and I hear the grumbling from residents and overhearing employees, this man is what I call “public enemy number one”in Riverside, and I put the sole responsibility on that label on the police, they created a very dangerous situation, that I feel will hurt William and others....

These people whose anger is spilling over can be held accountable if he is hurt, and I hope they are, how many times across this country have you read of mob stupidity killing a suspect just to find out that person is innocent....

So the police in my book did something very dangerous and stupid by rushing his suspect label....
But how many times have you read where LE has rushed to label anyone to quell the communities anger and to show them they are doing LE work......
In my families case the LE berated my great aunt and us basically saying between the lines she created her murder, due to age I say to William get those shark lawyers and sue the living hell out of false prosecution in the streets....
I don't know why LE came out and named him a suspect when they did. As I said at the time, it's very unusual. IMO from following many cases though, the anger from the community would be there whether or not he was named a suspect. Everyone already believed he was responsible. Everyone saw or heard about his girlfriend moving in. You yourself have been very angry with him and his girlfriend long before LE named him the suspect. Heck you've been mad at him, his girlfriend, his daughter, Cheryl's family, Cheryl's friends, TES and LE for one thing or another. You've blamed all of them. If not for Cheryl's murder, then because they didn't do everything your way or the way you think they should.

I hope Cheryl is found during this search and I hope Bill is charged and taken into custody. That is my hope but I know from researching multiple cases that unfortunately far too often it doesn't happen and it's not because LE or the family did anything wrong.
Yes I have been angry and frustrated on the following points:
A) I have read and reread our notes, online news , and very limited access to The Facebook pages, and when Cheryl was reported initially missing, I got the feeling and so did my wife that the police had this “ she ran off attitude” and this so called “open marriage “ crap played a lot in how the police originally responded ( for example if this would have been a small child, stranger danger missing ) the police would have acted with extreme urgency , not what I thought was a laid back she will come home attitude, then shortly after using the word kidnapping, I think when they used that word it was a “oh crap” she did not run away, valuable time was lost..
B) they did not take William to station for official sit down statement, I always thought they suspected the spouse until proven wrong
C) the family irritated me from the beginning, as I see it they made it all about themselves, boo hoo, well they should have put Cheryl first, go door to door, retracing movements , going to Kroger with flyers and asking customers if they saw her, get involved , ( what do you think Cheryl would be doing if another family member was missing, I figure she would be wearing out the soles of her shoes looking, not sitting at home waiting for someone to lead you by the hand, I guess I am using my almost 30 years in the military, if a fellow troop is hurt, killed or turns up MIA , you turn over every rock , stone, to find your buddy...
And after living through a relative who was murdered the police lose attention quickly due to other cases or attitudes, so the family needs to put their big boy shoes on and beat the streets, Cheryl is not going to find herself...
D) I started looking different at William after the police rushed to present him with the prime suspect award, that was stupid and premature.....all they managed to do is create a uneducated mob mentality, and it is indicated on his Facebook page, I hold the police responsible if William gets assaulted or killed by this type of mob, and they opened and left the door wide open for him for court appeals if it ever goes to trial, or a large $$$$$$ lawsuit for violating his rights, would any of us like to be in his place, having your life ruined beyond repair in a mob court, and at this point I am not 100 % sure he did it, the black hoodie video shows nothing and any good defense attorney with a half an of a brain will get that tossed
The harassment that William is experiencing at this point guilty or not is NOT right, and we call ourselves a civilized society, or are the laws and rules for other people
E) everyone is losing sight that this is about Cheryl period, to bring her home either alive or deceased, it’s not about them,
F) forgot to add the police mishandled the evidence and potential crime scene, to me, Cheryl’s home should still be sealed tight as of today, and when this case goes to a cold case status which Is coming , then release back ,
My question is and think about it, before answering, how can the daughters, the GF live in that home right now knowing that between these four walls Cheryl’s life was terminated, , doesn’t seem kinda of freaky
And I think this weekends search with all good intentions is going to turn up empty, especially with the search command post at St Helens church.......
Yes I have been angry and frustrated on the following points:
A) I have read and reread our notes, online news , and very limited access to The Facebook pages, and when Cheryl was reported initially missing, I got the feeling and so did my wife that the police had this “ she ran off attitude” and this so called “open marriage “ crap played a lot in how the police originally responded ( for example if this would have been a small child, stranger danger missing ) the police would have acted with extreme urgency , not what I thought was a laid back she will come home attitude, then shortly after using the word kidnapping, I think when they used that word it was a “oh crap” she did not run away, valuable time was lost..
B) they did not take William to station for official sit down statement, I always thought they suspected the spouse until proven wrong
C) the family irritated me from the beginning, as I see it they made it all about themselves, boo hoo, well they should have put Cheryl first, go door to door, retracing movements , going to Kroger with flyers and asking customers if they saw her, get involved , ( what do you think Cheryl would be doing if another family member was missing, I figure she would be wearing out the soles of her shoes looking, not sitting at home waiting for someone to lead you by the hand, I guess I am using my almost 30 years in the military, if a fellow troop is hurt, killed or turns up MIA , you turn over every rock , stone, to find your buddy...
And after living through a relative who was murdered the police lose attention quickly due to other cases or attitudes, so the family needs to put their big boy shoes on and beat the streets, Cheryl is not going to find herself...
D) I started looking different at William after the police rushed to present him with the prime suspect award, that was stupid and premature.....all they managed to do is create a uneducated mob mentality, and it is indicated on his Facebook page, I hold the police responsible if William gets assaulted or killed by this type of mob, and they opened and left the door wide open for him for court appeals if it ever goes to trial, or a large $$$$$$ lawsuit for violating his rights, would any of us like to be in his place, having your life ruined beyond repair in a mob court, and at this point I am not 100 % sure he did it, the black hoodie video shows nothing and any good defense attorney with a half an of a brain will get that tossed
The harassment that William is experiencing at this point guilty or not is NOT right, and we call ourselves a civilized society, or are the laws and rules for other people
E) everyone is losing sight that this is about Cheryl period, to bring her home either alive or deceased, it’s not about them,
F) forgot to add the police mishandled the evidence and potential crime scene, to me, Cheryl’s home should still be sealed tight as of today, and when this case goes to a cold case status which Is coming , then release back ,
My question is and think about it, before answering, how can the daughters, the GF live in that home right now knowing that between these four walls Cheryl’s life was terminated, , doesn’t seem kinda of freaky
And I think this weekends search with all good intentions is going to turn up empty, especially with the search command post at St Helens church.......
Please provide a link for B. You have repeated this many times and have yet to provide a link to verify this.
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