Found Deceased OH - Cheryl Coker, 46, Riverside, 2 Oct 2018 *husband suspect* #2

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I think the authorities and TES allowing the general public to join them in a search the last weekend of March, is a last ditch effort, or the Hail Mary Pass . I think the police have exhausted their “hand” and the previous searches by TES, were probably off a tip ,

<modsnipped- no link to substantiate claim>

I am saying this because something stinks, unless proven wrong the LE was set up by a false lead
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When was it confirmed gf went to police? There were rumors in a few other places but no one has said
for certain that I've seen anywhere, though I admit I don't see everything out there.
I don't think the public search necessarily means they are lost here. If they had a tip of an area or evidence that might point to an area there could be a pretty large area to cover. Maybe they want to do a grid search where many people walk side by side and kinda fine comb a particular area. I think the TES members might be like scouts of areas before they send in the masses!
It was mentioned on our site and other find Cheryl sites that it occurred, and I am seriously believing that the police were duped , they went from POI to suspect overnight , high profile searches and then empty results, that only tells me they were fed misinformation, does William look and act nervous, no.... he doesn’t...
I see this dragging on for a long time
Remember TES are fully trained searches, when you add John Q Public to a search,,you risk the crime scene from being compromised..

I have already donated to TES, but by the pro’s allowing the public increases donations

Now the big worry coming up, with spring starting tommorrow and summer right around the corner, the ground overgrowth will impede any search efforts, and the large amount of animal and insect life will degrade the remains of a human body, so for law enforcement the game clock is running out

So I believe before we lose the winter advantage , I think Indicting the suspect, arrest and a good prosecutor would offer a deal just so the human remains can be recovered for a proper burial

I see the greatest fear at this point is not allowing the suspect to live a long happy life on the outside, and when old age sets in and take the secret with him to the grave when that day comes.
Been looking at possible areas around the Dayton area that the suspect could have used to dispose of a body,
I never realized until a few days ago about the large Lime pit located off Route 4 by Findlay St, I googled the site and the lime pit is very large, god I hope he did not pick this site because the lime would totally decompose the body

I have trouble uploading attachments but if you google lime pit located next route 4 Dayton , look at aerial view, damn it’s big
I highly doubt Cheryl was disposed of in the lime sludge pits as they are dredged weekly by Synegro, the company that owns it. They use the excess lime to make quicklime for sale. Plus if you’ve ever been very close to it you can see very easy in there and a body would have more than likely been noticed unless she got stuck way deep in the sludge.
so at this point LE is fighting mother nature’s clock, as soon as the vegetation takes over finding any body would be close to impossible

And I am kinda surprised at this point that the family and friends haven’t had a “intervention” with the suspect, to find the whereabouts of Cheryl.....
I want to clear the air with my fellow sleuths, and why i Don’t have much confidence in police investigations and how they buggle them, I am going to use my families personal experience.

You have read about the cold case with my great aunt, whose cold case murder was solved in 2009, by a rogue buffalo detective

When my great aunt at the age of 91 was beaten to death in her home with a blunt instrument and thrown down the basement stairs, in 1993 ,
The police never labeled her case as a homcide until 2007, I remember how angry my family got, all we heard from them she should have moved out for her safety, well she had the right to live in her home the same home she grew up in without fear.

My point is in comparison to the Coker case , I seriously believe that the police had a mindset in the beginning days she ran away, the open marriage crap, my personal feeling that the crime scene was not taken seriously, in and out, then quickly labeling their POI a suspect before they were ready to proceed, and I think they bet the farm on the searches producing a body.

I remember the rogue detective who solved our case what caught his attention was not labeling it a homicide 1993-2007, so basically they made us feel like her death was a waste of time because she was 91.

This is why I see this case going to the cold file...
I want to clear the air with my fellow sleuths, and why i Don’t have much confidence in police investigations and how they buggle them, I am going to use my families personal experience.

You have read about the cold case with my great aunt, whose cold case murder was solved in 2009, by a rogue buffalo detective

When my great aunt at the age of 91 was beaten to death in her home with a blunt instrument and thrown down the basement stairs, in 1993 ,
The police never labeled her case as a homcide until 2007, I remember how angry my family got, all we heard from them she should have moved out for her safety, well she had the right to live in her home the same home she grew up in without fear.

My point is in comparison to the Coker case , I seriously believe that the police had a mindset in the beginning days she ran away, the open marriage crap, my personal feeling that the crime scene was not taken seriously, in and out, then quickly labeling their POI a suspect before they were ready to proceed, and I think they bet the farm on the searches producing a body.

I remember the rogue detective who solved our case what caught his attention was not labeling it a homicide 1993-2007, so basically they made us feel like her death was a waste of time because she was 91.

This is why I see this case going to the cold file...

I'd be pissed too if LE implied to me at the time that my great Aunt should have been moved out for her safety. If she's beaten and thrown down a flight of stairs, that's on the perp, not on family members that have respected her right to live in her own home. 9 or 91, it's still an horrific crime. Her age may have put her case on the back burner, and that's grossly unfortunate.

In regards to Cheryl, though, LE's been fairly quick at concluding homicide. No body. They must have insider information from someone they deem reliable. I agree that LE can screw up things royally and there are countless examples. I hope that this is not one of those cases.
Thanks Wyome, but if you look at the Coker case, I seriously believe the police bungled the first 2 weeks of the case, up to the point they mentioned kidnapping in the media.

And that first days after a serious crime committed are crucial , evidence is fresh and people’s memories are sharp.

I will stand by my believe that they released the home back to him to fast, what was the hurry, they could have sealed it and gone back and forth for more critical evidence as the days dragged on, all that allowed was allowing the suspect to muddy any new potential evidence

Like in my great aunts case, it took them years just to label her case a homicide, but had her house sealed for years, which after some time was breached due to vandals

I hate to be a Debbie downer but I don’t see any light at the end of the rainbow this weekend, I could be wrong my crystal ball is in the shop .

I feel bad for the family, but they are bringing a lot of grief on themselves, they have to put Cheryl first and the hell with what others say...
As a family that has experienced tragedy, not once but twice , so times you have to push the case , believe in my great aunts case LE referring to her age living in that neighborhood, I remember my dad getting angry with LE about the age thing saying why should she move , do we surrender the neighborhood to the animals of society or have LE do their damn job.

I remember going with my dad to my great aunts home after the LE released it, ( it was released because the punks trashed and stole her belongings) so my Great aunt was violently killed, ignored by the system, and “killed” again when they trashed and stole everything.

It’s the same in Cheryl’s case, if the police held onto the home as sealed , first the girlfriend wouldn’t have moved in to quickly replace her, what if new information came in weeks later, they could have relooked for additional evidence at the home, no but since he got it back quickly any new info that required evidence is lost, I’m surprised the suspect hasnt asked the LE to return Cheryl’s SUV
I believe William gave this crime a lot of thought before the day it happened, he’s too comfortable and cocky knowing he will get away with this, and he selected a disposal area which she will be never found....

Question when TES was out before searching before was the suspect nervous, doing things out of norm, or just carrying on like nothing happened..
I take that yesterdays search came up empty, nothing on the news , or other sites....

I was at that Kroger store yesterday , the same where her SUV was found, I overheard a couple of older women talking in line about it, they think Cheryl left on her own. I interjected and their circle of friends seriously believe she ran away on her own, ...age group of these women I put around early 70s,
So in the neighborhood there is mixed opinions on the this case...
So I take the lack of any coverage on our local tv stations that this weekends search was a bust....

I am going to stick with my theory that any statement that LE used that caused them to jump the gun and quickly label him a suspect was given to throw the direction of the case in the suspects favor, especially in this case no body, means no case, suspect lives a long happy life, but he will get carpal tunnel syndrome by the constant middle finger flashing...

I hate to be this blunt about it , but he planned this very well, and like Cheryl , he has his supporters also...

And he’s smart enough to know he has bought a lot of time with spring and summer coming , where he has Mother Nature on his side...that’s why I think what ever tip they used which probably seemed credible , was given to muddy up the process....

And lastly, I think he was able to dispose of Cheryl in Kentucky , my reasoning is his life went on normally when the big searches were going on,

So at this point the police will either wait it out ( cold case it) or proceed offer a deal , and hopefully he gives up site, I think they should go with the “let’s make a deal” to get closure for the family.....
“No body” does not mean “no case”, but it does make it more difficult to stick it to this guy. And while warm weather does mean overgrowth of vegetation, it also means more people outside doing stuff, which may make finding a body easier. Of course, if he threw her into a mineshaft, they will never find her. I am really quite amazed that he has supporters at all, because, even if he didn’t kill Cheryl, he is such a creep in every other way. Shocking to me that a woman would think a man who does what he does, is a “catch”!
So I take the lack of any coverage on our local tv stations that this weekends search was a bust....

I am going to stick with my theory that any statement that LE used that caused them to jump the gun and quickly label him a suspect was given to throw the direction of the case in the suspects favor, especially in this case no body, means no case, suspect lives a long happy life, but he will get carpal tunnel syndrome by the constant middle finger flashing...

I hate to be this blunt about it , but he planned this very well, and like Cheryl , he has his supporters also...

And he’s smart enough to know he has bought a lot of time with spring and summer coming , where he has Mother Nature on his side...that’s why I think what ever tip they used which probably seemed credible , was given to muddy up the process....

And lastly, I think he was able to dispose of Cheryl in Kentucky , my reasoning is his life went on normally when the big searches were going on,

So at this point the police will either wait it out ( cold case it) or proceed offer a deal , and hopefully he gives up site, I think they should go with the “let’s make a deal” to get closure for the family.....
The search wasn't this weekend so it wasn't a bust. The search is scheduled for the 30th.

Cheryl Coker homicide: Texas EquuSearch invites public to join search

The Midwest chapter of Texas EquuSearch announced Saturday on social media that members of the public can join them on their March 30 search, but that there will be strict guidelines to follow.
<Modsnip No Link to Accusations>

But one nagging question if though LE rushed to present him the award of number one suspect, are they and us 100% sure he’s the suspect, or is this a ploy to lure out the real suspect..

I want to believe it but part me is stating be mindful, LE could be playing a game which probably has been used before, to lure out in open the real suspect, so until LE actually arrests the suspect I will still leave this option open....
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I was curious tonight and pulled up the suspects Facebook page, to get a feel of his attitude at this point, what made me sick and I had to go wash my eyes out , is the countless people who have posted extreme pain, disgust and violence against this man,
Made me sick, these so called friends of Cheryl need to realize one thing and I mentioned it above,
William was initially labeled POI, then won the prize of suspect, but until he’s arrested, they need back off, they have to remember what if his label as a suspect is just that a label being used as a diversion so LE can go after true suspect...

So for my friends on our site, due to extreme nasty language and extreme mob mentality, I would advise all to stay away from William Coker’s Facebook page
It really shows the low education, mindless idiots of Riverside, God help us...
Hi all,

These two videos are from John Lordan, who is one of the few crime you tubers that covers cases with the respect they deserve.

This is the original video on John's channel about Cheryl, posted November 2018.

An update on the case was posted by John on 20 Feb.

In this update it is stated Cheryl had applied for Divorce. Sorry I can't remember the exact time stamp of when he said that.

Hopefully this post makes sense and the links are alright - hope I am posting correctly!
I see today and there’s an article on a WHIO that there is a billboard with Cheryl’s missing persons poster at the corner of Spinning and Burkhardt Roads..

The article also mentions the police have NO new leads..

And it talks about this weekends search and the meetup point is ST Helens church on Burkhardt Rd

The billboard is long overdue"......
As we enter the 6 month mark on her disappearance, the billboard is a great device to get the word out but I hate to say should have been out months ago
I am going to use the other local case of the missing boy who witnessed his fathers killing at the Claypool building in Riverside, the boy was missing for a year , they put up a billboard and he was located, almost right away
So when the police say no new leads as of today it is because the LE and family played some game called silience , instead of yelling from the roof tops,
I am very afraid that when this weekends search comes up empty, which it will, the case goes cold".....

Not enough legal pressure on so called suspect
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