GUILTY OK - Donald 'Joe' Neff, 61, Poteau, 14 May 2009 - #2

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Another thing, MMD...I know this has been mentioned before but it has bothered me ever since you mentioned that Joe's girlfriend appeared at his one-year vigil in an "impaired" state....have you ever found out if she has actually been cleared by LE? Or her acquaintances? LE probably has not shared that (or anything else with you, from what I have seen of the OSBI) but I just had to ask.

It just seems to me that she had a reason to show up in that manner. If she had been emotionally overwhelmed over Joe's death you would think that she would have been reaching out to you or the rest of Joe's family afterwards as a way of holding on to him. From what I understand, she basically was gone after he passed on. It makes me wonder why the necessity to show up at all, but in that state at the vigil, and what caused her to have to "prime" herself for the appearance?

Good queston. I have not heard anything from her in many months. I agree with you, if it were me I would want to stay close to the family and try to find out what happened to him and why. I mean she was dating him at the time of his murder....I would be a little terrified that I was next, ya know? Apparently she has gone on with her life as well as so many others. I guess life is supposed to go on, but when part of you dies, how do you ever have a normal life again? I hear she is an alcoholic, but I have no first hand knowledge of that. It is sad to say but I did not even know her last name when dad was killed. I do not know her at all really. she never spoke to me at the vigil. i never even knew she was there. Everyone told me that she came in drinking and being really loud. I missed it all but my mind was on dad, not her. Keep praying, something will happen. thanks everyone
I had emailed you to the old email address that I had for you but no reply
I have three names of POIs, I did get them to the sheriff's office and they do know about them. Contact me ASAP, I will deal only with you. You know who I am. There is a rat in LE

I figure there are rats all around this. Hi there Jack, nice to hear from you. I have not looked on that email in forever. I will try to log on, I do not even know my password anymore. I sure hope you are onto something there Jack. I am ready for some closure. This waiting feels like I spend all my days just holding my breath, waiting. I hate this. I will talk with you soon, thanks for turning in the names to LE.
To MMD I have recently read the thread about your dad. I am sorry to you and your family for your loss, he sounds like a great person. If this is to personel I am sorry but is there a reason you didn't really know your dads GF. If they dated a year was there any reason you weren't around the two of them any since you and your dad were so close? Also I read you haden't been to the bar in 4 years was that because of her? In my little home town the local bar is a gathering place and the man that owns it has 2 grown daughters that are always there with him. Did your dad encourage you to get to know her or did he not really care one way or the other? The reason I ask maybe he had some reservations about her not wanting his daughters to get to know her. Your dad was so generous and nice to people could someone have been jealous of him? One of the barmaids husband or BF or another female that was a regular and her husband or BF thought there was more to the relationship other than frienship? Also does the GF have a ex husband that could have been jealous of your dad? What kind of crowd hung out at the bar? Was it mostly older local people friends and relatives of your family? I really don't think this was a robbery I feel it was something more personel.....
I had emailed you to the old email address that I had for you but no reply
I have three names of POIs, I did get them to the sheriff's office and they do know about them. Contact me ASAP, I will deal only with you. You know who I am. There is a rat in LE


I pray that your help will lead to justice for Joe!!!
I too think this was really personal, like Hippy Chick. It had to be more than robbery. But then there are all of the unsolved murders in the area. But, those could have been a good excuse for it happening when it did.

MMD has there been anymore unsolved murders since your Dad's that you know of?

Sorry, I know I am going in circles here, but this is really bothering me. But I pray when they do solve it it does not cause further grief.
A bump for Joe, and continued prayers for MMD. Welcome, Jack - I sure hope you can help!!

Man, I miss Joe. Going up to Poteau this weekend and am already sad that I can't stop in at the Long Branch and give him a hug. :(
Joe sounds like someone that I would have loved to have known. Reading about him, I have felt like I missed something by not having that opportunity.
Joe sounds like someone that I would have loved to have known. Reading about him, I have felt like I missed something by not having that opportunity.

You really would have loved him, Belinda. There just aren't words to describe how special he was. Just the friendliest person you could ever meet.

I miss him alot, and can't even imagine how MMD feels... It's such a tragedy that this case is dragging on with no real leads.
OK, first names here only, LE has full names.
They are
Billy-lookout and the one who finds victims to rip off
Eddie-May be the one that does the entry
Keith-Drives the get away or follow car, young, skinny, blond, has an older red camaro

Billy is friends with LE dispatcher, runs scams and thefts, Eddie and Keith are possible meth heads, both dangerous, does entry work and uses phone to commit crimes by calling to get victim out of house.
Interesting to know if Joe's phone records were checked and who called that morning
Please see that Missing sees this, when I am on the chase, I don't always know how to work these computers
Tried to contact you a couple of times while I was in town there, will be coming by again soon, in August if you want to meet. I changed my mind about how I could help but wanted to come up with something first, different from the first POI that I came up with, though he cannot be ruled out. You do remember who that is, correct? And your father did have connections with him, he may also be a part of it or not, so we have to leave him on the back burner and find the middle before we find the end. That will be the three names that I posted from before
I feel the murder went this way, Neff received a call that morning telling him someone needed help or whatever, possibly why he went to auto parts store. The two thiefs went to Joe's house, either before or after Joe was surprised at the bar by the third. Somehow the safe's combination was found either before or after Joe was killed and telephoned to the other two in the house, who opened and took the money. They went back to the bar and loaded the body in a pickup truck, one man on both sides of the body and a third holding the legs, covering it with a tarp. From there they drove the back way thru Cameron, into Pocola and dropped the body at the strip pits, from there the may have went the back way into Spiro and back to Poteau on 59 South.
This explains the short time line and how it had to have happened
I feel the murder went this way, Neff received a call that morning telling him someone needed help or whatever, possibly why he went to auto parts store. The two thiefs went to Joe's house, either before or after Joe was surprised at the bar by the third. Somehow the safe's combination was found either before or after Joe was killed and telephoned to the other two in the house, who opened and took the money. They went back to the bar and loaded the body in a pickup truck, one man on both sides of the body and a third holding the legs, covering it with a tarp. From there they drove the back way thru Cameron, into Pocola and dropped the body at the strip pits, from there the may have went the back way into Spiro and back to Poteau on 59 South.
This explains the short time line and how it had to have happened

I totally agree that this had to have been planned and the possibility of multiple parties being involved surely makes sense given the short time line. I just don't see only 1 person taking Joe down - he was a big guy and he was not at all ignorant of his surroundings -- it just doesn't make sense to me. And I think there is a post here that MMD wrote about the safe not having been locked or latched - it sounded like Joe might have left it open but locked the door to the room; and that door was not forced or broken (as far as we know). So more likely, the house would have been the prime target immediately after he left (on the way to the auto parts store), then they would have met him at the bar or been waiting for him.

Of course this is all just my opinion and it still makes me sick to think about, but I'm glad that there is renewed interest in this case, even out here in "cyberspace" -- prayers continue that a real lead is found and followed up on.
I feel the murder went this way, Neff received a call that morning telling him someone needed help or whatever, possibly why he went to auto parts store. The two thiefs went to Joe's house, either before or after Joe was surprised at the bar by the third. Somehow the safe's combination was found either before or after Joe was killed and telephoned to the other two in the house, who opened and took the money. They went back to the bar and loaded the body in a pickup truck, one man on both sides of the body and a third holding the legs, covering it with a tarp. From there they drove the back way thru Cameron, into Pocola and dropped the body at the strip pits, from there the may have went the back way into Spiro and back to Poteau on 59 South.
This explains the short time line and how it had to have happened

Your scenario makes a lot of sense and is one that I have also considered.

From everything I have read (media reports only) the crime scene was messy and chaotic. There was most likely a lot of forensic evidence left at the scene. Problem being, because the bar was a very popular place, there will be lots of fingerprints and random DNA in the area. It may be hard to distinguish between offender DNA / fingerprints and regular patrons of the establishment. The best forensic evidence will come from blood. I am hoping that Joe put up enough effort against his offender(s) that there DNA will be obtained through blood analysis.

Do you know:
1) if any of the 3 names you provided have criminal records? If so, are any of the previous offenses such that DNA would have been provided?

2) The tape that was used to control Joe - was it brought to the scene by the offender(s) or was it found at the bar?

3) When Joe's body was discovered, was it fully submerged in the water? Reason being - if it was fully submerged, the loss of forensic evidence is inevitable.

I have wondered if the people who did this heinous crime, robbed the house and then moved onto the bar. While burglarizing the business, Joe came in and they were (unexpectedly) caught committing this felony. Joe most likely recognized him / them, and they in their fear of being arrested for the burglary, subdued and murdered him. Hence the reason for the very messy crime scene. If they had planned on murdering Joe, they probably would have 'blitzed attacked" him and the crime scene would not have been as messy / disorganized.

Thanks for posting your thoughts / theories. It is nice to see some involvement in this case.


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