OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #1

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MacPlus512 said:
Good idea. I just sent a friend request.

If you ever find a group for her alma mater (I'm a member of one for mine) you should join it. Perhaps you'd find an alumni who could help!
Great idea! I just added Forest Park High School to her schools. I also accepted your friend request. Thanks :D
Are there any more updates on Rhonda Moore's family? The most recent mention I can find in the archives is that a DNA test is still pending :waitasec:
Mac, I think that the reason Sharon never told about Floyd was that she was extremely fearfull of him this guy had been molesting and raping her from the time she was a little girl and she once told a friend that he was capable of horrible things, also FDF in her eyes was her father and she I am sure no matter how much we cannot understand it had love for him. not to mention that we do not know what happened to Sharon's mother he could have killed her mother right in front of her and threatened that if she ever told anybody that she would suffer the same fate, she was truely a survivor in every sense of the word capable of tremendous abilities in school. It takes a strong person to have went through what she did and still be able to live life outside of her home like things were normal. And to be able to still smile. The Fishers, I am sure were like any family I believe they cared for her extremely and that may be why at the time they found them in the house, that they did not call the police, in their minds yes he entered their house without permission but Sharon was also there, if he would have been alone I am most certain that they would have called the police and I do not even know them personally.
That is a good thing! for the site you have for aka:sharon Marshall...........
If i may give a sugeston ...
Dr.Doggie has photos of Sharon from High School
with out....any cosmetic surgery and her hair Bleached....for her extended family to reconize her and or persons that may have known her....the book cover of Matts book was nice....and looks very different from that high school time period.....
Also I have a question.....Was thier Two edition of Matts Book....?http://us.a1.yahoofs.com/users/41e0...hwmKNEBYDAeJM5i ....Dr.Doggie photo of Sharon
I under stand that there was advanced copies
you said 2001........?
That would make it 10 years after sharon's death ?
love the myspace and added sharon as a friend but one thing you should add the only known picture they have of sharon as a child that alone would be the biggest shot i wonder if you could crop that picture and use it as her main picture unless their is a picture of her alone as well at that age. i think more people might reccogize her as a child say a family member
Does anyone know if they did a DNA test to see if Sharon was a match for Peugeot? They look a lot a like.:waitasec:
Here's my theory on all of this:

1. Sharon was very intelligent and seemed more mature than the average girl of her age. She graduated in 1986, most people are 18 when they get their diploma putting her year of birth in 1968. Lori Peugot was 2 in 1969, making her a 1967 birth, or one year older. So could Sharon really have been 19? And more importantly, when did she celebrate her birthday? Did FDF ever even celebrate a birthday with her?

2. If Hoss did indeed let Linda and Lori/Sharon go, we don't know where he did it. It could have been anywhere, and I doubt that people just left off on the street would be able to be recognized or whatnot. Hoss would have probably taken ID. I recall FDF had some places he claimed to have gotten Sharon (I believe Chicago was one of them off the top of my head, I don't have Matt's book sitting next to me right now so I can't check), but with a woman who was out of a job possibly she would do anything to get money and a place to live. Perhaps she did go to that area where FDF mentions snuff films. I also am wondering about Chicago because Hoss was captured in Iowa, and if he went from the mid-Atlantic region he may have passed through Chicago or at least Illinois.

3. I see a resemblance to Sharon in the picture. What we should do is have one of those age progression websites progress Lori to 8 years (that 1975 photo would put here there), 17 years (the photo on the cover of Matt's book and the default on the new Sharon Marshall Myspace), and 19 years (the 1986 grad photo that is in Matt's book).

4. This theory does leave more mystery years for us: 1969-1973. What happened to Linda and Lori? Sort of like the FDF years from 1973-1975, although I am guessing that FDF would have abducted Lori/Sharon in 1973 because she would have been only 6 then. A 6 year old is easier to "brainwash" than a 7 year old mostly because children can take big leaps cognitively in that year of life--they enter a new stage of Piaget's development, and as much as Piaget has been criticized for his lack of continuity in development, I do agree with the guy that intillectual abilities flourish between 6 and 7 based off personal experiences.

More food for thought: I went to high school with a girl who seemed very mature and was very advanced academically. From what I've read about Sharon her personality seemed very similar. Eventually I found out she was a few months older than most people in her grade. This made me wonder if her intelligence/maturity was just natural or if it was due to being older. I'm thinking the same thing for Sharon here.
I now have up all pics of Sharon that I could find. I did find a cropped version of her childhood pic and put that up too. I may switch the profile pic to her childhood pic, since that's a good point about relatives recognizing her...however I just think she looks so sad in that pic. I like her yearbook pic (at least I'm assuming that's a yearbook pic) so I thought I'd start off with that one :)
I would keep the yearbook picture. Since you linked onto Forest Park's group, perhaps someone there would recognize it. I'd think the chances of someone recognizing her on that board (as a new member, too) would be much higher than someone randomly going through and searching.

Also, keep in mind that with the childhood picture, she was Suzanne Davis at the time. Nobody would recognize her as Sharon Marshall from that one. Perhaps that should be said in the picture comment?

Finally, I agree--she looks way too sad in that picture (and her haircut isn't the greatest either). Maybe find a way to embed it within the "about me" section with a caption underneath it?
MacPlus512 said:
I would keep the yearbook picture. Since you linked onto Forest Park's group, perhaps someone there would recognize it. I'd think the chances of someone recognizing her on that board (as a new member, too) would be much higher than someone randomly going through and searching.

Also, keep in mind that with the childhood picture, she was Suzanne Davis at the time. Nobody would recognize her as Sharon Marshall from that one. Perhaps that should be said in the picture comment?

Finally, I agree--she looks way too sad in that picture (and her haircut isn't the greatest either). Maybe find a way to embed it within the "about me" section with a caption underneath it?
Thanks for the info about her name being Suzanne Davis when the younger pic was taken. I'm still trying to catch up on all the facts and details of this case. I went ahead and put captions on some of the pics. The female friend in the second picture, is that Jennifer Fisher?

I think for now I will leave the yearbook pic and maybe start alternating them later.
Yes, the other girl is Jennifer Fisher.

It's good to see her Myspace getting some friend requests. The more attention it can help to bring to the public the better.
What a sad story. Does anyone think that Floyd will ever reveal the identity of Sharon? The photo of Sue Davis looks like Sharon. Is this a photo of Sharon or someone believed to be her mother? There was no caption (on the Myspace account).

I wonder if Floyd would secretly tell a relative about Sharon. What a hellish life this little girl lived. You can see the sadness in that photo taken of Floyd and her when she was a little girl.

It says that Matthew had little muscle control, seldom spoke and was often in hysterics. Did this little boy have cerebral palsy or something that caused the lack of muscle control.

It is absolutely unreal that there would be such a monster out there as this guy, Floyd. Thank God he was finally caught and is on death row. It's just too bad that it didn't happen sooner.

I just do not understand why Sharon didn't confide in someone or go to the police when she was a teenager. Perhaps, she was very afraid or he brainwashed her or she had developed the "Stockholm Syndrome."
ive allways beileved sharon was a victim of stocholm syndrome.

very good point
nanandjim said:
What a sad story. Does anyone think that Floyd will ever reveal the identity of Sharon? The photo of Sue Davis looks like Sharon. Is this a photo of Sharon or someone believed to be her mother? There was no caption (on the Myspace account).
I'm not sure where the "Sue Davis" pic is originally from. I got it from Dr. Doogie's yahoo site (http://new.photos.yahoo.com/drdoogief/albums) where he has 3 pics listed under "Sharon Marshall".
ragland said:
ive allways beileved sharon was a victim of stocholm syndrome.

very good point
I agree with the idea that Sharon may have had Stockholm Syndrome too.

You are all doing a good job keeping this story moving, I hope someone, somewhere has information to solve this mystery of "who is Sharon". The myspace and such are great ideas! You all are great!
Dr Doogie is that a picture of Sharon? where did that one come from? or is it of a possible match? thanks
The picture almost seems to be from a yearbook of some sort. It's too bad it's not larger so we could better see the facial features and try to generate the age.

I don't know what the elementary schools did for yearbooks in the late 1970s...my yearbooks (from 1992-1993 to 1997-1998) in elementary school were black and white but the pictures were fairly large and decent quality. I also know my middle school was producing yearbooks in the early 1980s when Sharon would have been in middle school...the pictures were a decent size and good quality.

Or is this Sue Davis someone else that we are still unaware of?
MacPlus512 said:
Or is this Sue Davis someone else that we are still unaware of?
Sue Davis is Suzanne Davis. Franklin enrolled her in a Oklahoma City elementary school in August 1975 (left in 1978 after abuse allegations). He was then using the name Trenton Davis.

The known names he gave her:
Sharon Marshall
Tonya Dawn Hughes
Tonya Tadlock
Suzanne Davis
That's what I thought. I've never heard of her going by "Sue" though...everything I've read has said Suzanne.

Since we listed Sharon's known aliases, tell me if this list of FDF names is complete: Warren Judson Marshall, Clarence Marcus Hughes, Kingfish Floyd, Whistle Britches Floyd, Trenton Davis, Bill Blankenship
It's small and hard to read, but it looks to me like it says "81" right before it says "Sue Davis". Is 81 supposed to be the year?

BTW I made all the pics into a slideshow and put it up on the MySpace profile.
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