OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #4

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I checked out that guys profile a few weeks ago. I agree he is creepy. I tried to find facebook friends that would confirm a link between him and Cheyl. In the end I decided he was F-O-S. I didnt prove or disprove but nothing supported his claims so I dismissed him. I would report him to Facebook and Maybe send Matt a message blocking him. Also make sure he does not friend request your friends trying to find out more information about you.

def i went back into my fb privacy settings and fort knoxed my profile it was private before but i moved some stuff and also made it so he cannot see my friends list. when he first requested me as a friend i went to send him a message and it wouldnt let me. i was not going to add him anyways. i did send matt a fb message about him but didnt get a response yet. i told him about the picture of sharon and floyd when she was little and i said there is no way an 8 year old can look that young unless she was born early and had a lot of delays and was abnormaly tiny which you could tell from looking at the picture. all he could say was i dont undersand you and that my family is full of secrets and lies. i wonder if somehow he is related to floyd or passed paths with him in a florida jail at some time.
def i went back into my fb privacy settings and fort knoxed my profile it was private before but i moved some stuff and also made it so he cannot see my friends list. when he first requested me as a friend i went to send him a message and it wouldnt let me. i was not going to add him anyways. i did send matt a fb message about him but didnt get a response yet. i told him about the picture of sharon and floyd when she was little and i said there is no way an 8 year old can look that young unless she was born early and had a lot of delays and was abnormaly tiny which you could tell from looking at the picture. all he could say was i dont undersand you and that my family is full of secrets and lies. i wonder if somehow he is related to floyd or passed paths with him in a florida jail at some time.

Are you talking about the Photo that is in the book ABC ? or have you seen another Photo from this guy I tried the link and does not work for me....? email me I want to see this photo you are talking about...Please.
tuffy i am talking about the photo from the book the earliest one that they have that places floyd and sharon together i was trying to tell him that in the picture she looks to young to be 8 years old and not even close to looking the same
It appears, according to Jerri, that NCMEC refuse to test her DNA against Sharon's, despite MB writing this:

"Gerry Nance at the National Center and he agrees that the lead is strong enough to conduct DNA testing. Gerry is in touch with female members of Rhonda Moore’s birth family and facilitating the test."

So what gives? NCMEC apparently maintain that they know who Sharon is??? Anyone have contacts at NCMEC who can get to the bottom of this?
It appears, according to Jerri, that NCMEC refuse to test her DNA against Sharon's, despite MB writing this:

"Gerry Nance at the National Center and he agrees that the lead is strong enough to conduct DNA testing. Gerry is in touch with female members of Rhonda Moore’s birth family and facilitating the test."

So what gives? NCMEC apparently maintain that they know who Sharon is??? Anyone have contacts at NCMEC who can get to the bottom of this?

I'm not sure I understand your question...according to the quote you provided, it appears that NCMEC IS conducting DNA testing. Why do you think that they know who Sharon is and refuse to conduct a DNA test?
I'm not sure I understand your question...according to the quote you provided, it appears that NCMEC IS conducting DNA testing. Why do you think that they know who Sharon is and refuse to conduct a DNA test?

JW (the relative who is supposedly being tested) has stated on the ABC Facebook page that NCMEC told her they won't test her, and they say they already tested her mother, which she says is untrue, as she was living with her mother at this time and knew all that was going on.

It "appears" that DNA testing is underway only according to MB, but NOT according to the relative who's meant to be testsed. That's why I'm extremely confused with the whole thing. NCMEC have also stated that they already know who Sharon is. I've written to them asking for clarification but with no response.
Oh lordy. Here we go again. It just seems that everything related to Sharon's case is sooooo complicated.

Thanks so much for the update, Intrigued.
Oh lordy. Here we go again. It just seems that everything related to Sharon's case is sooooo complicated.

Thanks so much for the update, Intrigued.

I have now received a response from NCMEC - "[FONT=&quot]I am afraid that I cannot discuss cases or test results except to people tested and direct family members. Sorry."

I asked directly whether or not Sharon Marshall was still "unidentified" - I guess maybe we'll just never know. Leaves me wondering how anything ever gets solved though. Sigh.

They said they had tested my mother and she wasn't a match. I don't believe this to be true.

NCMEC gave you that information .......that your mother was tested did you ask what date this was done....? and by whom ?
Bump! WTH is going on with all of this? NCMEC saying they know who Sharon is...yet, she is still on the unidentified list...and all the confusion with the DNA testing...:(
Bump! WTH is going on with all of this? NCMEC saying they know who Sharon is...yet, she is still on the unidentified list...and all the confusion with the DNA testing...:(

The NCMEC policy is not to give out any information to anyone ....Unless you are being tested
the statement that was made was a general answer....to the person asking that was just asking
I feel that reading into the statement that there was a confirmation of AKA:Sharon Marshall being identified.

Sad that so much was read into a general statement....I asked the person J.Wyatt that if her mother was tested and they said it was not a match that she ask more questions .

When was her Mother tested and whom did the testing...Police Department or Doctor .

There has no information that I have been able to find on the web concerning any conformation
the NCMEC have Labs that they use and if anyone should ask the NCMEC will say that they gather
and coordinate information and then send the DNA kits out and into the different Labs they use.

Police Departments and Doctors are the ones to most likely do the gathering of DNA while following a procedure ...wearing gloves etc:swapping all sides of month...

then send it by Fed-X to NCMEC they in turn send to Labs...this is called a change of command should that be broken with out all the rules adhered to then the DNA gathering has a broken command...contaminated ...then needs to be ran again.

There are things the person that's being tested can do and that is not eat or drank or smoke one hour before testing.making sure you have enough saliva ...if you suffer from Dry month you should make that clear.
There is much information on line as to what should be done and how !
Are call NCMEC and ask the questions ......!!!!!!
Write a letter to NCMEC asking your questions so the testing will be fully understand what the results are......
The NCMEC policy is not to give out any information to anyone ....Unless you are being tested
the statement that was made was a general answer....to the person asking that was just asking
I feel that reading into the statement that there was a confirmation of AKA:Sharon Marshall being identified.

Sad that so much was read into a general statement....I asked the person J.Wyatt that if her mother was tested and they said it was not a match that she ask more questions .

When was her Mother tested and whom did the testing...Police Department or Doctor .

There has no information that I have been able to find on the web concerning any conformation

the NCMEC have Labs that they use and if anyone should ask the NCMEC will say that they gather
and coordinate information and then send the DNA kits out and into the different Labs they use.

Police Departments and Doctors are the ones to most likely do the gathering of DNA while following a procedure ...wearing gloves etc:swapping all sides of month...

then send it by Fed-X to NCMEC they in turn send to Labs...this is called a change of command should that be broken with out all the rules adhered to then the DNA gathering has a broken command...contaminated ...then needs to be ran again.

There are things the person that's being tested can do and that is not eat or drank or smoke one hour before testing.making sure you have enough saliva ...if you suffer from Dry month you should make that clear.

There is much information on line as to what should be done and how !
Are call NCMEC and ask the questions ......!!!!!!
Write a letter to NCMEC asking your questions so the testing will be fully understand what the results are......

Yes, well it's not the actual DNA testing that's the issue here. The issue is that, on the one hand, NCMEC state (in response to my email to them): "
[FONT=&quot]Technically there is no case on a missing person named Sharon Marshall. Police in OK are okay with who they say she is."

But then, we have them testing against Christina Carter just recently??? So IS she or IS SHE NOT unidentified?

Reports of missing kids come to us primarily through a database called the National Crime Information Center or NCIC. Only police can enter missing persons into the NCIC. If she is not in NCIC, it means there is no missing person file or report on her.[/FONT]

Yes, well it's not the actual DNA testing that's the issue here. The issue is that, on the one hand, NCMEC state (in response to my email to them): "
[FONT=&quot]Technically there is no case on a missing person named Sharon Marshall. Police in OK are okay with who they say she is."

But then, we have them testing against Christina Carter just recently??? So IS she or IS SHE NOT unidentified?

Reports of missing kids come to us primarily through a database called the National Crime Information Center or NCIC. Only police can enter missing persons into the NCIC. If she is not in NCIC, it means there is no missing person file or report on her.[/FONT]

If Mrs.Wyatt,wants to ask for another DNA the broken change of command would be something to look at in asking for a new study.

The Oklahoma City Police have always maintained they know Tonya Hughes Identity ' Stated in Matts' Book ...... it is Tonya Dawn Hughes that is referenced to as not being identified.The name Sharon Marshall,Suzanne Davis came after 1994 when the FBI started looking for Micheal Hughes and the "Lap Photo" was discovered.
Matt B. stated that because she was known in high School as Sharon Marshall by friends and Teachers that Matt interviewed he referenced to the name (Sharon Marshall) .
Grave marker in Oklahoma does not say Sharon Marshall

Oklahoma City Police had maintained that from 1990 .Maybe know One in LE has picked up a file and looked into the case......

The NCMEC are still testing to find re:Sharon Marshall/Tonya Hughes identity.

as far as I know with the testing for Christina Carter makes it clear
that they (NCMEC ) does not know Tonya Hughes identity,

Matt B. has not answered any of my emails and I am sure others have written to him.....as the book seems to be the Bible on this case...

I have called LE a few years ago and recived the same answer ,Talked with NCMEC,emailed and by Phone....same answer the LE add this statement " We are searching for the informaton about Micheal Hughes" ......(we do not know who Sharon Marshall is)...... Semitics !!!!!!

Reports of missing kids come to us primarily through a database called the National Crime Information Center or NCIC. Only police can enter missing persons into the NCIC. If she is not in NCIC, it means there is no missing person ? Is Tonya Hughes listed ?
Then there's also the fact that MB stated he had talked to GN at NCMEC and they AGREED that it was a strong enough lead to go ahead with the testing. This does not correlate to the information I am receiving.
If Mrs.Wyatt,wants to ask for another DNA the broken change of command would be something to look at in asking for a new study.

The Oklahoma City Police have always maintained they know Tonya Hughes Identity ' Stated in Matts' Book ...... it is Tonya Dawn Hughes that is referenced to as not being identified.The name Sharon Marshall,Suzanne Davis came after 1994 when the FBI started looking for Micheal Hughes and the "Lap Photo" was discovered.
Matt B. stated that because she was known in high School as Sharon Marshall by friends and Teachers that Matt interviewed he referenced to the name (Sharon Marshall) .
Grave marker in Oklahoma does not say Sharon Marshall

Oklahoma City Police had maintained that from 1990 .Maybe know One in LE has picked up a file and looked into the case......

The NCMEC are still testing to find re:Sharon Marshall/Tonya Hughes identity.

as far as I know with the testing for Christina Carter makes it clear
that they (NCMEC ) does not know Tonya Hughes identity,

Matt B. has not answered any of my emails and I am sure others have written to him.....as the book seems to be the Bible on this case...

I have called LE a few years ago and recived the same answer ,Talked with NCMEC,emailed and by Phone....same answer the LE add this statement " We are searching for the informaton about Micheal Hughes" ......(we do not know who Sharon Marshall is)...... Semitics !!!!!!

Reports of missing kids come to us primarily through a database called the National Crime Information Center or NCIC. Only police can enter missing persons into the NCIC. If she is not in NCIC, it means there is no missing person ? Is Tonya Hughes listed ?

Yes, I understand that there won't be a "missing" file for Sharon Marshall, I'm referring to her "unidentified" status, (i.e. Doe Network) and also why is Rhonda/Melissa not listed as a missing child?
Then there's also the fact that MB stated he had talked to GN at NCMEC and they AGREED that it was a strong enough lead to go ahead with the testing. This does not correlate to the information I am receiving.

So if they already knew that Rhonda was ruled out (per Jerri's mother being tested), then why would it still be a "strong lead"?
Yes, well it's not the actual DNA testing that's the issue here. The issue is that, on the one hand, NCMEC state (in response to my email to them): " [FONT=&quot]Technically there is no case on a missing person named Sharon Marshall. Police in OK are okay with who they say she is."

But then, we have them testing against Christina Carter just recently??? So IS she or IS SHE NOT unidentified?

Reports of missing kids come to us primarily through a database called the National Crime Information Center or NCIC. Only police can enter missing persons into the NCIC. If she is not in NCIC, it means there is no missing person file or report on her.[/FONT]

Matt did write that "A BEAUTIFUL CHILD" book about her it would be best for him to check all of this out.IF they do know who she is we need to knw as well.
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