GUILTY OK - Travis Taylor for stalking, threatening woman online, Terlton, 2011

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A woman accepted a man's Facebook friend request because she had gone to high school with him. He became obsessed with her, stalked her and threatened very graphically (see article) to kill her.

This is why I don't accept facebook requests from anyone I don't currently, personally, know.

Think about it.
"His entire goal was to kill himself but he needed me so he wouldn't be alone in the afterlife," Elexis said.

Sounds like the Zodiac's plan of "collecting slaves for the after-life".

I personally think Facebook is just such a terribly bad idea. Just no reason to put your personal info out there for the world to see. I do suspect it is a fad that will pass, and more than a few will regret going through that phase (not because of stalkers but because they will wish they hadn't share so much personal info/pix with the world years later).
Alrightie then. He threatened to eat her organs and wear her skin? :eek:

After reading up on this, right? It appears he's been PO'd at this chick for years. They actually did set up a date and then she had to cancel because her dad was in town. Then creeper makes reference to what this woman said had to happen 15 years ago. He gave her a ride when her car broke down. He said he could have slit her throat and nobody would have known.

Sooooooooooo you think this guy is crazy cakes? Someone you could pick out of a crowd, and say "Danger Will Robinson?"

Here's his Facebook. You tell me.!/people/Travis-Levi-Taylor/602173085?sk=wall
After reading up on this, right? It appears he's been PO'd at this chick for years. They actually did set up a date and then she had to cancel because her dad was in town. Then creeper makes reference to what this woman said had to happen 15 years ago. He gave her a ride when her car broke down. He said he could have slit her throat and nobody would have known.

Now that part (referencing minor stuff that happened years before) strikes me as quite creepy -- the sign of a obsessive fantasy based reality.

I have never worried about attracting stalkers but years ago I started seeing this "eccentric" guy at work. We saw each other for about 3 months but he was too odd for my tastes and I broke it off. End of story (so i thought).

5 years later (I had changed jobs and had no contact with him at all) he starts leaving long rambling handwritten letters with odd little drawings in my mailbox (he was hand delivering them). Long rambling letters talking about little things that happened in the office, explaining why he did this and that, as if it happened yesterday!!! Minor piddley stuff I didn't think twice about. That creeped me out bad, it gave me the chills! I realized he was obsessing. He left a series of 8 letters over the next two months and while they freaked me out I never mentioned a word about the letters to ANYONE. That first letter had me shaking, I realized we had just entered the twilight zone and was seriously concerned about the situation.

I have a number of pets and realize they can be targets, I was really afraid the situation might escalate. He was providing his new address and phone number so I knew where to find him and I didn't want there to be any link between us just in case things got out of hand.

Anyways, after about the fifth letter I started to calm down as I knew he would move on and obsess over another ex-girlfriend, or find someone new, and thankfully eventually the letters stopped. But obsessing over ancient stuff as if it happened that morning really struck me as a sign of alternative reality. Sorry for the long ramble but it touched a nerve.
Oh, Sonya, that is super creepy!

The guy in this story looks like one of those geeky guys that got rejected a lot in high school.
look on wall Jan.10, 10:05 a.m.

ignore the murder comment (it's not really about that)
but check out the rest of what he's saying in reference to his dad's heart issues
the guy thinks he's psychic
the guy has serious mental health issues (I've been reading his wall for awhile)
Wow....I'm reading along his wall and at first I'm like, "Okay...this all seems pretty normal," then BAM: SUPERINSANECREEPYCRAZINESS!!! Seriously disgusting, this guy!
look on wall Jan.10, 10:05 a.m.

ignore the murder comment (it's not really about that)
but check out the rest of what he's saying in reference to his dad's heart issues
the guy thinks he's psychic
the guy has serious mental health issues (I've been reading his wall for awhile)

Darn it I can't access the wall part now.:banghead: Hopefully he didn't psychically render it hidden. He's not out right?

O.K. if you get a chance please do share. Of course I didn't read that like I should have in it's entirity.

Flourish said a mouth full superinsanecreepycrazinessfreaky. I added the freaky.:crazy:

Could you imagine someone telling you they will wear your skin? As soon as I read that in the article I thought "It puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again".
I just read a bunch of his wall and he really doesn't sound all that crazy. He sounds like a pretty nice guy, working, concerned about his parents, an animal lover. Some of his sexual comments are a bit crude but that is pretty common online.

Did anyone find the email/s that he wrote? If so can you post a link?

One of the latest comments saying "let's hope this is just trolling gone horribly horribly wrong" is too funny! But I imagine it isn't funny for his parents.

Filly the wall is working, I read a bunch of it and none of it is really bizarre. A few odd little comments but no nutcase manifesto or anything.

The fact is the guy maybe crazy but he didn't hurt anyone. He just typed out threats. I would like to know how they can determine he was definitely planning to killer her on a specific day.
Check out the post and subsequent comments beginning with the word "Gentlemen," starting on January 10, 2010, at 4:31am.

Okay so after numerous sexually explicit posts that are likely to offend some folks, Travis' response to his own creepiness, I mean, sexually explicit posts, occurs at January 10 at 10:26am. It's that post that I find to be the most superinsanecreepyfreakness out of what we can view.

In any case, I disagree that typed threats should be considered to be less serious than spoken threats.

Besides, that's a moot point in this case, as the "News on 6" article states that the women "also learned he followed her and took pictures of her without her knowing it." That goes beyond threats of a verbal or written nature. At that point, his actions step into the arena of physical stalking.
Good thing her mom was a cop. I am not sure everyone would get such prompt service when reporting FB death threats.
This is just odd. I posted to the Travis wall and got a strange email back. Apparently LOTS of people posted but their comments were not emailed as updates, this one was.

I will post comments on whomever i like on public forums and I do not expect to get a message back justifying weird stuff....I can send the email with headers to the mods if they question it.

Jack wrote: "For those of you defending Travis, 1. 2. This is not JUST on the news. 3. The initial search warrant was issued based on the email he sent, but the actual charges are based on what they found in his home. The Paraphernalia charge in this case is not a drug charge, it is the possession of
Someone's now posting the message which got him into all this in the first place...

ETA: not for the faint of heart, obviously

(Also, and this is a stupid nerdy thing of me to say, but he gets it wrong: it was Kelly Preston who said (that line) in Jerry Maguire, not Renee Zellweger.)
Creep-ER! YUCK!

I never understand though how things like Facebook are made out to the the culprit or a contributing factor. Like {removed by moderator} like this didn't do this sort of thing before the internet.

Creepahs gonna creep no matter what!

But EW. And yeah, those January weird rants would have been enough for me to defriend him asap. I wonder if they were in response to his obsession/rejection by Lexie.
yeah, I'm convinced that email is him ... based on how similar the language & grammar is to his FB wall

not that there is any doubt in the victim's mind, or the police & prosecutors ...
and, now that I've finally read it :eek:
Okay, if it is true that he had taken a bunch of pictures of her in secret---yikes---that is creeper mode. I would take his threats seriously if that is the case.
Creepahs gonna creep no matter what!

He*lah yeah they gonna.;)

Wait! You can just post on people you don't know's FB? Really? You don't have to be their pokey friend or nothing? Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I use my friend's. Can you imagine me doing that? She'd clock me. Now I so gotta get one.

O.K. I am missing alot here. I'm going to read again.

I originally posted in a round about way he seemed seemingly like normal to me. I'd never guess that guy would say he's gonna eat a woman's intestines or chop her head off.

WAD, I thought the same thing immediately about her mom only I thought "The mom's a cop. She could have went over there and told him she'd do more than wear his skin".

It never ceases to amaze me how people can turn into lunatics. Or was he already a lunatic? I guess he was. Pictures, peeper, creeper, eating people's intestines. I mean come on. For real?

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