GUILTY OR - Brooke Wilberger, 19, Eugene, 24 May 2004 - #2

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Bhodirasta said:
I too am in OR. This case hits home. Everyday, I see a billboard with Brooke.

--- They found some VERY disturbing items in Kim's cell. They found a letter written to his parents saying that they should come with " 5 or 6 people " and they should bring "their guns" because "they are better than anything LE has" (remember the aresenal that was found in the house?)
He was planning an escape.

Also, they found child *advertiser censored*, *advertiser censored* with women, and also, a picture of a woman that had her breast surgically removed. Articles and letters found in his cell, that could be reported, contained words such as "rape" "torture" and "*advertiser censored*".

If there is ONE good thing that came out of this, it is that Kim just might be staying behind bars for a loooong loooong time.

Could he be connected somehow? LE surely would have figured this out by now, but good gawd, that is just HORRIBLE.

St. James, I understand your skepticism. I also understand Anngeliques confidence.
I surely hope that Anngelique is right, that it is NOT being reported, because if no one really did NOT see Brooke cleaning lightposts, then yes, that is ODD to say the least...

-Why do I keep comparing this case to Elizabeth Smart??? Elizabeth was of course, much younger, but the "idea" (or even hope that she is still alive) is the same...
-I am gonna say this, because I have been thinking it for a while now, but of course, this is a WILD SHOT IN THE DARK, but there is a FLDS "commune" not too far from where Brooke was abducted. That "commune" was the place the Lafferty Brothers visited right before they killed Brenda Lafferty and her dear dear baby...
This is more HOPE that she is alive, than reality, but no one can fault me for that... I do HOPE that she was "stolen" like Smart, and not abducted by some "stranger" that killed her...

Hey Bhodi! Funny that you should mention that...a few of us just finished "Under the Banner of Heaven" a few months ago. A couple of the people that read it mentioned that very same thing, that like Elizabeth Smart, they felt that Brooke was abducted for a plural marriage in the Corvallis/Woodburn compound. I only wish it were that easy and simple!
lynie said:
Hey Bhodi! Funny that you should mention that...a few of us just finished "Under the Banner of Heaven" a few months ago. A couple of the people that read it mentioned that very same thing, that like Elizabeth Smart, they felt that Brooke was abducted for a plural marriage in the Corvallis/Woodburn compound. I only wish it were that easy and simple!

I know lynie. It is definitely easier than the "other" alternative...
Weird how close Woodburn is, isn't it? I had no idea that the "commune" even existed until I read that book. Scandi brings up a really good point about the flip flops. I wish we knew how close they were found to one another...
Also weird how the callers name was BRIAN (david mitchell) and also weird how we are just now learning about it...
I can't beleive they haven't found him yet.
starpatch said:
I live in Springfield Oregon, my son works with Brooks father.

Oh Starpatch....I cannot imagine the pain Brookes father must feel. My daughter attends the high school that one of the sons-in-law (Jared Condon)
is Vice Principal of. Before I found out that they were related I thought Jared was a very open and friendly guy, and once I found out this little bit about his personal life, I admire him more. Awesome family, in my opinion.....
Bhodirasta said:
I know lynie. It is definitely easier than the "other" alternative...
Weird how close Woodburn is, isn't it? I had no idea that the "commune" even existed until I read that book. Scandi brings up a really good point about the flip flops. I wish we knew how close they were found to one another...
Also weird how the callers name was BRIAN (david mitchell) and also weird how we are just now learning about it...
I can't beleive they haven't found him yet.

Woodburn is close, and even more concerning is how much in its own world it has become. We drove through there a couple of months ago. In the original "downtown" area you would swear you were in a town in Mexico. All of the stores are latino themed, and the signs written in spanish. Travel toward I-5 and it is all-American Burger King and outlet mall. Yet in Woodburn as well is a large Russian immigrant population, and a Mennonite settlement too. All of this and the recent (to me!) revelation of a polygamist sect too!!

I think all of these factors plus the fact that it is a rural area make it a perfect place to hide somebody!! Not that I think Brooke is there, but I sure would like it if she were!!
RobertStJames said:
Yeah, well I've *been* there, and there just aren't that many. Not even a full day's work. And they were all spotless when I looked at them. And I looked at every single one of them. Carefully.

Yes, LE screws up cases sometimes. That's what happened here. Fortunately, I don't think Capt. Noble was one of the ones fooled, and he's running the case now. The guy who used to be running it, Capt. Deutsch, was applying for a job in Los Alamos on 1/9/2005. That is to say, about six months ago, when LE first came up with their current (and extremely secret) POI.

You think someone else saw her? You think that with reporters from local, state, even national levels all over Corvallis that nobody was able to find a witness who would say they saw her? Even an anonymous one?

btw, what do you make of the fact that her sister has not said one single word to the press, ever? Do you think that was helpful in finding out what happened to Brooke?

So why don't you turn in this bit of info you have found and "enlighten" the police, pun intended.
lynie said:
Oh Starpatch....I cannot imagine the pain Brookes father must feel. My daughter attends the high school that one of the sons-in-law (Jared Condon)
is Vice Principal of. Before I found out that they were related I thought Jared was a very open and friendly guy, and once I found out this little bit about his personal life, I admire him more. Awesome family, in my opinion.....
What my son says about the father of Brook is the same as you feel towards the son-in-law, a wonderful family.
I cannot even imagine the pain.
Hi Bhodie,

If they have found him maybe mum's the word! They still might need any info on sightings of the minivan as to for instance luring or following females.

I respect your opinion Robert as you evidently have put a lot of thought into the case. From what I have read, it seems the Corvallis police might be exceptionally apt at their approach to solving the crime. I believe the general public only needs to know what is imperative to gain information to solve the crime. Solving the crime is #1 and so whatever it takes that is legal by LE to do this is fine with me. There must be reasons they can't clue us in on particulars.

Hey, wouldn't it be great if they had a special call-line for crime-forum sleuthers!

I did study the Elizabeth Smart case with great dedication, and remember times when many of us felt the SLCPD was simply inept and doing nothing to solve the case as we never heard what they knew or were doing. I was very nieve at that time. Now our beloved PC Corona was always out in front of the public drawing them in to the case ~ but it was a different scenario with a fresh abduction and a visual description of a car and perp by Samantha's playmate.

As to the reported scenario and the facts in the case about Brooke being in the act of cleaning lamp posts when she disappeared, we can only go on what was reported by the family here. Where did it come from that they had judged what time Brooke was taken from 10am by the amount of work she had accomplished that morning?

The other thought I have is that there are posters here who might have inside information about the case. For instance, a name was thrown out on this thread wondering if he could be the perp. Who is this guy she mentions? There must be a reason the poster wondered about this. And in the beginning of the case we had a poster here for a short while who seemed to know a lot about the inside workings of the case. He was a reporter for a paper I think in the local area. At times reading him I felt goosebumps travel up and down my body!

So, there is one more thing I am curious about. Does anyone here know anything about the POI with the green minivan? His name or if his home is north of Corvallis. It is so eerie, but looking at what we know about Evans who was discounted as Brooke's perp, he seems to fit so much of a profile in the case. What kind of a car does he have. Is he still in jail. His previous crimes could be a precedent to an abduction/murder, as all criminals develop in their crimes and for instance rapists often do become abductors and then eventually murderers. Right? I think what we learned about Kim today shows how a panty thief sicko could easily progress to an abductor who could eventually disect a womans breast right off her body and feel it was his way to make the world a better place! Pretty scary, IMHO.

We do have a tight team of interested sleuths living close by in the Willamette Valley. Ya Ya

scandi said:
Hi Bhodie,

The other thought I have is that there are posters here who might have inside information about the case. For instance, a name was thrown out on this thread wondering if he could be the perp. Who is this guy she mentions? There must be a reason the poster wondered about this. And in the beginning of the case we had a poster here for a short while who seemed to know a lot about the inside workings of the case. He was a reporter for a paper I think in the local area. At times reading him I felt goosebumps travel up and down my body!

NewsPerson. Best posts on the case, although he had no real inside information. He mentioned there were vicious rumors circling around the apartment complexes close to Oak Park. He never said what they were.

Hi again!

It is 10:15pm and have just heard on the news that Brooke's case has gone national with the advent of America's Most Wanted now actively working on her case.

The more input and activity on the case the better, right? I guess everyone here is asleep, so I'll have to wait till tomorrow to hear any answers to my questions. I think a turning point is here in finding out what happened to Brooke and where she is at present. Well, I should clarify that by saying I think the investigation will take an uphill swing now which will lead to confirming the studied feelings of the detectives in the case that will culminate in naming her killer and finding Brooke.

I do think of her family and friends tonight ~ and everyone who has cared enough to study her case and assist with their ideas to help bring her home. On edge, let's all be on edge with positive thoughts to assist those who are trying to solve this mystery and bring her home.

Starpatch!~ How great to see you here. Springfield is so close, and I never knew you were within a 2 1/2 hour drive!!! Have been concentrating on video surveillance systems in your area lately as there is a strong need for buisnesses to have that edge of safety. What growth I see there, as like nothing I have seen in the last 2 years! xoxoxoxo


PS: I've also gotta say that Woodburn has blown my mind. I know there are a lot of new Mexxican reataurants,, bakeries and stores there, as many have popped up on my alcohol application list. But this news about a Mennonite camp being located there, with everything implied by your posts, is amazing to me in this day and age. Does KATU know about its existance? Have never seen it featured on a news show.
Thanks Robert,

I don't remember about the rumors circling around. I'll have to go back and reread his posts on the other thread. But he was a local journalist who was right there at the beginning of the case, and wonder how he could help but come to conclusions from 'inside' info he would have to glean just by knowing so many people involved in the case like he stated he did.

In fact he was so in tune with what LE & the media was putting forth that I often wanted to know more about him. In other words, for a new case and such a tragic happening, I thought he might have been a bit too knowledgable about the goings on right out of the chute! Maybe I have just watched too many crime shows, LOL

And if you are reading here Newsperson, there is nothing personal about what I said. I was your most avid reader. I just wished you had stuck around instead of suddenly dropping out of sight. We'd love to hear what you think with the advent of our new information on the case.

I had the impression that newsperson was a woman. Whoever he or she was, they did stop posting. Perhaps their boss told them it wasn't really appropriate or something. Most of us don't know when we see a post, who is behind the post.

I named a possible perp, only so that if it turns out later that I am right, I will have a time stamped record that I guessed it. I am an amateur sleuth. I am not connected in any way with the news, television, press, police or sheriff's dept. or anything. I would just really would enjoy helping to solve this tragic thing that has happened to Brooke. I don't want to give away any of my efforts that led me to name a possible perp as I did. If I am right, good. I will tell more information later if it turns out that way. If I am wrong, then the guy doesn't deserve to have whatever little pittance of clues and sleuthing I have come up with be spread around.

I have noticed on this group that lots of people get their information wrong and/or jump to conclusions. I almost hate to say anything. I came back after months away, because they had the new lead about the green van and because I was hoping this time would be different.

I posted that I would love to know of any of the 450 psychic tips had any reference to Polynesian type statues or Easter Island type statues, small ones and something made out of clay? I didn't say anything about the description of the possible perp being Polynesian. That wasn't what I meant at all. Does anybody on this board know of any of the psychic tips, or are all 450 of them secret?

I complimented Robert St. James (I'm going from memory and I think I have that right?) I apologize if I don't. Anyway, I said his pictures I could see were very good. But I asked if he noticed the gate? and if he got a picture of it, and never heard anything in the way of an answer. Maybe there was one and I missed it. I'm afraid if I go back to look up each little thing and name, that I'll get bumped and lose all I have typed so far.

Also RStJ, you mentioned a name in parentheses after your remark that Brian (then I think you typed David Mitchell or something like that) made a 911 call. I am not being facetious. I really don't know why that name was there or who it is or what it means? Would you be willing to say more about it? It was very interesting that the sister that lives at Oak Park (or did live there) never appeared in public about it. But we don't know her reasons. Maybe she was afraid she would just fall completely apart in front of the public. Mormons usually, but not always, have very tight-knit family values, and strong ones, but the males can be a bit chauvinistic. Perhaps it was just assumed that Zak (the man of the family at that location) would handle speaking for her. Come to think of it, I don't even know if he is Mormon.

I couldn't get the 911 call link that Brian made. Did he describe a green Dodge van and a license # by chance? Does anyone know for sure, or just guessing? I think it is fun and interesting to bat around different ideas, but I think we should try to treat each other respectfully even if we disagree with the other person. Squabbling among ourselves is counter-productive to helping to find Brooke.

I wish us all luck in piecing together something that might help solve this. Also, many people are different than me, but if it were my child missing, or my young adult missing, I would probably make a fake name and go here and lurk. I'd be trying everything I could think of for some hope that maybe even the perp posts here or that someone might propose an idea about how things happened that would actually break the case. We don't know. Bye for now. :twocents:
When Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped an uncle (I think) was designated the family spokesman. When Danielle van Damm was kidnapped, a woman who was a friend of mother Brenda addressed the media. Therefore it doesn't surprise me at all that the son-in-law is speaking up for the Wilbergers.
IndigoFalls said:
I had the impression that newsperson was a woman. Whoever he or she was, they did stop posting. Perhaps their boss told them it wasn't really appropriate or something. Most of us don't know when we see a post, who is behind the post.

I named a possible perp, only so that if it turns out later that I am right, I will have a time stamped record that I guessed it. I am an amateur sleuth. I am not connected in any way with the news, television, press, police or sheriff's dept. or anything. I would just really would enjoy helping to solve this tragic thing that has happened to Brooke. I don't want to give away any of my efforts that led me to name a possible perp as I did. If I am right, good. I will tell more information later if it turns out that way. If I am wrong, then the guy doesn't deserve to have whatever little pittance of clues and sleuthing I have come up with be spread around.

I have noticed on this group that lots of people get their information wrong and/or jump to conclusions. I almost hate to say anything. I came back after months away, because they had the new lead about the green van and because I was hoping this time would be different.

I posted that I would love to know of any of the 450 psychic tips had any reference to Polynesian type statues or Easter Island type statues, small ones and something made out of clay? I didn't say anything about the description of the possible perp being Polynesian. That wasn't what I meant at all. Does anybody on this board know of any of the psychic tips, or are all 450 of them secret?

I complimented Robert St. James (I'm going from memory and I think I have that right?) I apologize if I don't. Anyway, I said his pictures I could see were very good. But I asked if he noticed the gate? and if he got a picture of it, and never heard anything in the way of an answer. Maybe there was one and I missed it. I'm afraid if I go back to look up each little thing and name, that I'll get bumped and lose all I have typed so far.

Also RStJ, you mentioned a name in parentheses after your remark that Brian (then I think you typed David Mitchell or something like that) made a 911 call. I am not being facetious. I really don't know why that name was there or who it is or what it means? Would you be willing to say more about it? It was very interesting that the sister that lives at Oak Park (or did live there) never appeared in public about it. But we don't know her reasons. Maybe she was afraid she would just fall completely apart in front of the public. Mormons usually, but not always, have very tight-knit family values, and strong ones, but the males can be a bit chauvinistic. Perhaps it was just assumed that Zak (the man of the family at that location) would handle speaking for her. Come to think of it, I don't even know if he is Mormon.

I couldn't get the 911 call link that Brian made. Did he describe a green Dodge van and a license # by chance? Does anyone know for sure, or just guessing? I think it is fun and interesting to bat around different ideas, but I think we should try to treat each other respectfully even if we disagree with the other person. Squabbling among ourselves is counter-productive to helping to find Brooke.

I wish us all luck in piecing together something that might help solve this. Also, many people are different than me, but if it were my child missing, or my young adult missing, I would probably make a fake name and go here and lurk. I'd be trying everything I could think of for some hope that maybe even the perp posts here or that someone might propose an idea about how things happened that would actually break the case. We don't know. Bye for now. :twocents:

Wonderful post Indigo! :clap:

The only thing we know about the 911 call is Brian called in about a speeding, recklessly driven mini-van. His call was cut short by his cell phone going dead. I know for a FACT that there are several dead spots in that area especially if they get on Hwy. 22. My husband worked in Dallas and we would talk on his way home from work and we got dropped calls. That does not mean that it was a dropped call because of a dead spot, it could have been his phone went dead. Most likely he felt like he did his duty and did not feel the need to call back. The only other fact that we know, is that the police DO know EXACTLY what mini-van they are looking for. They know where that van is. They know who the owner of this green mini-van is and they have said he is not a threat to the community. They will not confirm that he is in jail, just that he is not a threat to the community.

As far as Brooke's sisters not commenting, we don't know a reason. They could be just too emotional. I don't know if I could speak without breaking down after something like this happening to my loved one. I do know that Zak is LDS. His brother is the one who was setting up and managing the reward fund. I am LDS as well and on sister-in-laws cousin is married to Brooke's sister. As you saw in the Smart case and the Hacking/Soares case, LDS families are very close. I would actually say LDS women are normally more outspoken and very confident women then even the general public. Don't let the false media image of timid/mousy/ oppressed women cloud your judgement. I have yet to know of any LDS woman like that and I have been a member my entire life. Most of the women I know run the family. I have always been teased about wearing the pants in my family. However, we are taught that the husband is the Patriarch of our home and we respect that. But we are also taught that we are equal and one and it is a partnership. So if Lori's sisters don't speak out, I would say it is because they CHOOSE not to speak out. Flip it a little, who do you speaks more in the media, Brooke's mom or Brooke's dad? Definitely Brooke's mom. She has been an amazing woman and tries so hard to be upbeat and positive.

To answer your questions about the psychic tips, I know of no place mentioning them. In fact, the police have been so tight lipped about the whole case there is really not much to go on. Even when Kim and Evans were being investigated you learned about them through other people, NOT the LE. When Evan's step-sister showed KATU the cement he had poured and told the story of him having scratches and bruises on him, the LE basically discredited her story. They kept stressing he was just a person of interest and they were looking into him. So we truly don't know what LE has. I have found no place that mentions any evidence LE has. The only thing I know the LE has said affirmative is they believe it was a stranger abduction. The only other thing I have seen the LE quoted as saying is the time frame of when the 911 call was made and the estimated time Brooke went missing coincide. So we truly don't have much to go on.

We still have several local missionaries wear daily, "Find Brooke" buttons. They are just a photo copy of Brooke that have been lamenated and say "find brooke". Since the missionaries meet people on a daily basis it is a good way to keep her name and face in the public eye.

Brooke is in my heart and thoughts. I pray her family can finally find the truth. I can't say so they can get some resolution because there really is none. Just truth of knowing what happened.
IndigoFalls said:
I couldn't get the 911 call link that Brian made. Did he describe a green Dodge van and a license # by chance? Does anyone know for sure, or just guessing? I think it is fun and interesting to bat around different ideas, but I think we should try to treat each other respectfully even if we disagree with the other person. Squabbling among ourselves is counter-productive to helping to find Brooke.
There is no "Brian." There never was. It was a ruse by LE to get sightings of green minivans north of Corvallis on May 24, 2004.

I think a lot more squabbling *should* have been done rather than accepting the stranger abduction at face value without ever questioning it. And I fail to see how simply repeating news articles is in any way going to help find out what happened. But hey, since we *are* repeating articles, how about this one?

This is Peter Chee writing for the OSU Barometer:

Hansen said he figured Wilberger stubbed her toe and had gotten a ride to the doctor. The thought of Brooke being abducted had not yet entered his mind.
After his own search proved unsuccessful, Hansen was the one who made the first call to the police. It was 3 p.m.

Stubbed her toe?

IndigoFalls said:
I had the impression that newsperson was a woman. Whoever he or she was, they did stop posting. Perhaps their boss told them it wasn't really appropriate or something. Most of us don't know when we see a post, who is behind the post.

I named a possible perp, only so that if it turns out later that I am right, I will have a time stamped record that I guessed it. I am an amateur sleuth. I am not connected in any way with the news, television, press, police or sheriff's dept. or anything. I would just really would enjoy helping to solve this tragic thing that has happened to Brooke. I don't want to give away any of my efforts that led me to name a possible perp as I did. If I am right, good. I will tell more information later if it turns out that way. If I am wrong, then the guy doesn't deserve to have whatever little pittance of clues and sleuthing I have come up with be spread around.

I have noticed on this group that lots of people get their information wrong and/or jump to conclusions. I almost hate to say anything. I came back after months away, because they had the new lead about the green van and because I was hoping this time would be different.

I posted that I would love to know of any of the 450 psychic tips had any reference to Polynesian type statues or Easter Island type statues, small ones and something made out of clay? I didn't say anything about the description of the possible perp being Polynesian. That wasn't what I meant at all. Does anybody on this board know of any of the psychic tips, or are all 450 of them secret?

I complimented Robert St. James (I'm going from memory and I think I have that right?) I apologize if I don't. Anyway, I said his pictures I could see were very good. But I asked if he noticed the gate? and if he got a picture of it, and never heard anything in the way of an answer. Maybe there was one and I missed it. I'm afraid if I go back to look up each little thing and name, that I'll get bumped and lose all I have typed so far.

Also RStJ, you mentioned a name in parentheses after your remark that Brian (then I think you typed David Mitchell or something like that) made a 911 call. I am not being facetious. I really don't know why that name was there or who it is or what it means? Would you be willing to say more about it? It was very interesting that the sister that lives at Oak Park (or did live there) never appeared in public about it. But we don't know her reasons. Maybe she was afraid she would just fall completely apart in front of the public. Mormons usually, but not always, have very tight-knit family values, and strong ones, but the males can be a bit chauvinistic. Perhaps it was just assumed that Zak (the man of the family at that location) would handle speaking for her. Come to think of it, I don't even know if he is Mormon.

I couldn't get the 911 call link that Brian made. Did he describe a green Dodge van and a license # by chance? Does anyone know for sure, or just guessing? I think it is fun and interesting to bat around different ideas, but I think we should try to treat each other respectfully even if we disagree with the other person. Squabbling among ourselves is counter-productive to helping to find Brooke.

I wish us all luck in piecing together something that might help solve this. Also, many people are different than me, but if it were my child missing, or my young adult missing, I would probably make a fake name and go here and lurk. I'd be trying everything I could think of for some hope that maybe even the perp posts here or that someone might propose an idea about how things happened that would actually break the case. We don't know. Bye for now. :twocents:

Howdy Indigo! How are ya?
I think you are speaking of my comments about Brian (David Mitchell). Brian David Mitchell was the Mormon WHACKO fundamentalist that kidnapped E. Smart and took her as his bride. He is a polygamist of course... I was speaking of the Mormon Fundamentalist Polygamist "colony" or "commune" located in Corvallis/Woodburn that was the place that the Lafferty brothers visited right before they went and Killed Brenda Lafferty.(not a Mennonite commune). This commune is VERY close to where Brooke was "taken". The "source" of this knowledge is from a book about the Lafferty case by John Krakauer titled "Under the Banner of Heaven". (He also wrote about Everest (he climbed it) "In to Thin Air" and Alaska "In to the Wild") If you are interested in that case, (it also speaks A LOT about the E. Smart case) you can find it in the Sharing forum. I just sent the book to Pepper, and the last I heard, she was done. Lynie also read the book. It is facinating to say the least.
I don't necessarily think that Brooke was Kidnapped as a "God sent" plural wife, but I tell ya what, I would like that MUCH MORE than the alternative...
The parallels are astounding IMHO, and I will readily admit that this is pretty unrealistic, but hey, I don't think I am the only one that sees similarities in the cases...
A pause for thought!

Bhodi, how did this author come up with info that Brooke was taken to a certain place? How reliable do you think it is, in other words, do you think this idea is what investigators working on the case believe as well?

I'm going to have to go back and re-read some earlier posts, as I thought the article stated LE know where the green minivan is and the owner of it is incarcerated on another crime. That's why I wanted to know more about who he is - does anyone know his name?

As to LE giving the public purely false info to get further tips, I don't think they would have to do that Robert. They could just come out and ask that anyone who saw a suspicious green minivan on that date in Corvallis or its proximity, please call us. Right?

Some really great posts here. Had to read every one before I go watch a movie. LOL

scandi said:
A pause for thought!

As to LE giving the public purely false info to get further tips, I don't think they would have to do that Robert. They could just come out and ask that anyone who saw a suspicious green minivan on that date in Corvallis or its proximity, please call us. Right?

Sure. Like Modesto Police gave the Laci tip line that hot piece of info about Scott being seen at 3am on the highway towing his boat with something in the back rolled up in a Mexican blanket. An obviously bad tip that MPD was testing the family's Laci hotline with to see if information was being passed back.

LE sometimes does things like this. Especially in the case where they're trying to protect the identity of the POI, which is weird, since they haven't done that for any of their other main suspects.

There may very well be a "Brian" out there. He might even have been around Rickreal at 11am and phoned in a 911 on a lousy driver. He might live in a cave and not be aware that the police would like to hear from him again. The service that took the 911 call might have forgotten to log the cellphone number the call came in on, but remembered to write down the date, time, make of vehicle, and caller's name. I might be Father Christmas and have a workshop full of elves busy making next year's toys.

Don't count on me showing up with a bag full of same on Dec 25 and don't expect to hear anything more about "Brian."

I'm wondering why America's Most Wanted is now coming in to work on Brooke's case after it has been a whole year since she disappeared?

Do you think it is because LE might be close to a solution and have contacted AMW as they have the perfect set-up and credibility to get the one tip they need to nail the guy who owns that green minivan? I am having a hard time seeing why it is necessary to find other occurances of this man tailing females or trying to grab them. :confused:

Forgive me, but I just watched 'Suspect Zero' and my mind could be in overdrive! LOL

scandi said:
I'm wondering why America's Most Wanted is now coming in to work on Brooke's case after it has been a whole year since she disappeared?

Do you think it is because LE might be close to a solution and have contacted AMW as they have the perfect set-up and credibility to get the one tip they need to nail the guy who owns that green minivan? I am having a hard time seeing why it is necessary to find other occurances of this man tailing females or trying to grab them. :confused:

Forgive me, but I just watched 'Suspect Zero' and my mind could be in overdrive! LOL


I think this is a very good point, Scandi! LE sure is trying to get help from the public and there has got to be a reason for it. It was mentioned they want to know other places that this min-van was such as in a farmer's field, or remote location so they can find Brooke. That sounds more like a suspect than a person of interest though they have to be politically correct in these things.

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