OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - #17

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Calliope, this was all my doing. BeanE is responding to a post I made. I thought the "chatter" was stating that the parent(s) arrived at the school at 4:18pm. The post you responded to, written by BeanE, was actually saying what you are saying; that we don't know what time they (one or both of Kyron's parents~Kaine and Terri) arrived at the school, just that it was transmitted at 4:18 that parents were at the school.

I know... just taking her post, mulling it over and expanding a bit. I had to go back and read the transcript a couple of times lol :)
Well,we have been told the DA is hanging out at thier house.Then we see an extensive search of Sauvie Island and they said they are looking for something specific.I am curious of what's going on.I think I'm going to wait now for a few days and see what happens.I pray they find Kyron.They need to find him.
Hi, I try to keep my fingers to myself because I have discovered that I am just not good at Sleuthing.....just a "cheerleader" for the real 'Seuthers on here.......but I was wondering if maybe LE is waiting for a call at the Horman's house.....from a possible kidnapper.....
respectfully snipped

I don't think so. But that doesn't mean that it wasn't planned by those responsible for Kyron's disappearance to give people that impression.
(Snipped for space)

Just throwing this out there, I have no information related to the siting & this isn't even an opinion on it.

I have a GPS, it's not built into my car & it's a few years old. Sometimes, even if I update the maps, it's completely clueless. I have driven in circles and all over a location I wasn't familiar with because I was following the GPS directions. Sometimes it picks up on unnamed dirt roads and tries to incorporate them into the directions. Sometimes, if I'm on an overpass on a major road it will suddenly be unable to "see" the overpass and start throwing out directions for the surface streets under and around the overpass.
This hasn't happened often enough for me to throw the GPS out of the car window but it's happened more than once.

Maybe the driver of the white truck was led astray by a GPS?
Though having it happen twice & hours apart makes that less likely.
I wondered if the white truck was just someone scouting a place to pull over after a big party to take a snooze instead of driving 400 miles home really late at night. They might have not realized they were noticed the first time, and the second time they knew this wasn't a good choice for a place to pull over.

I'm way more afraid of (and prone to) falling asleep at the wheel than I am of having to explain this to a LEO. It may have seemed like a fairly unpopulated area when viewed from the highway? I had to do this and one morning woke up with a steady stream of horse trailers driving by my truck on their way to a rodeo, because I hadn't checked out the area ahead of time. :innocent:
Hi, I try to keep my fingers to myself because I have discovered that I am just not good at Sleuthing.....just a "cheerleader" for the real 'Seuthers on here.......but I was wondering if maybe LE is waiting for a call at the Horman's house.....from a possible kidnapper.....
I hate to even ask this and I'm blushing as I write because
.I betcha' this has been mentioned 1000 times and I didn't see it even though I try to read as many posts as I can. I did a search but I'm not even good at that! LOL
If anyone can point me to the info I would appreciate it so I can get that idea out of my mind. TIA

Family liaison officers are often assigned to missing children cases where children "disappear" under unusual circumstances.

Kryon's family's FLO Captain Shultz stayed there except to go home to sleep and then another officer would fill in for the hours he was sleeping. That question was addressed in one the first news conferences he took part in.
Hi, I try to keep my fingers to myself because I have discovered that I am just not good at Sleuthing.....just a "cheerleader" for the real 'Seuthers on here.......but I was wondering if maybe LE is waiting for a call at the Horman's house.....from a possible kidnapper.....
I hate to even ask this and I'm blushing as I write because
.I betcha' this has been mentioned 1000 times and I didn't see it even though I try to read as many posts as I can. I did a search but I'm not even good at that! LOL
If anyone can point me to the info I would appreciate it so I can get that idea out of my mind. TIA

Cheerleaders are 100% real sleuths!

BBM- I actually have been wondering about this enough to ask a friend in federal law enforcement about ransom /kidnap negotiators, of which he is one as a private contractor- and of there being the possibility of such being involved either privately (through something such as Kyron's fathers employer) or through the FBI.
He mentioned that although extremely rare, it could be a possibility.
Obviously just his thoughts but it made me wonder...
Does anyone know offhand of any cases of child kidnappings for ransom or other similar purposes that involved negotiators unknown to the public until after the case was resolved?
Cheerleaders are 100% real sleuths!

BBM- I actually have been wondering about this enough to ask a friend in federal law enforcement about ransom /kidnap negotiators, of which he is one as a private contractor- and of there being the possibility of such being involved either privately (through something such as Kyron's fathers employer) or through the FBI.
He mentioned that although extremely rare, it could be a possibility.
Obviously just his thoughts but it made me wonder...
Does anyone know offhand of any cases of child kidnappings for ransom or other similar purposes that involved negotiators unknown to the public until after the case was resolved?

I thought it might be a kidnapping for ransom the first day or two when LE was reporting he was last seen inside the school at 9 am --but changed my mind when they started refusing to confirm any information etc. Not aware of any kidnapping for ransom as asked but I do know that not every kidnapping for ransom is reported to LE.
We now have our new Media and Timeline subforum for Missing/Located, wherein each case can have a thread. Kyron's thread is already in there.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to create a timeline. They can be time-consuming and difficult. They are always appreciated.
OT (sorry)
I'm hoping that the admin can make it so the timeline can be edited later. I posted one and felt it's awkward to read corrections a week later in a post down below because I can no longer change the original. Just maybe.
I will put a calendar up that anyone can edit. be sure to add a link to your information so we don't end up squabbling over anything.
Could the person from LE be their to make sure the other children are safe? Not just from a family member, but from anyone the family may know and might be having contact with.
1) Hopping on to ask ... could the DA be visiting the family in their home because they have an 18 month old? He needs to speak with the family, in person, and doesn't want to wait for babysitting arrangement.

2) If the DA is visiting the home, do we think the Hormans are being counseled by their own legal representative if this was a family-as-POI visit.

3) If this was or could be a family-as-POI visit from the DA don't you think the Horman's would also have their own attorney present and don't you think the staked-out media would have picked up on the Hormans having an attorney present by now?

maybe not.

just hopped on as this thought occurred to me. I have to keep cookin' now. back later. ;)
If the white truck at the end of the road was related to this case it could have been scouting out a place to take an abductee in the middle of the night after being abducted from the home. The science fair could have turned out to be a better place to take a child.
Eyewitness accuracy is affected by many factors. Participants in a research study, who witnessed a computerized crime, responded correctly only 52% of the time when questioned when they had no previous knowledge about the crime. When participant were provided with some information about the crime, their accuracy dropped. This occurs because of the effects of the participants' personal background (cultural experiences/biases, and etc...) . Accuracy is also affected by the interrogators' questioning methods (positive, neutral or negative questions).


So, according to this research, any eyewitness report r/t this crime will be less than 52% accurate because the eyewitness may be biased from information they have heard about Kyron's case. (It is highly publicized.)

I think you nailed it, Pensfan, on at least a big part of why LE isn't releasing info. They're still not done interviewing. They said they are going back and re-interviewing.
(Sheriff Dan) Staton personally called the FBI. He said the circumstances -- Kyron disappeared from school on a busy morning -- prompted him to ask for help from the feds. "I wanted them involved because the last time this child was seen was inside a school," he said. "This was not a child walking away from their home or getting lost in the woods. This is a child who got lost inside a school with faculty there. That was the last time the child was seen." (published June 12 - updated the 13th) http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/kyron_horman_search_may_have_s.html
I don't have a place to post my "feelings" about Kyron, so for those of you that were looking at his picture of the Squirrel and wondering about the "feather or the leaf" I thought maybe it was representing the "feather" on the Genealogy site or the Tree maker site, with the "leaf". I posted on the Astro Thread as a favor asked of me, but don't want to wear out my welcome there. Perhaps the little uncolored leaf/feather needs to be filled in so to speak.

I also got a strange looking container or box, in the woods or grassy area. Not sure what it is though. Hope this is okay to post here, just want Kyron to come home. I do see that the glasses are "off" as in one of my visions posted earlier, still trying to see if I had the correct pumpkin patch with blue shirts and Santa.
We haven't heard of any of the family retaining lawyers have we? That is good for LE and keeping lines open. I do remember Patsey and John and not doing interviews. I think every thing they say is being picked apart and for them, It is scary to say one thing that may change just do to semantics. I do understand them just keeping quiet and letting LE do the investagation.

1) Hopping on to ask ... could the DA be visiting the family in their home because they have an 18 month old? He needs to speak with the family, in person, and doesn't want to wait for babysitting arrangement.

2) If the DA is visiting the home, do we think the Hormans are being counseled by their own legal representative if this was a family-as-POI visit.

3) If this was or could be a family-as-POI visit from the DA don't you think the Horman's would also have their own attorney present and don't you think the staked-out media would have picked up on the Hormans having an attorney present by now?

maybe not.

just hopped on as this thought occurred to me. I have to keep cookin' now. back later. ;)
I don't have a place to post my "feelings" about Kyron, so for those of you that were looking at his picture of the Squirrel and wondering about the "feather or the leaf" I thought maybe it was representing the "feather" on the Genealogy site or the Tree maker site, with the "leaf". I posted on the Astro Thread as a favor asked of me, but don't want to wear out my welcome there. Perhaps the little uncolored leaf/feather needs to be filled in so to speak.

I also got a strange looking container or box, in the woods or grassy area. Not sure what it is though. Hope this is okay to post here, just want Kyron to come home. I do see that the glasses are "off" as in one of my visions posted earlier, still trying to see if I had the correct pumpkin patch with blue shirts and Santa.

Bern I always love and welcome your posts and input you are a big assest to WS, of course this is Moo .... I am glad you are posting about Kyron because I believe in your abilities :)
Bern I always love and welcome your posts and input you are a big assest to WS, of course this is Moo .... I am glad you are posting about Kyron because I believe in your abilities :)

That makes me feel better, I don't want to over step my bounds here. I think I may have to draw this thing and put in an album on my page. I don't know what it is, or what it is used for.
Is it one of those large blue Rubbermaid type containers, Bern?
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