OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #11

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Well... they haven't denied that at all. They've talked about all the people who've come together for this case, including the FBI CARD team. They're saying they aren't calling it a criminal investigation yet; I take that to mean they're working both simultaneously.

With a member of the child's family being a police detective, I can imagine that he would press for "all resources" to be utilized in the investigation. If they aren't calling it a criminal investigation, that means they're still investigating all possibilities, they haven't narrowed down exactly what kind of case this is. But, while they haven't narrowed the investigation down to any one type of situation, they ARE making use of every tool and agency at their disposal.

I'm not sleuthing them myself, so I don't wanna get slapped with another time out, but honestly I'm kinda baffled by the whole No Sleuthing Family members rule. The amount of people who'd literally get away with murder if LE worked by that rule would be astonishing. Sucks though it does, a lot of the time family members are responsible.

Not at all saying they are here, and I understand respect for the victims etc. But, in this day and age, it's so hard to know who the real victims are (apart from the children themselves). imo.

It is so simple in my mind. Until LE names any member of the family as a suspect or POI, they are considered VICTIMS. And we don't post negative things, or things that should be kept private, about innocent family individuals.

Question here. Has anyone ever heard of any previous missing children's cases where a LE officer was assigned to the home of the missing parents? I'm new to WS in that I have only followed a few cases here, Tori Stafford and currently Susan Powell, though I have glanced a bit at a few others, but not intensely. Even in thinking of other local cases throughout the years where I have lived, I don't recall ever hearing of such a thing. I am curious if this is something new for missing children's cases (if so, but only in Kyron's home town or state),? DOes it vary by state? jurisdiction? Anyone know?

p.s. I am NOT making any accusations towards the stepmom - I want to make that clear. Like everyone else, I am completely stumped on this one.

This child's step-father is a detective. I am not sure if this is the usual approach, but it wouldn't surprise me one little bit for a detective's family to get "special" treatment when his child goes missing.

we have 2 contradictory statements about Kyron.

1. A child who says that the sub asked the regular teacher where Kyron was. The teacher answered that he was getting a drink of water or whatever.

2. A comment in a news article that said SM had an appt (with Kyron?)

Both cannot be true. Is either true?

Being a former teacher, it is so hard to fathom that a teacher wouldn't check up on the whereabouts of a child, especially on a day as crazy as that one must have been.

Not casting blame on anyone. Just flummoxed.

I just clicked on the link to the video where the student says the substitute and teacher had the conversation you mention. On the same page as the video is a quote from a police official saying that the child was mistaken, because there was NO substitute in the classroom that day. The police official believed the child who made the statement had his days mixed up.

EXCELLENT POINT Forensic Fan! If Kyron was expected to be on the bus that afternoon, why hadn't there been arrangments made to pick him up to transport that project that was too big to put on the bus in the first place?

We do not know that no arrangements were made.

And as for the rumored "appointment"- perhaps it was the teacher who had an appointment: there was a substitute there that day; maybe she was going to fill in when the regular teacher left to go to her appointment.

(Note to Self: Never use the word appointment three times in one sentence.)

LOL about multiple uses of a word: I've found myself in that box before! I'm going to have to go look for that video and see if I can re-link so everybody can read what I read! Because if the substitute is a rumor, we don't need to keep agonizing over it!!
Q: Do you feel like you're closer to finding Kyron?

A: Absolutely, Absolutely.

Q: Why

A: Because we know where he is not so that means that we're closer to where he is.


Milka-whaaaaaaaaaaa? WTH is that supposed to mean?? :banghead:
Oh dear...they really don't have any idea...that is why they have been so quiet, just as I feared. This made it painfully obvious to me. Poor Kyron. All of these tops brains on the case, and nothing.
This is a strange press conference. I haven't seen one like this before with a written question/answer format.
For some reason there is a huge amount of control being exerted...no usable information for the public, it seems.

I have to wonder if they already know the truth; whatever that is.
Most interesting part to me...

"yes, some people have refused to let us search their property"
(Thanks PDX for the transcription)

Was Kyron in a good mood the AM he disappeared?
He was very excited about his diorama that he & his DAD have been working on. Kyron did a lot of it himself.

Bzzzt. Wrong. The stepmother claimed that she had helped him do it. Said she told him where to put things and that she laminated the project. Again, who knows.
My goodness, I know Kyron is not HERE in my house but how does that help me know where he is? That was a dumb answer, IMO...

If this was the first day of the fair, I don't think it was judged that early in the morning yet. I could be wrong.

My daughter attends Portland Public Schools, and has participated in many science fairs as have her older siblings. Never once have I seen a "judging" on the exhibits with awards and "winners" in the old-fashioned "October Sky" fashion. The kids are graded by their teachers, but the point is more of learning a process of hypothesis, research, organization, and presentation. The students are not pitted against one another for prizes. They are encouraged to do their best work for their own personal grade.

High school science fairs might be different, but since we are not terribly talented in the science area, I couldn't even tell you if the high schools around here even have them!

So, as to the post above, I do not believe there was any kind of judging going on, and the projects were simply being exhibited so the parents and other students could appreciate the hard work that went into them.
Q: Do you feel like you're closer to finding Kyron?

A: Absolutely, Absolutely.

Q: Why

A: Because we know where he is not so that means that we're closer to where he is.

They know where he is not.Alive?They checked alot of places.This is very sad.
My son never feared police officers. Kyron's stepdad is a K9 officer. I think that the "fear of police officers" might have been a subtle jab at the mother's family. Who knows. Carol was wrong about other things in her interview, and she doesn't even live near Kyron, so I don't take much that she says as important.

Ahhh, that makes more sense (that she might just not know what she's talking about).

The presser was sad. I kept hoping, but it sounds like they are trying to give out this non-information in lieu of having anything substantial to go on. It is unbelievable to me the common places that kids aren't safe anymore (school, yard, park). Innocence being robbed -- it's heartbreaking. :banghead:
I'm definitely getting that LE is taking the "Baffle them with BS" approach.
Are you serious? Did they say this??
Oh come one...:(

A reporter said we haven't found out any news about this since Friday night. The woman in the presser said oh yes we have, we know where he isn't. (paraphrased)

My son never feared police officers. Kyron's stepdad is a K9 officer. I think that the "fear of police officers" might have been a subtle jab at the mother's family. Who knows. Carol was wrong about other things in her interview, and she doesn't even live near Kyron, so I don't take much that she says as important.

In that boat, too. I have FIVE sons. None of which have ever, ever been afraid of policemen/firemen/paramedics, etc. They are taught from a very early age (at home as well as in school) that those types of people are trustworthy and helpful (obviously there are cases where perps have USED that against children -- but it's because most children do NOT fear police that it works). Just my personal opinion and experience.
For some reason there is a huge amount of control being exerted...no usable information for the public, it seems.

I have to wonder if they already know the truth; whatever that is.

I would hate to believe that LE knows the truth and are still allowing people to volunteer their time, hard earned money, etc.
The lady also said people as far as NY wanted to help and she said they had all the resources that they needed. I'm not sure if this only means horses or if it means people to. Wouldn't you want as many people out there searching.
Q: Do you feel like you're closer to finding Kyron?

A: Absolutely, Absolutely.

Q: Why

A: Because we know where he is not so that means that we're closer to where he is.


For me, this was the strangest comment from the whole presser. Looking at the terrain they're working in and the previous pressers, "needle in haystack" sadly popped into my head when she said this.

I think the initial Q&A (followed from yesterday family statement) was focussed on Kyron possibly because they are the easiest (if you can call them that, I apologize for my word choice) for the family to answer. They are recalling (for the public) Kyron as the remember him, not thinking about him being missing or any other scenario. From what we saw yesterday, I don't think they would be mentally nor physically up to answering the questions we all desperately want them to. JMHO
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